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The Return of Friday night Showstoppa

Started by Daddy Mack, September 06, 2024, 06:11:50 PM

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Daddy Mack

So I did it boys and girls, I took it upon myself to book a show in SEF since I noticed last night our calendar listed no events except the following next year.
The SEF Rumble
February 8th, 2025
Wrestle X
April 5th, 2025
That is all that listed for SEF events, no more for 2024. But I booked a show called Showstoppa on Friday night, September 13th, 2024 from the old Underground Arena in Detwot city!!!
Since Gangstas Paradise was cancelled, I took the main event we were supposed to get and booked it for Showstoppa's main event and oh yea, Anarchy 95 was cancelled too, so we got a tag team match between the Party Crashers and Perry Family. I also made a few more singles matches like yours truly against Simon Lee Nash and Johnny Rotten facing hardcore legend J X CA$H! This is actually the second edition of Showstoppa since the show was originally aired in 2013, January I believe, on the 25th I think!? Tim Stone booked and produced the debut of Showstoppa with The Showsteala as the main attraction. I wrestled two or three times in that first show as I was adamant about helping him get something going on another network besides SEF's own network. I knew it would only help SEF, but a lot has happened since then and maybe had too much fun cause I can't remember half of it!!!
BTW, yours truly, Daddy Mack, The Showsteala is on twitter or x @Showsteala if anyone wants to troll me, I rarely log in and when I do, I don't read shit, but I will be using twitter/x to promote any future Showstoppa events because someone has to give a fuck about SEF and who better than the man who made it!?!

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