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A Supershow For The Superwoman

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 03, 2023, 09:41:27 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:07/11/2010 8:19 AMCopy HTML

And so we save the hype, we save the drama, we save it all because it doesn't really matter. Instead we open up to find Julie who seems to have saved a lot of clothing as she sits on the edge of her hotel room bed naked it seems. Though she sits with her left leg crossed over her right, her elbows resting on her thighs to cover anything private. Her arms come up in an X over her chest covering most of her tits, especially her nipples. Julie's long, blonde hair flows down her back and shoulders, her green eyes piercing out like sharp daggers ready to cut anyone down in her path to whatever it is she wants.
How fitting is it that SEF is producing a supershow and as a part of that show on Extreme this Wednesday, I, the super girl of wrestling...
She smirks at that ol' school line she delivered years ago that still rings true today and continues.
I get a shot at the historic and prestigious International Title, a chance to etch my well known name into SEF history even more. Lacey Daniels, its quite funny how last time you opened your mouth to try and tell me I need to get facts straight, that I need to do research when I never said anything wrong and that is far more truthful statement than you have ever uttered in your life!
Julie keeps still and keeps smirking as she says.
Well girls like you, any girls today or in the past few years, your all given opportunity, the same as any man today or in the past few years and that's because, party because of me. I helped make women noticed in this entire business, not just SEF, myself and Whitney Marret, we made a place for you to come shine, but despite all the chances you get here, ya still slack off and don't care. You show no real love, no passion for what you do anymore and the only one to blame is yourself. The problem is that you're a champion, so either you start to act like a champion, you represent SEF and it doesn't matter if your loved or hated, that's a different story, that's YOUR story! You did good when you held the TV Title, then you moved up to the International Title and began your run good, then started to slip and damn near fail. Hell Lacey, you didn't even want to defend your title at Extreme Revolution and had to have help in winning. If not, then prove you don't need help Wednesday night, of course, its not like it matters as evidence of last Sunday!
Julie smirks deviously now and says.
Face facts baby, I made you tap one Sunday, I pinned you the next and now the third time will indeed be a charm when I beat you to take that precious title of yours. I'm not done in this business by a longshot, still hot as hell, sexier than you can imagine, and twice the talent. You best get ready Lacey, get ready for a bigger loss than before. Though I would have felt better about this had you actually backed up your words and accepted the challenge instead of letting management book the match. I want you Lacey!
She looks serious now, whoa, like how does she want her?
I want your absolute best on Extreme because after I kick your ass I don't want to hear that you didn't give it your all or that you weren't rested enough. Fuck the excuses honey, just bring you're A game or don't even bother to show up because anything less and you'll need to rest for a few months before stepping in the ring with me again!
A smirk crosses her face again and Julie says.
And don't worry about Tina, she'll keep her nose out of our business until she needs to even the odds, unless for once you finally go out alone without being forced to. The only thing you need to worry about is one of the real dominant divas in SEF staring down at you ready to end your miserable reign as champion.
Tina walks in the room now from the main door and comes into view standing near Julie. She wears a white mini skirt with high heels and a blue tube top with a white butterfly embedded in stones or diamonds on the front. Her blonde hair hangs freely and the two women smirk at each other, then Tina says.
Hmmm, you about done cause you look ready for me?!
Julie looks down smiling and then looks up at Tina saying.
I may have a little treat for ya. Why don't you turn that camera off and come find out what I got!?
They both smirk and Tina turns stepping in front of the camera bending down some. A good shot of her cleavage before, oh crap, fade to black.

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