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universal6 star tag team

Tag Team contendership

Started by Kristin Fox, October 04, 2023, 06:46:50 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:11-20-2010 9:43 PMCopy HTML

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Tag team contendership
Taylor Johnson/Sara taylor fox v Dusty/Lexi
Multiple time wrestling/martial arts champ. Canadian National Soccer team
..x.{{No sooner had the girls said goodbye to Samantha and set their tag titles down, Danika Landry of FFE's Interview team comes in.  The three girls begin to laugh.}

{Sara shakes her head because she had just started with the yoga portion of her workout.  She stands up and walks over to Danika to begin their interview.}}

Sara:"You know Tao asked me if I would mind teaming with Taylor Johnson after helping her fend off The O'Bannon Bitches.  I don't mind, especially after those whores decided to jump her in a three on one attack like a bunch of cowards!  I actually like Taylor she has the guts and determination to one day be a legend in this business!  So when it comes to facing some weird chick like Lexi Sinwood and Dusty O'Bannon?  {she laughs} Dusty I used to punish you for breaking your toys and now I'm going to punish you for having the audacity to be a spoiled bitch who thinks she rules a wrestling company when she couldn't even lace the boots of someone like Julie or Whitney Marrett!  You think playing dressup with fake tag titles with Lacey Daniels makes you a champion?  I don't think so!  Technically, as everyone saw on Wildside, Tao allowed the Wildside tag titles under Freebird Rules since I am a member of the Fighting Foxes.  I didn't earn the tag titles.  Maegan and Grace did.  I was just not going to sit in the back and let you spineless skanks beat someone up when they were the most vulnerable.  It's why Tao allowed Gracie and I to defend the tag titles.  Had Jessica had a fully trained partner, I would feel like I earned being called the third tag team champion, but I don't and I didn't.  When Taylor and I team up, we have the opportunity to work our way up to facing Maegan and Grace.  {she turns to look over her shoulder at them} That will be a hell of a match and the titles could be going to a different Fox's house."

This Layout was created as a freebie by MajikNinja//ENJOY


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