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Shane's Attitude Gets Worse (Wildside)

Started by Dean and Seth Moxley, October 03, 2023, 09:38:15 PM

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Dean and Seth Moxley

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  • Rank:Rookie
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Date Posted:06/11/2010 11:26 PMCopy HTML

Shane just don't want to talk to Cody, and he has been having a change in attitude. Brandy can't understand why he is doing this to his own brother, and she still loves him anyway. She is happy to be marrying him, but she can't bring them together. It is between them, and Shane has to fix this with Cody. Shane is seen sitting on his leather couch in his locker room, and Brandy is out of town with her Maid of Honor doing some wedding plans. He looks at the camera, and starts talking.

Shane Jericho

Well I finally won a match so what look how long it took though, and now I am facing Jagger Silva. Now I might not know anything about him, but I am surely not gonna give up that easily. Look I am going through something that I can't even tell Cody, and it is my fault I am like this. This is my attitude now, and I can't help it if I say stuff that hurts Cody. Jagger I am looking forward to our match, and believe me I am gonna to give it all I got to pick up another win here as we will see who comes out on top now won't we.

Shane gets up, and walks over to the light switch. He shuts it off, and only a little light is in the room. He sits back down on the couch, and starts laughing as the show cuts to a commercial break.

TBC: Me only

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