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Your Wrong Son

Started by Da Gangstas, October 04, 2023, 06:59:34 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:11-22-2010 12:26 AMCopy HTML

The view opens up to a locker room where Troy Storms sits on a bench in black jeans and no shirt, his hair hanging down his back and shoulders. A smirk on his face kinda and he leans back with his hands on his legs saying.
First of all Justin, you are very wrong when you speak of having a brotherhood of the likes of what Da Gangstas and that's a fact, so you and your cousin or however Grace Payne is related to you can choke on that shoot. Cause Grace, there is no biased opinion I spewed, simply the truth, so deal with it and get over it or end up just like Justin, flat on your back and losing!
He still smirks, pausing for a few seconds and then says.
Ya claim I repeated what others said about ya Justin, but again your wrong son and that is one of you biggest problems, you try to act like you tell it like it is, so many others tried to pull it off copying Mack earlier this year and every one of them failed just like you do every time ya open your mouth. Then ya go on talking about taking time off, heh, and you expect to beat me!?
He looks a little serious and says.
Now hey man, if ya don't love this business as much as another like myself, so be it, but I fucking love what I do. I been in relationships, I loved women, I can understand, but kid, if you think your gonna beat me and go on to accomplish some grand goal, your dead wrong!
Storms pausing and still serious says.
Ya need to lay off the lies and focus on wrestling, focus on me, I said it before and apparently I need to tell ya again, focus on me or you won't survive tomorrow night. I came back here with one goal like I told ya, the Intercontinental Championship, and your lame ass isn't doing shit to stop me, but really, which one of you rookie pukes could stop me?
He smirks now and then we see Nick Torres walk in wearing black jeans and a Gangstas shirt and Viper is with him in a casual suit. Torres takes a seat on Storms right while Viper sits down on a chair and says.
Getting ready to kick some ass brotha?!
Storms smirks and says.
Hell yea, taking Justin to school! Hopefully the kid opens his eyes and learns a few things from me.
Viper nods yea and says.
I told him he needs to watch ya tomorrow, no secrets though, despite his lies he don't know what a true brother hood is!
Viper smirking raises his left hand forming the gangsta sign as Storms nods and forms it with his right hand, then says.
Yea, kid just don't get it, too wrapped up in his spoiled little family thinking that's the same thing as what we got. Mack should take him under his wing man, he'd be the man to probably make Justin a star cause the kid has talent, just kinda clueless!
He laughs even though its not really funny, rather sad since its true. Torres chimes in now.
Hey, I could take him under my wing, after all, I'm the one who taught Mack and all you everything ya know!
He grins big and Storms says.
It's a good thing we had the brains to not listen and seek out some real knowledge!
Torres elbows him and says.
Ok, right, your just jealous cause we've all done what you probably won't do after Justin kicks your ass!
He laughs and Storms shakes his head no saying.
Don't you worry brotha, in just a few weeks I'm gonna capture it, Justin is just another rookie puke in my way, another nobody who thinks he's on par with everyone. He thinks he knows enough to talk like he knows what goes on around this business, but he fails miserably every time his mouth opens. He talks like someone who just broke into the business, he doesn't get it and tomorrow night all he's getting is my big fucking boot down his goddamn throat!
He grins and looks at both men, then starts to say something when Shady Smack comes running with his Trans Title strapped over his chest diagonally and doing crotch chops. He growls and laughs running around in circles when Mack steps in, sees the camera and freezes. Shady stops and looks at him as everyone else is looking, then Mack looks shifty eyed and hops arou8nd sideways some popping his leg up to bring his foot to the camera and Da Shows Ova!

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