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Smacking the Shady areas of my mind (Wildside)

Started by Johnny Camaro, October 03, 2023, 10:02:06 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:08/11/2010 7:49 PMCopy HTML


During the reckless partying from Johnny and Milan they ended off in the bedroom. No they didn't have sex, they were too drunk to know where each others...that doesn't matter. What does matter is the SEF Supershow. Camaro has a chance to claim the Transcontinental Champ---no, claim is to harsh of a word. It makes it seem like Shady was unworthy of the title. That is not true, he fought and won that title. He faced the ass faced bitch that is Rob Rocco as well as others that remained in the match. So I'll say that Camaro has the chance to become the second Transcontinental Champion is FFE, or SEF! Though it isn't as important as the original/first champion it is still very important. Who can make Shady lose his title? Can it be Camaro? Can everything work out so perfectly?

Anyway, Camaro has this match and it is fairly important to him. He has defeated Shady in a 24/7 hardcore championship...tournament let's say. They were both very tired then though so can Camaro do when they are both at full strength? He has been riding a major high from his most recent victory and his new girl. It always is exciting when people come together over alcohol, except usually that's at AA or NA. No not Not Applicable but Narcotics Anonymous. So having this new love in his life he would naturally be ecstatic. He has been with many women just nothing that wasn't a one night stand or someone trying to use his fame or---well you get the point.

We take you to the dreams of Mr. Camaro. His deep and subconscious thoughts.

"Camaro has just won his first Fox Fire Entertainment Championship!"

Everyone is standing and cheering as the two competitors rise to their feet. Camaro stays on his knees as Shady walks over to him. Camaro looks up flipping his hair back from in his face, he has the Transcontinental Championship across one shoulder to his opposite leg. He extends one hand and Shady accepts it. As Johnny rises to his feet he looks down and doesn't see Shady but Rob Rocco. He's on his knees.

Rocco low blows Camaro and it seems like everyone is running in to beat on Camaro. He can't do anything but clutch the title. Everyone starts to stomp on him. Everything soon just stops. The beating stops and Johnny opens his eyes and sees...the four giants from
 "Legends of Zelda: Majora's Mask." They bend over and soon their faces rush upon the vantage point.


Camaro had woken up from the weird dream he had. Last night he drank more alcohol than he ever has. He has never passed out from it like last night.

Those giants. Where has that happened before?

Camaro had thought then it occurred to him.

When I fainted! In grade 4 when I fainted in class after doing something stupid! Those giants he pulled me back to reality!

Without realizing his surroundings Camaro gets up and heads toward the hotel washroom. The floor was cold even through the second day socks he was wearing. He turned on the tap and splashed water in his face. He looked into the mirror. His hair was all a mess, and not in a hot way.

He turns off the sink taps and turns on the shower taps. Johnny gets naked. He closes the door behind him and showers. When the door opens again Camaro has brushed his hair and now is combing it for style. Camaro grabs a hair elastic and ties his hair very tight. He starts to pull it out and water droplets hit the carpeted hotel floor. He proceeds to comb it out again.


Johnny quickly spins around and sees Milan. Camaro is not one to get hangovers but is one to forget what happened after a night of drinking. So it took him a while to figure out what happened last night before he responds.



"You have a hangover?"

"You bet"

"Then you will need a cure"

"Have you ever been hung--"

"Nope. I had reckless friends in high school. We'd drink on the weekends and they'd wake up with hangovers. So naturally they came up with the perfect cure."

Johnny walks over to the little in room coffee maker. He fills it with water and that's it. It brews a cup of brown liquid. Disgusting. Johnny dumps it and throws a filter in this time. This time it brews a glass of hot water. He goes to his cooler to which he left in his room before the show. He pulls out lemon juice and squirts some in. He hands it to Milan.

"The perfect hangover cure."

She drinks most of it in one sip and puts the cup down.

"Uhgggg. Way too much lemon juice."

"That's the point. Don't ask me how it helps but it does. I just learned from my friends."

She finishes it and puts the mug on the end table beside her. Johnny tells her to shower before they go out for breakfast and Milan looks astonished.

"What? All that drinking and you think I'm not going to buy you breakfast?"

Johnny lets a playful grin crawl on his face and Milan smiles back. After sees done and dressed they leave. They're waiting for the elevator when Milan asks,

"So why are you staying at a Days Inn when the rest of us are at the 5 star hotel across the street?"

Camaro takes a while to answer but says,

"Pool plus work out room."


They walk out of the elevator and into the underground parking. They get into his 1967 Blackcherry Camaro and drive out of there. Obviously that car was a chick magnet, they look at the car, they see who's in it and they cum in their pants. Today, Johnny did not take advantage of that. They head to the nearest Cora's, after all it was the best breakfast diner around! They enjoy a nice meal with very tasteful conversation. Afterward they got back to the Camaro and Johnny started driving somewhere else.

"Where to now champ?"

"You'll see. It's part of my after the show morning ritual."

They drive around to this old building and Camaro pulls into the parking lot. He reaches into the backseat and pulls out a laptop. He goes onto the Internet and checks the supershow card.

"No Nikky? Ah well. Now for the Wildside card....Alright, I've got my match against Shady."

"You don't seem too surprised."

"That's because I knew I would get the match. Shady is Mack's mini-me. they have almost identical mannerisms except Shady's one eighth his size...or something like that. But I digress. I'm going in to shoot a promo. You want to come or drive around?"

"Although I would like to drive around. I don't know how to drive stick."

I'll have to show you sometime."

So Camaro and DeSantos walk into the building. Camaro walks right past reception and into the elevator.

"I had to sign in."

He says.

"Why didn't you?"

I'm on TV. The lady would recognize me and sign me in."

They step out of the elevator and into the penthouse suite that is Mr. Lawrence Clearwater's studio. He was sitting in his kitchen sipping on something as Camaro and DeSantos walk right in.

"Have a wild night?"

Lawrence looks over his shoulder.

"Too much to drink."

"You know you should try-"

"Concentrated hot lemon water I know. You've told me before."

He finishes the drink to which he'd been sipping.

"Coffee doesn't actually work."

"I know. Lemon water, boiling hot. I'll make some while you set up!"

"Make some for myself and my friend here." Camaro says as he walks away.

"Why you have hangovers?"

"Just her but I need the water for my throat." He flips his coat over the back of a chair. "Just call me a wiccan for knowing throat remedies." He says with a snicker afterward.

Camaro walks over to one set as Clearwater makes the drink. Milan just sits quietly in one of the chairs by the table. Clearwater's penthouse is also his place of living when he is super busy. So his kitchen has a real homey feel to it. It has an island, that's where Laurence had been sitting.

Camaro had gone to set everything up for the interview while Lawrence chatted up Milan. Johnny came back and said "Lets rock and roll. "Clearwater holds out a Mug of the hot lemon water and Camaro chugs it down.

"Yummy!" He says over emphasizing.


The camera turns on to show a background


Camaro walks onto the set.

"This week I have a match against Shady Smack for the Transcontinental Championship. From what I have seen, his larger self has returned to keep him out of backstage rough-housing and to stop and conflicts from escalating. Of course this is all only a guess. Anyway, this week I have the chance to...well fuck around and get a title. No real game plan just go in and fight, do what I can with 4 feet something and hope it looks half as good as I do. "

He pauses and moves onto a different subject

"You know there is this saying, 'nothing I see can be taken from me' and I see the Transcontinental title around my waist. So I'm going to steal some shit from Ric Flair and say that this week, everything I say will be as good as gold and I will win the Transcontinental Championship."

He shrugs.

"Hey, if you can't be confident in yourself before the match you're screwed right? Anyway, Shady's been running all over here like a horny chicken with his horney head cut off and it has been torture for some. For me it's rather funny, but I seen an opening with that. Let's hypotheticate and say that Shady were to do the same thing. After ten minutes of sitting in the corner watching him run around he grows tired. That is when I can lay him down and pin him. Now the flaw in that plan is that he won't run around like a crazy person and taunt, he will fight. So instead if I watch him run around me and I reverse anything, and everything he does then I will win."

He shrugs again.

"Who knows though, he may actually surprise me and do something that isn't like him at all. Maybe he won't run around at all. Maybe jusssssssssssst maybe he might challenge me. Make me change my strategy, throw me off with some technical maneuvers. Throw some MMA training in their. How knows. For once Shady may shock me.

He shrugs a third time.

"All I know is that by the end of Wildside there will be a big change. By the end of Extreme, I will make my return to Extreme and by the end of the night everything will be perfect in the world. Everyone will realize that thee Overdrive Reprise is here to as the savior to the cheated. A savior to the fans, time for step one. The SEF Supershow.

Johnny walks of set and the camera fades away on the background. 


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