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universal6 star tag team

Tonya Walker.

Started by Tonya Walker, August 14, 2024, 01:50:25 PM

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Tonya Walker


BIRTHDATE 10_31 1989



HOMETOWN Nyc Mulberry Avenue Little Italy

THEME MUSIC Walking On Sunshine, Katrina and the Waves

FINISHING MOVE Superkick Dropkicks Powerbomb RKO, Spear,punt kick, Armbar,  Pumphandle suplex)

TRADEMARK MOVES TKO,Cobra Clutch, Tonya Handle Slam Kimura ArmLock

WRESTLING STYLE Extreme Hardcore

BIOGRAPHY Tonya is the other side of Savanna Walker, She has suffered from SPD, Split Personality Disorder, Not Much is Known about her but rumors are she is very quiet psycho like personality, who is Mostly on her Own, she is Italian and does handle her own business, she is also a big flirt uses cash to get people to do things for her if she choses,  she can either be your friend or Your Enemy, she has Got better with some Help from her closest friend Simon Nash with a new Lease on Life and a lot more tougher and better in the ring and has more Confidence, then ever before, Tonya may be her Opp intents most worst Nightmare.

she is now in a stable and teaming with her best friend Bunny Summers and are former Us Tag Team Champions and they appear to be happy and having the best time of their lives and have no desire to slow down.And she is finally happy and is enjoying life

APPEARANCE Toni storm Short Hair look,
Tonya Walker.

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