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universal6 star tag team

Rage's promo

Started by Kristin Fox, October 03, 2023, 09:37:30 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:06/11/2010 10:46 PMCopy HTML

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inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Collages.jpg Tyson Kidd attire 1.2 image by wwefan17
 Roleplay ;;;;Heading ;;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ whoever he wishes/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;;Song ;;;;~None| MComments ~ They are in Nashville||
{We find Rage in the gym lifting weights.  He's pressing a pretty decent amount for his size.  He hears the camera come in and drops the weight back into its cradle before sitting up.  Gracie comes over with a bottle of water and a towel.  He winks at her before turning to the camera, wiping his face, and taking a drink of water.}

Rage:"You know Cody, I'm not sure what to say.  I really do not know as much about you as I normally like to know about an opponent.  I did watch your match that you had with my girl here, {he tickles Gracie as she sits down next to him on the bench press} and that was a good win.  Now it seems that at the Supershow she will be the third person in a tag match againist the Kindred's arch rivals, Chris Orton, Dusty O'Bannon, and Oktober Summers.  I also know that you and your brother are having problems.  I am also sorry about that, but as you can see we are having our own family problems as well.  One of your opponents on this super card is Gracie's step-sister."

{Gracie makes a disgusted sound and looks away}

Gracie:"Ugh, don't remind me."

{He looks over at her and it is clear that he is head over heels for her}

Rage:"Sorry, but its true.  You can't help who your mom fell in love with anymore than well, anyone else.  {he turns back to the camera} That being said, Cody, don't fault your brother for finally being happy and in love.  As for Shane, I know you're not my opponent this week, but you are facing one of my closest friends, Jagger Silva.  We had a pretty fun time training with 3D so we know each other really well.  He's angry as hell right now so remember that as you go in and I hope that you'll excuse his actions from last Wildside.  This thing with his sister, {he glances at Gracie} with Gabby, she's going to be my baby sister in law one day, {Gracie blushes and he turns back to the camera} "Bringing Gabby safely home is important to all of us.  That being said, Shane, I'm going to be at ringside on Extreme.  I know that Gracie and I will have giant bull's eyes from both The Clan O'Bannon and The Dangerous Corporation, but I promise you, I'll do my best to make sure that nothing happens to Brandy.  Anyway, we've called several times and been to your house a couple times.  We are here at Gold's Gym in Nashville for the next hour.  We are staying at the LaQuinta off of Elm Hill Pike.  Sunday we're going to the TCW televison taping in Jackson, TN.  Come find us.  The five of us need to really talk about the Super Show.  We left both of our cell numbers in every message we left you.  We may have misheard the phone number that Tao gave us.  Either way, I'm ready for our match, Cody, and I'll be ringside to watch the six person tag match on Extreme.  I'll have a bird's eye view of exactly how you perform in the ring.  So, if we didn't call the right number, call Tao and get our numbers.  Call the hotel, they know we're expecting you."

Gracie:"Cody, we're not here to cause anymore trouble for you or your brother.  We know how hard it is to have sibling rivalry.  {she smiles} You see how large and complicated our family is.  We just want to put on the best show possible and if we can get some ring time to practice, then we can anticipate the other's needs.  I won't know when you're jerking Orton's chain or if I need to get in there to help you.  I do not know the strengths and weakness of the Jericho Army tag team.  {she pauses, frowns} I hope you do not think I'm trying to play you.  I realize that in FFE I am one half of the tag champs.  If you choose not to trust me, I can understand that, but if you do then you now know how to get in touch with us.  Let's shove the arrogance that Orton is sure to spew at us down his throat."

quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!


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