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Started by Taylor Andrews, October 04, 2023, 06:53:41 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:11-21-2010 1:23 PMCopy HTML

Viper stands in the usual suit in front of a usual SEF backdrop, his face with no real emotion, classic Viper, his hands in his pants pockets and he just says.
Knox, Knox, Knox, you want to call me out and then say if I want to do this match let's make it for the pay per view, but kid, I got nothing I have to prove to you or anyone else in this company for I did that years ago. Like I said on Extreme, if YOU want to face me, then challenge me, lay it down and I will accept for you're the only one with anything to prove. Calling my ass a coward or lazy is meaningless for this not a soul alive who believe you and besides, if even your wife believed it, if even you believed what ya said, it wouldn't change anything. You challenge me and we have a match, its as simple as that, so take your balls from your wife's purse and step to the plate or go nowhere like you've been doing since coming to SEF. I guess maybe that love tap as ya put it must have knocked ya for more of a loop than I thought which honestly I was just letting ya know who's the man and who's the bitch!
He smirks and says.
You proved without a shadow of a doubt how much of a bitch you truly are, so if ya ever want to man up and face me, lay down a flat out challenge, not some half ass attempt and tell me to book it if I want it. Don't work that way, I don't have to wrestle another match in SEF as its as I said, I got nothing to prove, it's the truth, something you and many others have a problem accepting. You ain't seen shit in this business or in that worthless, pointless war ya were in. You were just another pawn in the US Government's game of human chess to control the world, you were a sheep doing someone else's bidding while I've been the master behind bigger and far more brutal wars than that bullshit. I've seen worse than you can imagine, I'm more of a veteran in and out of the ring than you can dream of and that's why your where your at, at the bottom of the ladder. Continue to spew your bullshit or step up and face me, CHALLENGE me Knox, you issue the challenge and the match will then get booked, but wait on me to challenge you, heh, just further proof that you don't get it and you may never get over!
Viper shakes his head side to side, then Tao Inoki come up next to him putting her hands to his chest and then looks up for a kiss. Viper cranes his neck down to kiss her, then Tao puts an arm around his back and kinda cuddles up next to him saying.
C'mon, forget that piece of trash, come and continue my training...master!
She grins deviously and backs away spreading her arms out showing her and does a crotch chops saying.
Kiss this baby!
Viper smirks and steps that way grabbing her around the waist kinda forcefully and rips Tao up off the floor. She wraps her fine legs around his waist, wears some booty shorts and a halter top and the two kiss kinda wild now. Viper heads to a door shoving it open, then slams it shut leaving us to film the door, but moans can be heard now, Tao screaming.
Oh god, fuck me hard!
Damn, guess those two are enjoying each others company, hmm, lots of moans, well fuck, what's new in SEF, so fuck it, fade to black.

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