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The Kindred for Wildside #4

Started by Kristin Fox, October 04, 2023, 06:31:26 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:11-17-2010 4:51 PMCopy HTML

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The Roleplay of The Kindered that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such? Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stlen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAGING SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

{{We open on a cematary.  A mahogany casket with brass handles is being carried by Rage, Justin, Matt, Ash, and a couple other young people that we do not know.  We see the other members of the Kindred, including a beaten up Jagger sitting in the crowd.  Rage looks like hell.  When they casket is set on the stand, he pauses, and one of the young guys stands next to him.  The unknown young man is in his mid teens.  The two of them take roses from a stand by the casket and place them on top of the casket.  They then go sit down.  Rage shooks a pain filled look of hate at a man near the back who is bigger than he is and pure Mexican, where Rage is only half.  Several minutes later the casket is lowered into the ground and everyone files out.  The tall Mexican tries to talk to Rage and the younger guy with him.  Rage turns away from him and pulls the younger guy with him.  There is almost a scene but Gracie's dad grabs the arm of the tall Mexican to let them go.  The Kindred, with children in tow, pile into some black SUVs.}}


{{The Kindred members are in a board room at a hotel.  Ties are loosened and the younger guy is with them.  When the camera crew comes in, they pause.  Matt waves them in.  He turns toward the camera and then stops, to look back at Rage}

Matt Fox:"I know the pain you guys are in, but Sean has a beer again."

{Rage groans and grabs the beer from his younger brother and throws it in the trash.  Sean shoots Matt a dirty look and Rage smacks his brother in the back of the head.  Justin comes over as Rage comes over too}

Rage:"You know Shane, I'm sorry about Brandy and I can understand why you don't want her at ringside.  Now people may wonder what the hell we've been doing since we've been pretty silent.  {he gives a pain filled sigh} My mom died and for whatever reason she has asked me to be my little brother's guardian but my dad, {he rolls his eyes} whatever.  Her and my dad never saw eye to eye and well the marriage was just as short as their courtship, maybe shorter.  Neither of them could stay faithful but....{he looks away} You are a man filled with anger, I can understand that.  I'm filled with pain and anger.  So the two of us are going to have a hell of a match when we take it out on each other."

{Grace walks over, rubs his back, and then hugs him to her}

Grace:"It's going to be ok, baby.  {She squeezes him and then looks at the camera} "Jessie, Jessie, Jessie, {She makes a tsking sound}  It seems the Clan O'Bannon is coming together with Jake even if Knox is being a chauvenistic bastard.  It's begining to become just like Lucas before he threw a childish tantrum and ran home like a spoiled child.  Interesting though, {she smirks} it seems that your tag team partner and your brother's relationship may be on the rocks since she can't seem to keep her hands to herself.  I'm surprised Lacey didn't rip every strand of hair out of her greasy head."

{Maegan walks up, pats Rage on the shoulder, and shakes her head at Grace}

Maegan:"I'm sure Taylor is going to make her wish she was never born.  Then again if I don't get my hands on Lacey tonight then she and Taylor may come to blows because we know that Chris doesn't like the fact Justin was with Lacey before.  I wonder if turn about is fair play and Lacey has a few choice things to say about Taylor.  I like Taylor though, she's got a fire going under her ass, and she's really fired up about proving herself.  Unfortunately I wish I was in the ring with Taylor.  She'd be a great match, but I have to face some weirdo with a hardcore obsession with sin.  Then again, she claims that is her name so, I'll have to review the promos that I'm sure she's done as I'm behind."

{Journey is whispering to Jagger and brushes back a lock of his long black hair before pushing her chair back and walking over.  Like everyone else she's dressed in black but she's wearing black fishnet stockings and some Hardy style wrist gauntlets in black as well.  She crosses her arms, smirks, and raises an eyebrow}

Journey:"You know Dusty, after you and Tao had words, you are lucky she didn't come out of retirement to give you the ass beating that you deserve.  I'm glad she didn't because you and I have history.  As complicated as your family is....well, {she laughs and holds up her left hand where a barbwire style ring rests} I guess it would be our family wouldn't it?  Seeing as I married one of your older brothers and my sister married one of the other brothers.  We go way back.  We were raised together as my mom and your step-mom are best friends, thrown together we didn't have a serious falling out until we came to SEF in 2007.  You pretended to fall head over heels for Corez but most of us know that it was just a way to get Knox.  You crushed on Knox since you were twelve years old.  You caused all kinds of shit between our families and with Knox's parents.  You are the reason that Knox and Justin are no longer best friends.  So I have so many reasons to beat your ass so, {she uncrosses her arms to shrug} I'm going to stop boring the fans by talking about the past and just show them what I can do in the ring tonight!"

{Journey turns and motions to Jagger to leave.  The camera notices that Grace, Jagger, and Jagger's kid brother, Sean has left the room too.  Matt and Justin are then focused on.  Matt in a full suit and Justin in black slacks, blazer, and black t-shirt.  They are leaned back againist the table.  They wave at everyone as the rest start to file out.}

Matt:"We'll see you on the plane."

{Ash bumps fists with Matt and Justin while Maegan hugs them both.  When the room is clear the camera comes back and focuses on the Enforcers}

Justin:"You know Knox, Journey covered a lot of ground since she's taking on Dusty.  {He and Matt kinda smile}  "I find it interesting where you can gloat over Dusty's skills and scream Lacey's virtues and skills from the top of the highest mountain, but when you have to get in the ring with Christine Smith, you show your ass and call her a cunt.  Your damn lucky all she did was hit you with Wraith of a Woman and didn't go for a groin claw.  {He and Matt shift uncomfortably}  Then again you of course have my sister on a tight leash so that she is always there to save your ass from yourself!"

Matt:"I hate to say this but it makes me wonder about what the girls said earlier."

Justin:"Which girls?"

{Matt smiles and Justin grins}

Matt:"Our sisterly alter egos; Maegan and Grace.  {He laughs} We got a lot of girls backing us up don't we?  {Justin nods}  So we know first hand what happens when you disrespect women."

Justin:"Well, our mothers taught us better than to disrespect women, especially women in the business."

Matt:"That's one of the things that seperates the men from the boys.  It's a lesson that the Clan O'Bannon needs to learn.  Perhaps, I should suggest to Tao that she book Knox & Jake againist their women.  Just to see if they can be decent to any women."

{Justin smiles devilishly}

Justin:"You know technically you could...."

Matt:"I know, {he glares at Justin} but I'm trying to be fair.  I'm wrestling for SEF and FFE so my booking matches on a regular basis would seem unfair.  Then again I get to beat O'Bannon butt on both shows and I get the chance to win some gold on Extreme so it's a fairly even trade.  So, Jake, Knox, be ready for Wildside, because we will be despite Mikayla's death.  Rage didn't have anyone else so he looked to the Kindred to help with his mother's funeral.  So yeah, we've been a bit out of pocket helping him because he is every bit a member of our family.  We can tell the two of you are trying to put together your own little family unit together."

Justin:"Good luck! Jake can't even keep his girlfriend under control.  {he shakes his head} Knox, you call Lacey family, yet {he throws his hands up} but you seem to be the one who has the in-fighting.  First Dusty and Oktober have words and then Lacey & Oktober come to blows.  I guess once a slut, always a slut.....and I do mean you Jake, {he laughs}  so I guess when you hooked up with Oktober, it must have been a takes one to know one situation.  Now, {he smiles} we'll catch you in a bit, cuz we have a plane to catch.  We'll tear you a new one once we lose Sean in McCain Mall."

{Matt raises an eyebrow}

Matt:"That's in Jacksonville, not Little Rock."

Justin:"It's a suburb.  The boy'll love Spencers."

This Layout Was Made For The Kindered by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker


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