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The Sandman

Started by sandman, September 22, 2014, 06:45:41 PM

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The Sandman.
June 16, 1963.
6' 3''.
240 lbs.

Philadelphia, PA.

Wrestling Style
Hardcore and Brawler.
Theme Music
Enter Sandman by Metallica.
Finishing Move
White Russian Legsweep.
Description/Setup Of Finisher
White Russian Legsweep (Russian legsweep with a kendo stick across the opponent's throat).
Trademark Moves
Multiple kendo stick shots, DDT (usually onto a chair or barbed wire), Rolling Rock (Senton bomb, usually onto a ladder that has been placed on the opponent's chest or to an opponent lying on a table), Heineken-Rana (super hurricanrana), Bitchin' Legdrop (diving legdrop), Suplex, Snapmare, Bulldog, Flapjack, and Piledriver.
Submission Moves
Sleeper Hold and Headlock.
Pro Debut
Been in ECW, FMW, WCW, XPW, MLW, TNA, 3PW, WWE, and of course SEF.
Favorite Quote(s)
Favorite Weapon(s)
Kendo stick (also known as a Singapore cane), Tables, Ladders, and Barbed Wire.
Favorite Match(s)
Singapore cane match and Stairway to Hell match.
Manager/Valet/Bodyguard/Tag Partner/Significant Other
SEF Accomplishments
SEF World Heavyweight Championship (1), SEF World Tag Team Championship (2), SEF Hardcore Championship (3), SEF King of The Cage Championship (2), and SEF Feud of The Year Award 2005.
Other Accomplishments
ECW World Heavyweight Championship (5), ECW World Tag Team Championship (1), Hardcore Hall of Fame (2007), FMW/WEW World Tag Team Championship (1), XPW King of the Deathmatch Championship (1), and NWA:TNA Hard 10 Tournament Championship (1).

The Sandman

Date Posted:06/01/2010 2:24 AMCopy HTML
Aimoo Username
Crowd Status
June 16th, 1963
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Theme Music
"Enter Sandman" by Metallica
Finishing Move
White Russian Leg Sweep
Trademark Moves
Multiple kendo stick shots, DDT (usually onto a chair or barbed wire), Rolling Rock 
(Senton bomb, usually onto a ladder that has been placed on the opponent's chest or to an opponent lying on a table), Heineken-Rana (super hurricanrana), Bitchin' Legdrop (diving legdrop), Suplex, Snapmare, Bulldog, Flapjack, and Piledriver

Submission Moves
Sleeper Hold, Headlock
Pro Debut
Favorite Weapons
Kendo stick (also known as a Singapore cane), Tables, Ladders, and Barbed Wire
Favorite Matches
Singapore Cane Match & Stairway to Hell match
EF'NW Accomplishments
World Heavyweight Title, Hardcore Title(3), World Tag Team Title(2), King Of The Cage Title(2), Feud of The Year Award(2005)
Other AccomplishmentsECW World Heavyweight Title(5), ECW World Tag Team Title, FMW/WEW World Tag Team Title, XPW King of the Deathmatch Title, Hardcore Hall of Fame(2007), NWA:TNA Hard 10 Tournament Winner

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