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Your defeat is my Win(EXTREME 192)

Started by Midnight, October 04, 2023, 07:57:56 PM

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Date Posted:29/11/2010 3:54 PMCopy HTML

It was nighttime in the city of Milwaukee,Wisconsin. Fog was laying lightly across the cold ground, covering a vast area and hovering about. The vampiric bitch, Midnight was seen coming into view, dressed in her usual outfit and carrying her blades, as she walked the night, looking for a midnight snack. She finds the city just about bare and gives up for now in feeding her craving of human blood. She walked along a high beam and then ducked and dove into the shadows, heading towards the cemetary. Once she arrives, she stops and then smells the air with her super sensitive nose. She smirk.
"Now this is a perfect spot to do a promo."
Midnight had brought a bag with her that contained a camcorder for when she done promos for her matches. She pulls it out of her bag and then turns it on. She spoke.
"It seems that everyone has been begging for the answers to who is it that I am after. I would tell you know, but it would ruin the surprise."
Midnight chuckled.
"My opponent hasn't showed and that isn't anything new around SEF. Many of the wasted talents seem to pull a Matlock nowadays. They seem to just decide to not show up or make excuses as to why they don't want to work their asses off in this company and thats fine with me, because that shows you are all cowards. Every single one of you mortals that either join up and don't even bother to try, need to be beaten with every inch of your worthless lives. You waste time and money in a company that gave you a break when others fucking didn't. I have no reason to not show up, because I enjoy my job too much. So much so that I take great pleasure in dishing out extreme pain to those that step before me. I am that which is unholy. I am the Vampiric Bitch! Weither you think I am living in a fantasy world or just plain stupid, the bottom line is that when I step in that ring, your life rest in my hand. I control your fate and your destiny, in weither you win or lose. I am the one that can make you...or break you. Things in the ring you can't imagine I can do to you in mere minutes. But enough talk. Time to show the worthless talent known as Christine Smith. You chica, will taste defeat. You will succumb to my Decapitator. Take heed Smith...I am coming for you..and I plan on turning your life upside down when I pin you...1...2...3!!"
Midnight flips off the camera as the scene fades off.

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