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Weigel Speaks Out...

Started by TheLegendarySteveWeigel, March 20, 2013, 01:29:02 AM

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Featuring: The Legendary Steve Weigel, Whitney and many others!
Record: 1-0-1
Next Match: "The Legendary" Steve Weigel Vs Phoenix
Made by +.SteveWeigelDesignz.+


"The Legendary" Steve Weigel - I need to lay the camera here and turn it this way. Now if I sit on the bed the camera should hit me. This is why we superstar's have camera men. Kids are in bed so I should be able to do this now.

Weigel climbs on his king size bed and sit down facing the camera. The room is dim with white walls. The only light coming from two lit candles on each side of his bed. Which are on night stands. Weigel puts his world championship over his left shoulder and looks at it for a second. He then begins to smirk a bit.

"The Legendary" Steve Weigel - Before I talk about my up coming match or my championship, I want to go back and talk about how I made it here. Because some of you out there don't know me and others well you know my hardship to get to this point. I was eighteen and knew nothing about being a wrestler, but thought I knew everything. Came right into this business shooting for gold, but who doesn't. I didn't respect anyone nor did I care too. I join No Rocks Allowed young, maybe to young. The owner seen something in me that no one else did. I was "The Vampire" of No Rocks Allowed. Well that what gimmick I picked to play on stage. I felt good right off winning the tough enough championship. My ego went right to my head. I went on to hold that championship for about just over a month. Before losing it. When I lost it my world felt over as I knew it. But the owner Burnout didn't leave my side. He ask me if he could be my teacher and I really looked up to him as a owner and a wrestler. Before I knew it I became the prankster's champion and  even tho I lost it three time's within a six months time frame, I felt good. Soon after Burnout retired and No Rocks Allowed closed their doors. No Rocks Allowed was all I knew. I went from small business to small business. Most of them wasn't even on the main stream.

Weigel leans over the side of the bed and grabs a water bottle. He opens it and puts it to his lips and takes a few small drinks. Before laying it back down and looking back into the camera.

"The Legendary" Steve Weigel - Where was I? Oh yeah! I finally got the offer I was hoping for when Jimmy Styker calls me up and asked me to join his federation. Jimmy was a good friend of mine and one of the greatest wrestler's to step foot in that ring. So I entered the UWA at the bottom and worked my way to the top. Before you knew it I was headlining the big shows and won my first world championship. The day finally came and I was let down. I thought winning that championship would change my life and in a way it did, but not how I thought it would. I was happy, but something was still missing. I was finally a world champion. What could have been missing? I learnt that winning it doesn't mean anything. It's defending it that means the world. To say that no one can take that feeling from you means more. I defend that championship for two months. On every show and I did it for the fans. Because I thought the fans made you who you were. I was a people's champion and I retired with the belt. I walked away and was never plan on returning to this job. Retirement was going good. I got married and had two beautiful kids. The wife left me for another man, but I got to keep the kids and that made everything perfect. Then one day out of the blue the phone rings. My daughter is four at the time now and my son is three. What do I hear on the other end when I anwser?  None other then Viper, but at that moment I had no clue who Viper was and he was going by the name Shane Mack. 

Weigel turns away from the camera laying his belt on the bed. He turns back with a look of hate on his face.

"The Legendary" Steve Weigel - When I entered the federation my career was rocky. I tired helping the man I grew to know as Shane out by getting someone I loved at the time hired. Her name was Samantha Winters. At that time in my life she meant a lot to me, but I could never tell her how I felt. But she knew and shy me was always hoping she would make the first step. Then I got my best friend and the one guy I called brother hired. At first we tagged team up as The Predator's. But then he stabbed me in the back with Samantha. He knew how I felt about her and still let her go down on him. Now I thought my life was over once and for all. Then I woke up and remembered why I came back into this business. To become the world champion again. Yet Shane Mack was in my way. The first time I lost I should have just given up, but I wanted one more chance. I knew he wouldn't want to fight me again. So I came up with something he couldn't even so no too. If I lost then I would become his slave and if he lost I would become world champion. Well my dreams were crushed and my desires teared from me. I became his slave until I retired. When I left I swore to god he would pay for making my life a living hell.

Two little kids coming running into the room and jump on the bed. He smiles at them as they look up at him.

"Daddy's Little Princess" Cassandra Weigel - Daddy what are you doing?

"Dad" Steve Weigel - Just a short interview. Why?

"Little Man" Connor Weigel - We just was wanting to know.

"Dad" Steve Weigel - Aren't you suppose to be in bed already?

"Daddy's Little Princess" Cassandra Weigel - But there are monster's in the hallway, daddy!

"Little Man" Connor Weigel - I told her I would beat them up because I'm tough, but who is going to watch out for me if I fall asleep?

"Dad" Steve Weigel - I will go and fight them all away.

Weigel give's both of his kids a kiss good night and walks with them out of the room. As the scene fades into blackness.

-------- Eight Hours Later! ---------

Weigel is standing in the hallway of SEF with his championship over his right shoulder. Whitney is walking past as he puts out his arm and stops her.

"The Legendary" Steve Weigel - You need to hear this. Just give me a couple of minutes of your time. I have been listening to this Julie since I came back here and I think that she is full of shit. The only woman ever and I do mean ever able to call herself "The Queen Of SEF" is you, Whitney. You a lone have made this company and once you realize that then you will realize your true power around here. It's not Viper that make's you powerful. It's you that makes him powerful. I just found out a couple of days ago that I never really been in a match with Shane Mack. When I first join SEF long ago it was Viper I fought and he was using Shane's name. I vowed to get back at him for what he did to my career. Your his right arm person, did you know all along? Was he planning on messing me over again. Giving me back my career and the world championship to just take it away from me? He may be called The Viper and he may be in Venom, but my Venom is way worst. I will not give this championship up without a fight. And if he takes it from me, well I will make his life a living hell. I will attack him and be around ever dark corner waiting on him. But for right now I have a chance at being double world champion and I will beat Phoenix this week that way I get that shoot. See just like you Whitney I take what I want. I want what I see in front of me, but think it's better if I wait to see if she wants the same. But come to my match coming up. I will take the win from Phoenix and show why I'm "The Legendary" Steve Weigel and why in the end it's not Viper's last word that gets the job done, but it's always "My Suicide"! 

Weigel pats his championship across his chest and licks his lips checking every inch of her body out. The scene fades into blackness.

Taylor Andrews

As Whitney cocks a brow at Steve wondering what he is on, a cough is heard from down the hall. Both turn to see the Owner of SEF, Viper! He sports the usual black suit with no tie and the black undershirt open at the top. A smirk on his bearded face as he leans against the door of his and Whitney's office.

"Steve Weigel, so you finally got your head straight and realized what I have already revealed to the world, congratulations kid!"

Viper bringing his hands from his pockets into a mockingly clap as he now steps forward sliding his left arm around his wife's shoulders. Whitney smiling big at her man as Steve just eyes her, but scowls at Viper who keeps grinning.

"I have no desire to take your title from you. See Steve, your not my enemy, Mack is, but I tell you this, if you fail to beat Phoenix tonight, well then, your out of the DVF. Go ahead and ogle my woman, it flatters me to know she is gods gift to every man drooling over her Bluegrass Bombshell Bad Ass!"

Viper winking at Whitney nuzzles her neck with kisses. Whitney blushing and smiling as Viper pulls her closer to him and looks at Steve still grinning. Steve disgusted as Whitney wraps her arms around Viper.

"I hope you win tonight Steve, I'd love to see you become a double World Champion. Don't let our past discourage you from being a team player cause it was nothing personal on my end, just business. However, if you want to make it personal by going after Whitney..."

Viper pulling his arm away steps closer to Steve looking down at him, then suddenly grabs his throat with both hands holding the Showstoppa Champion to the wall. Viper with a grimace of a badass still grins a bit as Steve stares up with anger trying to breath.

"I will fucking kill you and I don't mean your career!"

Viper stepping back let's Steve go shoving him to the wall with authority, then grabs Whitney's hand. The Dominant Couple heading back into their office shuts the door with a slam leaving Steve to pick his title up with a scowl while rubbing his neck as the scene finally fades to black.

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