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2 Falls? Is that all? HA! (Showstoppa)

Started by Taylor Andrews, September 08, 2024, 11:00:17 PM

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Taylor Andrews

(The Undisputed Universal Heavyweight Champion of SEF stands outside a club in Detroit city wearing a tight black leather jacket and mini skirt with knee stilettos and her blonde hair wrapped around her neck in a big braid. A pair of silver hoop earrings hang from her ears as she has her arms crossed over her chest and looks out at the chilly city night air and all the lights engulfing the sky, so nothing else but that is reflected back making one feel like one of many millions. But in the Detroit atmosphere where everyone passes by with a second or even first glance one can't help that feeling of loneliness, a feeling Taylor Andrews knows too well from being number one for so long.)
Mack took it upon himself to book a show and this is the best he can do? Samantha already called him out on resurrecting a dead show, a one hit wonder, so maybe I'll just leave that alone cause its not about the brand name of the show, its not where its hosted, no, its all about who's on the card and there is no one who can main event over me. Troy Storms and Nick Torres are not getting near my title, and LBD, well honey, kill me or die trying cause no one is taking the gold off the Golden Gal. I came here to do one thing and that is exactly what I have done, win championships, become the best champion, and remain on top for as long as I want. I have surpassed them all. I was a legend before I ever got branded that from this hall of fame induction with the rest of the Impact X Facta and I will make sure no one takes what I have held on to with a iron fist, a golden glove, not LBD, not Troy Storms, and not Nick Torres. I was going to let my legend status carry me through Gangstas Paradise, but with Mack running this show, I thought it would be best to let him know and let the world see why there is nto a soul that can touch me. There is no one on my level in SEF or out of SEF, and there is no one in the locker room I even care to hang around. Although I may have some allies I can use as my pawns, but when I go out for fun away from my home in the ring, I get away from all my wrestling "peers". I come out here to the nightclubs and if anyone recognizes me, I ignore them to dance everything away until someone who doesn't know me notices me for me. Then maybe I get to know them, maybe I enjoy a night out, but come Friday the 13th, I will be on the prowl to defend my championship and put away everyone in my way, two falls, three falls, four falls, I don't care, I'll do this shit all damn night and the next night and twice on Sunday, so line 'em up, and I'll stack 'em as I knock 'em down, one by one or all at once. This is my city now, SEF is my turf, and no one is going to knock me down. But I'll show you why this Friday. I gotta go knock back a few stiff ones and get a little loose!
(Taylor dropping her arms to walk towards the club entrance flashing her wrist to the bouncer who checks it with a black light and lets her in.)

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