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Matt's next IC Contender match

Started by Kristin Fox, October 04, 2023, 06:38:30 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:11-17-2010 9:19 PMCopy HTML

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{Matt comes around the corner to find Samantha Winters waiting for him with a big smile on her face.  He grins and finishes sliding his elbow pads up his arms}

Matt Fox:"Hey Sam, I should have figured SEF cameras would be in the house since several of us work both shows.  I do know that I have Cody Jericho on the next Extreme in the IC Tourney.  I like the kid.  He has potential, but he has as much family drama as I do.  At least Viper has pointed it out to me that my family is my family but being apart of both rosters make the roster my family too.  I have to protect the shows that I work on as well as my family.  So maybe I do not have the power to take on the Dangerous Corporation on my own, or even with my family stable, The Kindred, but as we each gain wins, as we each gain some status as we earn our titles, we get that much closer to being a force that the DC will realize that we are here and we are not going to back down from the threat that the present.  They have drawn more than first blood and they did deal a major moral blow to us by keeping Gabby after the Clan O'Bannon kidnapped her.  So Cody will have to bring his A-Game because I need the IC Title.  I crave the title.  I will win the title even if I have to face my twin sister or my favorite cousin!  The IC Title will reside with the Kindred just as the Wildside Tag Titles rest on the shoulders of the Fighting Foxes.  After Wildside or after the way Knox is talking trash to Viper, he might not even make it to Extreme.  SO I would not count on the Clan O'Bannon doing very well in this tourny.  They are like a slight pain in the ass of SEF/FFE and a small threat compared to the damage that the Dangerous Corporation has done to all of us.  {He looks up at the camera} "You know if it comes down to myself vs a member of the Dangerous Corporation, then it is so much better, especially if I win.  I will have made my presence known to them in a way that mere words can not because all they care about is dominance.  If I beat a member of the DC for the IC Title then hopefully they will recognize that we will not back down.  Now, {he smiles at Sam} I need to catch up with Justin before Viper kicks my ass for being late."
((This has been an official *MATT FOX * Roleplay))

Layout 2006 Kristen Cooper and Illusion's Prison Designs ((ALL RIGHTS RESERVED))


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