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Time To Get Shady

Started by Daddy Mack, October 03, 2023, 08:56:14 PM

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Daddy Mack

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Date Posted:03/11/2010 7:05 AMCopy HTML

The little midget we all know as Shady Smack is seen running around backstage with his Transcontinental Title strapped across his right shoulder and going diagonally down under his left arm covering the Impact X shirt he wears. Shady wears blue jeans and sneakers and runs around growling at people, crotch chopping at them and spots a hottie and tries to hump her leg. Its Tao Inoki and she just tries kicking the little guy off saying.
C'mon Shady, I'm busy right now, can't ya go find one of your opponents to do this to? Your facing all women after all, a match made in heaven for you!
Shady stops and looks wide eyed with a huge grin as Tao just laughs and says.
Thanks, anyways then, so you ready for tonight, first defense representing FFE as Transcontinental Champion?! New girl Oktober Summers gets a shot as does Maegan Fox and Lacey Daniels!
Shady starts posing all ultra cool as shit, trying to act all suave and winks to Tao, then does a crotch chop and runs off down the hall banging the women's locker room. He growl and kicks the door, then we hear a woman's voice yell.
He stops and looks all shifty eyed, then snickers and looks up at the camera like, what the fuck you looking bitch and now cuts a rap.
Look here son, ya best back the fuck up and listen loud
This is here belt is mine to wear, so step the fuck back McCloud
Lacey, Maegan, and Oktober, you three can have it anyday
Just give me what I want in exchange, hell all three rolling in the hay
I don't give a fuck, but ya hold out, then I'm a keep this belt strapped tight
Hold on to it and kick your asses no matter how HIGH I gotta jump, its alright
FFE is my place to be, now if only Annie would come on over and give me some love
But fuck it, six pairs are better than one and tonight its what I got to see, like a dove
Some new chick who can't spell October or just likes the K, then we got Maegan
She be a hottie, way to serious about this though, so maybe me and her could form a plan
Get a little warming up in before the match and Lacey, dump the loser Chris and come to papa
Like I been saying, short in height, long in the pants, I'll have you screaming and crying to napa
Make all you ladies bow before Shady cause I'm da real pimp of the land, this is my show
Come one, come all, I'll knock ya all to the ground, then dance on your face and you'll know
That Shady Smack may talk a lotta smack, but he can back that fact and make ya snap
Slap ya silly and stomp ya down, twist it up and roll smooth, I'm coming home, so go run a lap
And he then does a crotch chop running at the camera ducking between the cameraman's legs and heads down the hall as fast as he can disappearing from view as the camera turns around and is far behind now. Damn little bastard is pretty fucking fast, so fade to black.

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