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universal6 star tag team

SEW Friday Night Anarchy # 6

Started by Simon Lee Nash, January 13, 2014, 01:33:42 PM

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Simon Lee Nash

11:59:59 PM Eastern on January 25th, 2014
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SEW Anarchy Owner
Kristin Fox
The Owner handles the bookings for Anarchy and its PPV's.

SEW Anarchy General Manager
Carlos Mitchell
The GM handles the bookings for Anarchy and its PPV's.


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Bon Secours Wellness Arena in Greenville, SC

Theme Music


Main Event Match
Tag team
Talyor Andrews & The Mack vs Phoenix Winterborn & Jordan Cut
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Match 4
Matt Ward vs Brady Henderson
Referee: Doug Melvin

Match 3
Street Fight
Josh Rodgers vs Simon Lee Nash
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Match 2
A Native Americano vs Griffin
Referee: Doug Melvin

Opening Match
Kristin Fox vs Kimberly Pain
Referee: Tom Walker


Welcome to Friday Night Anarchy in Greenville where the crowd is hot tonight for what looks like a good show. A Tag team match for our main event sees The Mack and Phoenix Winterborn collide for the second time this week as well as Taylor and Phoenix. Jordan Cut slacking a bit as of late which could spell certain defeat for Phoenix, but something tells me this match wasn't about the win anyways!?

Shady Smack taking a break from his blunt and whiskey to chime in.

Mack and Tina gonna fuck Phoenix up tonight, and not in the good way!!!

Nick says.

Its gonna be crazy, its Anarchy after all! We got a street fight is looking to be a bit nasty between newcomer Josh Rodgers and Simon Lee Nash who has been rolling his way through the week on a wave of momentum. A future World Champion perhaps, so Josh better be on his game. We also got Brady Henderson in action as well as A Native Americano locking horns with The Fabulous Beast, but first we see two girls kick off Friday night!

Opening Match
Kristin Fox vs Kimberly Pain
Referee: Tom Walker

Kristin waits in the ring with her hands on her hips when the SEFTRON lights up showing a scene in the dressing room where Kimberly Pain is naked bent over on the floor with that firm ass up and those lips exposed with a clean shaven pussy. Miss Pain is sucking the cock of Daddy Mack who leans back naked on a sofa just a grinning sarcastically and says.

Start the match, she'll be cumming soon!!!

The tron fading on that cheekily grin as the ref starts it and the bell sounds, then ten seconds later it ends due to a count out, but the crowd is so dead we actually hear moans from backstage and a girl shout.

OH MACK!!!!!!

Winner: Kristin Fox

Match 2
A Native Americano vs Griffin
Referee: Doug Melvin

Both men come to the middle of the ring, Griffin in a pair of red shorts with a golden lightning bolt on the back slanted across. He's got pads on his joints and boots and pumped up to go head to head with this High Chief Warrior staring him down, but The Fabulous Beast backing off to the ropes with a sarcastic grin stepping out and hopping to the floor. He walks around the ring eyeing A Native Americano who stares the beast down and the beast just backs up the aisle waving his boss off to head backstage and lose via count out.

Winner: A Native Americano

"Justice" plays over the pa as A Native Americano just exits the ring and walks to the back while Nick Miller comes to life.

The second count out of the night, but no fault of A Native Americano's who was here to fight. The Fabulous Beast no so fabulous as he walks out choosing not battle the High Chief Warrior. Maybe this street fight can offer a little more action?

Match 3
Street Fight
Josh Rodgers vs Simon Lee Nash
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Simon charging Josh looking for a clothesline, but snaps a kick up quick enough to catch his opponent in the midsection. The son of Nash with right hands to Josh's head and looks for an irish whip, but the big Rodgers reversing it sends Simon to the ropes. Josh waiting for a clothesline, but Simon ducking around for a german suplex taking the bigger man over to his back. Simon rolling from the ring to drop down and loon underneath. He finds steel pipe and slides in the ring with it ready to strike. Josh on his feet and Simon swinging, but gets ripped up  and swung around with a spinebuster. The Rodgers snatching the pipe and waits for Simon to start up when Josh cracks him over the head. Josh throwing the pipe away and motions its over with his arms, then yanks Simon up high for The Last Ride. Simon slipping down behind Josh into a neckbreaker and the son of Nash rolling up to drop a knee on the Rodgers head. Simon rolling out to search for something else under the ring pulling out a trash can full of street signs tossing it in the ring. The son of Nash finding a ballbat wrapped in barbed wire and curiously eyeballs it, then slides in the ring ready to strike again. Josh kneeling up and Simon moving in quick to smack him in the chest with the barbed wire tearing at his body. Simon jamming the end of the bat into Josh's head and rips at his forehead cutting him letting blood run down his face in a couple trickles. Simon backing up to charge with a boot to Josh's face and the Rodgers getting up to his knees waving on more. The son of Nash snatching up a cookie sheet from the trash can and smacks Josh over the head and he waves on more. Simon smack six more times, then grabs him for a ddt when Claire Fox emerges from the aisle to hop on the apron yelling and pointing towards the action. The son of Nash confused and wondering what she is doing when Josh springs up tossing Simon around in a side belly to belly suplex. Taylor Andrews runs out yanking Claire off the apron smacking her face on it, then takes her down in a sto locking on the T & A. Josh has Simon up in a firemans carry spinning him off in a tko, then goes for The Last Ride again and slams Simon to the mat covering him for the pin to win it.

Winner: Josh Rodgers

"Tom Sawyer" plays over the pa and Josh exits the ring and grabs Taylor yanking her off Claire. Taylor wrestling out of Josh's grip staring down the big Rodgers motioning to bring it on. Josh just tends to his old lady helping her to the back as Taylor heads in the ring helping Simon up and raising his arm in the air as the real winner.

Match 4
Matt Ward vs Brady Henderson
Referee: Doug Melvin

Brady waits in the ring as Matt walks down the aisle, but "Justice" interrupting and here comes A Native Americano to a turning Ward to get tackled hard to the ramp. A Native Americano pulling Matt up and driving him right into the steel steps making a lot of noise and sends steel flying. The SEF Director looks at the ref indifferently.

Start the match now.

And away he walks as the ref starts it, the bell sounds, and Brady saying.

Fuck it.

He slides out to throw Matt in and rolls in taking his time. Matt staggers up to get laid out with the Vampire Black Out and pinned to lose.

Winner: Brady Henderson

"Monster" plays over the pa and Brady getting his two titles to lift in the air and pose with arrogance as Nick Miller says.

Brady not letting us see three count outs tonight, well, unless the main event ends that way, though that is more likely to end with a DQ!!! Hell of a street fight we saw with some blood flowing and Josh picking up a big win despite the distraction from his old lady. Main event is next and its time to see what is gonna happen in this crazy set up!?!

Main Event Match
Tag team
Talyor Andrews & The Mack vs Phoenix Winterborn & Jordan Cut
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Mack and Phoenix starting this match with a lock up and the American Tradition getting placed in a side headlock. Phoenix getting Mack to the ropes and shoves him off sending The Mack shooting across to spring back into an arm drag floating through to his feet and leaps up into a dropkick sending the American Tradition down. Mack into an armbar kneeling over Phoenix and slapping his head, then let's him up whipping him into the ropes. Phoenix springing back into an arm drag from Mack and pops up to get taken down with another. Mack popping up to back up to the ropes and spring off into a baseball slide dropkick to Phoenix's head. The Mack moving into the pin,




kickout! Mack up to his feet leaping into a stomp across Phoenix's head, then yanks him up delivering chops to the American Tradition's chest lighting him up. The Mack whipping Phoenix to Taylor's corner where the Golden Gal has a boot up to nail the American Tradition in the face. Phoenix spins around to get taken into a corner and kicked in the midsection by Mack who tags out. Taylor coming in to climb up the turnbuckles over Phoenix raining down punches to his head, then she grabs his head falling back into a monkey flip. The Golden Gal backing into a corner as Phoenix gets up, then she runs out into a flying knee aimed at the American Tradition's head. Phoenix dodging it, barely, and dives to his corner making the tag. Jordan comes in as Taylor gets up and the cool cutter pausing to look a bit uncertain at the Golden Gal. Taylor taking advantage to catch Jordan with a running dropkick to his chest sinking him back to his own corner. Phoenix tagging back in to dive in at Taylor catching her with a tackle to the mat. The American Tradition pulling Taylor up for an irish whip to the ropes and looks for the Reign of Fire. Taylor ducking it the first kick and runs off the ropes leaping into a cross body block taking down Phoenix. The Golden Gal pulling Phoenix up for an irish whip, but gets reversed and springs off the ropes ducking clothesline to run into Jordan Cut on the apron sending the cool cutter to the floor. Taylor focused on Phoenix turning to spring back for a sto. Phoenix elbowing Taylor away and turns into the Reign of Fire setting up for the FireStorm. Taylor with elbows now and catches Phoenix with a roundhouse kick to the head and spins around to tag her partner. The Mack leaping to the top rope waiting for Phoenix to rise and leaps into a flying clothesline taking the American Tradition back down. Mack rolling up to his feet and sees Jordan getting to the apron, then snaps off Da Shows Ova sending him back to the floor and out of it. Phoenix getting up and charges Mack who leapfrogs the American Tradition, then springs into a jumping calf kick knocking the SEX World Champ down. Mack into the pin,




kickout! The Mack leaping up to stomp across Phoenix's forehead, then hops to the top rope flying off for the Detroit Drop, but gets knees to his midsection and rolls away holding his stomach. Phoenix getting to his knees as Mack pushes himself up and turns a bit winded to clotheslined down by the American Tradition. Phoenix driving to Taylor's corner and gets an elbow to his jaw turning him around. Mack getting up and Phoenix getting an elbow to the back of the head from Taylor who is warned by the ref. The Mack ready to strike, but Phoenix rushes him for the Reign of Fire. Mack ducking and tagging Taylor, then snaps off Da Shows Ova to Phoenix when "Justice" plays over the pa and Jordan Cut is stirring up to the steps recovering on them. Taylor comes in the ring to take Phoenix down in a sto locking in the T & A as A Native Americano comes from the crowd while the ref is focused on Phoenix. A Native Americano eyeballing Jordan and comes charging at him to tackle the cool cutter off the steps flattening him to the floor. The SEF Director on his feet in the aisle and backs up to the stage as Phoenix is in the ring struggling for a tag, for help, but has none and nowhere to go, so he gives it up to fight another night.

Winners: Taylor Andrews & The Mack

"Foxy, Foxy" plays over the pa and Taylor letting go to get up and have her arm raised. Mack coming in to celebrate with the Golden Gal and the two kiss before doing crotch chops together as Nick Miller says.

A good tag match despite Jordan's lack of a performance and getting knocked out twice so far it seems. A Native Americano with his Justice served on the cool cutter and Phoenix in a no win situation showed heart, but had to give in the end. Until we see ya on Wednesday for WAR, have a goodnight.

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