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Cody Talks About The Match (Wildside)

Started by Dean and Seth Moxley, October 03, 2023, 10:02:59 PM

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Dean and Seth Moxley

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Date Posted:06/11/2010 11:18 PMCopy HTML

Cody has been working out for the match that he has against Jayson Rage, and Shane still hasn't talked to him. He was acting stranger then ever, and he never understood why he is treating him like this when they had a stronger bond. It is weaking, and this is not what Cody needs. He takes a deep breath, and starts talking.

Cody Jericho

Jayson I don't know what is going on with Shane since he has been acting strange, and it is effecting our sibling bond. I am happy about him marrying Brandy, and I did accept being his best man. Shane and me will come find you and Grace, and we can work together. I am looking forward to facing you, and I can trust you just not sure if I can trust Shane. He hasn't talked to me in a long time, and last time I talked to him he just stormed off. If he is going through something he won't tell me, and he has this attitude that isn't good. Even when he got his first win still didn't help matters, and we are coming up to Jackson, TN anyway Brandy's family is from there. We will be visiting them, and she is gonna make the final wedding plans. Shane and me never had a sibling rivalry before, and he keeps stuff from me now. I am not sure where his head is sometimes, so hopefully when we talk about the supershow he will be in a better mood that is something I can't promise you two. I will bring everything in this match, and let's just  let the best man win.

Cody walks inside of his locker room, and starts getting ready as the show cuts to a commercial break.

TBC: Me only

Kristin Fox

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Re:Cody Talks About The Match (Wildside)
Date Posted:08/11/2010 6:15 PMCopy HTML

For those of you who have weak stomaches or are offended easily, I advise you to not read any further! We have to remember here that roleplaying is all in fun and if you're offended that easily then maybe you shouldn't be roleplaying at all! This is your first and only warning!

Gracie20Fox20Payne2020Banner-1.jpg picture by pegasusfeds10

|| The Divine Diva|| {{Gracie Amanda "Fox"Payne}} || The Divine Diva||

{{{Gracie and Rage are in the TCW gym owned by Justin's aunt and uncle working out with Cody and Brandy.  It seems as though they are talking about the TCW show yesterday where Rage and Jagger had wrestled as a team againist a couple of young guys who were desperately trying to pull off a combination look of Generation Me and the Motor City Machine Guns.  Gracie had wrestled a lady named Brittany Diamond}}}

Gracie:"I love working with Brittany.  She has all of these cute kids.  It was adorable when I gave her daughter Teonna a copy of the The Frog Princess.  She didn't realize she had the same name as the princess.  {she sighs} I love kids.  I can't wait for Justin and Katana's twins to be born!  I am soooo going to spoil them rotten."

Rage:"Like you've spoiled Ace and Isabella?"  {he turns to Cody} "Ace and Bella are her baby brother and baby sister.  Ace is eight and Bella is five."

Gracie:"Yeah but Ace is getting to big to want his big sister to spoil him.  I used to bring Bella with me everywhere!"

Rage:"Of course not, he wants to be the next Rey Mysterio Jr."

Gracie:"Well maybe he should wrestle with Chico and he can teach him some luchadore."

{Rage snickered}

Rage:"Yeah, Johnny would really fly to Dallas to let one of Josh's friends teach him Luchadore.  Johnny would get Ana to go with him and then wave alot of American money until someone came over to talk to Ana so they could negotiate for a trainer."

Gracie:"Yeah, probably."

{She sighs}

Rage:"Everything is all good.  Now, we've been working together pretty good.  {to Cody and Brandy} I hope that you guys will trust that I'm going to keep Brandy safe at ringside when the Jericho Army and Gracie take on Orton, Dusty, & Oktober.  Then we are going to light up Wildside so the fans get more than their money's worth."

Envy is Ignorance...Imitation is Suicide. Now stealing on the other hand is illegal, do so don't do it. If you want a layout from Self Centered order one from her at Faceless Designs.

Dean and Seth Moxley

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Re:Cody Talks About The Match (Wildside)
Date Posted:08/11/2010 10:55 PMCopy HTML

Brandy looks at them, and talks again.

Brandy Gibson

Yeah I trust you will do that, and I am not sure where Shane is. Have you seen him Cody?

Cody Jericho

No he is acting more stranger then ever, and don't get me wrong I love him cause he is my brother. It is the fact that he has shut me out, and won't tell me anything. Of course he finally told me about asking you to marry him, and I am glad I did accept to be his best man. I trust that you will keep Brandy safe.

Just then Shane walks inside, and don't say a word. He takes his take to take off his jacket, and puts it down. He slides in the ring, and glares at Cody.

Cody Jericho

Well it is about time you decide to show up Shane, and your part of this match.

Shane Jericho

Whatever Cody, and I decided to come here on my own.

Shane walks to the other side of the ring, and streaches as Cody talks again.

Cody Jericho

That is what I am talking about that is how he talks to him, and I am glad to be working with you.

He waits for a reply.

TBC: Anyone there


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