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Justin's Extreme

Started by Kristin Fox, October 04, 2023, 06:54:36 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:11-21-2010 4:42 PMCopy HTML

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inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Justin20Rodgers20Banner.jpg picture by pegasusfeds10
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{Justin is walking down the hallway wearing a Kindred t-shirt, black wind pants, and black and blue Nike Shox.  He is not wearing his Saints hat but is kinda ripping off Shane Mack with a black SEF presents FFE bandana but its tied over his hair but his face shows that he's deep in concentration about his match with Troy Storms and no disrespect is intended by wearing one.  He looks up at the sound of Samantha's heels clicking on the tile floor.  She looks up at the bandana and kinda frowns.  Justin shakes his head and sighs}

Justin:"Yeah, I know, but I'm on my way back to the gym after a late lunch with my wife, and....{he stops} Not to sound like a walking cliche or anything but they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery so I hope the main man knows that its not mockery that I'm wearing one.  I probably wouldn't have worn one if I wasn't concentrating so hard on my match with Storms at Extreme tommorow night.  He's not just a legend. He's a big dude, and that's saying something when I'm used to being taller than everyone.  I did watch his promo and you know Samantha, he's just repeating a lot of things that have been directed at me by a lot of people but you know I am learning from Viper and that's one of Storms' closest friends, like brothers.  I respect what Da Gangstas have done for wrestling but I respectfully decline your advice, Troy or I should give you the respect of calling you Mr. Storms.  I know you guys and the DC have done all kinds of things but one day Matt and I, Jagger, and Rage, we may not earn what you guys have but we do have a brotherhood.  Matt and I grew up together.  The twins and I started training together when I was three years old!  I've known Rage for years too.  We used to train together when my mom was married to my step-dad.  There are a lot of years that we've been down.  We've also traveled the world together.  The brotherhood is there but the status, the championships.  No, we haven't come anywhere close to what you guys have learned, but at least Viper is willing to give my cousin and I a chance.  He's mentoring us when guys like you are writing us off as never will be and yeah, I've trained with my family, but guess what?  Unless Tao gets the big man to slip a ring on her finger, the man is not technically my family.  {He stops, looks down, and then back up}  You know Viper says and I may be misquoting him that we have loyalty not just to our family but to SEF and FFE.  SEF and FFE are our family too.  Now, I know the Fox girls have done been doing there part to take care of the liteweight girls around here who think they are going to rip off the legacies that Whit & Julie have made for themselves.  Now, in SEF, of the Kindred?  You do not have the mass deployment of genetics that you see on FFE.  IN SEF, there is only Matt, Maegan, Gracie, Rage, and I.....and Rage doesn't even compete.  He's just there to escort Grace & Maegan to the ring."

Samantha:"Don't forget Sara."

{Justin slaps his forehead and laughs}

Justin:"Yes, Sara.  Can't forget about her.  That's only a recent development though and she's only here for Matt.  Of course, then there is Dusty, {he waves her off} she made her decison long ago to back a losing horse.  Gabby, is only here on the SEF side of things because of here.  Eventually, that will have to be addressed but I am afraid that she may either want to be where she is or that she is institutionalized to think she does.  People say I care to much about what's going on with my family and then my parents don't think I do enough because Gabby's been almost MIA for a month.  {He stops, realizing he could go off on a tangent} You know Mr. Storms, you are good.  The mind games.  I'm not afraid to put my body on the line in an attempt to not only gain people's respect but for a chance to earn the Intercontiental title.  I also know that its not talking that gets the job done.  That's why I've been silent most of this week and yeah, I admit having a pregnant wife is a distraction, but its not a detriment, seeing as I'm married to someone who has been in the ring herself.  She's kicking me in the ass to get me out of her hair and into the gym because she knows that if she wasn't pregnant I'd be living at the gym just to try to earn a positive impression, not just from you, but to prove to Viper, that I am worth the time that he is putting into me.  Valentine's is a long way off so I hope people continue to bare with me because I plan on taking Feburary off to spend with my wife and kids.  I have a goal to prove that I want to accomplish long before then and if I have to chop down the mighty redwood known as Troy Storms, then man, I am just going to have to do it." 
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