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The Enforcers prepare for the main event

Started by Kristin Fox, October 04, 2023, 06:37:48 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:11-17-2010 8:50 PMCopy HTML

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inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

 Roleplay ;;;;Heading ;;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ whoever he wishes/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;;Song ;;;;~None| MComments ~ They are in Nashville||
{The Enforcers are backstage.  Justin has his ring shorts on and boots.}

Justin:"Hey, Matt's running a bit late. He had an executive meeting."

{Matt comes in and starts pulling his gear out and he is on a cell apparently talking to Tao}

Matt:"Yeah, a cage is fine.  I told you in the meeting awhile ago that I trust your opinion and I don't care what Dusty claimed about you.  I like Viper.  He's helping Justin and I become even better wrestlers.  I am also glad that he knocked some sense into Knox.  So yeah, Justin and I are ready.  Viper gave us some great advice and I'd like to head out to meet you guys to get some ring time in with the man, but I've got to change & we have a camera crew in our locker room.  It's pretty rude that they are here for an Enforcer promo and I'm on the phone, making them wait.  {He finally smiles}  Yeah, see you in a bit.  {he presses end and puts the phone in his locker before turning back to the camera. He pulls his blue shirt with 'obey' in white on the front off and tosses it in behind it} "Now, I feel more comfortable.  {he smiles} I'm sorry that I kept everyone waiting.  I was behind in owner duties being in Arizona the past few days so I apoligize for having to play catch up."

{Justin leans back againist the locker}

Justin:"You know I used to think Knox had guts, I didn't realize he was brain dead.  Why go off againist Viper?  He must crave the danger he was in when he was in the Marines.  He has a serious death wish talking shit to Triple V.  {shakes his head}  You know, he's in Little Rock tonight, guys.  You may get your wish or your worst nightmare.  Maybe you should pull out your Blockbuster or Netflix account and pull up some SEF archive matches!  Neither of us need to tell you everything the guy has done when you can watch it for yourselves.  Then again, Dusty has seen the damage he's done.  She was there when he and Gabriel invited me to their stable.  I think she was even dumb enough to over look Whitney.  {he shakes his head} "Anyway, you're not facing a legend tonight, Knox.  You're facing the Enforcers, a team that Jake has never beaten.  You've never faced us, but he did on occassion wrestle us in juniors with Lance.  {his face darkens} "He's regaining strenght day by day.  He may still have his jaw wired shot but he's still communicating and he's wants blood man.  Just as much as the rest of us do.  The DC cannot hide my sister forever and eventually, they will have to face us!"

Matt:"We need to go on the offensive rather than stay on the defensive.  We closed ranks pretty good around the younger girls.  After we beat the Clan O'Bannon tonight, maybe we can lock on Heritage and get them to cough up some info on where they are holding Gabby.  If not we can lock it on anyway to get a little retribution.  Either way, we will beat them tonight.  One way or another, Jus, we'll get Gabby back." 
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!


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