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Chat Room & Monthly Board Meeting

Started by admin, May 23, 2013, 07:19:32 AM

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To my fellow writers & all members,

             SEFWUN has a Chat Room built into its forum in which it hangs down from the top of the screen in a grey tab that says, Chat Room, and actually contains multiple rooms to use in a old school chat. The Chat Room is actually located right above the SEFWUN logo in the upper right hand corner of the window and will drop down when clicked.

SEF's board meetings will take place in the SEF room on the 16th of every month and this is for writers only as you must have an active wrestler on the roster in order to participate in board meetings, these are not for fans. All members/fans can get their voices heard at the Live News Promo Events @ The SEF Office where you may leave comments on news articles and event cards, or any topic that is not locked, just keep it PG. You may also use the SEFWUN room which is public and even allows guests to chat.

Our board meetings will usually take place on the 16th of every month and will be a place where all writers can get together a discuss the direction of SEF or their own character(s). It is not mandatory, however, attendance to the monthly board meetings will count towards your commitment to SEF and will affect how much your character(s) get pushed. The more you contribute, the more we will contribute to your direction, its called compromise in some languages. So yes, our monthly board meetings will be the 16th of every month and my wife, Liz, will be reminding everyone prior to the meeting or to let you know if/when the meeting has been rescheduled. We may call a special meeting in SEF as well and will always try to give at least 24 hours notice, but again, none of these meetings require anyone to attend, they are simply to help us better help you and give the fans more of what they want to see.



The password for the SEF Chat Room used for monthly board meetings can be found here


To find the tab for the chat room I have included a screenshot of its exact location as the button is small and may be hard to find for some users.


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