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WAR 51 {2/9/09}

Started by Daddy Mack, March 15, 2014, 09:29:18 PM

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  • WAR

Daddy Mack

February 9th, 2009

Another week begins and it begins with SEF's WAR and tonight were in the Rostraver Ice Gardens in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Its a sold out crowd as usual and the pyro is hooting off for the start, then "War Zone" by Rob Zombie jams over the pa and the crowd is ready, everyone is on their feet screaming and waving their signs.

Nick Miller: Welcome to WAR everyone and welcome to another awesome SEF show! Tonight we got a huge main event, much like last weeks because Chris Orton takes on Mack!

Greg Boone: Hell yea he does and its time he got an ass kicking, got shown up for the rookie he is and no one else can do it like Mack.

Nick Miller: Hard to argue against Mack, but Orton has done nothing, but move up since his first day in SEF. He can hang at the top, he matched up to Viper last week and because of Mack's interferance we don't know who would have won.

Greg Boone: Please, Viper was killing him, Orton is no match for any member if IX. Whitney has owned him, Viper, and now Mack, watch and see!

Nick Miller: I will be watching and I'll be seeing one hell of a main event unless it ends in another beatdown. We do have other matches though, Chris Crest and Jason price clash after last weeks episode between the two causing the breakup of their team.

Greg Boone: Should be a good match there, two awesome technicians, but I think Crest has the edge, he's more solid and focused where as Price likes to take risks too much.

Nick Miller: You may be right, but then Price taking risks could pay off in his favor, so we'll see.

Greg Boone: Can't wait to see Destruction destroy those two hacks Haz and Joe, when they gonna learn they can't hang in SEF?!

Nick Miller: They got a lot of heart and that means they always have a place here, so what if they may not win a lot, they still love what they do.

Greg Boone: Whatever, they suck!

Nick Miller: Anyways, Jay and D-Von clash tonight and they had some words for each other that weren't too kind, should lead to a good match.

Greg Boone: A Dudley and burnout, just filler for the show.

Nick Miller: Opening the show is the World Champ who gets challenged by Mesa. Their similiar with their mysterious ways, but a distinct size advantage as well as style are their differences.

Greg Boone: Mesa did great once a couple years ago, but today I doubt he's a match for the invincible Resurrector.

Nick Miller: Ya never know, he could pose a threat to and maybe end up in line for a title shot, but we'll see.


Non Title Singles Match
Mesa v. The Resurrector

Mesa rushes Tor as soon as the bell sounds, no fear for the suicidal one as he pounds Tor with a flurry of punches. Kicks him in the midsection and the legs, runs to the ropes coming back with a low dropkick causing Tor to stumble some. Mesa stays on him like a leech and just tries to wear the big man down. Tor catches him with some uppercuts though and turns the match around tossing Mesa into the corners and charging him knocking the air right of his body. Tor stays on Mesa now and just pounds him into oblivion, hits some hard impact moves, but Mesa comes back a little showing his toughness. He gets Tor down to one knee and hits a ddt, then goes up nailing a moonsault. Tries keeping Tor down and goes back up for his finisher, but Tor doesn't stay down. He climbs up the ropes and chokeslams Mesa down to the mat, then finishes him off with Resurrection and wins the match with a pin.

Staci Sparx: Here is your winner of the match...........The Resurrector!


After a killer opening bout the pa is filled with "Sinner" by Drowning Pool and out walks Scorpion in leather pants and a sleeveless shirt. The crowd is booing him hard and Scorpion just smirks as he heads to the ring and steps in. he grabs a mic from Staci abruptly and calls for his music to cut, then raises the mic.

Scorpion: You know what, Point of Impact was my impact because you all witnessed Viper get his ass handed to him by yours truly!

Booing from the crowd.

Scorpion: Like me or not I destroyed Viper and next week for SEF's seven year anniversary I will destroy Whitney and finally get the title I deserve, the MCW Title!

More boos.

Scorpion: That's right, that's when I want my match and I've already talked to the owner himself and made it official, so Whitney, be ready to lose because that is your only future just like Viper did to me and just like Mack would do against me if he ever had the balls to face me!

Loud booing, but then "Renegades of Funk" by Rage Against The Machine hits and out walks the legendary Impact X. Mack and Viper with Whitney between them, Mack has his arm around her and Whitney holds her title on her shoulder. Cheering his heard for the group and they walk on down to the ring stepping. Scorpion steps back some being leery and cautious. Staci gets the trio a mic and Mack takes it.

MACK: Ya know something brother...we have faced each other and it seems to me I beat you at what you claimed was your own game, Hardcore Hell!

Scorpion: That was a year ago, a lot has changed, your down the hill and I'm the greatest there is.

The crowd boos.

MACK: Well ya know, man to m...boy...

Mack points at Scorpion.

MACK: I got no problem if you want another match to prove yourself, but its like I've told Orton and everyone else, I don't need to prove myself, so I could care less about wanting to face anyone. If you you or anyone wants to face me cause ya think ya can beat me, then make the challenge or stay on the porch!

Cheering for that and Mack hands the mic to Whitney.

Whitney Marret: Scorpion, before you even think of facing the big, bad mack daddy, you better remain focused on me and try not to be too distracted by my greek goddess body, wouldn't want you to lose too badly.

Scorpion just sneers as the crowd cheers.

Whitney Marret: Well, I don't really care how bad ya lose.

Scorpion: Cute, but Whitney, the only loser will be you and then you'll fit in properly with Impact X. As for your body, I'm not some desperate hasbeen like Mack and will go after anything even you with your million and one undiscovered, bruttaly disgusting, filthy diseases!

A big oooh and some boos from the crowd and Whitney's eyes light up. Mack keeps her back Viper snatches the mic.

Viper: Ok, ok, save the cheap jokes for your cheap hoes cause we all know the only you get any is by going downtown and shelling out rolls a nickels for some sleazebag. Also Scorpion, seriously, when Whitney is done kicking your ass ya best not focus on Mack cause you and I, were not finished by a longshot. You claim ya destroyed me, heh, well next time we get in the ring I'll make the team of Destruction look like a pair of schoolgirls with the destructive force that hits your body and leaves you a mess of a m...boy!

Cheering for that and Scorpion is fuming, but he backs up against the ropes.

Scorpion: I will look forward to owning you again, but for now my focus is on that MCW Title. Whitney, don't you worry, I won't lose focus, I won't be distracted, I am taking that title and putting it around a real gorgeous waist!

Scorpion drops his mic, boos are heard and he backs out of the ring hopping to the floor and walks around staring at IX who stare back. Scorpion backs up the ramp to the back and the "Renegades of Funk" play as IX then leaves the ring.


Non Title Tag Team Match
Hardcore Haz & Joe Dumar v. Thrash & Slash

A brawl with all four men starts the match, chaos a susual with Destruction and it eventually gets settled down to two men fighting in the ring. Haz and Joe fight like hell, but the power of Thrash and Slash is just overwhelming and no matter how much they take or many times they are put down which isn't a lot, they just keep coming, unstoppable monsters. Destruction isolates Haz for a while, just pummels him in their corner, toys with it seems as they could probably put him away a few times, but don't bother for a pin, just brutalize him. Haz is out of it, swinging at the air and can barely stand. He does duck a shoulder block and lunges to his corner, crawls the rest of the way making the tag and Joe so pumped up he dives over the top rope with a shoulderblock knocking Slash down. Thrash comes in and Joe buries him with punches, he holds his own really well for a few minutes against Destruction. Haz gets back into it to help him, but ends up taking a backdrop out to the floor, then Destruction closes in on Joe putting him down with Total Destruction. Haz breaks up the pin and so he gets Total Destruction as well and then Thrash and Slash get the pin.

Staci Sparx: Here are your winners of the match...........Thrash and Slash!


Singles Match
L.A. Jay v. D-Von Dudley

A basic start with a tie up, D-Von overpowering Jay into a corner and nails a few chops, then takes him out with a side headlock to the mat. Jay gets out of it wrapping his legs around D-Von's head. D-Von gets to his feet trying to lift Jay up, but he releases his legs rolling backwards springing to his feet. D-Von charges him, but Jay drops down doing the splits. D-Von turns and Jay springs his legs up to D-Von's gut and using his leg strength takes him over to his back. Jay gets up and pulls D-Von to the ropes hammering him with elbows, whips him into a corner and nails a monkey flip out of it, then takes to the air senton bomb, but D-Von gets his knees up driving them into Jay's back. Fro.m D-Von targets Jay's back with kicks and has him down dropping knees into it. He gets him in a camel clutch and has Jay screaming in pain. The hold is locked in a while, but Jay hangs in and tries powering out enough to crawl to the ropes, but can't quite make it. He refuses to give up though and D-Von stands up, then drops down on his back and re applies the hold. Jay still toughs it out powers up trying to push D-Von away. Jay crawls for the ropes almost reaching them when D-Von stands up and kicks him in the ribs, then yanks up Jay and delivers a suplex. He pulls up Jay and looks for Saving Grace, but Jay flips up and over behind D-Von, shoves him into the ropes and catches him coming back with a spinning kick. Jay leaps to the top rope and flies off for the West Coast Splash, but gets D-Von's knees into his ribs. D-Von yanks him up and hits Saving Grace and gets the pin.

Staci Sparx: Here is your winner of the match...........D-Von Dudley!


Non Title Singles Match
Jason Price v. Chris Crest

Price speared Crest at the start and mostly used his technical skill in defense when Crest tried getting the upperhand. Price stuck to some high impact risky moves and really did good, controlled most of the match that way. It was a great contest between the two, Crest did get frustrated a little because of the highflying that worked good for Price. He almost cost himself the match because of that, Price refused to let up as well. Crest got him on the mat and it seemed he was a better straight wrestler, but Price is great and was able to keep out of his clutches. Kept taking some risks, going to the air, but maybe Crest was right about the risks as Price would miss his headbutt off the top. Crest added to it with a baseball slide dropkick to his head, then a brainbuster and just kept him on the mat keeping him tied up, working his arms, then his legs and went into The Shoot, got Price locked in and after a few minutes of struggling he tapped out.

Staci Sparx: Here is your winner of the match.........Chris Crest!


Just moments before the main event and we hear "Mouth for War" by Pantera and out walks Frank E Dangerously with a mic and wearing the usual suit with his Detroit ballcap. He stays on stage and the fans cheer for him, man, they love Frankie. He just smirks and raises the mic.

FED: Alright, thank you for the welcome now on to business. Two weeks away is our most chaotic pay per view of the year, the event where we put thirty wrestlers in that ring and let them battle it out for an opportunity to face SEF's World Champ at Wrestle X. Everyone can be in, anything goes, only one can win and we'll find out who wins it this year in two weeks. Also though, at that same event, Total Anarchy, we'll see the two men we just saw clash only then it'll be for the International Title, plus its gonna be a submission match.

Cheers from the crowd for that.

FED: Now then-

Frankie is cut off by Chris Crest stepping up behind him and putting a hand on his shoulder. They face each other now.

Crest: I want that son of a bitch gone, so I tell you what Frankie, loser leaves town, so when I beat Price he leaves SEF!

FED: I will take that under advisement and talk to Price and the Owner, I don't have the power to make it.

Crest: C'mon, throw your weight around, show some of those balls you always claim to have.

Jason Price flies out from the curtain delivering Price To Play, his superkick, and lays Crest out on the stage. He looks at Frankie and the crowd is cheering.

Price: You know what, tell Crest and the Owner I accept to that match and it'll be my pleasure sending him packing!

Price turns and walks to the back and the crowd cheers.

FED: Well I'd say that's official and that match just got even bigger. Guess that's it, so sit down and get ready for our huge main event coming up, Mack and Orton one on one!

The crowd cheers, "Mouth for War" plays and Frankie turns walking to the back while a couple guard helps Crest to the back.


Main Event
Singles Match
Chris Orton v. MACK w/Whitney Marret & Viper

Staci Sparx: The following contest is the main event of the evening and it is scheduled for one fall!

"Bodies" by Drowning Pool hits the pa system, Chris Orton comes out from the curtian hears massive pop reaction makes his way down the ramp stares down his challengers, and he stops at the ends moving his neck left and right.

Staci Sparx: Now making his way to the ring from San Diego California, weighing in at 245 pounds......Chris Orton!

He walks up the steel stairs enters the ring and makes his way to the corner of the ring climbs the second turnbuckle just stares at the fans with arrogant smile come down move his arms like a circle jumps few times to lose his legs get ready for his match. Now we hear "Slave To The Grind" by Skid Row and the crowd cheers again, but some boos are heard as Mack comes walking out with Whitney on his arm Viper to his other side.

Staci Sparx: And his opponent from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at 210 pounds, he is accompanied by Whitney Marret and Viper, he is.....MACK!

The trio heads on down the ramp and gets to ringside, then Viper and Whitney each walk around a side of the ring and they all sort of surround Orton who backs up eyeing them. Mack hops up on the apron smirking and disrobes his vest, then takes his earrings out. Viper and Whitney walk around the ring and take a seat at the commentators table now, then Mack hops up on the second rope, does a crotch chop and leaps into the ring, but gets tackled by Orton and they both go through the ropes to the floor.

Nick Miller: Well this match is on and its already outside the ring and were joined by Viper and MCW Champ Whitney Marret.

Viper: Hey Nicky, how ya doing?

Whitney Marret: Yes and great job recognizing the true, real, and greatest MCW Champion!

Greg Boone: Yes indeed, its a pleasure to have some good company out here finally.

Orton and Mack are exchanging blows at the base of the ramp now, the ref at a five count and Orton gets a knee into Mack's ribs, then runs his head into the guard rail. He whips Mack into the ringpost, then runs sliding in the ring and rolls right back out. He runs at Mack clotheslining him over the guard rail, then reaches over pulling him up and over the guard rail until his legs rest on top. Orton holds him in a facelock and looks around smiling, then drops him headfirst to the floor with a ddt.

Nick Miller: Oh wow, what a viscious looking ddt that was.

Greg Boone: Please, Mack has taken way worse, he'll still kill Orton.

Viper: Your a smart man Boone.

Nick Miller: Or a kiss ass!

Whitney Marret: What was that Nicky, you want a feel a real slap?!

Orton rolls Mack in the ring and climbs up perching on the top turnbuckle. Mack pulls himself up and Orton flies off looking for a cross body or a clothesline, but doesn't hit it as Mack leaps up at the last second dropkicking him in the midsection and both men fall down. Mack stirs first, holds his head feeling the effects of the ddt still. He gets on his feet holding the ropes and Orton starts to get up. Mack runs across the ring kicking him in the ribs, then pounces down on him and just starts pounding into his head with hammer like fists. The ref issues a count and then physically pulls his arms back. Mack is up and shouting in his face.

Greg Boone: Damn it ref, you can't touch Mack.

Nick Miller: Well he can and could have dqed him instead.

Viper: Can it Nicky, Boone is right.

Orton gets up and comes up behind Mack kicking him in the back of his knee, then drops him with a backbreaker and applies a sleeper on him. He wrenches it on and Mack grabs at his hands, reaches up for his hair, but the ref warns him against it. Mack gets up to his knees and elbows Orton in the gut, then gets to his feet and pushes him to the ropes. Orton bounces back and ducks a clothesline, bounces off the ropes again and leaps up for a cross body, but so does Mack and they both go down.

Nick Miller: Oh, mid air collision.

Both men start to get up and Mack lunges down at Orton's legs keeping him down, floats around looking for a single boston crab and locks it in. Orton starts crawling for the ropes, but Mack arches back putting a knee into his back keeping Orton from going anywhere. Orton screams, tries to get to the ropes, grabs at Mack's leg, but the pain is almost too much to take. Coming down the ramp is Scorpion who leaps on the apron causing Mack release the hold and march over with arms spread inviting him in. Viper is up now and the ref is telling Scorpion to get out of here.

Nick Miller: What the hell is Scorpion doing and where's Whitney going?

Greg Boone: Beats me.

Whitney has her title and slides in the ring looking at Orton poised to strike. Viper yanks Scorpion down and the ref is out the ring trying to keep them apart, gets Scorpion heading up the ramp and starts to turn back to Viper. Scorpion turns and charges down at Viper who sees in time shoving the ref into him and he gets knocked down, then Viper tackles Scorpion to the ramp and they starts brawling. In the ring Mack turns seeing Orton stand up and Whitney ready to bash him and then the lights go out.

Nick Miller: Oh man, this again and the ref down, damn it, this coulda been a great match.

Greg Boone: Oh shut up!

After a few minutes the lights come on and Whitney is laying on her back knocked out and Orton is slumped in a corner while Mack looks around frantically and comes face to face with The Resurrector!

Nick Miller: Holy hell, its the World Champ, was it him last week as well?

Greg Boone: I'd guess yea.

Mack backs up and Tor steps towards him as Orton starts to pull himself up. Tor lunges over at Mack who ducks around and behind him. Tor turns and charges looking for a boot, but Mack gets out of the way and a recovering Orton takes it getting floored to the mat. Tor turns and gets nailed with Da Shows Ova by Mack and knocked down, but sits right up looking pissed. Viper has a sledgehammer and slides in the ring bashing Tor right between the eyes, then rolls him out to the floor and starts reviving the ref. Mack tends to Whitney now gets her out of the ring as Orton starts to recover. Viper gets the ref in the ring and Mack runs over kicking Orton in the head, rips him up and whips to the ropes. He bounces back and gets caught with Da Shows Ova and Mack pins him, 1........................2........................3!

Staci Sparx: Here is your winner of the match...........MACK!

"Slave To The Grind" by Skid Row hits and Tor gets to his feet now, ducks away from another sledgehammer shot and backs up Viper. Mack dives out of the ring at Tor tackling him to the floor, then he and Viper just start beating the hell out of him. Whitney gets her title and comes over delivering some kicks to Tor and they back off, he sits up and then IX heads up the ramp getting away from him.

Nick Miller: What a twisted outcome, a great match ruined, but a mystery revealed and Tor seems to be invincible and targeting Impact X.

Greg Boone: Yea, but I don't know if even he can take out IX, he should just destroy Orton.

Nick Miller: I doubt Tor cared that he took down Orton tonight, so that could be possible to see them two clash. I guess we'll find out sometime, maybe next week, maybe Total Anarchy, but right now WAR is at an end. Don't miss next weeks show as its SEF's seven year anniversary show and we found out tonight Scorpion challenges Whitney Marret for the MCW Title!

And with that we hear "War Zone" by Rob Zombie play as Orton is seen heading up the ramp, the crowd is cheering and the show ends by fading to black.

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