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universal6 star tag team

WAR 1/29/2014

Started by Liz, January 26, 2014, 12:41:28 AM

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11:59:59 PM on January 29th, 2014
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Whitney Marret
The Owner handles the bookings for WAR and its PPV's.

SEW WAR General Manager
Kira Darland
The GM handles the bookings for WAR and its PPV's.


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Mellon Arena in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

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Match One: Hardcore Hell
The Hardcore Hell match is the chain link cage, plus it only stands 10 feet high starting from the ring apron and has a roof. Inside in each corner are the trash cans full of weapons, win by submission only. Much the same as House of Hardcore only there is one cage and it is the new style chain link, plus it only stands 10 feet high from the ring apron. Inside in each corner are the trash cans full of weapons, win by submission only.
SEF World Heavyweight Championship
The Mack (c) vs. Phoenix Winterborn w/Whitney Marret
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Match Two: Triple Threat Scaffolding
Josh Rodgers vs. Simon Lee Nash vs. Brady Henderson
Referee: Doug Melvin

Match Two: Rage In The Cage - SEF Style
Description: It is a cage, but it has electric currents going through the cage. The only way to win is to get your opponent into the current, strip your opponent nude and then take on pinfall.
Taylor Andrews vs. Kimberly Pain
Referee: Tom Walker

Match Four: Ladder
SEW Heavyweight Championship
Simon Lee Nash v. Phoenix Winterborn(c)
Referee: Doug Melvin

Main Event Match: Hostile Takedown
Description: It is similar to a street fight, but this time it takes place outside of the arena. You can use anything to your advantage, and the winner is the one that makes it back inside of the arena and to the ring after you have knocked your opponent unconscious.
The Mack w/Griffin vs. Jordan Cut vs. A Native Americano w/Whitney Marret
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Card Is Subject To Change



The voice of SEF riled up and ready for another explosive Wednesday night show of action packed violence mixed with some sexual episodes.

Nick Miller along with my pint sized friend who seems to be enjoying a few pints and blunts as get ready to see some more unique match stipulations. Kicking off the night is an old school Hardcore Hell match which Mack has innovated for years and goes one on one with the SEW Champion. However, it is the SEF World Title on the line in this contest, but Phoenix will be defending his SEW Title later on in a Ladder match against Simon Lee Nash. The son of Nash in action in the second match of the night when he faces not only a man he got into a quick rivalry with, Josh Rodgers, but one half of the Tag Team Champs, Brady Henderson atop a structure of scaffolding. We also got a cage match with a unique stip of electrocuting your opponent before stripping them nude.

Shady chiming in now all excited.


Nick laughing a little just says.

Her opponent not likely to win anytime soon and may not even show up since she is always riding Daddy Mack's cock!?! Speaking of, Mack is another one with two matches tonight as he is in the main event with a crazy hardcore stip seeing the action begin outside the arena and the goal being to not make a fall, just beat your opponent back to the ring. A crazy night its looking to be and two World Championships are on the line and one of them up for grabs now in our opening contest of WAR.

Match One: Hardcore Hell
The Hardcore Hell match is the chain link cage, plus it only stands 10 feet high starting from the ring apron and has a roof. Inside in each corner are the trash cans full of weapons, win by submission only. Much the same as House of Hardcore only there is one cage and it is the new style chain link, plus it only stands 10 feet high from the ring apron. Inside in each corner are the trash cans full of weapons, win by submission only.
SEF World Heavyweight Championship
The Mack (c) vs. Phoenix Winterborn w/Whitney Marret
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Mack sitting up on a top turnbuckle looking in the trash can all sarcastic like the prick he is as the cage lowers down not really phasing him. Phoenix standing across the ring ready for this twist of what seems like an old match he competed in, but not really sure what he is getting into. The cage set into place and the bell ringing sets into motion the American Tradition grabbing a Singapore cane from a trash can behind him and cautiously heading across the ring. Mack still appearing oblivious as he stares in the trash can almost thinking about what to do, but flashes that trademark grin as he looks up a bit crazy eyed at Phoenix who stops to stare back. Phoenix bringing the cane up ready to swing and Mack just begins emptying the trash can throwing Singapore cans, ballbats, metal pipes, road signs, and cookie sheets at the American Tradition's feet. The American Tradition throws his cane down at the base of the trash can in front of Mack and motions him to bring it on yelling.


Mack popping over the trash can into a crotch chop and gets nailed with right hands, then whipped to the ropes. He slides back under Phoenix and pops up as the American Tradition turns to kick him in the balls. Mack leaping into a dropkick picture perfect to the chin sending Phoenix down, then rolls up grabbing a Singapore cane. Phoenix getting to his knees holding his face and nuts and Mack wasting little time to light him up with cane shots to the ribs. Phoenix trying to block the shots and Mack catching him with a shot to the head, then springs off the ropes into a running dropkick to the head. Mack heading to the top rope to flip off with a senton bomb to Phoenix, then gets up stomping over the American Tradition's head. The Mack pulling Phoenix up to deliver knife edge chops against Phoenix's chest and the American Tradition responding with some punches. Mack with a knee to Phoenix's midsection, then looks for an irish whip. Phoenix countering to send Mack into the ropes and looks for the Reign of Fire, but Mack ducking the first heel kick to ready for Da Shows Ova. Phoenix is able to duck the superkick and brings Mack down with a ddt laying both men out for a few seconds. The American Tradition pulling himself up and grabs a cookie sheet and stands up. Mack kneeling up get slammed in the head with the cookie sheet and Phoenix hitting him several times before tossing the bent cookie sheet away. Phoenix with a kick to Mack's head and grabs a metal pipe slamming it into Mack's midsection, then kneels down shoving the pipe to The Showsteala's throat choking him. Mack squirming and fighting to get free as Phoenix pushes down yelling.


Mack refusing of course and kicks his legs up driving a knee to the back of Phoenix's head then does it again and gets the American Tradition to loosen the choke. The Mack slipping away rolling to the ropes and Phoenix getting to his feet throwing the pipe across the ring. Mack ducking to let the pipe hit the cage wall and Phoenix comes running over with a clothesline. The Mack ducking around into a roundhouse kick to Phoenix's head sending him against the cage wall. Mack yanking a ballbat from a trash can and shoves it against the American Tradition's throat slamming him back against the cage. Mack letting Phoenix off the wall, then slams him back again and does this a few more times. The Mack pulling Phoenix away from the wall into a Russian leg sweep using the bat to help him perform the move, then rolls up to his feet grabbing a stop sign. Phoenix kneeling up and Mack slamming the sign down, but the American Tradition rolling out of the way at the last seconds. Mack lifting the sign back up, but Phoenix into a heel kick sending it into Mack's face, then follows up with two more for the Reign of Fire. Phoenix into the FireStorm and lays back winded a bit, but forces himself to sit up and think for a second. Then he springs into action grabbing Mack's legs to apply the American Tradition's Failed Redemption trying to make The Showsteala submit. Mack hurting, but not ready to give up and crawl his way across the ring inching his way towards a Singapore cane. Phoenix holding on to him trying to make The Showsteala give up with pain we see etched across Mack's face. Mack keeps going though and grabs the cane twisting around to slap Phoenix across his back a few times until the hold is broken. Phoenix stumbling over to a corner and where the trash can Mack emptied is and looks down seeing something. He reaches down into the trash can as Mack gets up using the cane to help him and makes his way over. Phoenix pulling a bowling ball from the trash can and heaves it around tossing it into Mack's midsection knocking him backwards to his ass. Phoenix running over with a kick to his head and pulls Mack up to run him headfirst against the cage wall, then across the ring into the other side of the cage. Mack staggering off and Phoenix into the Reign of Fire again to lay Mack out, then he heads back to the empty trash can which isn't empty since he pulls a cheese grater out. Mack kneeling up and Phoenix coming over to slam the grater over The Showsteala's forehead and grates his skin causing blood to trickle down. Phoenix lifting Mack up for the FireStorm, but gets an elbow to the head and Mack whipping around into a spinning wheel kick knocking the American Tradition down. Mack going over to the empty trash can ripping it out of the corner and slamming it down on top of Phoenix, then slides it over his head and upper torso. The Mack heading to the top rope and stands up to nearly touch the top of the cage with his fingertips before leaping up and over for the Detroit Drop smashing into the can crushing Phoenix inside. Mack rolling away holding his midsection and kneels up with blood on his face. Phoenix trying to get free and Mack comes over to stomp down where his head is, then pulls the trash can off him and yanks the American Tradition up to slam his head against the cage wall. Mack with a reverse Russian leg sweep to slam Phoenix face first into the cage wall, then yanks him back in a german suplex of the back of the American Tradition's head. The Mack rolling up to his knees winded, but flashing that grin like he ready for more and hops up to the top rope flying off with X to the American Tradition's chest. Mack popping up all fired up and stomping all over Phoenix, then pulls him up for a piledriver. Phoenix fighting it and drops down to low blow Mack, then scoops him up into a body slam and drops a knee to Mack's head. The American Tradition pulling Mack up and whipping him into the empty corner, then flies in with a knee to the midsection with a clothesline sinking Mack into the turnbuckles. Phoenix lifting Mack up to sit on the top rope and pulls him off looking for a ddt, but twists into a falcon arrow and cross armbreaker for the Eternal Ashes. Mack struggling to keep out of the hold, but Phoenix hanging on to him trying to make The Showsteala give up. Phoenix yelling to give it up and Mack ignoring him to struggle for anything he can grab as he crawls for the ropes. Mack inching his way over dragging Phoenix with him and looks to the ropes with a bloody face, then reaches grabbing them to pull himself up to a vertical position. Phoenix hanging on and keeps Mack from standing up, but The Showsteala uses the ropes to pull himself to a corner grabbing a Singapore cane and slam it into Phoenix's head. Mack keeps hitting Phoenix and leaps up stomping across his forehead, then pulls the American Tradition up into a piledriver and floats into the Show Strangla. Phoenix getting away before its locked in and clutches the bottom rope, so Mack gets up running into a baseball slide dropkick rattling the cage with Phoenix's body. Mack pulling Phoenix up so he is between the ropes and cage to slam his head into the metal wall, then hip tosses him over to the mat. The Mack leaping on to the middle ropes and springs up to really stomp Phoenix's head into the mat, spins off arrogantly and nails a standing moonsault. Mack flipping up and into the Show Strangla getting it locked in this time and squeezes tight. Phoenix going crazy trying to get free with the pain of the hold etched across his face now. Mack hangs on as the American Tradition twists around to his knees trying to pull The Showsteala up off the mat. The Mack holds on tight with the Show Strangla squeezing the life out of Phoenix who fights it enough to rip Mack up and twist around slamming him down in a sort of powerbomb driving Mack to the canvas. He let's go and Phoenix rolls away clutching his arm and neck breathing hard while Mack lays back for a few seconds a bit winded. Mack up first though and sees Phoenix stirring up to his knees, so Mack springing off the ropes into a shining wizard floors Phoenix backwards, then back into the Show Strangla he goes. Phoenix trying to keep out of it, but the hold is locked in and he goes nuts before getting a bit worn down looking to give it up. The American Tradition dragging Mack with him to reach a Singapore cane and slams it over hitting Mack wherever he can until the hold is broken. Mack rolling away to uses the ropes and stands up as Phoenix uses the cane to stand, but gets taken down with Da Shows Ova. The Mack dancing around arrogantly, then grabs Phoenix's left leg showboating before applying the figure four leg lock laying back to inch it in. Phoenix feeling the pain and shoots his head up screaming and frantically ties rolling out of it, but feeling that superkick still. Mack sitting up and holding the leg of Phoenix keeping the pressure on and the American Tradition laying back in pain ready to give it up, but refuses. Phoenix trying to crawl for help, the ropes, a weapon, then finally sits up in pain trying to grab his opponent, but Mack slapping him across the face. Phoenix falling back to pull him and Mack across the ring reaching for anything and grabs a ballbat swinging it up at Mack who falls back holding the leg. The American Tradition sitting up to slam the bat down to Mack's thighs, then rolls him over in the figure four, but Mack keeps going into the ropes and they break the hold. Mack pulling himself and Phoenix getting up leaning on the bat to turn and swing it into Mack's midsection, then shoves it to his throat holding him against the cage. Mack with a low kick to Phoenix's nuts, then lifts him up in a flapjack stepping forward to fall back smashing the American Tradition's face into the steel mesh wall. Phoenix staggering back and Mack leaping on to the middle rope flipping around into a cross body block taking down the American Tradition. Mack rolling up to stomp across Phoenix's head again, then grabs the stop sign and lays it across his chest and head. The Mack heading to the top rope to leap off with a leg drop across where Phoenix's throat should be smashing him into the mat. Mack rolling holding the back of his leg, but kicks the sign away anything else in reach, then slips down to lock on the Show Strangla. Phoenix feeling the pain in his arm and neck gasping and screaming trying to wrench around and get to his knees. Successful he is, but a bit worn down and Mack using his legs to whip Phoenix back to the mat keeping him down and choked out making him finally give up this very hardcore contest.

Winner: The Mack

"Lowlife" plays as Mack let's go of the hold rolling away to his back breathing hard. Phoenix laying back in pain with a slight bit of blood on his forehead, but not too bad. Mack with some reminisce of blood caked on his face as he stands up when the ref comes in with his title to award to him. The Mack looking down to Phoenix with a nod of respect to the American Tradition, then slaps the title to his shoulder and does a muscle pose for the crowd as Nick Miller says.

My god what a hardcore match that was and Phoenix with a valiant effort trying everything he had to make Mack give up. Can't wait to see these two lock up again if this is any indication of what we can expect the future of SEF to be!?!

Match Two: Triple Threat Scaffolding
Josh Rodgers vs. Simon Lee Nash vs. Brady Henderson
Referee: Doug Melvin

Josh out first and up on top of the scaffolding as Simon is making his way up in hot pursuit. The ring filled with tables ready for whoever takes the plunge and we see more set up on either end of the scaffolding which sits next to the ring at the end of the aisle. In the aisle are more tables set up and Brady comes out now hopping up on the tables posing arrogantly like he already won. Simon making it to the top of the fifteen foot high scaffolding to get pulled up by Josh who tries to launch the son of Nash off the other side. The son of Nash putting the brakes on to bring a foot up to Josh's midsection, then hammers him with a few quick punches. Simon schooling Josh down to the wood platform of the scaffolding which is about half the size of the ring. Josh trying to wrestle away, but Simon getting behind him in a waistlock, then slips into a side headlock. Brady comes up to run into Simon high knee to the face, then catches Josh with a superkick staggering him and runs in with a spear taking the big man down. Brady turning getting up to stalk Simon for the Vampire Black Out, but gets the son of Nash countering into a back suplex. Simon getting up to kick Josh in his head, but the big man moves out of the way and gets up to hit Simon with a boot to the head nearly knocking off the scaffolding. Josh seeing Brady get up and helps into a belly to belly suplex sends Brady across the scaffolding and he too almost rolls off of. Josh running into a punt trying as we see Taylor Andrews come running down in her ring gear to climb up the scaffolding. Brady getting kicked over the edge of the scaffolding, but hang on to the bars as Simon comes up behind Josh with forearms to the back. Simon looking for a german suplex, but gets an elbow to his head and Josh turning to punch the son of Nash back. Taylor gets up there though and waits for Simon to get beat back to make her move running into a dropkick staggering Josh to the edge of the scaffolding. She pops up and dives into Josh with both knees up driving them to his chin taking the big man over and down through a couple tables in the ring. Taylor landing over Josh to go through another table, though she was able to protect her self as she curls up to brace for impact. Brady coming up to get met with kicks and punches, then ripped for an F-5 with Simon looking to launch him off the scaffolding, however, he gets countered into a ddt. Officials are checking on Josh and Taylor while Brady pulls himself up to lift Simon for a suplex, then he leaps up high to drop an elbow on his chest. Brady pulling Simon up in a headlock looking to run him into a bulldog, but Simon shoving the Light Heavyweight Champ away to the edge of the scaffolding. Simon into a spear, but Brady leapfrogging and looks for a jumping calf kick. The son of Nash ducking and Brady goes over the edge, but manages to hang on to the bars again. Simon coming over to kick at Brady, but decides to pull him up when the co holder of the Tag Titles refuses to go away. The son of Nash flows into a ddt of his own spiking Brady so hard he flips over to his back. Simon rolling Brady up to run him over and off the scaffolding, but gets a kick to his midsection and hammered with punches. Brady backing up to deliver a clothesline, but Simon ducks only to get caught in the Vampire Black Out off the scaffolding which means both men go crash down through a couple tables in the aisle. Taylor on her feet at ringside as Josh is already helped off and she goes around the scaffolding to check on Simon showing concern for Brady as well. Both men lay out of it among the broken tables as the ref declare sit a draw and Nick Miller says.

That ending does not do this match justice for it was a good effort by all three men, especially Brady and Simon who weren't going off without taking the other with them. Some involvement from Taylor who called out Josh already, now she is giving him a real reason to take her serious and he better cause the Golden Gal ain't to be fucked with despite who she fucks. Speaking of her, she is up next inside an electric cage match titled Rage in a Cage!!!

Match Three: Rage In The Cage - SEF Style
Description: It is a cage, but it has electric currents going through the cage. The only way to win is to get your opponent into the current, strip your opponent nude and then take on pinfall.
Taylor Andrews vs. Kimberly Pain
Referee: Tom Walker

Taylor waiting in the cage as Kimmy comes strutting out naked and enters the caged ring with a microphone putting a hand on her hip looking cocky.

How about I lay down, then we go backstage, find Mack, hell, any other guys ya want too and we have a real good time!?!?!?!

Taylor grinning at that and moves in to embrace Kimmy for a kiss, but takes the back of her head and slams her face to the cage letting go before Taylor gets shocked. Kimmy shocked backwards and around into a shove back to the cage and again she staggers back from the shock to get caught with a hurricanrana. Taylor taking Kimmy through the ropes into the cage wall and miss Pain staggers back into a german suplex. Taylor stepping back to launch Kimmy back first to the cage and she is shocked again, then eats a superkick to sail her back to the cage. Kimmy staggers off from the shock and gets taken down in a sto to get locked in the T & A. She taps out right away screaming in pain, but Taylor holds on only letting go when the ref nods no as we need a pin. Taylor on her feet and runs to the rops leaping on the middle and without touching the cage she sails back in grace with a lionsault to Kimmy who she pins to end the match.

Winner: Taylor Andrews

"Foxy, Foxy" plays and Taylor gets to her feet looking to walk out of the cage touching it to make sure the electric current is off and it is it seems. She turns to see Kimmy getting up and runs into her with both knees driving her back from hitting her chin and knocking her out. Taylor springing up to climb up the cage and gets to the top flashing the rock on sign before leaping off with a eight hundred ten degree rotation splashing on to Kimmy. The Golden Gal bouncing off to her back holding her midsection, but sits up and stands with a grin. Taylor skipping out of the cage and to the back as Nick Miller says.

Not much of a match for Taylor, but she made it a bit fun for us and what a move off the top of the cage getting two full rotations before landing in a splash rocking Kimmy into the canvas. She may need to be scraped up cause Kim ain't moving?!

Shady Smack chiming in.

Dawg, let me in there to lick up the mess!?!?!?!

Match Four: Ladder
SEW Heavyweight Championship
Simon Lee Nash v. Phoenix Winterborn(c)
Referee: Doug Melvin

Phoenix and Simon standing off in the middle of the ring staring up at the SEW Title, then lower their gaze to staredown again and engage in a lock up. A pretty even match on power it seems and both men push out breaking apart and stepping back. Simon ducking into a double leg take down scurries up Phoenix's back to slap the back of his head, then spins around for a front facelock. Phoenix backing up to his feet out of the hold and Simon up with a kick to the American Tradition's midsection. Simon clamping on a side headlock and wrenches tight, then runs into a bulldog driving Phoenix facedown in the mat. Simon sliding out of the ring to grab the ladder standing up and folds it to slide in the ring. The son of Nash sliding in and springs up to kick Phoenix in his head, then yanks him up for a powerbomb. Phoenix flipping over Simon's head to drop on his feet and run to the ropes springing back into a spinning kick to set up his Reign of Fire. The American Tradition into the FireStorm, but gets an elbow to the head and Simon with forearms to the back of Phoenix grabs him in a waistlock to execute a german suplex. Phoenix landing on the back of his head and Simon rolling up to grabs the ladder and stand it up in the middle of the ring looking up at the title get it even. Simon with a kick to Phoenix's head, then pulls him up for a belly to belly suplex, but gets his head boxed by the American Tradition. Phoenix into the FireStorm laying out Simon and the American Tradition slowly getting to his feet and grabs the ladder for support looking up at the title. The current champ begins his ascent up the ladder and Simon rolling near the ropes hanging an arm on the bottom rope trying to pull himself up. Phoenix nearing the top of the ladder with a hand on the top actually and Simon gets up leaning on the ropes to look up at his opponent closing in on victory. Simon bouncing off the ropes into a running dropkick sends the ladder over to land on the ropes and Phoenix tumbles to the floor in front of the announce table. The son of Nash winded, but grabbing the ladder to steady it back in the middle of the ring and rests on the rungs looking out to see Phoenix kneeling up on the announce table using it to stand. Simon catching his breath a bit more as Phoenix turns to enter the ring, but the son of Nash runs over to dive through the ropes into a suicide headbutt smacking Phoenix back against the announce table. Nash getting to his feet and pulls Phoenix up looking for the F-5, but the American Tradition spinning out to grab Simon and pull him into the FireStorm on the floor. Phoenix crawling up and into the ring, then he heads up the ladder slower than before, but looking up and climbing for his prize. Simon getting to his knees leaning on the apron reaching for the bottom rope to pull himself up a bit shaky. Phoenix nearing the top and Simon pulls himself in the ring and to his knees crawling for the ladder to pull himself up a few rungs. The America Tradition getting up to the second rung from the top and reaches up to grab the title trying to unhook it. He steps up to the top as Simon moves off the ladder and tries pushing it over, but Phoenix unhooks the strap and falls to the mat clutching his belt.

Winner: Phoenix Winterborn

"A Light That Never Comes" plays over the pa after the ladder falls on to the ropes and Simon ducking out of the way to lean in a corner pissed he came up short. Phoenix sitting up holding the SEW Title and gets his hand raised, then Simon steps over extending a hand to help him up. Phoenix taking it and uses Simon's help to get up, then the son of Nash raising the American Tradition's arm in the air before making his exit.

Main Event Match: Hostile Takedown
Description: It is similar to a street fight, but this time it takes place outside of the arena. You can use anything to your advantage, and the winner is the one that makes it back inside of the arena and to the ring after you have knocked your opponent unconscious.
The Mack w/Griffin vs. Jordan Cut vs. A Native Americano w/Whitney Marret
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Jordan Cut heads into the arena from the parking lot, but gets tackled by A Native Americano who takes the cool cutter into a pile of metal pipes which must be a bit cold feeling the air of Pittsburgh tonight. A Native Americano in his swat gear just gets up sneering down at Jordan, then whips his long hair back to shake his head no.

Get up boy!

The SEF Director kicking at Jordan, then pulls him up, but The Mack coming from the other way since he been here before anyone else got to the Mellon Arena before The Showsteala and he sports a bandage on his forehead. Mack with a ballbat to the back of A Native Americano, then brings it in front of the Director's throat choking him. Mack stepping into a side Russian leg sweep with the bat snapping A Native Americano back to the floor, then rolls up and sees Jordan rising to snap off Da Shows Ova. The cool cutter flying back to land on a few metal pipes and is out as Mack dances arrogantly over Jordan doing crotch chops. Mack kicking A Native Americano in his head, then pulls him up into a swinging neckbreaker and springs up skipping off to turn around as he skips backwards grinning sarcastically.

See ya boys, time for The Showsteala to go win the main event!!!

He spins around jogging past the locker rooms when he stops at a small dressing room to see Kimberly Pain standing naked in the doorway. She looks a little tired from earlier, but smiles at Mack.

Come here big boy, you got time, after all, who are your opponents to stand next to you!?

Mack shrugging and moves in to take Kimmy back into the room shutting the door and soon loud moans are heard. Kimmy screaming loud echoing through the hallway.


A Native Americano comes walking by the room shaking his head at the door and just walks past, but the door opens and we wait to see Mack come out looking both ways. A Native Americano is gone and Mack walks out leaving us to glance inside at Kimmy laid back on a sofa looking comfy and happy with her legs still spread wide and a mess of cum leaking from her pussy, plus a little on her tits and stomach. Mack heading down the hall whistling and skipping when A Native Americano bursts from a room to tackle The Showsteala into a wall. A Native Americano standing up over Mack who stirs to get up and so the Director yanks up The Showsteala up his throat holding off the floor against the wall squeezing tight. Mack trying to kick free, but is pinned back, so he swats at A Native Americano's head, but the SEF Director whipping around to toss Mack down the hall into a roll. A Native Americano flipping his hair back and runs at Mack with a kick to his ribs, then keeps going towards the ring when The Fabulous Beast, Mack's bodyguard, comes from a room with a spear to the Director knocking him down. Griffin yanking A Native Americano up looking for a powerbomb, but Whitney Marret coming down the hall looking pissed with a ballbat in hand yells.

Stay out of this Griffin, its not your match!

He just nods no and Whitney stepping aside to motion someone this way and here comes Phoenix Winterborn, newest member of the Renegades of Peace who has his own bat and comes rushing into Griffin with a shot to his lower back. Phoenix beating Griffin in the midsection, then uppercuts him in the jaw and drive shim down to the floor with the bat in the beasts throat. A Native Americano getting up to look over everyone, but sees Mack last who brings his foot up for Da Shows Ova knocking the Director out. Mack stumbling and dances up and around Whitney shrugging and doing a crotch chop. Phoenix is up and Whitney nodding to hang back as this ain't his match either. Jordan Cut comes stumbling by and the Renegades of Peace let him by as we find Mack heading through the gorilla position. Jordan getting up there to head through to the ring, but as soon as he enters into the dark room Mack is waiting with a kick to the nuts. The Mack smirking sarcastically and now grabs Jordan to nail The Cutter and just pops up doing crotch chops before skipping out on to the stage to a wild crowd flashing photos relentlessly. Mack heading down the aisle to the ring and pauses to look back and shrug asking sarcastically.

You boys coming out here or what?!?

On the tron we see A Native Americano leaning on a wall refusing help from his fellow renegades, and heads this way, so Mack, he decides he is gonna draw things out a little by skipping around the ring actually slapping a few hands of the fans at ringside making their night even more special!!! He gets around to the announce table pulling Samantha up for a kiss, but just smacks her on the ass and skips by Shady to steal his fifth of Jack Daniels swallowing down a slug, yea, a slug, crazy bastard! He tosses it back to Shady as Nick says.

Well this odd, but interesting as Mack seems to be keeping this main event alive even though this is his seconds match. He must be a real glutton for something cause he seems to be thriving and here comes...Jordan Cut!?

Jordan flying out of the curtain on to the stage and he staggers up and around confused to get cut in half by A Native Americano with a hard shoulder tackle whipping the cool cutter back on the metal stage with a loud smacking thud. A Native Americano standing up and eyeballing Mack who is at the other end of the aisle smiling wide motioning to come get some. The Director nodding yes with a snarl baring a few teeth to shout.


And down A Native Americano runs, but Mack just whips on into the ring popping up into a crotch chop and his muscle pose like an arrogant fucker. A Native Americano keeps coming to slide in and pop up for another tackle, but Mack leapfrogging to ready for Da Shows Ova. A Native Americano ducking and Mack into a flying roundhouse kick dropping the Director. Whitney Marret coming out to "(Rock) Superstar" with a microphone in one hand ballbat still in the other. She stays on the stage to announce.

Jordan is out and to win, either Mack or A Native Americano must be eliminated over the top rope.

She lowers her mic and motions security out to help Jordan to the back and she exits too. Mack coming off the top rope with X to A Native Americano's chest, then pops up stomping his forehead. The Mack with a knee drop to his head and pulls up A Native Americano for a piledriver, but gets backdropped to the mat. A Native Americano pulling Mack up to run him over the top rope, but Mack goes over grabbing the top rope and swings himself in with a dropkick to A Native Americano's midsection. The Director staggers back and Mack slipping into the ring with a kick to the A Native Americano's midsection, then goes for the Mack Attack. A Native Americano twisting out to clobber Mack in the back with a forearm, then runs him to the ropes with a hand on the back of Mack's neck. Mack ducking in time to send A Native Americano over the top rope, but he lands on the apron. Mack backing up to run into a baseball slide dropkick sending A Native Americano to the floor, then lays back enjoying victory.

Winner: The Mack

"Lowlife" plays over the pa and Mack hopping up to dance around arrogantly as A Native Americano sits on the floor looking up nodding ok. The Director on his feet and walks to the back as Mack does his muscle pose and more in celebration while Nick Miller says.

Now that was a hell of a first time match called a Hostile Takedown. We had action all over this arena, from the chilly loading dock through the halls and Mack even getting a quick fuck in with Kimmy Pain. It ended in the ring and a twist was put on it due to Mack and A Native Americano entering the ring with maybe a second between them and since neither was knocked out when the other entered, we saw the stip change. A good match from Mack and A Native Americano while Jordan at least showed up, but the cool cutter needs to get back into a flow again. He had a roll going and dropped into a flop which sucks, cause I know he can do better if he tries. But hey enough for this week as we got Sacrifice this Saturday, the last one before the big fiftieth episode on our twelve year anniversary date. Until Saturday, have a goodnight folks.

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