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universal6 star tag team

WAR 1/22/2014

Started by mysticbabydoll, January 20, 2014, 01:05:05 AM

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Whitney Marret
The Owner handles the bookings for WAR and its PPV's.

SEW WAR General Manager
Kira Darland
The GM handles the bookings for WAR and its PPV's.


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Rostraver Ice Gardens in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

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Match one: Dark Chaos
Description: This takes place in the broiler room, and the object of this match is to be the first to come out of the room by knocking the other one unconscious leaving them in a bloody mess
Brady Henderson vs. Josh Rodgers vs. A Native Americano
Referee: Doug Melvin

Match two: Chamber of Horrors
Description: It is a triple cage, and the object to this match is to be the first to make it to the third cage, and grab a bag that will have a slip for a future title shot at the SEF Light Heavyweight Championship.
Simon Lee Nash vs. Matt Ward
Referee: Tom Walker

Main Event: Hardcore Hotel
Host: The Mack
Guests: SEW Sports Entertainment Xtreme World Heavyweight Champion, Phoenix Winterborn
SEF 50% Owner / Chairwoman of the Board / CEO / SEW WAR Owner, Whitney Marret

Main Event Match: Hall Of Fun
Description: It is similar to a hardcore match, but instead of the opponents starting in the ring, they start backstage and the weapons are scattered around the ring. They must fight from backstage to the ring, and they can use any weapon that they wish, and it only ends in the ring when they have beaten their opponent to a bloody pulp and pinned them.
SEX World Heavyweight Championship
Taylor Andrews vs. Phoenix Winterborn w/Whitney Marret
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Card Is Subject To Change



The voice of SEF, Nick Miller, shouting out to open the show up looks excited as usual to be calling another night of action. Shady Smack next to him smoking and drinking as Nick says.

We got some unique stips in the lineup tonight with a Hardcore Hotel that may not fill the ring up as much as last week, but has our SEX World Champ and SEF Founder, a woman of many other titles as guests and maybe tonight we'll see Phoenix Winterborn finally take that next big step!?! Of course, he has to worry about Taylor Andrews in the main event in a Hall of Fun match that starts backstage and both competitors fight to the ring using whatever they find as weapons.

Shady chiming in.

Fuck Phoenix! He needs to bow down to our next queen because Taylor is taking that strap tonight! Mack should be getting a title shot, but Phoenix is too much of a pussy to face The Showsteala!!!

Nick says.

Actually, I heard from Mack himself that he has other things on his plate he wants to do before going for the World Title in SEW!?! Now how serious he was is hard to say with The Mack, but he did let me know he is always got that title in his sights. Maybe next week Phoenix will answer the challenge of Mack, or maybe Taylor will win and give Mack a shot cause we know their history and that wouldn't be farfetched to see happen!?! But tonight we got more action as with a triple cage and a Light Heavyweight Title shot on the line when Simon Lee Nash tries to live up to his fathers legacy against Matt Ward. Opening the show though is gonna take us to the depths of this arena into the boiler room where three men will compete in a Dark Chaos match. The object is to beat your opponents back enough and escape the boiler room before one of them does and anything goes, the referee stays on the outside of the door doing one job, calling who escapes the room first.

Match one: Dark Chaos
Description: This takes place in the broiler room, and the object of this match is to be the first to come out of the room by knocking the other one unconscious leaving them in a bloody mess
Brady Henderson vs. Josh Rodgers vs. A Native Americano
Referee: Doug Melvin

Entering the room first is Josh Rodgers who steps into the pale darkness with faint light making it somewhat visible. Josh creeping around cautiously looking to see if his opponents are in here yet and moves around the boiler which emits a loud humming too look for someone hiding, but no one is there. The door opens and Brady Henderson enters the room making Josh try to conceal himself behind the boiler and get around to see who enters watching the blonde haired champion look around for his opponents. Josh waiting for Brady to get closer before making an ambush, but suddenly gets slammed into the boiler from A Native Americano finally emerging from the shadows to nail a shoulder tackle. Josh frantically rolls away feeling the heat and A Native Americano ducking under a clothesline from Brady who comes around the boiler. A Native Americano and Brady turning to each other and the new Light Heavyweight Champion firing off a couple punches, but gets ripped up and slammed down in a spinebuster. The SEF CFO rolling up to his feet flipping his hair back, then pulls Josh up looking for a powerbomb. Josh fighting it and drops down to low blow A Native Americano, then shoves him backwards and runs into a bicycle kick knocking down his boss. Brady coming from behind to nail the Vampire Black Out on Josh and rolls away to his knees. The co holder of the Tag Team Titles gets up heading for the door and A Native Americano pulls himself up now. The CFO heading that way, but Josh holding his leg to trip his boss and Brady gets to the door. A Native Americano getting up to kick Josh in the head, then pulls him up into a powerbomb as Brady escapes out the door winning the match.

Winner: Brady Henderson

Before going back to ringside we cut to a scene inside a small dressing room where The Mack is leaning back on a sofa in his ring gear looking relaxed. Kimberly Pain walks in wearing a sexy bit of lacy lingerie with a red bra and black panties hugging her curves, but revealing enough skin to look quite nice. Her hair in pigtails and Mack just smiling at her.

Kimmy standing before him bending forward and flips her hair back posing that way with a seductive smile letting her tits hang down in a nice view of her curvy white breasts.

You called, Daddy!!!

Mack doing a relaxed half a crotch chop with a half cocked sarcastically cocky smirk and Kimmy licking her lips just crawls forward on to Mack kissing on his neck and down his bare torso to flip down his tights. She begins sucking his cock erecting it in a split second, then gets thrown on to her back by Mack who rips her panties of to slip his cock in her shaved pussy before we go back to ringside. Shady Smack is pissed.

What the fuck!?!?! Go back to Mack, we wanna see more!!!

Nick says.

Take it easy, we got more in ring action after that action packed Dark Chaos match, though it was shot lived as Brady picked his spot and got out of that hell. Next we got a little hell of a triple cage match called the Chamber of Horrors where to win you must climb up through all three cages to the top and retrieve a contract for a shot at the Light Heavyweight Title.

Match two: Chamber of Horrors
Description: It is a triple cage, and the object to this match is to be the first to make it to the third cage, and grab a bag that will have a slip for a future title shot at the SEF Light Heavyweight Championship.
Simon Lee Nash vs. Matt Ward
Referee: Tom Walker

Simon and Matt stands across from each other as the triple cage structure is set into place over the ring and secured. Simon looking up through the many steel walls of mesh fence, then back down to see Matt rush at him with a clothesline. The son of Nash a bit quicker as he ducks around to grab Matt in a german suplex sending the Ward over head to his stomach. Simon to his feet and off the ropes into a low dropkick smacking Matt in the face. The son of Nash rolling out of the ring to get a ladder from underneath and slides it in. Simon sliding in and sees Matt getting up, looks at the ladder and lifts it up over his shoulder. Using the ladder as a javelin he runs it into the head of Matt Ward laying him out, then stands the ladder up in the middle of the ring under the hole to get to the second cage. Simon pulling Matt up into the F-5 laying him out, then rolls out to get another ladder which he drags in the ring and up the other ladder with him to the second cage. Simon slides the ladder up in and pulls himself up into the second ladder managing to kick the ladder in the ring over to lean on the ropes. Matt getting up in a corner to look up and see Simon standing up the ladder in the second cage, so the Ward moving into action to stand up his ladder. Simon getting to the top when Matt gets to the top of the second cage and moves around up the seconds ladder as the son of Nash pulls himself into the third cage. Matt moving up willing himself to the top as Simon makes his way out the door of the third cage to climb up to the top of that cage. His opponent pulling himself into the third cage and he lunges out the door and around to climb up the cage which Simon stands on now. Matt pulling himself up and gets a kick to the back of his head. The son of Nash yanking Matt up and into an F-5 off to the top of the second cage. Simon standing up to yank down the contract and win the match.

Winner: Simon Lee Nash

"We Own It" plays over the pa as Simon stands tall with the contract in his hand, then makes a motion to a title around his waist shouting.


Simon climbing down the caged structure as Nick Miller says.

A good match with Simon dominating Matt, but a big at the end with that F-5 off the top cage to the top of the second. Next though is the Hardcore Hotel and Mack is on his way.

In the back we see Mack making his way out of a dressing room with Taylor Andrews and both look relieved, happy, sarcastic, damn, almost mirroring each other in many ways!?! They share a kiss, nothing hot, but between these two, its always hot stuff!!! They smack each on the ass and walk off separate ways, Mack disappearing into another room, so we follow Taylor who meets up with Simon coming back from his match. The Golden Gal giving him a kiss and hooks his arm to walk Simon back to his room.

Good job, now its time for you take some gold and we go head to head giving an even better match.

Simon smiling.

It feels good to be here doing this and becoming successful.

Taylor nodding like she knows.

It sure does. Let's go hang out, I got a few minutes before the main event.

Simon nodding ok.

My offer still stands by the way just throw it up.

Simon doing the wolfpac sign and Taylor does it too and brings it up to direct the son of Nash to do the same touching fingertips.

Main Event: Hardcore Hotel
Host: The Mack
Guests: SEW Sports Entertainment Xtreme World Heavyweight Champion, Phoenix Winterborn
SEF 50% Owner / Chairwoman of the Board / CEO / SEW WAR Owner, Whitney Marret

"Lowlife" plays over the pa as Mack struts his way out here donning blue jeans and sneakers with a black tee reading The Showsteala in red across the front with the sleeves torn off. Behind him is The Fabulous Beast who remains in the shadows of Mack who skips on down full of it as usual and ready for action like no one else has shown they can be. The Mack with the SEF World Title around his waist and XWF Title over a shoulder while is SEW Tag Title hangs over the other shoulder. He lays both on the apron sliding them in, then hops up all cocky and steps in dancing around into a circle dropping to a muscle pose. Mack popping up in a crotch chop, then grabs his title and lays them across his bed next his body all arrogant and sarcastic as he loosely holds a microphone up.

So it seems our SEX World Heavyweight Champion is failing to live up to his declaration of being the so called chosen one. Some people just can't live up, they just can't measure up to the hype, while guys like myself do it all on their own dime. I strolled in here because I got a call from friend twelve fucking years ago, or it will be in a few months, and he told me, were creating an empire. I couldn't resist the urge to make history and benefit from it as The Mack is gonna be a memory that remains here forever cause I may just be here forever. When my body gives out I may display it at every event in a preservation chamber, or maybe frozen, and when they figure how to reboot my body, The Showsteala comes back a thousand years from today to be number one all over again!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Mack thinking about this a bit sarcastically cool not caring one fucking bit about what he says, just letting ya know the man is and that no two bit cheap trick boy gonna run him over.

Ok, so that was an idea of the top of my head that I would do if its possible to do. Whoever can insure it happens, just name your price, but on with THIS show. We got Phoenix Winterborn...

Mack laughs a bit looking sarcastic as ever.

He be coming down as a guest and I guess we trying this again, but dawg, ya need to come correct to this ring before I give you the time of day, so get out here or just stay in the back holding your nuts. Our other guest, save the best for second, last, but not least cause she be Whitney Marret, the boss of SEF, the majority Owner, the SEW WAR Owner, and my favorite woman on this fucking planet. Now, that don't mean we agree on who we favor, but that is why she is my favorite gal. She has a spot in the Hardcore Hotel, hell, we outta make a memorial spot for her out here on this set!?! I'll have to think about that one and get back to it, or maybe I'll have all the time in the world!? Depends on if my guests get out here now or later!?!

A few seconds of silence as Mack lowers his mic to admire himself and his gold in the mirror while Griffin watches everything. All the lights go out and a single bright white spot light goes to the top of the ramp as "The Catalyst" plays over the PA system. A bunch of purple, red, blue, and green lights pulsate to the sound of the music and circle the area at the same time and a woman comes out from the back and with closer inspection, this woman is none other than the SEF Founder and War Owner, Whitney Marret wearing a black dress with strap and buckles accents on the sides, pleats with a red tartan pattern, black ruffle trim and adjustable straps that goes to her mid-thigh and she sports a necklace from Jewelmint collect called "Renegade" that is a necklace that goes down her chest and the blot at the end that's encrusted with pearls, rubies, citrines, and peridots that rests beautiful on her cleavage that only being a mom could give her and a pair of matching earrings that dangle down to her shoulders, a Three silver tone chain bracelets with "Fearless" and a small red bird on the one with the word plate on it, the same black leather "Warrior" boot, and a knee length black military jacket. She's got her dark ruby red slightly curly hair down, with each step she takes, her hair bounces and sparkles and it cascades down her back and in front over her shoulders. She walks down the ramp, slapping a few fans hands, smiling from ear to ear with a mega-bright smile, as she walks down the ramp, she sways her ass from side to side to what seems to be the rhythm of the song and keeps on walking down and reaches the steel steps as Mack strolls over to sit on the middle rope and raise the top ring rope. She walks on the apron and Whitney bending over with her ass inches from Mack's face and he is staring at the fine booty of the boss's with a very wide grin of approval. Whitney gets in the ring and Mack shortly follows. There is a mic at the end of the bed waiting for Whitney and she squats down and picks it up. Whitney spins around to find Mack waiting in front of her like an eager school boy wanting something with a smile on his face bigger than shit. Whitney steps away and looks at him with an eyebrow cocked and says.

Thank you Mack, but let's hope this week goes better than that clusterfuck last week!?!

Mack with a mic in hand sliding his other arm around Whitney's shoulders all arrogant.

Hey, I handled it all, that's why I hired the big beast over there to watch my back and take care of the light work. These kids fell into line and learned their role. Now let's hope the so called World Champ of SEW can do the same!? Of course, whether he does or not, Mack still here doing it like no one of then can anyways!!!

Whitney smiling as Mack leans on her with a sarcastic smile.

They can learn from you which is why I chose the next guest now to be the future, so he can learn from you.

They better keep up cause The Mack be learning every night.

I know Mack, and were pushing them all, were trying, its all we have done for SEF, its what I have done since I founded this place. Its what I will do when I take on Viper in the Sacrifice match. I will push my will upon him to make sure the Dominant Player dominates in SEF no more.

Mack hugging Whitney into him with a bit of a sincere smile.

You can trust me when I tell you Viper is done and its nothing he told me, its what I see from my brother in arms. Viper is done, unless I sell him my last five percent of SEF stock!?!

Whitney wide eyed and nudging Mack with her elbow.

You better not. Sell it to me first.

Whitney dead serious and Mack smirking sarcastically nodding no with his arm hugging her again and his hand moving down for boob. The boss slaps his hand back and Mack grinning cheekily.

No worries sweetheart, Viper won't get it from me, but I wish someone else would emerge to buy it from me cause I got no reason to have it except keeping it outta Viper's hands. But hey, don't we have another guest to bring out here?

Whitney smiling.

Yes we do. So Phoenix Winterborn, were waiting.

And the boss isn't waiting long as "Waiting On The Light" plays over the pa ringing the SEX World Heavyweight Champion out here. Phoenix Winterborn comes walking out taped up from Sacrifice, but is here to compete and makes his way to the ring to check into the Hardcore Hotel. The World Champ with his title over his shoulder and he steps in the ring, gets tossed a microphone by Mack pulls up his belts off the bed slinging one over each shoulder and pats the SEF Title around his waist. Mack next to Whitney and Phoenix across from the two lifts his mic to say.

Two nights ago we had a hell of a match and you bested me, but make no mistake, I am up for more, so anytime you want to go one on one with the American Tradition, here I am.

Mack shrugging with a sarcastic smirk, but maybe a bit semi serious.

How about right here tonight ya all include me in the main event where I should be and he make this real hardcore fun!?!?!

Phoenix not really liking that.

Now see, that is why I have issue with you, because of your politicking to get in matches like ya just did.

Mack confused and sarcastic as ever.

Really, sounded like a challenge from one man to another so called man, but all I ever saw from you is a boy in a man's world. Be a punk at least, be a macho man, oh yeaaaaaa, or be a warrior, be a super hero, brother, but either step up to the challenge I just laid down for YOU to answer, or deny me the match. Take Taylor on, one on one, its the smart choice no doubt cause as soon as we have a title match, you lose your title and carry more titles than god, but when your this good, there ain't enough titles to fit The Mack!!!

The Mack all smug and arrogant grinning wide and sarcastically as Phoenix seeths a little bit.

Tell ya what son, next week, you and I, one on one for your strap or one a mine, or no titles, no guts, no glory, or however that goes, we go to a hardcore WAR!?!?!?!

Mack getting up in Phoenix's face inches away with tat smug smirk letting the American Tradition he be seriously wanting more. Whitney lifting her mic to stand next to both men.

You want it Mack?! And you want it Phoenix?

Mack nodding yea as Phoenix makes a slight nod of yes.

Then next week on WAR it will be Phoenix Winterborn versus Daddy Mack in a Hardcore Hell for the SEF World Heavyweight Championship.

Mack nodding yea and drops his mic to unsnap the SEF Title from his waist and raise it in the air bringing Phoenix's eyes up to the golden strap. Phoenix lifting the SEX World Heavyweight Championship in the air and so Mack just smugly smirks as he lifts the XWF World Heavyweight and SEW WAR Tag Team Titles in the air. Then the old school sound of "Wolfpac" plays over the pa bringing out Kevin Nash in a pair of tan slacks, brown loafers, and a grey button shirt with white print on the shoulder. His hair tied back and Nash looking grizzled with a stubbled beard, but looks good as ever heading to the ring. Kevin stepping on the apron and over the top rope towards Mack who lowers is titles to his shoulders and meets Nash's wolfpac sign with his own touching fingertips. Nash begins to talk to Mack sorta low with his back to Phoenix, but nods a hello to Whitney who nods back. Mack chatting with Nash and Phoenix a bit offended pulls Nash out of his way to look at the giant. Nash a bit upset.

What the fuck is the problem kid?

Phoenix confused a bit and says.

Look man, we were finishing up business and you-

FUCK YOU! Business was over, I came out to see an old friend, or two!?

Nash nodding to Whitney, then suddenly kicks Phoenix in his midsection to snatch him up for the Jacknife Powerbomb laying out the SEX World Champion. Nash wiping his hair back smiling at his work as Whitney looks a bit upset and Mack not really caring. Mack leaving and holds the ropes for Whitney who makes her exit as we get ready for the main event. Nash following them and Griffin actually helps Phoenix out of the ring handing him his title and slaps him awake.

Get up and go whip some ass boy!

He heads to the back leaving Phoenix to lean against the ring as Nick Miller says.

Another kick ass edition of the Hardcore Hotel ends with a big powerbomb from a huge icon in this business and old friend of Mack's. But perhaps bigger is the Hardcore Hell match between Mack and Phoenix for the SEF Title!?!

Shady exhales.

Mack gonna own that boy!!!

Nick says.

Gonna be a good match, but coming up we got Phoenix defending his World Title in a Hall of Fun match that begins when he gets backstage. Hope he can get to his bat before Taylor gets to him cause he may need an advantage after that powerbomb!?!

Main Event Match: Hall Of Fun
Description: It is similar to a hardcore match, but instead of the opponents starting in the ring, they start backstage and the weapons are scattered around the ring. They must fight from backstage to the ring, and they can use any weapon that they wish, and it only ends in the ring when they have beaten their opponent to a bloody pulp and pinned them.
SEX World Heavyweight Championship
Taylor Andrews vs. Phoenix Winterborn(c) w/Whitney Marret
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Phoenix making his way to the back and heads for the locker room which Taylor comes out of with the black ball bat the American Tradition was looking for. Phoenix getting the bat jabbed into his midsection and brought up under his chin sending the SEX World Champ back against the wall to slide down on his ass. Taylor throwing the bat down and slams a knee to Phoenix's head, then pulls him up into a front facelock dragging Phoenix down the hall. The Golden Gal seeing a metal box on wheels and scoops Phoenix into a slam on the box, then pushes the American Tradition down the hall heading for the ring. Phoenix rolls off the box and up to his feet, but Taylor leaping to the box and off with a spinning roundhouse kick takes down the World Champ. Taylor pulling Phoenix up into a snap suplex on the floor, then rolls him up on to the box again and pushes him around the gorilla position to go around the stage getting the crowd popping as they see the competitors. Taylor wheeling the box into the ramp sending Phoenix rolling on to it. The Golden Gal climbing on the ramp to pull Phoenix up and run him to the ring rolling the American Tradition in under the ropes. Taylor getting a Singapore cane from under the ring and slides in smacking Phoenix across his back. The Golden Gal lighting up the World Champ and gets him up to nail a white Russian leg sweep. Taylor heading to the top rope nailing a 450 splash and makes the pin,





kickout! Miss Andrews rolling out to the floor and looks under the ring pulling a table out to a pop and grabs a trash can full of street signs. Taylor throws that in the ring and slides the table in, then rolls in to set it up near a corner. The Golden Gal kicking Phoenix in his head, then pulls him up on to the table nailing a few punches to the head. Taylor heading up to the top rope, but Phoenix meeting her up there for punches and gets beat back. The Golden Gal into a sunset flip powerbomb sending Phoenix through the table and Taylor rolls into a jackknife pin,





kickout! Taylor sitting up a bit frustrated demanding that was three and bitches out Smokey who looks indifferent. The Golden Gal pulling Phoenix up for a piledriver, but gets her legs yanked out and her midsection stomped. Phoenix with an elbow drop to her chest and rolls up with Taylor looking for a swinging neckbreaker. Taylor spinning out for an sto, but gets an elbow to the head and Phoenix into the ropes springing back for a spinning heel kick and keeps it going for the Reign of Fire. Phoenix looking for the FireStorm now, but he gets an elbow to the head and staggers away while Taylor comes off the ropes into an sto for the T & A. She gets it locked in and Phoenix tries getting to the ropes almost making it before he taps out. However, the ref doesn't acknowledge it and even nods no to Nick who rings the bell letting him now the rules stated it ends with a pin. Taylor letting go of the hold and gets up in Smokey's face livid and bitching him right out. She looks like she may hit him when Phoenix catches her in a school boy pin,




kickout! Taylor up to her feet and looks for a clothesline, but Phoenix ducking and comes back around into the Reign of Fire to set up for the FireStorm. Taylor elbowing her way out again and throws up the wolfpac sign, then kicks Phoenix in the midsection and lifts him up for a jackknife powerbomb. Phoenix flipping through grabbing Taylor to bring her down in a ddt and turns the Golden Gal over for the pin,




kickout! Simon Lee Nash comes sliding in the ring as Phoenix looks to pull Taylor up. The son of Nash running into Phoenix with a clothesline dropping the World Champ and begins to stomp away at him, then helps Taylor up who says to lay him out. Simon back to Phoenix lifting him for the F-5 when "Justice" plays over the pa bringing A Native Americano out in his swat gear. He hustles to the ring sliding in as Phoenix slips out of the F-5 shoving Simon into a hard shoulder tackle from A Native Americano. Taylor with a superkick to Phoenix sinks him back in a corner, then she gets in A Native Americano's face threatening to slap him if he don't get out of here. A Native Americano striking first with a kick to the midsection and rips her up for a slamming spinebuster with authority, then he leaves the ring kicking Simon to the back. Phoenix on his feet leaning in a corner as Taylor rolls to her stomach kneeling up and holding the back of her head. The American Tradition running out of the corner into a diving clothesline smacking Taylor back to the mat, then drags her up into the FireStorm and over into the pin,






Winner: Phoenix Winterborn

Dark Main Event Match: Triple Threat
The Mack(c) v. Phoenix Winterborn v. Taylor Andrews
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Taylor Andrews via Submission when Phoenix submits to the T & A @ 38 Minutes 4 Seconds

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