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WAR 59 {4/6/09}

Started by Daddy Mack, March 15, 2014, 10:12:29 PM

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Daddy Mack

April 6th, 2009

That time of week again and SEF is still in the south, this time at The Cell in Moulton Alabama which is sold out with a fired up crowd waiting for a great show. Pyro shoots off the stage and "War Zone" by Rob Zombie blasts over the pa pumping up the crowd even more. The signs are seen all over the place, the fans screaming as loud as they can.

Nick Miller: Hello everyone and welcome to WAR once again for all you diehard fans and to anyone new watching, welcome to the most extreme wrestling today! Tonight we see an ol' title brought back for women only, its the X Diva Title, its orgins from DOGG and tonight the greatest woman in SEF history Whitney Marret fights her fathers girlfriend to see who becomes the new champ. That match outta be a good one, lot of personal rivalry involved and with the boss' gril involved we may see another screwjob, but hopefully not. Got a big six man tag with the World Champ teaming up with two new kid, the Drakmen brothers, both successful in their debuts which were in singles action. Tonight its tag and ya have to believe brothers will do good together, though they and Scorpion have displayed dislike for the other, plus that team faces Da Gangstas who are as close as any brothers and the Tag Champs. They team with Chris Orton who could be our World Champ in a few weeks. More women in action as Cherry Demented faces Taylor Johnson, the two with some words earlier and this may end up being a hell of a battle, especially wince the winner could be in contention for a Diva Title shot. We see Matt Ward and Joe Dumar square off while Phoenix Winterborn who's still here amazingly faces Logan Dudley, now lets get to the action!

So we get right to, no one comes out to cut it promo, we just hear "Warrior" by Lloyd Banks plays and the crowd boos some as Matt comes walking out raising a fist in the air

Sapporo: The following is our opening match scheduled for one fall. Making his way to the ring from Chicago Illinois, weighing in at 310 pounds......Matt Ward!

Sauntering down the ramp now and Matt gets to the ring stepping on the apron and then into the ring raising his arms in the air. A white light flickers as "Rise" by Pantera hits and the crowd cheers for Joe who walks out and yells while doing the crucifix pose.

Sapporo: And his opponent, making his way out here from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at 236 pounds, he is the Messiah of Violence........Joe Dumar!

Joe heads down the ramp high fiving the fans, as many as he can before getting to the ring and rolling in. He stands to his feet and does the crucifix pose again. Matt comes charging over for a big boot, but Joe sidesteps him and runs to the other side of the ring bouncing off the ropes. Matt turns around and gets hit with a spear by Joe who lays in a few punches before Matt pushes him off. Joe rolls out to the floor reaching under the ring. Matt slides out and Joe pulls a singapore cane out swinging up catching Matt in the head, then gets to his feet and cracks him in the ribs a few times. Joe drops him with a russian leg sweep using the cane, then gets up and tosses the cane in the ring.

Nick Miller: This one turning hardcore quick.

Joe rolls Matt into the ring, then grabs a chair and slides in the ring. He sets it up near a corner, then pulls up Matt sitting him on the chair and leaning his head over the back of it, his face looking down at the canvas. Joe picks up the cane cracking over Matt's back, then the back of his head and drops it. He climbs to the top turnbuckle now and leaps off with a leg drop to the back of Matt's head, falls to his back and Matt rolls off the chair clutching his throat gasping for air, the crowd chanting Holy Shit!

Nick Miller: Good god what a sick move that was, Joe damn near decapitated Matt!

Joe gets up and kicks Matt in the head, then raises him up, hooks his arms and delivers the Violent Impact and pins him, 1..................2.................3!

Sapporo:  Here is your winner of the match........Joe Dumar!

We hear "Rise" by Pantera hit, but the crowd boos as they see Logan Dudley jump the rail and leap up on the ring leaping to the top rope and off behind Joe delivering a bulldog to him. He grabs the chair now and smashes it to the back of Joe's head, and then does it again and again and then drops the chair. The crowd is really letting him have it, boos fill the place and Logan just sneers down at Joe, then exits the ring heading up the ramp.

Nick Miller: Well Joe picked up the win and a dominant one at that, but Logan showing the two have not settled a damn thing.

Matt is staggering to the back now as the ref helps Joe out of the ring and we go to the back now where we see the one and only, the original and he was referring to himself that way long before AJ Styles ever did and that's a shoot! Anyways, Mack is who we see if ya can't figure it out and he stands with Smokey McWeed and the two are smoking a joint, blazing right up, Smokey holds a mic in one hand, takes a big hit and passes it. Mack eyes the camera now and freezes, but eyes the joint and shrugs taking a big hit, then lowers it outta view snuffing it out. Smokey looks at him kinda mad, whoa, Smokey mad? Well not really, stunned maybe more so, anyways, Mack nods to the camera and Smokey looks, he freezes and they both exhale now and just grin. Smokey then raises his mic, pats it to see if its on and we hear that high pitch indicating it is and once both men get over that wake up call, Smokey speaks.

Smokey McWeed: Ok, well first off, Mack, that shit was awesome and I need some, so when were done...

MACK: Yea bro, I get ya!

Smokey McWeed: Cool, so now, you asked for this spot, this time, what's on your crazy mind?

MACK: Well I been thinking that since I can't wrestle in SEF no more, rather than up and leave all the fans who wanna see me in some form, well maybe its time the big, bad mack daddy brought back something innovative, an original show from back in the day, one where oh say me...Mack goes out on a Mission...

A huge pop is heard from the crowd now and chants of M...O...M fill the arena.

Smokey McWeed: Oh, you mean Mack On-

MACK: Yea, you know it, they all know it, but ya know, its a maybe kinda deal cause maybe I outta bring back another original show of mine, one where I simply go to the ring and pretty much do what you do back here only I'd ask even harder questions and as seen in my past some weird ones as well, so maybe I outta go with that hardcore show of mine.

Another pop, but not as loud, so it seems like the fans want the first one.

MACK: Heh, ya can tell what the people want and although I am partial to the hardcore bit, maybe I could do both...mix the shows together...maybe!

Now we hear a huge pop, one a deaf man could hear, goddamn it Mack, stop being so damn good.

Smokey McWeed: So which one is it?

MACK: Ya know bro, I don't really know. I don't know if I'm ready to bring one of them or both and be able to live up to the legacy I created with them both, I just don't know.

Smokey McWeed: Aw c'mon, ya can't just tease and then not do anything.

MACK: Well as a matter of fact I can, I always have, but I always come through in the end and one or both of these shows will be coming back, mark my words, bank on it, do whatever cliche, Mack is coming back to that ring either on a mission or getting to the hardcore facts, regardless Mack is back. Now Smoke, lets go do just that!

Smokey smiles now and the two walk off outta view, the crowd is going insane chanting D-Mack...D-Mack...D-Mack...D-Mack and then we cut away to a commercial.

The lights flicker throughout the arena as "Pretty Like Drugs" by Queen Adreena plays before the sold out crowd. Cherry comes out headbanging to her theme and throwing up the devil horns before she spins around and flips the people in the crowd off with her middle fingers.

Sapporo: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Making her way to the ring from Springfield Missouri, weighing in at 120 pounds......Cherry Demented!

She then jogs down to the ring and slides in, headbanging some and then flipping the fans off some more. She gives them a crotch chop before the match starts. "Spirt " hits out come Taylor Johnson and she makes her way to the ring as she slaps some fans a high-5 and then makes her way to the ring.

Sapporo: And her opponent, making her way to the ring from Tor Canada, weighing in at 122 pounds..........Taylor Johnson.

Taylor comes out and gets in the ring and she puts her finger up and smiles at her fans as she gets ready for war. The bell rings and the women lock up now, pretty even on power and they circle around for like a minute trying to force the other back with no success. They finally break pushing each other back a few paces, then step close going nose to nose. Cherry slaps Taylor who responds with a slap right back to her and then the fists fly from both. Cherry gets overwhelmed backing to a corner and ducks out between the ropes. The ref orders Taylor back and she listens, but Cherry rushes her with tackle pushing Taylor across the ring into the opposite corner and starts burying her shoulder to Taylor's stomach. Cherry lifts her to the top rope and climbs up for a superplex, no, Taylor fires punches at her, then shoves her down to the mat and leaps off with an elbow drop, but Cherry moves.

Nick Miller: Oh man, no one home for Taylor coming off that top rope, good match so far from both though.

Cherry is up and stomps at Taylor, kicks her in the head, then lifts her up and and does a crotch chop looking for Suck This, but Taylor grabs her foot and spins Cherry around, then charges at her from behind taking Cherry down witha  bulldog. Taylor turns her over keeping a side headlock on her partially and hammers her with punches. The ref issuing a count gets to four and Taylor stops. She raises Cherry up turning and running forward hitting another bulldog, then lifts her up again. Taylor points a finger to the air and runs forward for another, but Cherry shoves Taylor to the ropes. She grabs them and Cherry charges for a clothesline, but Taylor ducks backdropping Cherry out to the floor. She then catapults herself over them crashing down on Cherry with a splash.

Nick Miller: These women are giving us a good match here, nice outing by both.

Taylor pulls Cherry up and runs her to a ringpost, but Cherry gets a foot and elbows Taylor in the stomach. She bashes Taylor's head to the post, then delivers a russian leg sweep slamming Taylor against the guard rail. Cherry gets a lead pipe from under the ring and slides in the ring, then rolls Taylor in and Cherry now climbs up to the top rope. She waits for Taylor to get up, then flies off for a cross body it seems, but Taylor leaps up with a dropkick to Cherry's midsection and both women fall to the mat. Taylor is up first and picks up Cherry delivering a snap suplex, then rolls over on top of her and stands up stomping on her stomach. She runs to the ropes and comes back with a baseball slide dropkick to Cherry's ribs. Taylor gets up and turns Cherry over dropping a knee to her back, then starts pounding at the back of her head.

Nick Miller: Man, Taylor is getting nuts here, but I guess its effective.

Taylor gets up and kicks at the back of Cherry's knees, then lifts her legs turning her over and tries stepping into a sharpshooter. Cherry scoots backwards keeping out of the hold and gets to the ropes. Taylor runs at her nailing a kick to her head, then yanks up Cherry in a facelock looking for a ddt. Cherry lifts Taylor off the mat and tries hitting a northern lights suplex, but gets an elbow to her back. Taylor hits the ddt now and goes for the pin, 1...............2...........kickout! She gets up yanking up Cherry and grabs her for a kiss, but gets a hard kick to her knee, then Cherry shoves Taylor backwards. Taylor charges back at her, but Cherry ducks and spins around with a kick to her back, then drops Taylor with a reverse ddt. She gets up and goes over picking up the lead pipe and taps it to her free hand, the crowd booing.

Nick Miller: Uh oh, looks like Cherry is finally able to get a hold of that pipe she put in the ring. If she uses it this match may be over.

Taylor starts to get up and Cherry rushes over slamming the pipe to her stomach, then raises it the air getting rained with boos. Cherry swings the pipe down across the back of Taylor and she goes to her knees. Cherry drops it and lifts up Taylor whipping her to the ropes, flips her off and then as Taylor comes back kicks her in the stomach and Fuck Off...no, Taylor pushes Cherry away. Cherry turns quick and Taylor whips around with a spinning kick to her stomach, then grabs her in a side headlock and nails a bulldog.

Nick Miller: Cherry almost ended the match and I thought she would hit Fuck Off, but somehow Taylor kept out of it and countered her.

Taylor is getting up slowly, but pulls up Cherry with her and grabs her for a kiss planting it on Cherry, then backs up for The Last Kiss. Cherry ducks it and leaps up behind Taylor rolling her into a pin and ripping up on her tights, 1...............2..............3!

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match........Cherry Demented!

Boos from the crowd and "Pretty Like Drugs" by Queen Adreena plays as Cherry rolls from the ring raising her arms in the air. Taylor gets up and is pissed yelling at the ref, then pointing at Cherry saying were not done. Cherry just backs up the ramp rolling her eyes and grinning.

Nick Miller: Well Cherry wins it, though she did cheat because even in SEF grabbing the tights is illegal. Still, she pulled out a win in her a debut, made an enemy of Taylor also.

Taylor makes her exit now as we get set for the big sx man tag coming up and once Taylor is gone no time is wasted. We hear "Bodies" by Drowning Pool hit the pa system, Chris Orton comes out from the curtian hearing the crowd pop. He makes his way down the ramp and he stops at the end moving his neck left and right.

Sapporo: The following is a six man tag team match scheduled for one fall. Now making his way to the ring from San Diego California, weighing in at 245 pounds......Chris Orton!

He walks up the steel stairs, enters the ring, makes his way to the corner of the ring, climbs the second turnbuckle, just stares at the fans with an arrogant smile and comes down moving his arms like a circle. He jumps a few times to loosen his legs to get ready for his match. The crowd keeps cheering as "Cowboys From Hell" by Pantera now plays and out walks the Tag Champs, Xanthus and Nick Torres wearing their gold and grinning.

Sapporo: And his partners at a combined weight of 475 pounds, they are the World Tag Team Champions.....Nick Torres and Xanthus!

The team representing Da Gangstas swaggers on down the ramp, get pats on the back from the fans, then X slides inside and stands up, he and Orton staring down. Torres comes up via the steps and gets in the ring putting ana rm around both and telling them were a team, then he and X take off their titles. "Sinner" by Drowning Pool kicks in and the lights flash a little as Scorpion comes out and the crowd just boos as loud as they can.

Sapporo: And one of their opponents, making his way to the ring from Amarillo Texas, weighing in at 220 pounds, he is the World Heavyweight Champion....Scorpion!

With the title around his waist and sporting his tights with the superman logo, Scorpion walks down the ramp with cocky steps and a smirk across his face. He gets to the ring taking his time getting in and then unstraps the title raising it high, flaunting it. Orton stares at him, then the title. "How I Live" by Twizted begins to play over the public announce, blue smoke rises from either side of the stage and Joey steps out from behind the curtain. He pulls a cigarette and lighter out of his pocket, places the filter in between his lips and lights up as the music switches to "Feel Me" by Twiztid and green pyros rain onto the stage in a shower of light and Josh steps out from behind the curtain. He takes a moment on the stage to drink in his surroundings, as the pryos thin and then stop, slaps his brothers hand before they make their way down the ramp. As they walk down the ramp on either side of them colourful signs wave widely, people scream and yell obscenities and occasionally a member of the audience flips them the bird the announcer speaks.

Sapporo: And his partners, making his way to the ring from Oakland California, weighing in together at 485 pounds.......Joey and Josh Drakmen!

Joey stands next to the ring tosses his cigarette butt onto the floor and puts it out with the toe of his boot, he then slides into the ring under the ropes while Josh reaches the ring he hops up onto the apron and steps into the ring between the top and middle ropes and stands by his brother. Orton tells his partners he wants to start, so Torres and X let him. Scorpion tells Joey and Josh one of them can start and steps out. Josh says he will, so Joey steps out and the bell rings. Josh and Orton circle and move into a lock up now, evenly matched it seems. Orton ends up pushing Josh to a corner, but gets a knee to his gut and Josh turns Orton into the corner and starts hammering him with punches. The ref issues a count and Josh backs off. Orton steps out and the two go for another lock up, but this time Orton nails a gut to Josh's gut and whips him to the ropes. he bounces back and Orton leaps up nailing him with a dropkick. He stands up raising his arms in the air, then pulls up Josh nailing a european uppercut, whips him to the ropes again and looks for a clothesline. Josh ducks him and turns around nailing a knee to Orton's back, then quickly drops him with a reverse ddt.

Nick Miller: Good start to this big match and Josh has Orton down, kid could be showing he's somebody here tonight.

Josh has Orton in a sleeper now, wrenches it on tight, but this early Orton is too fresh and fights like hell to get free. He gets to his feet and lands a few elbows, but Josh lets go backing up. Orton turns and Josh bolts at him with a spear taking Orton down and punches him hard. He gets up pulling Orton to his feet and walks him over tagging Joey. Josh applies a hammerlock and Joey leaps off the top rope with a double axe handle smash to Orton's shoulder. Josh steps out and Joey arm drags Orton to the mat, then applies an armbar on him. Orton fights up from this and tries reaching around for a punh, then an elbow, but hits neither. He backs Joey to a corner and the ref breaks them up. Joey reaches out with a slap to Orton who comes at him and Joey drop toe holds him into the turnbuckles. He gets on his back nailing forearms, but the ref pulls him off telling him to stay outta the ropes. Joey pushes the ref and before he responds Orton shoves Joey backwards, then charges him with a hard clothesline snapping Joey to the canvas.

Nick Miller: Oh damn, Orton nearly took the kids head off.

Orton staggers and pulls up Joey hitting a body slam near his corner, then tags Xanthus who leaps to the top rope and comes flying down with a 450 splash to Joey and pins him, 1................2........kickout!

Nick Miller: The two highflyers of the match in the ring together, this could be exciting!

X sits on Joey hammering him with punches, then gets up pulling Joey up and delivers a snap suplex to him. X runs to the ropes, but Scorpion steps down enough slamming a knee to his back, then gets back to his corner quickly. Joey gets up and runs at X leaping up taking him down with a hurricanrana. X springs up, but Joey is up first and dropkicks him sending X to a corner. He charges in with a clothesline, then runs out with a bulldog, no, Joey puts the brakes on and turns delivering Twizted Thoughts, then he goes up to the top rope and leaps off for Chainsmoker. Xanthus rolls away at the last second and Joey slams against the mat. X gets to his feet and runs to the ropes coming back with a dropkick to Joey's ribs, then kneels up pounding him in the face, pulls Joey up and looks for the Ghetto Busta. Joey runs him against the ropes, but X drives an elbow to his back, then rips Joey up and hits a powerbomb on him. X goes to the top rope now and leaps off for the Gangsta Splash, but misses by an inch when Joey rolls out of the way and he now slams to the mat.

Nick Miller: Both tried their high risks finishers and both missed. They need to make a tag and whoever does first their team may have it won.

Joey is almost to his corner as X is recovering and looks to his corner, then starts to push himself up. Joey reaches out and Scorpion gets the tag now, but X is up and dives slapping Torres hand who comes in meeting Scorpion with punches. The two trade them back and forth, then Torres knees Scorpion to the gut and runs him facefirst to a corner. He starts unloading with punches, chops him to the chest, then backs off for the ref. Scorpion charges out, but Scorpion sidesteps him some, knees him to the gut and gets him trapped in the Seattle Stretch.

Nick Miller: Both men are fresh still in this match and Torres has Scorpion in that abdominal stretch of his, but we have to take a break. Stay tuned folks, we'll have more of this in just a few minutes!

Back from break and we find Torres in a corner getting chopped by Scorpion who then takes him out with a snapmare and locks in a sleeper.

Nick Miller: Welcome back folks, just as we went to break a small brawl started when Josh ran in putting Torres down, everyone came in, then the ref restored order and Scorpion was able to keep control of the match.

Scorpion has the hold clamped on tight, Torres fighting it, but Scorpion gets on his feet pushing all his weight on Torres neck. He continues to fight and stay conscious, but loses a little of the fight. Scorpion ends up letting go and kicks Torres in the back, then backs up to the corner and gets on the middle turnbuckle. Torres starts to get up and Scorpion leaps off grabbing him by the head hitting a bulldog. He rolls Torres over and pins, 1.................2........kickout! Scorpion kneels up and punches Torres, then yanks him up getting him in a facelock and drags him back tagging Josh who comes in kicking Torres in the gut. He pounds him across the back with forearms, then tries lifting him for a powerbomb while facing the corner. Torres blocks it keeping on the mat and pulls Josh's legs out slamming him to the mat, then runs forward stomping on his chest.

Nick Miller: If Josh coulda hit that Carnie Ride of his this match could have been over I'd say.

Torres drops an elbow to Josh now, then sits him up applying a rear chinlock. Joey comes flying in off the top rope with a dropkick to Torres knocking him down. Xanthus runs in at Joey hammering him with punches, then tosses him over the top rope. Joey staggers against the rail and X drops Josh with the Ghetto Busta, then comes flying out with a senton bomb. Joey dives down at the ring nearly going under it as X hits the top of the rail with his neck and flips over among the fans and just lays there not moving. Scorpion is in the ring ready to hit Torres with a superkick when Orton charges in dropping Scorpion with Nowhere To Run. He gets up and Joey grabs Orton dropping him with Twizted Thoughts, then gets up and is hit wioth a big boot from Torres. Joey hits the ropes and Torres lifts him hitting The Westside. He gets up and Josh charges over hammering him with punches. Torres fires back and then drops down pushing Josh into a corner facefirst. He gets behind back to back and lifts Josh up delivering the Gangstas Edge, then pins him, 1..................2.................3!

Sapporo: Here are your winners of the match........Chris Orton, Nick Torres, and Xanthus!

"Regular People" by Pantera hits as Torres stands up and helps up Orton raising his hand, then looks for X and sees hims till laying out by the fans, so he heads out there.

Nick Miller: Wow, what a match that was and what an ending, a big ol' melee brawl with Da Gangstas and Orton winning, but I wonder why Xanthus isn't up yet?

Torres is checking on his friend as Orton stands by the rail looking on. Some medics come out with a stretcher and check on him, get a neckbrace on him and carefully lift him to the stretcher, then roll him outta there with Torres following. Orton heads out and the other three from the match are gone now.

Nick Miller: I hope Xanthus is ok, I'll keep everyone posted if I am told anything, but up next is Logan Dudley and Phoenix Winterborn, so lets get on with it.

Red spotlights start swirling around the arena as the opening chords of Anberlin's "The Resistance" start blaring through the loudspeakers in the ring. Phoenix Winterborn comes out to waves of boos from the crowd as the main song kicks in.

Sapporo: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Now entering the arena from Oceanside, California weighing in at two hundred and thirty two pounds..."The American Tradition" Phoenix Winterborn!

Moving from one side of the stage to the other, he taunts the fans right before the chorus kicks in.

Speak for yourself, you paper tigers!
You'll crash when you stand, you've got a riot on your hands!
Speak for yourself, you paper tigers!
Too late to make demands, you've got a riot on your hands!"

Phoenix dashes down towards the ring to get his blood running and slides in the ring. He looks around the ring before walking up to the far turnbuckle, posing for the fans who boo him as his music starts to die down. "Just To Get High" by Nickelback is heard and out comes Logan to boos from the crowd.

Sapporo: And his opponent, making his way to the ring from Erie Pennsylvania, weighing in at 204 pounds.......Logan Dudley!

He heads down the ramp focused on the ring and tries to ignore the boos. Logan slides in the ring and stands up turning around. He and Phoenix stare at each other, the bell rings and Phoenix rushes over. Logan ducks and both turn, Logan leaping up and bringing Phoenix down with a hurricanrana. They both spring up and Logan nails chops to Phoenix's chest, whips him to a corner and runs at him leaping with a knee to his head, then drives him out to the mat with a bulldog. Logan pulls up Phoenix and delivers a piuledriver on him, then runs to the ropes and comes sliding back with a dropkick to his head. He gets up and stomps on Phoenix's head, then lifts him up delivering a brainhuster, drags him near a corner and climbs to the top rope.

Nick Miller: Logan dominating Phoenix and it seems he may going for his finisher, this quick though?!

Logan stands up on the top rope and leaps off the shooting star landing it and turns Phoenix over applying a crossface.

Nick Miller: He hit the Starcross and has it locked in, will Phoenix tap?

Nick's question is answered quickly as Phoenix taps like a drunk man.

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match........Logan Dudley!

"Just To Get High" by Nickelback hits as Logan stands up raising his arms in the air. Joe Dumar is running down the ramp and slides in the ring. Logan is turning and Joe charges tackling him into a corner, unloads with punches, then lifts him up to the top rope and climbs up delivering a superplex. Joe gets up and pulls Logan up giving him the Violent Impact and the crowd is unglued with cheers.

Nick Miller: Logan with a quick win over Phoenix and Joe with revenge from earlier lays out Logan, these two definitely have a war to finish.

Phoenix stumbles to the back as Joe now makes his exit among the fans and Logan is helped out of the ring. Were ready to roll into our main event and we soon hear "Politics" bu Korn and out walks Richard Martin in a sleeveless ref shirt. The crowd boos him and Ric just heads to the ring with as smirk.

Nick Miller: What is this, the boss in a ref shirt and his girlfriend in the next match, uh oh.

Ric gets in the ring and tells the ref to get out and take the reast of the night off, so he does. The crowd is still booing, but then "Money, Power, and Respect" by The LOX hits as blue, green, and red lights circle the arena with matching pyro going off. Then Whitney comes out and poses for the crowd at the top of the ramp with Mack who slides an arm around her waist, the crowd cheering insanely.

Sapporo: The following is the main event scheduled for one fall and is for the SEF X Diva Title! Making her way to the ring, hailing from Detroit, Michigan, she weighs 145 pounds and is accompanied by Mack, she is Whitney Marret!

The couple makes their way to the ring and Mack hops on the apron as Whitney climbs the steel steps. Once inside the ring Whitney goes to the middle of the middle of the ring and throws her hands and arms in the air while Mack holds her from behind. She lowers her arms and kisses Mack, then gets ready for her match. Mack hops ou tof the ring and both keep their eye on Ric. "Don't Cha" by The Pussycat Dolls hits and the crowd boos as Staci struts out on the stage flaunting her body and looking stuck up.

Sapporo: And her opponent, making her way to the ring from Los Angelos California, weighing in at 125 pounds......Staci Sparx!

Staci struts down the ramp still flaunting her body, runs her hands up and down her curves, then gets to the ring steps and heads up them into the ring. Staci looks out at Mack and winks, then turns and gets hammered with elbows from Whitney. Ric pulls her off and tells her to watch it or she's dqed and the crowd just boos. Staci rushes past Ric clawing at Whitney's face, then tosses her into a corner and starts kicking at her midsection, nails elbows to her face, then hits a few chops, Ric just letting do it as long as she wants, no count.

Nick Miller: What the hell, this is not fair at all.

Staci whips Whitney across the ring and charges her, but gets a foot to her face, then Whitney whips her into the corner and starts unloading with elbows. Ric pulls her back now telling her stay out of the ropes and Whitney sla[ps him across the face, then kicks him in the gut and delivers Southern Pride to a huge ovation...Thank You Whitney...Thank You Whitney...Thank You Whitney, but Staci rushes out kicking Whitney in the head and jumps on her with punches.

Nick Miller: I guess Whitney could only take so much of her dads shit and now we got no ref, Staci is in control and we got a commercial. Stay with us folks, this one is just getting good!


We come back from commercial and find Ric is gone, the ref, Bob, is back out here and Staci is still in control with a sleeper clamped on Whitney who is fighting to get free.

Nick Miller: Staci kept on Whitney during the breaking working on her neck some, almost lost control after a missed clothesline, but somehow got Whitney grounded again and is looking to put her away with this sleeper.

Whitney gets on her knees, but Staci slams a knee to her back and lets go pulling on her hair now. She lets go quickly and whips Whitney to the ropes, leaps up for a dropkick, but Whitney stops short letting Staci fall to the mat. Whitney leaps forward for a stomp to her chest, but Staci rolls away and gets up rushing her from behind grabbing Whitney in a waistlock. She tries for a german suplex, but Whitney leaps up and rolls Staci down into a pin, 1................2.........kickout! They both spring up and trade punches, Whitney takes Staci back against the ropes, then whips her across the ring. Staci bounces back and Whitney meers her in the middle with a hard spear and lays in punches to her.

Nick Miller: Whitney with a nice counter out of that attempted german and now she seems to have control of this match.

Whitney pulls Staci to her feet and delivers a russian leg sweep, rolls up to her feet and climbs to the top rope flying off with an elbow drop. Whitney gets on her feet and run sto the ropes bouncing back with a cartwheel into a moonsault and pins, 1...................2...............kickout! She kneels up and slaps Staci in the face, then pulls her up and bends her down looking for Southern Pride. Richard Martin comes walking out and starts running down the ramp staring right at her. Whitney shoves Staci down and gets ready for her dad who gets almost to the ring and BAM...outta nowhere comes Mack delivering Da Shows Ova laying Ric out and getting cheered as loud as the fans can scream.

Nick Miller: Oh my god, Ric looking to come back out here, Whitney ready, but Mack showing he's still here laying the boss out cold, oh no, look out Whitney.

She gets rolled up by Staci, 1..................2..........kickout! Staci kicks her in the head, then yanks up Whitney for the MILFBOMB, gets her up, but Whitney rolls down behind her rolling Staci into a pin, 1...................2...........kickout! They both get up and Staci hammers Whitney backing her to a corner, then buries a shoulder to her stomach. She lifts Whitney to the top rope and climbs up there, but Whitney kicks her in the head, bends her down and hooks her arms, then leaps forward driving Staci to the mat with Southern Pride.

Nick Miller: Good god, Whitney just nailed her finisher from the top rope, this has to be over!

And so Whitney has Staci pinned, her leg hooked, 1.....................2......................3!

Sapporo: Here is your winner of the match and the new SEF X Diva Champion........Whitney Marret!

Mack has the title and slides in as "Money, Power, Respect" by The LOX hits and he helps up Whitney handing her the title and raising her arm in the air. The crowd is cheering loud and the couple now hugs. Ric has come to on the outside, he leans on the ring and has a mic handed to him per request and now he brings it up.

Richard Martin: Cut it, cut that damn music now!

Boos are heard as the music stops, Mack and Whitney turn facing Ric.

Richard Martin: You want to screw with me, steal that title, well screw you. Next week your defending the title against Staci in a rematch and its gonna be a steel cage and also, I have something else. Your friend Xanthus was injured tonight and what no one else knows is that he will be out for a few weeks or longer, he fractured a disc in his neck and so he can't defend the Tag Titles, least his half. Regardless, those titles have lost their flare for wrestlers today, tag team wrestling doesn't mean as much as it once did, we have no tag teams in SEF, so since Xanthus is out for a while I am retiring those titles as of now!

A lot of boos for this announcement, Ric dropping his mic and helping Staci out and up the ramp as Mack and Whitney just stare the boss down, then we hear "War Zone" by Rob Zombie as the show begins to end.

Nick Miller: Wow, that is a crazyw ay to end WAR. First we get a rematch of Whitney and Staci and in a steel cage, then the Tag Titles are being retired because Xanthus is out for a few weeks or more, plus Ric feels no one wants to be Tag Champ anymore. That I can agree with, it seems no one has a desire to be a part of a great tag team except for our last champ Torres and Xanthus. A new chapter for SEF, one without Tag Titles, should be interesting, we'll see what comes of this next week, see ya then folks!

The crowd still boos as Ric and Staci stand on the stage, the cameras pan between them and the ring where Mack and Whitney still stand, the the show ends fading to black.

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