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Started by Taylor Andrews, December 21, 2013, 11:08:32 PM

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Taylor Andrews

December 12th
Height / Weight
6'6" / 255lbs.
Las Vegas, Nevada
Theme Music
Pro Debut
June 8th, 1996
Finishing Move
Unforgiven (Double Underhook Powerbomb)
Trademark Moves
Sinned (Jumping Spiral Powerbomb), Venom (Gore), Crippled (Rear Chinlock With Opponent Facedown), Belly To Belly Suplex, Hanging Suplex, Release German Suplex, Spinning Spinebuster, Single Leg Boston Crab, Figure Four Leg Lock, Dragon Sleeper, Indian Deathlock, Modified Camel Clutch, Superplex, Dragon Suplex Pin, T-Bone Suplex, Reverse Powerbomb, Piledriver, Powerslam, Neckbreaker, Backbreaker, Frog Splash, Gutwrench Powerbomb, Bow & Arrow, Russian Leg Sweep, Snap Suplex, Moonsault, Swinging Neckbreaker, Reverse DDT, Fujiwara Armbar, STF, Drop Toe Hold, Flying Clothesline Off Top Rope, Suicide Dive Headbutt through the Ropes
Wrestling Style
Power/Technical/Psychological; Viper is quite the powerhouse with his build and being as solid as he is. He can match many of the strongest men in the business, but his preference is mat wrestling, technical if you will. He can hang with anyone on the mat and out wrestle most. Very few can touch him, match him hold for hold. His mind as well is a very dangerous weapon as he can beat a man before even stepping in the ring with them, he is that good. His mat skill and his mind, Viper excels at both and you will be hard pressed to find anyone with a better mind or better technical skill than this man. He can beat you before the match mentally or break you down in the ring physically. His power as well ranks up there with the powerhouses of the business, so he is a man not be messed with. His speed is not that great as Viper's pace is more of a steady one, he likes to dictate the pace and be clever, take his time. Refuses to go to the top rope. As well, his power is up there, but he is not the most powerful man in the business. He also isn't the kind to give up quick, rarely will you see him tap out, how that is a weakness is how you want to perceive it.
Born in London England to a wealthy couple, his father russian and his mother half english, half german, he would never have the chance to know either one. A fire when he was only four saw his home burned to the ground with his parents inside who had been shot beforehand and Viper was left to burn alive. He escaped and ran, was found by a man who would become his mentor in wrestling, a man known as Fate. Viper was actually put through school and did well, graduated at the top of his class at fifteen and that is also when he debuted as a wrestler. At that age he got into a place called XWF and did well, even won titles and would meet his first friend. Fate being more of a father figure, his mentor, but Daddy Mack being a friend, his peer and the two clicked and cliqued, heh, they fueded, teamed up, over the years they've done a lot together, but remained best friends. Viper would work for another fed with Mack, IWF, and there is where he won his first World Title, the first of many! He worked for them and XWF and after a while he went on a journey across the world. Worked through Asia and Japan and across the ocean into the states. Worked on a west coast a lot and settled into Las Vegas, he loved the solitude of the desert, the outskirts of Vegas where no one went, so that is where he called home. Ended up getting in touch with Mack in '01 and went to Detroit to work for Wrestling Underground, a small organization that wasn't much of a company, but would come into its own after a few years. Worked for a place called IWC, though briefly, did hold the top title there. He and Mack worked in EMW for a while, did ok, but then would come SEF in '02, a company he truly become a part of. Viper came in at the very start and was the first World Champ, but would capture more titles over the years, Mack would come in and they fueded, teamed up, did it all over again. Viper stayed with SEF for years and still works for them as he always will. In '06 he found another place that he would become a part of, PWW, came in and did good, worked his way up winning title after title, dominating opponent after opponent and would became the most decorated and dominant PWW star of all time. They would close after six months, but the next year had a reunion which Viper was there for. After that he went back to SEF winning the World Title and dominating for most of '07, had an intense fued with Black Bob who would win the title from Viper. He would lay low after that and into '08 didn't do much except move back to England after having enough of America, but then PWW reopened and he came back looking to dominate like before. Still is loyal to SEF and will work for the company on a moments notice. That was early '09 and Da Gangstas would reunite and roll strong for a while, at least until the owner forced him out of SEF. Now in the end of the summer he has returned again as the ruling by the owner is no more and along with Troy Storms he's looking to get the Tag Titles. A horrible accident occured in September of '09 taking the lives of over half the roster of SEF and Viper was one, or so everyone thought. That was revealed to have been a ruse by Ric E Dangerously otherwise known as Fate otherwise known as the mentor to Viper who has to be taking what Ric did hard. But now a year later he has returned to SEF and with one goal, to run SEF as he is theman in charge, the Manager of SEF! Although never really wanting to do so Viper helped battle the DC from the office, but now SEF has found a suitable, more permeneant Manager allowing Viper to do what he does best! And he helped his IX brothers take on the DC, then he and Whitney rekindled their romance when Mack chose wrestling as his true love. Viper and Whitney are back together, so The Dominant Couple has reformed, but for how long before they truly settle down is hard to say!?! About a year later, little longer is how long, after they regained control of SEF. A rocky road into 2011 with Wrestle X pushed back to August, but going off with a bang and SEF driving into 2012 full steam ahead. Whitney went to labor on the ten year anniversary supershow and Viper went with her leaving Shady Smack in charge. Later, at the end of the night we would learn the Informer, the one spewing rumors all the time in SEF and Wrestling Underground, is the one, sole owner of SEF. So now Viper and Whitney relax in peace, though Viper still helps in SEF lending a hand as a referee and security and of course, helping the boys in the back as always! Still one to scout talent for SEF and offer whatever he can to newer stars, Viper has earned a retirement from SEF after being inducted into the Hall of Fame. He now embarks on a family life, but who knows where else he may decide to roam!?! On to the Board of Directors, that's where! Now he is the Owner of SEF due to being Norm all along as he simply grew a beard and got weird! Viper was the one posing as Shane "Daddy" Mack from December 2009 to Wrestle X 2012! After a battle with Gangstas Storms and Torres who formed the group CPS with their old ladies, Viper and Whitney persevered. The newly reformed DVF protects the Owner's as they run SEF how it should be! But the DVF, a wrestling stable, is no more. The Renegades of Peace, a biker club founded by Viper in '99 runs the show. In 2013, a series of attacks on the club left them with dwindling numbers, but the few members that remain are loyal as can be. Viper lays low letting his VP, Smokey, take the spotlight for announcements, or his wife, Whitney Marret. Once in a while he may surface, but its usually not Viper, but rather, Marijuana Mack, back for another crazy rant. Victor is approachable, but won't sell for you and if you try to make him, he'll shoot on you possibly shooting you dead as he is always packing heat. Whitney Marret is his wife and Victor will kill for her or his kids! Except they aren't his wife or kids as was revealed in the fall of 2013. Viper wants them as his and says his plan to get them will happen.
XWF Intercontinental Title, XWF Extreme Title, XWF Tag Team Team Title(3)
IWF Triple Crown Winner, IWF Heavyweight Title(4), IWF Intercontinental Title(2), IWF Tag Team Title(4)
IWC Heavyweight Title
EMW Tag Team Title
SEF Owner, SEF COO, SEF CEO, SEF Commissioner, SEF Manager, SEF Grand Slam Winner, SEF Triple Crown Winner, SEF World Heavyweight Title(7), SEF I-con Title(2), SEF World Tag Team Title(6), SEF International Title, SEF US Title, SEF Hardcore Title(6), SEF Xtreme Title(2), SEF Hardcore Tag Team Title(2), Co-SEF Rumble Winner(2007), SEF Fued Of The year(2002-03)(2007), SEF Impact Of The Year(2006-07), SEF Hall of Famer(Class of 2012)
Wrestling Underground Heavyweight Title
XCW Heavyweight Title
PWW Triple Crown Winner, PWW Global Heavyweight Title, PWW TV Title, PWW Tag Team Title, PWW Superstar Of The Week
BUD Franchise Title
Ring Entrance
The lights darken and The Unforgiven by Metallica plays for like twenty seconds, then finally we see Viper walk out under a single spotlight wearing his basic gear and shorts, hair wet, eyes down. The crowd all around him booing loud as Jenom steps out by his side inciting more hate so hot its blistering in here.
"Making his way to the ring from Las Vegas Nevada, weighing in at two hundred fifty five pounds and accompanied by Jenom, The Dominant Player.........VIPER!"
He raises his head up swinging his head back sharply, then marches down the aisle all business, fans patting him on the shoulders, reaching to touch him. Viper just heads down around to the side of the ring and hops up on the apron, then steps in the ring walking across to the other side and steps on the ropes thrusting a fist in the air. He backs up and does a crotch chop, then gets ready for the match as Jenom climbs in to give him a kiss.
Favorite Quote(s)
"Your looking at The Dominant Player of this Business"
"There is only one True King and it is I the King of Gods"
"I am the badass of all badasses, the Ultimate Badass"
"Call me a bastard, but that's British Bastard to you"
"There is no one else in this entire world, let alone this business, who is more collected, calm, and cool"
Favorite Weapon(s)
Sledgehammer, Chain
Favorite Match(s)
Dog Collar Match, Hell In A Cell, Japanese Deathmatch
When outside the ring Viper is normally seen dressed much like a biker, leather pants, biker boots, the leather jacket, usually a black muscle shirt under that, dark, metal framed sunglasses, and hair either down or in a tight ponytail, sometimes a black biker cap worn backwards. In the ring he wears long black tights over a singlet. The pants have a blue X on the front and VIPER on the back in blue and his boots are black lace up with matching kneepads. Wears an ol' Metallica shirt to the ring sometimes.

Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:10/10/2010 12:42 PMCopy HTML

"The Dominant Player"

December 12th, 1980

Height / Weight
6'6" / 255lbs.

London, England

Theme Music
The Unforgiven by Metallica
Domination by Pantera

Pro Debut
June 8th, 1996

Finishing Move
(Double Underhook Facebuster

Trademark Moves
Sinned (Jumping Spiral Powerbomb), Venom (Gore), Belly To Belly Suplex, Hanging Suplex, Release German Suplex, Spinebuster, Single Leg Boston Crab, Figure Four Leg Lock, Dragon Sleeper, Indian Deathlock, Modified Camel Clutch, Superplex, Dragon Suplex Pin, T-Bone Suplex, Reverse Powerbomb, Piledriver, Powerslam, Neckbreaker, Backbreaker

Wrestling Style
Power/Technical/Psychological; Viper is quite the powerhouse with his build and being as solid as he is. He can match many of the strongest men in the business, but his preference is mat wrestling, technical if you will. He can hang with anyone on the mat and out wrestle most. Very few can touch him, match him hold for hold. His mind as well is a very dangerous weapon as he can beat a man before even stepping in the ring with them, he is that good. His mat skill and his mind, Viper excels at both and you will be hard pressed to find anyone with a better mind or better technical skill than this man. He can beat you before the match mentally or break you down in the ring physically. His power as well ranks up there with the powerhouses of the business, so he is a man not be messed with. His speed is not that great as Viper's pace is more of a steady one, he likes to dictate the pace and be clever, take his time. Refuses to go to the top rope. As well, his power is up there, but he is not the most powerful man in the business. He also isn't the kind to give up quick, rarely will you see him tap out, how that is a weakness is how you want to perceive it.

Born in London England to a wealthy couple, his father austrian and his mother
english, he would never have the chance to know either one. A fire when he was only four saw his home burned to the ground with his parents inside who had been shot beforehand and Viper was left to burn alive. He escaped and ran, was found by a man who would become his mentor in wrestling, a man known as Fate. Viper was actually put through school and did well, graduated at the top of his class at fifteen and that is also when he debuted as a wrestler. At that age he got into a place called XWF and did well, even won titles and would meet his first friend. Fate being more of a father figure, his mentor, but Daddy Mack being a friend, his peer and the two clicked and cliqued, heh, they fueded, teamed up, over the years they've done a lot together, but remained best friends. Viper would work for another fed with Mack, IWF, and there is where he won his first World Title, the first of many! He worked for them and XWF and after a while he went on a journey across the world. Worked through Asia and Japan and across the ocean into the states. Worked on a west coast a lot and settled into Las Vegas, he loved the solitude of the desert, the outskirts of Vegas where no one went, so that is where he called home. Ended up getting in touch with Mack in '01 and went to Detroit to work for Wrestling Underground, a small organization that wasn't much of a company, but would come into its own after a few years. Worked for a place called IWC, though briefly, did hold the top title there. He and Mack worked in EMW for a while, did ok, but then would come SEF in '02, a company he truly become a part of. Viper came in at the very start and was the first World Champ, but would capture more titles over the years, Mack would come in and they fueded, teamed up, did it all over again. Viper stayed with SEF for years and still works for them as he always will. In '06 he found another place that he would become a part of, PWW, came in and did good, worked his way up winning title after title, dominating opponent after opponent and would became the most decorated and dominant PWW star of all time. They would close after six months, but the next year had a reunion which Viper was there for. After that he went back to SEF winning the World Title and dominating for most of '07, had an intense fued with Black Bob who would win the title from Viper. He would lay low after that and into '08 didn't do much except move back to England after having enough of America, but then PWW reopened and he came back looking to dominate like before. Still is loyal to SEF and will work for the company on a moments notice. That was early '09 and Da Gangstas would reunite and roll strong for a while, at least until the owner forced him out of SEF. Now in the end of the summer he has returned again as the ruling by the owner is no more and along with Troy Storms he's looking to get the Tag Titles. A horrible accident occured in September of '09 taking the lives of over half the roster of SEF and Viper was one, or so everyone thought. That was revealed to have been a ruse by Ric E Dangerously otherwise known as Fate otherwise known as the mentor to Viper who has to be taking what Ric did hard. But now a year later he has returned to SEF and with one goal, to run SEF as he is the man in charge, the Manager of SEF! Although never really wanting to do so Viper helped battle the DC from the office, but now SEF has found a suitable, more permeneant Manager allowing Viper to do what he does best! And he helped his IX brothers take on the DC, then he and Whitney rekindled their romance when Mack chose wrestling as his true love. Viper and Whitney are back together, so The Dominant Couple hasd reformed, but for how long before they truly settle down is hard to say!

Favorite Quotes
"Your looking at The Dominant Player of this Business"
"There is only one True King and it is I the King of Gods"
"I am the badaass of all badasses, the Ultimate Badass"
"Call me a bastard, but that's British Bastard to you"

Favorite Weapons
Sledgehammer, Chain

Favorite Matches
Dog Collar, Hell In A Cell

SEF Accomplishments
Owner, CEO, Commissioner, Manager, Grand Slam Winner, Triple Crown Winner, World Title(6), XCW Title, Underground Title, IC Title(2), World Tag Title(3), International Title, US Title, Hardcore Title(6), Hardcore Tag Title(2), Co-SEF Rumble Winner(2007), Fued Of The Year(2002-03), Impact Of The Year(2006-07)

Indy Accomplishments
IWF Triple Crown Winner, PWW Triple Crown Winner, IWF Title(4), IWC Title, PWW Title, XWF IC Title, IWF IC Title(2), PWW TV Title, XWF Extreme Title, XWF Tag Title(3), IWF Tag Title(4), EMW Tag Title, PWW Tag Title, PWW Superstar Of The Week

When outside the ring Viper is normally seen dressed much like a biker, leather pants, biker boots, the leather jacket, usually a black muscle shirt under that, dark, metal framed sunglasses, and hair either down or in a tight ponytail, sometimes a black biker cap worn backwards. In the ring he wears the same gear as HHH only his shorts have a blue X on the front and VIPER on the back in blue. Wears an ol' Metallica shirt to the ring sometimes.

Ring Entrance
The lights darken to almost completely and THE UNFORGIVEN plays for about a minute, then switches to DOMINATION and finally we see Viper walk out under a single spotlight wearing his basic gear and shorts, hair wet, eyes down. The crowd all around him cheers as he is now announced.

Making his way to the ring, fom London England, weighing in at two hundred fifty five pounds.........VIPER!

He raises his head up swinging his hair back, then marches down the aisle all business, fans patting him on the shoulders, reaching to touch him. Viper just head down around to the side of the ring and hops up on the apron, then steps in the ring walking across to the other side and steps on the ropes thrusting a fist in the air. He backs up and does a crotch chop, then gets ready for the match.

Whitney Marret

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