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universal6 star tag team

Going to Viper

Started by Kristin Fox, October 04, 2023, 07:04:40 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:21/11/2010 7:37 PMCopy HTML

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inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

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{Justin catches up with Matt after he's made his announcement.}

Justin:"You know I haven't seen that many people sign up for SEF's tag title tourney to face Thrash and Slash at the ppv."

{Matt turns to him with an eyebrow raised}


Justin:"Do you really want to crush our sisters by being in the FFE tag team contendership match next weekend?"

Matt:"You have a point.  {he stops walking}  "You know you're right.  Viper's looking for people to step up and stand up to the Dangerous Corporation."

Justin:"Plus its SEF so if we went into this match and defeated the DC, then it would mean so much more because it wouldn't be your brand.  No one could say that you gave yourself the shot."

{The guys then turn and head towards Viper's office.  For some reason, its partially open.  When they knock, the door goes open.  Tao purrs seductively thinking that its Viper}

Tao:"I am more than ready for round two, Sexy!"

{she squeaks and covers her breasts and pulls Viper's button down shirt over her.  Justin looks away a little embarrassed to find his sister-in-law in a compromising position.  Matt looks away but is chuckling, still mostly in the hallway}

Matt:"I'd hate to be you right now, Jus, because Viper is going to kill us for the camera catching Tao....So at least I'm glad that however she is dressed or not dressed that I didn't see anything.  So uh, Tao, when Viper shows up, we want to be in the tag team division that will put us againist Thrash and Slash at Violent Conduct."

{Matt actually has a hand over his eyes to ensure that hopefully no one will say that he's looking at another man's woman.}
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Taylor Andrews

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Re:Going to Viper
Date Posted:21/11/2010 11:40 PMCopy HTML

Viper walks up behind them with Troy Storms and Nick Torres following him. Viper throws his arms up around Justin and Matt's shoulders saying with a smile.

Well it's about damn time someone else threw their names into this match, now get the fuck outta here, I got, uh, business to attend to!

He smirks and steps forward shutting the door and Tao can be heard saying.

Oh god, it felt like forever without you inside me!

Justin tries to shake what he heard from his head while Matt just shakes his head wishing he hadn't heard it either, that and the moans to follow, so they start walking off when Storms casually bumps shoulders with Justin stopping him with a slight staredown and says.

You better keep those eyes and what's behind them completely on me or you're a dead man because like it or not, I'm winning that belt!

Storms sneers down to Justin and then walks off leaving him to think it over while Torres just shrugs at the two guys and smirks, then heads off with friend. Matt pats Justin on the back and pulls him away from the office heading their own way.

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