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Started by Da Gangstas, October 04, 2023, 06:53:01 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:11-21-2010 12:12 PMCopy HTML

Sitting back on the bed in his hotel room is Troy Storms wearing basic clothes as usual, but his eyes showing you the true story, his passion for doing what he does night in and night out. He appears calm and casual as usual, just focused, hell bent on doing the one thing that is eluded him his entire tenure with SEF!
The Intercontinental Championship...man, that belt has passed through more hands than any other in this company, at least any other singles title. Every one of my brothers have held it, now its my turn to etch my name into its history. I came back here to SEF for one goal, to win that title, I said if I come back that title needs be brought back and I want a shot at it. So what happened is that I came back and a tournament was started and I was given a shot by being in that tournament with sixteen others. I already took out Chris Orton, now I move on to the man who seems to think he is the envy of Chris, but in reality just can't get in his mind on what really matters, wrestling!
Storms with a slight smirk now and he says.
Justin Rodgers, you got some talent and you got some size to ya, but tomorrow night your gonna be looking across the ring from a man who towers over your scrawny ass and has twice your talent! I've beaten the biggest to the smallest, been in the ring with more guys in this company than you probably have your entire life. While you learned from within your family I was out in the real world busting my ass making my own family. The Kindred pales in comparison to Da Gangstas, a true family, a real brotherhood. The Dangerous Corporation is the next closest thing to a family around here besides what myself, Torres, Viper, and Mack have! Justin, you're a dime a dozen wrestler with a bodybuilder physique and no real drive to be the best or you would be World Champion by now. You like everyone else who held the International Title earlier this year have failed in doing so. Though a better champion than Nikky or Bobby, Lacey was better and now seeing Julie with that gold I can only see her restoring prestige to the belt if anyone can!
He shrugs as he's just spitting the truth, then continues by saying.
Tomorrow night you have a chance to win an even older title and renew something you have yet to really grasp, a legacy. Until you branch out and get a clue about what really goes on instead of trying to spew bullshit facts like ya usually do, you'll never get your hands on that gold, plus your not gonna anyways considering who your facing!
He smirks once more and says.
I didn't show back up here to lose, especially to someone like you Justin who's biggest hang up is claiming Chris Orton is jealous over you and Lacey's past relationship when Chris has barely mentioned shit about it, plus no one else even gives a shit. Lacey Daniels I'll admit is hot, but what the fuck man, is that the best you can do, the best Chris can do?
Storms just laughs and shakes his head, then says.
I've had hotter and far more women than you can even imagine son, your still a green rookie, wet behind the ears when compared to a real seasoned vet like myself. If ya even think I'm some old man like Knox thinks about Viper, your gonna get a beating even worse than what Viper may give to Knox if he has the balls to challenge Viper. Least your not backing down from this match, at least your not all talk like Knox and no action, then again I ain't really seen a lot from ya except the lies you try to pass off truth!
Storms stands now, his massive frame shown off much better on his feet and his expression still calm, just a big fucking giant who knows what he can do and he says.
You need not worry about any of that shit when it comes to our match, forget about Chris, Lacey, your failed attempts to tell it like it is, forget your about your entire family because the only thing you need to focus on is the man who is gonna tear you apart tomorrow night. Me, you need to give me your true, undivided attention or the beating will be too much, the match will bury your ass, and you may never even wrestle again. That is how bad I want the belt and I don't care who I have to end up facing in this tournament, I'll treat them like I did Chris, like I will you, I'll fucking destroy each and every one of you until that Intercontinental Title is mine. I worked my ass of for this company for too damn long to let some ignorant punk like you to get my title. Had it not been for me coming back to SEF that belt would most likely not even be on anyone's mind to hold. As I said, it was my idea, I want it, and there is nothing you can do to stop me, no failed truth, no gloating over the past or about your family, nothing can prevent you from getting flattened to the mat and pinned. Your future for Monday Night Extreme is to lose, plain and simple, so see ya then kid, see ya tomorrow night, boy!
A smirk, a slight laugh and Storms slides his left hands into his jeans pocket, then moves forward reaching out to the camera to shut it off, so fade to black.

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