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The Party Crashers Get a Unexpected Visitor in their Van

Started by The Perry Family, June 22, 2024, 12:30:55 AM

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Bunny Summers we are going have fun tonight 1983 has always been good to me and my family, the 1980s Generations is going take such good care of us, they are everywhere, they are our fans our family our friends, are all around us,they are going to make sure everything is going be fine no worries at all besides the 80s Generation is behind us all.

Bunny Summers im hungry, let's get some food, im so Hungry right now

Sierra perry looks at Tonya like really, Tonya shakes her head like yeah really, they get some food at the food stand few hot dogs and some chilli does, sit down before they begin to bowl, and bunny begin to talk.

Bunny Summers so How long have you been in to devil worshiping sierra

she wait
Bunny Summers

The Perry Family

Sierra Perry oh since we was teen agers u see we was not usually like this me and Cruella, was just Normal children in our village in black pole England then we had some, wars in our country our homes village burned down to the ground so we decided since the world betrayed us and we had Nobody left me and Cruella then decided, to just worship Santin, the devil, and we been doing it ever since, then we got Nikita the wolf Perry in to it and pretty soon Cora blackheart 

Sierra perry to tell you two the truth God i Hate Her she thinks, she much better then everyone else and she like nothing better to take over devils playground make it her own she was always the dark horse of the group no wonder why her and Cruella get along so well.

Sierra Perry the Wolf is a child on her own well now Nikita perry, we not sure what up with her she want to be her own person be in her own world tell you the truth she is a total psycho, path she always have been one, but she is our family, we trying to get her to bring her crazy self out be her own person,

Sierra Perry she want to be self destructive which is understandable, you know She let Jade and Cruella invade her Mind, and Cruella is a protective witch she insaine she want poor Nikita and me to follow in her footsteps and be like her to her it is devil playground or nothing else,

she drinks another beer and another one and continues spilling her guts to Tonya and bunny. and begin to talk.

Sierra Perry she met Jade in jail lol imagine that Huh and she is just a bad apple total bad influence to everyone you know, she is the devils princess let me tell you she fit right in with the devils playground she goes around stabbing people in the alleys and everywhere else.

Sierra Perry so anyway tell me about you two is this all you two do with your lives, 
Jade West

Tonya Walker

Tonya Walker. am what we doing now we love to have fun enjoy each others company crash other parties that are going on celebrate Life, have fun party and have fun that what we are all about, this is what people need to have fun, no worries at all right Bunny.

she wait
Tonya Walker.


Bunny Summers. yeah she is totally right dude, you know we are so happy we believe in all of the right things celebrating the life of the 1980s, and just enjoying the beautiful thing called Life, go out for some fresh air, just no stress no worries we have fun that what we do we are party crashers,

Bunny Summers, we go Bowling out to eat at anywhere we want we go grocery shopping, do things the 1980s Generation would love to do, we do nothing wrong at all that is what we believe in, and omg the wrestling, of the 80s is just Incredible, i mean the Wrestling  Superstars and other wrestling of the 1980s is just so memorable Hulka mania i love it It is still Happening, right now as we speak.

Bunny Summers it is the best life ever 1980s is the Greatest life in the world and love seeing other people happy and Tonya walker is the best friend anyone could ever have im so happy, that she saved my Life, if it was not for her, i would not be here honest

Sierra Perry. Listens to what they are saying and she thinks about it and she realxes for while and then begin to talk

Bunny Summers

The Perry Family

Sierra Perry hmm look it sounds all fun and all but i think i can help Cruella get the help she needs and i think my family needs me right now but it does make a lot of sense it is bout time people are actually having fun and laughing and enjoying life not taken everything so seriously the worlds needs a lot more of that.

Sierra Perry. so this food is good so good right Now, so are we going to bowl maybe im imagine the pins look like Cruella and ram them right down for the count.

Sierra Perry this is probably going sound weird but im actually having fun with you two, don't tell anyone else though think i needed tonight so lets bowl.

they go to their alleys and begin to have fun and bowl like there is no tomorrow.

Sierra Perry yes got a strike a strike a strike been forever since i bowled this is fun

Jade West

Tonya Walker

they are done bowling and went out for ice cream, and played basketball went to the movies together, had a lot of fun they been gone almost all night, Tonya walker still has a lot of energy and she then begin to talk.

Tonya Walker.  this is going to be a lot of fun you know, so we sure have had been everywhere tonight, are we having fun so what should we do next just wondering,

she wait for reply
Tonya Walker.


Bunny Summers am not sure we can go anywhere do anything, have some fun, im getting hungry lets go get some food, what you all think iam sure

Bunny Summers. this is going be so much fun, i mean i got so much energy, you know, we can be having so much fun, tonight, the 1980s can last forever our friends, the 1980s is the greatest Generation we could ever live in i mean anything is possible

Bunny Summers. hey i got a idea lets go down to ihop we can eat some good food and relax, you know, does that sound all right.

she wait for reply

Bunny Summers

Tonya Walker

Tonya Walker I Hop sounds all right to me, let's go have some fun hey i saw a park up a ways we can go play, Miniture golf that could be a lot of fun what u all think

she wait
Tonya Walker.

The Perry Family

Sierra perry. sounds good i never been there to i hop, wow im doing all of the things i have never been doing in my entire Life, wow i owe you two a lot you do know when we are fighting in the ring it just business i got so much respect  for the both of you, i mean devil worshiping day in and day out.

Sierra perry.  don't sound like it is fun but it is all we got we never knew how to live a Normal life you know, this is so incredible hey how about when we are done, we go swimming, it is getting hot outside sound all right

she wait for reply
Jade West

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