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Visiting Wolfie At Her Grave

Started by The Perry Family, October 06, 2023, 01:44:20 PM

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The Perry Family

 Cruella perry is shown, visiting Wolfe at her grave yard outside of the perry church, she dust the dirt off of her big tombstone, it is toward afternoon time, Cruella is there by herself, Sierra shows up next to her she then takes a deep breath and she then begin to talk.

Cruella perry. oh Wolfie, what you are missing on earth i mean this is just crazy. i wanted to let you know you are stil very missed by everyone who knew you! it is just not fair, how u went so early in your prime,

[ Cruella realxes for a while looks at Sierra she then begin to talk.

Cruella perry. The World has changed since u left wolfie i mean everything has gone crazy, it just not fair right now , u left a big hole in all of our lives, it really sucks,

Cruella Perry. there is No more,devils playground not without you,wolfie not without you, nothing is the same,

Sierra Perry. she is right we miss you why didn't you tell us we was sick,with your bad case of Ashma!

Sierra Perry. we Miss you we would of took care of you, we don't know where Jade is no idea we have not seen her since she like us was fired from sefuw

Cruella perry. the Walkers are stil around,they stil in Sefuw oh and we are stil taking care of your Wolf dogs just like you asked.

Sierra Perry. Oh and get this The father of the baby is none other then Shane mack Daddy of all people 

[they both be quiet for a while out of repect for the wolf, Cruella and sierra give each other a big hug and one of them starts to feel a chill in the air they shiver and one of them begin to talk again.

Cruella perry. Trying to send us a message Wolfie, its working u know this is not the North-Pole right enough with the Chill Wolf.

{ the chill in the air lightens up as one of them begin to talk again.

Cruella Perry, tonights Sef-tv schould be interesting,  im going to cronfront the, father of Sierra perry baby face to face i wish you was there to see it.

{ they relax look at each other and takes a deep breath and one of them begin to talk.

Cruella Perry oh LBD IS doing well we wil tell her you send your wishes from the great beyond im sure she misses u2 well we got to go we got to be in detroit in a while 

somebody comes behind them n begin to talk.

Jade West

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