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Shane's Concerned About Cody (Extreme # 2)

Started by Dean and Seth Moxley, October 04, 2023, 08:37:59 PM

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Dean and Seth Moxley

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Date Posted:30/11/2010 11:38 PMCopy HTML

When the show comes on the air it shows Shane backstage without Brandy, and he is still upset with what happened to Cody on Saturday Night Special. He might be in the third round of the IC Tournament, but the trainer walks over to him as they get talking.

Shane Jericho

Will Cody be able to compete in the ring?


No he won't, and what he suffered from on Saturday Night Special will prevent him from competing on Extreme, but he will be able to return on Saturday Night Special, and right now he isn't in any condition to fight sorry to lay this on you before your matach Shane.

Shane Jericho

Thanks for letting me know, and when I find out which member of Blind Rage done it they will dearly pay. First Brandy, and now Cody I hate to say this but Troy Storms will face a very upset Shane Jericho in the ring. 

Shane storms off, and the fans can see that look in his eyes. He stands in front of his locker room, and glares at the camera as he talks again.

Shane Jericho

Alright I don't know which member of Blind Rage took out Cody, but they crossed the line I will tell you right now. I guess I was wrong about Rage, but when you cross the Jericho siblings that is when something bad happens. You pretended to be our friend, but now you want to turn your back on us fine just remember this if I find out that it was you or your tag team partner that took Cody out of action on Saturday Night Special cause you will dearly pay. Now he might not be able to compete in the ring in his match, but when he recovers I hope he gets revenge on which one of you decided to take him out of the tag team match get ready to get what is coming to you cause you got two enemies that will destroy you as you just made a huge mistake. Troy you will have to get the beating that belongs to Blind Rage, and I am gonna take you out with me if I have to make a point. Cody I know we have been having problems, but I will find out which one of them done this to you. You don't deserve this, and I will make them both pay if I have to which I will anyway. It seems like we are on our own again, and it just shows you that you and me can't have allies cause no one here wants to work with us only if they have to well all I got to say is to hell with them. I guess it will always just be the two of us, and I hope you a speedy recovery cause I really do miss you bro now I got to make it to the next round of this tournament see you on Saturday Night Special when you are able to fight again. I just hate the fact that you can't on Extreme, but we will make them pay for what they done as they can't say or do anything that will ever fix it.

Shane walks off with that pissed off look on his face, and the show fades to black.

TBC: No One

End of role play


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