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The Kindred Wildside #2 promo 1

Started by Kristin Fox, October 03, 2023, 08:41:00 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:01/11/2010 6:38 PMCopy HTML

The Roleplay of The Kindered that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such? Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stlen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAGING SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!
{{We open Justin and Jagger carrying a kicking and screaming Gracie from the Love International Airfield in Dallas, TX.  Rage looks innocent carrying Gracie's suitcase and ignoring his girlfriend's indignant pleas that she is going to kill Dusty for everything that she is trying to force Gabby into doing.  Telling Rage he's a traitor for telling Justin when he called where they were headed.  People are snapping pictures as they leave the secure area.  Matt is wearing sunglasses and is leaning on the hood of a Black Expedition with his arms crossed over his chest.  Next to it is Justin's black extended cab Dodge Ram.  Rage puts Gracie's suitcase in the back of Justin's truck.  Matt pushes off from the SUV and walks over to shake his head at Gracie.}}

Matt:"This is not the time for you to run off half cocked.  Rage, take Gracie's car, and meet us at Damage Inc.  Gracie you are going to ride between your brothers.  We'll talk then."  {he starts to turn away}  "Oh, Rage, bring your camera."

{Several minutes later; they are in a section of the gym that was under construction.  Gracie is pissed and pacing back and forth.  Matt comes in and shakes his head}

Matt:"Don't make me treat you like one of my out of control students.  {she turns to him with a glare}  "I will hose you down with cold water if you don't calm down.  {she frowns}  You don't even know the full extent of what is going on.  You ran off with out even knowing what the hell that you are getting into.  You would not stand five minutes alone againist the Dangerous Corporation."

{she looks shocked and appalled at the same time}

Gracie:"The what?"

{Matt let out a peeved breath as Justin pinched the bridge of his nose.}

Matt:"Carly and Dusty are using Gabby to broker a deal with the Dangerous Corporation."


Matt:"They don't just have Dusty but they almost killed Lance because he wasn't about to let them sell her to the DC as their entry fee into the group or whatever.  They maybe afraid of us.....Reynolds damn sure knows that his grip on the title is slipping.  Otherwise he wouldn't have screwed Justin and then Mack over.  I talked to Tao when we went after you.  She's changing the card to make sure that Justin and I face Knox & Jake instead of Chaotic.  You have Rage backing you up in a match with Jessica with Carly in her corner.  Maegan will deal with Oktober in the fatal four way match for the Transcontiental title."

Justin:"We're going to get her back, Gracie."

Matt:"We'll get her back, even if I have to go ask Viper for help."

{Rage flips out a tripod and turns the camera towards them.  Jagger kicks one of the saw horses over}

Jagger:"I'm the only one who doesn't get a piece of someone who grabbed my baby sister.  Cody better be more prepared than usual.  I have all of this pent up aggression, so I hope I can control my anger."

{Rage grabs a remote so that he can turn the camera so that it turns toward who wants to talk.}

Rage:"I am not wrestling on Wildside."

{Jagger turns toward him with a peeved glare}

Jagger:"You're not family yet."

Justin:"He's family to me."

{Jagger turns a pained expression toward Justin before calming down}

Jagger:"Okay, you're right.  He's with Gracie now.  It still doesn't change the fact that I'm pissed and I have no one deserving to take it out on!  Cody best bring his A game because I am going to show the Dangerous Corporation that just because we're all young, it doesn't mean we do not know how to fight."

{Rage presses a button on the remote to turn it toward Gracie}

Gracie:"You stupid slut, both of you, {she groaned} all of you, whatever!  How dare you grab my little sister to try to torture and brainwash her into joining the Dangerous Corporation.  She has led a very sheltered life!  She didn't even wrestle for her father or uncle!  She has never wrestled anywhere!  She's still a kid!  What's wrong you didn't expect Lance to stand up to you?  He's a cop first and a wrestler second.  What the hell did you think he'd do?  Then on top of that he's got feelings for my sister?  You screwed up this time!  We're coming at you in the ring and outside of the ring.  I am going to destroy you, Jessie, and any other little slut you want to parade down to the ring with you."

{Rage turns the camera to Maegan}

Maegan:"An interesting turn of events, eh Lacey?  You like to call me what now?  Your personal whipping bitch?  Hmm, seems like Gracie and I were doing all of the whipping on Wildside when we won the Wildside tag titles and gave those fake ass pieces of tin that you girls bought into legitimate tag titles.  All of this time you pretended that I had reearned your respect for never giving up and spotting poser bitches just like you did when Oktober first showed up here.  Then you pretend to be all worried that my little cousin was kidnapped, only for it to come out that Dusty and probably you were involved from the very begining.  I never trusted Carly or Jessica.  Now I know that the respect that you earned from me for your in ring skill didn't transcend the ring into anywhere else.  You are nothing but a two faced lying bitch of a bully just like Dusty and I'm going to hurt you.  See Shady is a good little champion and cute as hell.  So I hope he doesn't mind my taking the beatdown on both you and Jessica's asses personally.  I know that this is his first title defense so when I hurt the two of you, I'm going to drag both of your unconcious bodies in the ring and let the horny little bastard have his way with both of you before he pins the both of you literally and physically for his own personally enjoyment."

{Rage then pressed the button to get it to turn towards Matt and Justin.  They have now changed into black long sleeve shirts with firey lettering that says Enforcers on each arm and the Kindred across the front.}

Justin"Mack told me that Matt and I should let our little sisters grow up.  I screwed up with Dusty but I am learning to be more tolerant now that Gracie has her first real boyfriend.  At least I was friends with this one before he got the guts up to ask my sister out.  I should have seen the same thing with Lance as I did with Rage.  I know Rage had a thing for Gracie but I did not see it with Lance.  Who knows why I didn'nt see it, but now is not the point.  I have to much on my plate to wonder why I didn't realize that Lance was dating my sister.  I have a brother-in-law who deserves to die.  He helped kidnap my sister and is now trying to whore her out to those bastards in the Dangerous Corporation.  I hate to say it, but maybe Dusty, you are the whore that Gracie has always claimed you were.  I mean Corez comes back and now you are in the midst of some scheme to try to get into the same group he is in.  How Knox fits into this.  He doesn't seem like a man who'd share his wife with another man especially with all of the hell he caused before getting his ass handed to him by Corez and Xanthus in their Prison Yard match.  Corez, you and I have history.  I thought our history was over when you and X retired the tag titles.  After I apologized for my actions concerning Dusty three and a half years ago, as well as a few months ago.  Then you jump in the ring and kick me in the head, just went it looks like I'm about to realize my dream?  What the fuck is wrong with you, man?  You were a major figure in SEF history.  You were one of the next people I thought would come back and join up with Torres and Storms.  The Hardcore Connection and The Cowboys from Hell would have made a major shift in the power the Dangerous Corporation has in SEF and their cross over into FFE."

Matt Fox:"Cross over my ass!  There will be no cross over in my company if I can help it.  Rob Rocco knows what happens when you step into my ring and try to interupt one of my matches.  I guess the Dangerous Corporation didn't figure that Viper would have my back to enforce the things that go on in the FFE.  I damn sure didn't let things go down when Rick Reynolds tried that inteference crap on Shane Mack either.  The Kindred, in the form of Justin and myself, The Enforcers, came out with Viper.  If we would go face to face to the Dangerous Corporation, such as it is now, with three big monsters backing them up, what do you, O'Bannon cousins think?  You think that we are afraid of the two of you?  Somewhere along the way the two of you have suffered some serious brain trauma if you think two ex-Marines are going to scare us off when we ran down to the ring, knowing full well, that at anytime the DC could catch us at Extreme when they are full force and deliver what they believe is punishment for acting out againist them. {Matt crosses his arms} Justin and I have been beaten down before.  A beat down by DC won't be the first and it won't be the last.  Which is why, if you listen to the words, its the very reason we chose I'm Not Afraid by Eminem for our theme.  I was so focused on trying to take over where my dad left off that I forgot that fighting was just as much apart of taking care of my family as it was making sure money was made to take care of them.  Knox and Jake may have been playing G.I. Joe when I wrestled last but I assure you that you won't forget what being in the ring with the Enforcers is like and eventually you will learn to leave our family alone."   
This Layout Was Made For The Kindered by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

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