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07.12.24: Mayhem to Fight Night and a Summer of Evolution, Click Here For More

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universal6 star tag team

Party Crashers vs Devils Playground

Started by BunnySummers, August 09, 2024, 10:21:14 PM

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Bunny Summers is in the ring, with Tonya Walker. she then looks around and she then begin to talk.

Bunny Summers. Tonight is going to be the best night ever because the Party Crashers are Back in your Neighborhood we are not going anywhere and it seems the party Rockers around here get to witness history because we get to go up against some old friends yes we are facing the devils playground once again and yes me and Tonya wil win once again because the devils playground are just Plain Evil! they want people to think their way and be evil devil worshipers! i mean why would u want to worship the devil in the first Place? He is Evil he want to make people do evil sadistic things and hurt other people that is so wrong!

Bunny Summers so Tonight we are going to Whip The Floor and send the Devils Playground Packing all the way back to the Playground!

the Crowd Cheers and chant for the Party Crashers she realxes looks around hugs Tonya and she then begin to talk again.

Bunny Summers. That is Another Thing, why do they call themselves the Devils Playground i mean a Playground is meant for toys rides Slides Swing sets a Bunch of Other Play Sets Kids can Play on, Yeah i mean, i be freaked out if i saw them playing in the sandbox you know!

Bunny Summers anyway the Only Perry me and Tonya Have Respect for is Sierra we not sure what up with Cruella and Black Crow they are really bad apples i mean they must of had a really bad up bringing to want to worship the Devil! but we not going to bring that up because Now

Bunny Summers Looks over at Tonya and she then begin to talk.

Bunny Summers i think my best friend Tonya Walker has Something to say

she wait
Bunny Summers

Tonya Walker

Before Tonya Walker begins to talk, Cruella Perry is backstage, looking at Sierra right after Bunny said she is the Only perry out of the 3 her and Black Crow, she wonders what is she talking about, Sierra Takes a deep breath and shrugs her shoulders, wondering what they are talking about,

Tonya Walker is shown, in the ring again and she then begin to talk.

Tonya Walker. yeah you got it Bunny, tonight the Party Crashers Rock n Rollers in the audience tonight, are going to witness some History me and Bunny are going to kick The Damm Devils Playground right out of the Playground and i swear Nobody is going to want them back they are no Longer allowed in our Damm Sandbox! this is our school yard, our time our Castle our Swingset and tonight we are taking our yard back! and Nobody is going to ever take it back from us ever!

The Crowd Cheers for Tonya her and Bunny cheer along with them, they look around and tonya then begin to talk

Tonya Walker. Yes Tonight is the Night Devils playground not only gets Defeated once again because let's face it Bunny as tough as the Devil Playground is, they can not beat us we have been fighting them for so Long Now like 4 long Months or so, they are going to make history all right by the team who trust me we got their Number! tonight, the Party Ends tonight and there is Nothing and there is nothing anyone can do about it!

Nikita Perry comes out from the Crowd and climbs in the ring, and she then goes beside Tony and Bunny since she be facing Black Crow as well Tonya smiles at her and she then begin to talk again.

Tonya Walker. you Know Bunny now that you mention it I just been thinking about this as well hey Sierra Perry if you are Listening backstage im sure you and Cruella and Black Ho i mean Crow we sure had fun that one Night going Bowling Mini Golf  hanging out together we got to do it again sometime we really should.

Bunny Summers. hell Sierra you about the Only Perry in the bunch who actually got some Guts and who is actually a lot of fun to hang out with. if u was smart you would Ditch the Playground and hang out with us on a more regular basis we would have fun

Tonya Walker yeah we are a equal opportunity family but if you want to continue to take orders from Cruella and be Crows Bitch fine with us i mean Look at Nikita over here, she is as happy as could be

Bunny then begin to talk

Tonya Walker.


Bunny Summers yeah Sierra you would be more happier with us then with Elveria  and the big mean old Bitch over there i mean hell Crow Black Crow you been here for what not even a year and you are having your first match with Nikita over here wow you would think your sisters would Negotiate more Matches to get you started going in Sef but it shows how much you mean to them we mean did you just come to sef to just stand around and do Nothing hell if your career goes nowhere, at least you say you got your ass kicked by Nikita the Wolf Perry

Bunny Summers. meanwhile i mean me and Tonya did have a couple of mis steps along the way the past couple of weeks but it happens we lose we get right back up and start up all over again so while we have our say hey Devil Bitches your probably hot under the devils color right about Now why dont you 2 come down here and face the music

she wait for reply
Bunny Summers

Tonya Walker

Tonya Walker Hold on before you two do Devil Bitches let me say this, you know before i was a member of party crashers me and my sister Lexi Walker was a member of dare i say of the Devils Playground yeah you remember don't you Cruella and Sierra we was your running buddies we saved you from so many beat downs from other opponents and we fought together came to your aide again and you two was appreciative to me and Lexi we had fun yeah u remember me and Lexi and Jade West you and Sierra and of course my best friend the Wolf

Tonya Walker. of course it did not last since we all how i say went our Separate ways and now we are back and look while we was gone a new Bitch came along named Blackheart Crow, and she came along 2 and wanted to finish what Devils Playground started and did not finish and she was going to present to play nice and steel Sierras man but it never happened and Now she is back as a member of the Devils Playground!

Tonya Walker. i mean How long is it going to be before she kicks out Sierra Perry or you Cruella or both of you and brings her out two new back ups and takes over the group because from what i heard from other sources that seems to be the type of Bitch that she is when she is done with you two she is going to spit you two up like gum on to a concerate floor.

Tonya Walker watch out Perrys watch your back

she wait for reply
Tonya Walker.

The Perry Family

the Devils Playground music hits and they come down to the ring with black crow they go toward the steel steps, climb under the ring, ropes in to the ring all 3 are standing in front of the party crashers, and Cruella is face to face with Tonya and Sierra is standing with her,  and before Cruella can talk tonya takes the mic and begin to talk.

Tonya Walker how many more of these matches are we going have Cruella huh how many more of these matches are we going to have together we win we always win we have been feuding and going back and fourth even before we was at Sef our family's have more history then any stable we ever known we been feuding for years now it is different just think how long has it been since you and Sierra was tag team champions how long is it going to be before your careers are going down the toilets u want keep keep going fine with us we wil keep going and going we never give up.

Cruella Perry listens to what Tonya walker is saying to her and not sure what to say, she takes a deep breath and being to talk.

Cruella Perry you make a lot of sense Tonya Walker a lot of sense but let me say this the devils Playground has been a family lot longer then you and Bunny over there, we been through a hell of a lot together and dont let it be said that the playground does not have heart i mean you have been taking care of Nikita over there and we really appreciate it!

Cruella Perry you not going let hear me say this often but thank you but tonight is going to be the night me and Sierra get the win over you and barbie over there, we never give up we never wil give up we did not become devils for being soft we became devil worshipers for a special reason and that is due to the wars in Village! and what happend to our home land back Home and the events that took place during that time

Sierra and Cora listen to what she is saying and she takes a deep breath and begin to talk again.

Sierra Perry. it was a awful time, a real awful time for us, and we was not born in to it we took it up as teenagers and took it up more and more hell Nikita was not even a part of it until Later on one thing lead to another and we first fought each other at other companies and we sure made a name for ourselves back then but that was then this is Now!

Sierra Perry and yes we did have fun, when we hung out together that one Night, 

Cruella perry so that is where you was at when we could not find you, figures but we wont hold it against you hell sierra we was worried about you,

Sierra Perry hell i was drunk i could not concentrate where i was going im sorry so anyway tonight is going to be the best night we ever had i just hope you and Bunny bring it like you always do remember we are devils we are born devils hell raising devils u bring your a game we are going to bring ours! but beware we are going to bring our fight even more! tonight just may be the Night the Playground wins the right to the sandbox

BlackCrow. what is this teenage girl school crap why do you keep talking about Playgrounds and sandboxes hell what is this pre school rip these 2 Blonde Haird bitches heads off show them who is Boss rip them apart one by one!

they stand face to face as somebody begin to talk

Jade West

The Perry Family

Cruella perry by the way we Lied we can not wait to totally rip your non devilish preaching heads off tonight your 2 are done and also Nikita well yeah we going to soo rip you 3 apart what i hope you did not actually think we was going to be Nice to you 3 we are the devils we dont care about anyone or anything so when we meet each other in the ring tonight you3  better be on your knees for forgivness because trust me it is done and so your fucking lives.

Cruella Perry we don't care about either one of you 3 we not going to give in because we got history together history is in the past bitches leave it there we can not wait to leave you 3 in a pool of your own fucking Blood!

Sierra Perry u 3 made a big mistake you mi stoke our Kindness for being weak well tonight when we meet in the ring for our match there is going be nothing left of anyone of you we don't care about non devil worshipers! we never will where we come from people like you would be taken out and destroyed by our people.

Sierra Perry hung up by a stick and burned to the crisp we been through wars and this is just another war to take out on you non belivers trust us if you think we was bad before you have not seen anything yet we going make u3 wish you was never born u non belivers

they wait in the ring
Jade West

Tonya Walker

Tonya Walker. listens to what Cruella is saying and she don't seem bothered by it all and she looks at her and she then begins to talk.

Tonya Walker Boy you know i really thought you have changed your ways, for the better but i guess the old sang is right you can not teach a Old Dog New Tricks or a old Devil Dog New Tricks who knows maybe someday one of you would grow a heart and wait im not sure if even you Cruella has a Heart i mean if you think me and Bunny are even Bothered by you 3 guess what you are all wrong! I Have been through many wars as a child a teenager and as an adult and we just keep going! we are Afraid of anyone and Bunny here is going to be a top star here soon if not already she got the talent she has everything in the world to keep her going strong!,

Tonya Walker and who knows mabye someday she wil be a champion again, i know she wil but u3 only things you all are going to see in your futures is defeat, after defeat we are not going down by anyone we wil get right back up like we said before  we keep going and going and we keep getting better! i fought u and your family so many times we have went back and fourth and the ending is always the same who knows anyway i thought my words  would have gotten through you but i guess Not!

Tonya Walker me and Bunny and Nikita are going to end the Devils Playground and when we are done just like we said before  good luck bitches your all are going to need it!

she throws the mic down her and bunny leave the ring and look right down the ring and wave by to the perrys and Nikita is right next to them.

tbc by the perrys
Tonya Walker.

The Perry Family

Sierra and Cruella and Blackheart Crow are left alone in the ring, Crow goes to say something to Sierra but Sierra knocks the mic out of her hand and gets in her face, and Cruella tries to calm her down, and Cruella gets in sierra's face and she grabs her sister by the arm, and she then begin to talk.

Cruella perry hey don't you walk out on me what is this about you hanging out with the party crashers u are not suppose to hang out with them you are a perry  i told Nikita that and im telling you this do you understand me Sierra i know your my sister but i thought you was smarter then that!

Sierra Perry, you know what yea yes i did hang out with them we had fun i went in the wrong van and i fell asleep we went to the beach drunk beers went bowling went to 1 Hop we had fun and you know what bitch mabye Nikita was right mabye she was finally right i was drunk and i went in the wrong van it happens it was a month ago drop it bitch!

Sierra Perry i did it before and u keep pushing me like you are bitch il do it again remember your my sister but nobody Owns me you better get your head straight if you want to finally defeat the Party Crashers!

she throws the Mic down pushes cruella off of her and climbs under the ring ropes, walks down the steps and heads backstage leaving her and blackheart crow in the ring alone.

she heads backstage and walks passed the party crashers she takes a deep breath puts her hand up meaning she had enough and want to be alone, and walks off.
Jade West

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