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Gracie's supershow

Started by Kristin Fox, October 03, 2023, 10:00:52 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:08/11/2010 7:43 PMCopy HTML

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For those of you who have weak stomaches or are offended easily, I advise you to not read any further! We have to remember here that roleplaying is all in fun and if you're offended that easily then maybe you shouldn't be roleplaying at all! This is your first and only warning!
|| The Divine Diva|| {{Gracie Amanda "Fox"Payne}} || The Divine Diva||
{{{Gracie heads to the locker room and turns, on edge by the noise of the camera crew coming in.}

{She's only partially dressed in pink lace thong but luckily for the just coming out of her shell, Gracie, she's facing the locker and her towel.  She quickly grabs a towel, almost knocking the clothes she was about to put on off the locker door.}

Gracie:"Oh my god!  You scared me!  {she finally smiles.} Give me a few minutes and I'll be more than happy to cut a promo for the Extreme and Wildside Supershow." 

{a few minutes later, Gracie opens the door in a white belted blouse and black pencil skirt.}

Gracie:"Okay, {she brushes her long blond hair over her shoulder.  Its drying and curlying} "First Off I would like to thank my Uncle Scott and Aunt Alyssa for letting my boyfriend, Jayson, and the future Mr. and Mrs. Cody Jericho for allowing us to use their gym and ring as a meeting point and training place.  Since the Jericho Army lives in Nashville and since I have step-family just outside of Jackson, it was easier for us to meet here than for us to all fly around trying to meet up with the other.  Now Cody and I each have a share of family drama that is tainting our match at the Extreme/Wildside super card.  I am still hell bent on rescuing my little sister from the Dangerous Corporation and Cody and Shane are arguing.  The added aggravation that is going to be a millstone around our necks is the fact that the people that we are facing are the very reason that my sister is no longer with our family where she belongs.  2/3 of our opponents on the super show are the very bitches who stole my sister from me.  Dusty, you gave up your sibling rights the minute you brainwashed Gabriella into becoming a whore to the Dangerous Corporation!  You know what you have done to our brothers?  Justin is holding on to his sanity by a thread and Jagger is ready to murder any member of the Dangerous Corporation that crosses his path.  That's right, I said Jagger is my brother.  You are no longer considered a member of our family, Dusty.  You crossed the line.  When I get into the ring with you and if I have to go through Orton?  Let's just say Justin has schooled me well on the history he has with Orton.  The hate that Orton has when he looks at Justin, I'm sure you have in your eyes, that its mirrored in my own.  Cody and I started training together yesterday to work as a team.  Shane may or may not show up, but at least Cody and I will be on the same page.  I am pretty sure that since Jessica and Carly are pulling the strings behind this whole kidnapping escapade that Oktober and Dusty are working at putting the The Clan O'Bannon together.  In a sad attempt to stand againist the Kindred or in a pathetic attempt to gain the attention of the Dangerous Corporation.  It will be your downfall and I will hurt you both."
Envy is Ignorance...Imitation is Suicide. Now stealing on the other hand is illegal, do so don't do it. If you want a layout from Self Centered order one from her at Faceless Designs.

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