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All I Have To Do Is Show Up (SE PPV)

Started by Showsteala, May 12, 2013, 11:00:33 PM

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Daddy Mack

The crowd for Snake Eyes filing into the MGM Grand Garden Arena is filling up fast and already their getting rowdy with lots of woooo's echoing through the rafters. Shane Mack sits up in a skybox sipping a martini kicked back on a sofa in only a pair of blue jeans and camo vest. His hair down and Mack smirking a bit just looks up winking, then says.

It seems Jake Voss is going to beat me because he has been apparently holding back on WAR which is where I beat him for the now WAR World Title I hold.

Mack laughing showing no sweat just drinks down the martini and sets it on a small table in front of the sofa. He snaps his fingers and some hot blonde in a green evening gown showing plenty of cleavage brings a Heineken over uncapped handing it to The Showsteala. Mack taking a drink just leans back with it in his hand all relaxed and smiling.

Jakey my boy, you got the tools, you got IT, but kid, you ain't half the man Shane Mack is, but don't feel bad. No one in SEF is and Julie, she may be The Queen, but she better watch out who she be wanting. If The Queen wants Mack, she knows where to find me and that's down in the ring! And after Snake Eyes I got a little more something to say to her, so Julie, keep watching me sweetheart!

Mack a bit cocky, but showing in his eyes he respects her as he takes a drink of beer, then says.

Jake, WAR is something your not going to be World Champion of if your not even willing to pull your weight during the week like the rest of us diehard wrestlers. I represent the number one show in SEF and many would argue I am the number one World Champ in SEF, but I'll get to that later.

Mack grinning big.

Jake is who gets to taste what the real damn show is all about cause I may not hold back ever, but when these here pay per views come around, I get itchy! My legs get twitchy and The Showsteala emerges to outshine everyone else once again. Mack is back to get beat only if your willing to go the distance I am. I came from the real wars from the nineties which was some cutthroat times, then found a place to call home in SEF. A place I made and it redefined who I am in many ways. I remember some of the first decade in SEF and it was fun times, great moments, some friends were made, many lost, but the second decade is the one to watch for Shane Mack is going to redefine SEF. I have always reinvented myself whenever I step between those ropes, so its nothing new to the man who does it all and twice on Sunday!

Mack taking a drink of his beer just kicks his feet up watching the fans below as he gets ready for his match. His fingers snapping the server back over and Mack pointing to his crotch. The blonde undoing her ponytail to let her hair down and flips it around a bit wild. She drops to her knees on the sofa bending over on Mack's left side unzipping and sucking his cock. Slurping sounds are heard before fading away to black on the back of the blonde head of hair bobbing up and down leaving us to wonder if Mack will taste defeat. Or will he taste pussy? Will he have time to cum before his match which is first up tonight?! Who is this chick anyways? Is that Crystal Sweet? Nah, she looked to classy!

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