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Matt Extreme promo 3

Started by Kristin Fox, October 04, 2023, 07:24:51 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:22/11/2010 3:35 AMCopy HTML




{Matt is finally shown sitting in the locker room with his wife.  The camera is now directly across from them.  He takes a deep breath and then gazes into the camera}

Matt:"I'm not going to try to sugar coat things.  It's not like the camera probably didn't pick up everything that was said in here.  Then Gracie going out to the ring.  I'm not sure one way or another if the Kindred is still an actual stable within SEF.  The Enforcers are still a tag team so we'll still be in the SEF tag title hunt.  As for everyone else?  They needed to clear their heads.  Thanksgiving is going to be fun though.  {He closes his eyes for a second} Then again, I'm Canadian.....{his wife elbows him and he opens his eyes} "Never mind.  {he looks at Sara} We're still expected in Texas for the holiday.  Then again, a bunch of drunk people fighting over the fact that Dallas is playing New Orleans is always fun."

{Sara actually laughs despite the graveness of the situation}

Sara:"Yeah, watching Justin is the best because he's always seems so torn in his loyalties."

Matt:"I begining to think he should have played football and tried for the NFL instead of wrestling.  He was a pretty fierce left tackle.  {He then steers the topic back to SEF and wrestling}  I love wrestling.  I really do!  I was born and bred for this business.  I even married a wrestler.  {he hugs Sara to him}  When I was called to come in to develop a brand off shoot of SEF, I didn't expect to be getting back in the ring.  I even brought my execs from my own company into try to make it work but I'm second guessing myself now.  I'm wondering if Sara, Tao, and I shouldn't have come alone.  Of course, I couldn't do it without either one of them, but I brought all of these extra people with me.  Maybe I was just paranoid about keeping my kid sister with me, but then {he waves a hand} then my cousin gets snatched right out of the wrestling ring in front of thousands of people by people I trusted so, I failed there.  So I let my anger and pride get me to forgo retirement and jump right back into the ring, myself.  I run the risk of being compromised about any decision I make about FFE or any title being placed on any competitor because I related to the majority of the roster.  So I wrestle on SEF to, to increase my win/loss record in hopes of building my credibility.  Which in a round about way I guess brings me to Cody Jericho.  The way Gracie let me have it.  If I discredited you, I'm sorry.  It wasn't my intention, but I do think that I am better and I have the opportunity to prove that on Extreme in our match.  I have never won a title in SEF and up until this time around I hadn't won a match either.  So when it comes to SEF, I really am starting from the bottom and I'm fine with that.  I also like to believe in the good in people.  So for what you heard, the members of the Kindred questioning Viper?  First off, if there is anyone in the Kindred who has not done anything and I hate to say it, fits the description of a know nothing rookie, its Cheyenne.  I think she's a bit jealous that her sisters are spending so much time with their boyfriends rather than babysitting her.  She's young and she'll have to learn.  What do I think of Viper's attentions?  I have been trying to come to grips with something he told me.  I need to let the members of my family go their own way and make their names however they can.  I'm only 25 and for the last three years I feel like I've aged just from fighting with my kid sister raising her until she finally turned 18 without my losing my mind because its not that long ago I was a teenager with completely opposite goals than she has.  I've know since I was five years old that I wanted to be in the wrestling business.  I wrestled in school and college, forgoing juniors with the rest of my family to make NCAA eligibility at Duke.  It was something that seemed to add credibility to my dream of being a pro wrestler.  So I was a two time All American.  Then I went and did a handful of tourneys with varying degrees of success before, {he looks at Sara} starting a family of my own.  So what I am faced with today is wondering where to go from here.  I want to keep my family safe, but I have to be honest, my focus is divided in way to many directions.  I've did it to myself I know.  Most of the people I brought with me can function on their own with out my help.  Tao and Milan being perfect examples.  You rarely see the three of us in the same area, unless its an FFE executive meeting or something along those lines.  Those that can't don't really need to be here.  I can't play Daddy to my crew anymore.  The only place I need to be Daddy is at home with my own children.  As you can see, I don't bring them to the arena with me.  So when I step into an SEF or FFE building with the intention of lacing up my boots, I need to be focused on the opponent who'll be facing me across the ring.  This week, it's you Cody Jericho, because Justin and I discussed it and are no longer going to be in the hunt for the FFE tag titles.  So yes, officially The Clan O'Bannon is getting a buy but not a freebie.  We'll be getting in the ring to bust your heads, just win or lose, we will not be advancing.  So my focus for this week is you Cody.  What next week brings on Wildside or Extreme is to far ahead in the future for me to worry about.  I'm going to take each match as they come until I work myself up into the IC tournement so far that I'll need to be preparing for the best of the best, at all times, and be ready for anyone and anything. {Matt gets up and reaches over to shake the interview guy's hand} "Thanks, but that's the best I can explain everything right now."

((This has been an official *MATT FOX * Roleplay))

Layout 2006 Kristen Cooper and Illusion's Prison Designs ((ALL RIGHTS RESERVED))

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