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Extreme 145 {10/7/09}

Started by Taylor Andrews, November 22, 2014, 10:03:51 AM

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Taylor Andrews

October 7th, 2009

So its Wednesday night and just like five years ago when the show first debuted in SEF its back on its original night. Extreme is back on and tonight the show is taking place inside the Hammerstien Ballroom in New York City. The place is sold out and the crowd is hot as usual. The opening pyro blasts off the stage pumping these already crazy fans full of more adrenaline. We then hear "A New Level" rock out of the pa and the camera is roaming around the place capturing as many of the signs as they can.

Nick Miller: Welcome back to all of you from all of us and were also back here on Wednesday nights for Extreme. Nick Miller here and Hal Havoc is no longer with me as he decided to go back to the ring. I am out here all alone like I love to be and even more alone than usual as I am now the ring announcer, I am your voice of SEF completely now and truly happy. We got a stacked card tonight and so lets not waste time with talk, lets show some fuc-

He's cut off by the sound of "Money, Power, Respect" hitting the pa and the crowd goes nuts cheering loud as hell for Whitney. She walks out in a typical suit she wears, hair looking nice. She stands on the stage waving her hands in the air and blows a few kisses to the crowd. Whistling is heard for her and she just smiles, walks down the aisle high fiving some fans.

Nick Miller: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your CEO..........Whitney Marret!

She gets to the ring steps and backs up some to pose with a couple fans, then heads up to the ring. Whitney steps in, then gets the mic from Nick. Whitney stands in the middle of the ring now, the fans cheering loud not letting her speak. She raises the mic up a couple times, but they start chanting...WHITNEY...WHITNEY...WHITNEY...WHITNEY...WHITNEY...WHITNEY...WHITNEY...WHITNEY...and she just looks around smiling and pumps her fist in the air. Whitney laughs and then raises the mic again.

Whitney Marret: Thank you!

A huge pop and she just smiles.

Whitney Marret: I can't thank you enough and I hate to ask you to stop, especially since most of you probably already know who your brand new, one hundred percent owner of SEF is!

A huge pop as they probably do, so many of the signs held up tell you they know by saying things like Whitney is the NEW Owner or whatever.

Whitney Marret: To make it official I have to annoucne it I suppose, so yes, I Whitney Marret now own SEF!

Another huge applause.

Whitney Marret: Thank you all very much. It feels good to finally have the reigns of my company, it feels fucking incredible and I promise you all that if any change happens to SEF it will be simply to be more hardcore than ever before!

A huge pop from the crowd yet again.

Whitney Marret: As it has been announced about my father, yes, he is still here, but to wrestle only and I'm glad he wanted that because well we may have had problems and he may have been a real DICK has the owner...

This gets a laugh from the crowd and big pop.

Whitney Marret: Yea, but he is a good wrestler, one of the best. He had a big hand in my training as well as others who have come through SEF. Myself, Viper, he has been a mentor to Mack somewhat and a few more and also we are getting along a little better. Don't want to get into some big story, so I'll drop that and just say to all of you that all this means with me as the one and only owner is that SEF is truly back, so thank you all again and enjoy this and many more shows to come, thank you!

She lowers the mic as "Money, Power, Respect" hits the pa. She tosses the mic to Cliff and waves to the crowd who cheer loud and then begin chanting...THANK YOU...THANK YOU...THANK YOU...THANK YOU...THANK YOU...THANK YOU...THANK YOU...THANK YOU...Whitney is heading up the aisle now and smiling so big, high fives fans and makes her way to the back now.

Nick Miller: As expected she was the owner, but it was great to hear from her and these fans loved seeing her, probably miss her in the ring. This is a new fucking era for SEF and we kick it off with a little ol' school in our first match which is now!

Time for the first match and the crowd gets fucking loud again when "Slave To The Grind" hits and out struts Mack on the stage dancing all around and doing crotch chops.

Nick Miller: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the SEF International Championship! Introducing first the challenger from Detroit Michigan weighing in at 210 pounds..........MACK!

He skips down the aisle high fiving fans, getting pulled on by girls andhaving a blast. Mack hops up on the apron doing a dance, then hops into the ring circling around and around like usual. He drops down doing his pose, then leaps up doing a crotch chop and disrobes his vest. Mack slides out of the ring to sign a few autographs while his music fades and is replaced with "Distant Dream". The crowd cheers a little as Minoru comes walking out patting the title around his waist and smiling.

Nick Miller: And his opponent from Tokyo Japan weighing in at 215 pounds, he is the SEF International Champion.........The Grand Minoru!

Fans slap him on the back as Minoru heads down the aisle and slides in the ring. He stands up quickly and looks at Mack not taking his eyes off the man, Mack is back in the ring now. Minoru unstraps the title and hands it to the ref who raises it up, then hands it off. The bell is rung and Minoru charges in at Mack throwing some kicks up in the air causing Mack to back up in a corner.

Nick Miller: Whoa, Minoru with a little display of his martial arts background.

Minoru motions for Mack to come out and Mack just does a crotch chop, then runs out at Minoru for a clothesline, but he ducks and Minoru spins around with a hard kick to Mack's back. He hammers Mack in the back with elbows, then pulls Mack backwards for a reverse ddt. Rather than drop Mack he leaps up spinning and brings Mack down with regular ddt. Minoru springs to his feet and drops an elbow to Mack, then gets up and runs to the ropes springboarding off the middle rope with a moonsault. Mack rolls out of the way and Minoru rolls through to his feet, then runs at Mack for a shining wizard. Mack sways to the side avoiding the kick, then jumps up lifting Minoru into the air and falls back dropping him across the top rope with a flapjack. Minoru falls to his back and Mack goes to the corner climbing to the top rope, then fliess of with X planting his elbow to Minoru's chest. Mack gets up stomping around.

Nick Miller: Minoru on fire, but maybe a little much and Mack slowed him down, may be looking to try and end it already.

He taps his foot to the mat in a corner and waits for Minoru to rise up, then steps out for Da Shows Ova. Minoru ducks under his leg and tries to pull Spike upset rolling Mack into a small package for the pin, 1..........................2.................kickout! Mack rolls to his feet as does Minoru who throws a kick to Mack's ribs winding him, then runs to the ropes and bounces off the ropes with a backflip leaping up with an elbow, his Japanese Jab. Mack leaps up driving both knees to his back lurching Minoru forward to his face. Mack runs to the ropes and bounces back with a rolling senton across Minoru's back, then leaps up and stomps on the back of his head. He lifts Minoru up and hammers him into a corner, nails a few chops across his chest, then whips him across the ring. Minoru reverses sending Mack flipping up and over the turnbuckles to the apron, then leaps on to the turnbuckles and nails a dropkick on Mack sending him to the floor.

Nick Miller: Nice reversal by Minoru and what a dropkick knocking Mack to the floor.

Mack pulls himself up just time to get a splash from Minoru who dove over the top rope. Minoru gets up and yanks Mack up slamming his head to the guard rail, then Destruction's Thrash and Slash come running out. Minoru not seeing them rolls Mack in the ring and looks to slide in, but takes a double clothesline to the back getting crushed against the ring by the monsters.

Nick Miller: What the hell is this?

The ref immediately calls a dq as Thrash and Slash lift Minoru up in a double choke, then into a press and dump him over to his back on the floor. The crowd is booing loud as the monsters slide in the ring.

Nick Miller: Here is your winner and still the SEF International Champion...........The Grand Minoru!

Thrash and Slash yank up Mack into a double choke and slam him to his back, then Thrash rips up Mack whipping him to the ropes. Slash catches Mack bouncing back and back body drops him, but Thrash catches Mack backfirst on his shoulder and snaps him down to his stomach on the mat. Richard Leer comes walking down the aisle in a black suit and glasses looking emotionless as usual.

Nick Miller: First Destruction run out, now Fate, what is going on here?

Thrash and Slash lift up Mack shoving him into a corner, then take turns smashing their bodies into his. Thrash then lays Mack across his knee as Slash stands on the second turnbuckle. He leaps up and Mack gets Total Destruction much to the crowds disapproval. Fate is in the ring, Ric, and he removes his jacket laying it on the top rope. He pulls brass knuckles from his pocket and slips them on his left hand. Thrash and Slash hold Mack on his knees as Fate steps in front of him staring down into Mack's eyes, then starts hammering him in the head with several lefts. Mack begins bleeding and Fate takes a couple more hard shots, then stops and lets the now blood brass knuckles slip off to the mat. He nods enough and Destruction releases Mack who falls to blood soaked face. Fate steps back and grabs his jacket putting it back on, then leaves the ring with Destruction following.

Nick Miller: What was the meaning of that, why did Fate do it?

We now hear "Cowboys From Hell" and out walks Troy Storms and Viper to huge cheers stopping Fate and Destruction in the aisle. Storms and Viper carring black ballbats and look pissed. They walk towards Fate, but Viper gets sent forward to his face from Hal Havoc and Scorpion who now turn to Storms double teaming him with punches. Fate orders Destruction to help and they do. Thrash kicks Viper in the head and stays on him as Slash helps with Storms. He and Havoc beat him into a stage wall slumping Storms to the floor. Fate just watches on and Mack is being helped from the ring. Viper is sent into the guard rail by Thrash and Scorpion jumps on him punching out Viper. Fate motions Slash to get Storms, so he does and with Thrash double suplex him on the floor. They then follow Fate to the back as Havoc and Scorpion grab Viper walking him to the ring.

Nick Miller: My god, first Fate and Destruction do a number on Mack, then help Havoc and Scorpion take out Storms and Viper.

Viper gets rolled in the ring and Havoc gets in, the bell ringing for our next match, a tag team bout with Havoc and Scorpion facing Storms and Viper.

Nick Miller: Real fair, Storms and Viper get a four on two beatdown and no whave to have a match.

Havoc punches Viper in a corner, then lifts him to the top rope and climbs up looking for a belly to belly suplex and nails it rolling Viper to the other side of the ring. Havoc gets up and kicks at Viper's head, then rips him up and delivers a ddt, then pins, 1....................2...........kickout! Havoc looks demanding it was three, then pulls up Viper walking him into Scorpion's boot. Scorpion tags in and starts chopping Viper's chest backing him to a corner. Storms comes walking down the aisle now and Scorpion whips Viper to the ropes. Viper reverses sending Scorpion to them and Storms yanks down the top rope bringing Scorpion out to the floor. He rips up Scorpion and lauches him into the air dropping him on the guard rail. Havoc comes around the ring jumping Storms with punches, so Viper hops out of the ring and clubs Havoc across the back. The ref gets out on the floor trying to restore order and gets shoved away. Storms and Viper fight off Havoc, then run him into the steel steps as the ref calls for the bell.

Nick Miller: Man, no order in this one at all.

Storms and Viper look at the ref who heads over giving his desicion to the announcer.

Nick Miller: This match has been declared a draw!

Booing from the crowd and Viper kicks Havoc in the head and rips him up and slams his head to the floor with Unforgiven getting cheered for it. Storms pissed too rips up Scorpion and sends him down to the floor with the Gangsta Bomb. "Cowboys From Hell" hits the pa and Da Gangsta head to the back. Havoc and Scorpion are aided to the back now so the show can keep rolling and so here we go, "Enter Sandman" hits the pa and out walks Haz carrying his cane and drinking a beer, the crowd booing, but some still sing his song.

Nick Miller: The following is a hardcore free for all to determine the number one contender to the SEF International Title! Introducing first from Philly, he weighs in at 240 pounds, the Ultimate Sandman Fan.........Hardcore Haz!

He gets to the ring and rolls in, stands up and cracks a beer slamming it down, then bashes the can to his head, blood trickles down and he tosses the can away. "Spirt " hits out come Taylor Johnson and she makes her way to the ring as she slaps some fans a high-5 and then makes her way to the ring.

Nick Miller: Making her way to the ring from Tor Canada, weighing in at 122 pounds..........Taylor Johnson.

Taylor comes out and gets in the ring and she puts her finger up and smiles at her fans as she gets ready for war. Taylor stares at Haz who is drinking another beer and grinning at her. "Rise" then hits and the crowd comes real alive for Joe who walks out pumping a fist to his chest, then to the sky.

Nick Miller: Making his way to the ring from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at 236 pounds, the Messiah of Violence.........Joe Dumar!

Joe high fives some fans and then runs sliding in the ring and jumps up charging at haz tackling him into a corner. "Never Enough" then hits and out runs Roberts.

Nick Miller: Making his way out here from Boston, Massachuessetts, weighing in at 215 pounds......Bill Roberts!

He slides in the ring and runs up behind Joe nailing a kick to the back of his head. Haz drops Joe with an sto, then Bill chops haz acorss the chest with chops and "Rock You Like A Hurricane" blasts out and Ares walks out slamming down a beer.

Nick Miller: Making his way to the ring from Alburquerqe, New Mexico, weighing in at 250 pounds.......Ares!

He charges down to the ring sliding in and bolts up looking to help Haz, but turns and charges Taylor who was staying out of the action. She's ready though and drop toeholds Ares to the bottom turnbuckle, then hops up and stomps on the back of Ares head. "I Don't Give A Fuck" hits and out swaggers Bob looking mad.

Nick Miller: And making his way to the ring from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at 205 pounds..........Black Bob!

He gets to ringside and hops up stepping in, then charges Roberts and Haz with a double clothesline and helps up Joe. "Luck Is The Key" hits and SVD comes running out now.

Nick Miller: And making his way out here from Multan Pakistan, weighing in at 235 pounds..........Salman Van Dam!

Joe and Bob rip up Taylor hitting a double back suplex, then SVD hits the ring and runs at Joe knocking him down with a clothesline. Bob clobbers SVD with wild punches, whips him to the ropes and hits him with a spear. Roberts is out on the floor and pulls a ladder out sliding it in the ring, then slides in and gets a kicked in the head by Haz. Ares runs over and they lift up Roberts hitting a double suplex. Ares rolls Roberts on to the ladder as Haz goes to the top rope and leaps off with the Bitichin Leg Drop to Roberts.

Nick Miller: Oh man what a brutal leg drop that was.

Bob tackles Ares into the ropes and Taylor comes over low blowing both men. She drops Ares with a ddt, then gets up and hammers Bob with elbows. Joe hammers Haz with punches, sends him to the ropes and follows up clotheslining him to the floor. SVD nails Joe from behind with a dropkick sending him to the floor, then runs across the ring and comes flying out at Joe and Haz crashing on them on the floor.

Nick Miller: A suicidal move by SVD gaining a pop, but not sure if that'll help him win.

Roberts and Ares are pulling themselves up now and Bob reverses Taylor into a corner, buries a shoulder to her stomach, then rips her up to the top rope and climbs up as well. He goes for a superplex and Ares comes over lifting Bob to his shoulders falling back with him, so Taylor and Bob both take a bad fall. Roberts picks up the ladder and jams it into Ares ribs, then stands it up and climbs to the top of it. He flies off with a shooting star leg drop across the neck of Ares, then goes for the pin, 1......................2............SVD comes off the top rope with an elbow drop to the back of Roberts, then yanks him up and hits the Icon Lowdown. Joe and Haz are brawling outside the ring kinda distancing from the match. SVD rolls from the ring grabbing a chair and slides back in slamming it to Bob's head, then lays the chair on Taylor and climbs up the ladder. SVD leaps off with the Icon Iron to Taylor and then hooks her leg for the pin, 1.......................2........................3!

Nick Miller: Here is your winner of the match..........Salman Van Dam!

"Luck Is The Key" hits and the crowd cheers some as SVD jumps up with arms in the air. He leaps up on some turnbuckles celebrating his win with some posing for the crowd.

Nick Miller: Hell of a wild brawl for the match and a good one and the newest star in the match is the one who wins, SVD gets a shot at the International Title, but were coming to our main event. First though we have a few words from the SEF Champ Nick Torres, so lets take it to the back.

The view shifts to SEF's backstage interview spot and standing with Nick Torres holding a mic is Steve Whitmore smoking a cigar.

Steve Whitmore: So champ, tonight its triple threat, no title on the line, and should you win you decide which contender gets a shot first, so who would ya pick if ya win?

Torres just grins and shifts the title on his shoulder, appears to think some, then speaks.

Nick Torres: Honestly I don't care who gets a crack at me first, these boys can fight each other to find out, but they won't because I got a streak to keep and I plan to do so through both of their title shots. "Should" I win I may flip a coin or I may take them both on in another triple threat or maybe I'll ask someone else to pick, I don't know. All I know for sure is that I'm in a match tonight and I don't care what else is on the line cause all I care about is keeping this title.

Steve Whitmore: Sounds like your focused brother, but a triple threat is a huge threat cause ya can lose with no involvement in the outcome.

Nick Torres: No shit man, its a fucking threat for sure, but hey, it keeps ya sharp, it keeps ya on your toes, ready to defend the belt at a moments notice and come out winning and that's what I am gonna do for a while, Nick Torres is gonna be World Champion for the remained of this year, mark my words, hell, maybe even most of next year cause it took too damn long to get it and I ain't losing it without getting killed for it!

Steve Whitmore: Alright man, well I'll let ya go and get to you rmatch, take care.

Steve backs off and Torres nods to him, then looks at the camera, and the view fades back to ringside.

Nick Miller: The following is the main event of Extreme and it is a triple threat match to determine which World Heavyweight Championship Contender gets their shot at the title first!

"#1" hits the pa system, Chris Orton comes out from the curtian hearing the crowd pop. He makes his way down the ramp stares down his challenger, and he stops at the end moving his neck left and right.

Nick Miller: Now making his way to the ring from San Diego California, weighing in at 245 pounds......Chris Orton!

He walks up the steel stairs enters the ring stares at the challenger again, makes his way to the corner of the ring, climbs the second turnbuckle, just stares at the fans with an arrogant smile and comes down moving his arms like a circle. He jumps few times to loosen his legs tol get ready for his match. The lights go out and red and gold lights circle the arena as "Scream" hits the PA.

Nick Miller: On his way from New York, New York, he weighs in at 250lbs............. "The Ultimate Protector" Jordan Brooks!

Once he comes out and is a quarter the way to the ring, he slowly walks down to the ring. Once inside the ring, he goes to the far right turnbuckle and poses for the crowd by stretching his arms out in a relaxed crucifix pose. Orton hops down and stares across the ring at Jordan who just stares back, then the two shift eyes towards the entrance when "Regular People" hits the pa and out walks Torres with the SEF Title around his waist and a grin on his face. The crowd cheers loud for the new World Champ who moves his trademark toothpick around in his mouth.

Nick Miller: And now introducing from Seattle Washington weighing in at 280 pounds, he is the SEF World Heavyweight Champion..............Nick Torres!

The champ make shis way down the aisle getting slapped on the back by fans, he high fives a few of them and gets to the ring looking in at Orton and Jordan, then heads up the steps and quickly gets in the ring doing his usual pose where he bends slightly and intensely points at himself before stretching his arms out sideways. Torres removes his title and raises it in the air, the fans going nuts for the champ and then hands it to the ring announcer as its not on the line tonight. All three men now eyeball each other and the ref looks around then calls for the bell and its officially match time.

Nick Miller: What an interesting stip in this match and its time we find out who will win and get the first World Title shot.

Torres motions for both opponents to bring it on to which Orton and Jordan move closer to him while eyeing each other. Torres steps forward and they all just about reach the middle of the ring when Torres sends a kick to Jordan's knee, then hammers Orton with punches. Orton responds with his own and Jordan backs to the ropes. he springs towards Torres for a club across the back, but Torres ends up ducking a punch from Orton who takes the blow and goes to the mat. Torres kicks Jordan in the back of knee, then rushes forward grabbing him in a headlock and nails a bulldog. Torres gets up and stomps on Jordan's back, then turns to Orton and kicks him in the head, grabs him quickly and shoves Orton to a corner. Torres hits a hard chop to his chest, then buries a knee to his gut and hiptosses him out to the mat. Torres leans back in the corner doing a crotch chop, then steps out dropping a knee for Orton's head, but he rolls out of the way. Jordan is up and runs at Torres slamming a knee to his head, then picks up Orton ands nails him with a european uppercut. Jordan shoves him to a corner, then charges in burying a shoulder to Orton's ribs. He stands up and nails another uppercut, then drags Orton out looking for BAD. Orton shoves Jordan forward into Torres who nails him with a spinebuster. Orton runs at Torres for Darkness, but misses and stops at the ropes. Torres gets up and Orton turns around catching him with punches, then suddenly nails the Laydown and hooks his leg for the pin, 1..........................2.............Jordan breaks up the fall pushing Orton off Torres.

Nick Miller: Oh man, close fall there and Torres saved by Jordan.

Orton gets up and yanks Jordan up whipping him to the ropes and looks for a spear. Jordan leapfrogs him and runs to the other side of the ring bouncing back and flies in the air for a cross body. Orton ducks it and Jordan rolls to the outside edge of the ring. Torres is getting up and Orton picks Jordan up looking to suplex him back in the ring. Jordan down and pulls Orton's neck down across the top rope, then lets go slingtshotting him backwards. Torres catches Orton lifting him sideways and delivers The Westside. He quickly goes for the pin, 1.......................2....Jordan is in and drops an axe handle smash to Torres back, then lifts him up and runs Torres shoulderfirst into a corner smacking him into the ringpost. He pulls Torres out and hits him with a ddt, then gets up and pulls Orton up for a reverse ddt, though he doesn't drop him. Instead Jordan locks his arms around his neck in a dragon sleeper and kneels down on his left knee bringing Orton's back on top of his right knee. Orton is struggling to get free and Torres is pulling himself up, sees Orton locked in a submission and suddenly rolls from the ring.

Nick Miller: Where is Torres going?

He pulls a singapore cane from under the ring and slides back in now, then gets up behind Jordan and cracks him across the back with the cane.

Nick Miller: Oh what a shot and technically it is legal in a triple threat match.

Orton is released and Torres pulls the cane in front of Jordan's neck, then in Sandman fashion drops him with a russian leg sweep. Torres gets up and cracks Orton over the head with the cane, then yanks him up and signals for the Gangsta Bomb with his crucifix pose as Orton is tucked between his legs. Torres then flips Orton up over his head and drops him with his crucifix powerbomb move. He quickly hooks Orton's leg for the pin, 1................................2..................................3!

Nick Miller: Here is your winner of the match..........Nick Torres!

The crowd is cheering loud as they were during the entrie, "Regular People" is playing over the pa and Torres is holding his World Title high in the air. He then grabs a mic from Nick and looks at both Orton and Jordan trying to pull themselves up. Torres backs into a corner leaning on the turnbuckles and catches his breath, sweat pours down his face, then he raises the mic and his music cuts out.

Nick Torres: Ya see that boys, anything goes in this match, learn that and get used to it because you both get your title shot at the same damn time in a three way dance!

A huge pop from the crowd.

Nick Torres: Basically this match, but its elimination, first pin and that man leaves to the back, then its one on one, but the whole match is hardcore rules, its an ol' school ECW match and will be done in their tradition and it happens at the next pay per view Violent Conduct, so see ya there boys!

Another huge pop and Torres drops his mic as "Regular People" hits again and he leaves the ring. Jordan and Orton both just smile kinda as they do each have that shot at the top prize of all time.

Nick Miller: What a show folks, what a fucking show and what a match that will be with the SEF Title on the line between those three men. That's all for tonight, so we'll see ya next Wednesday, goodnight!

And the music switches to Extreme's theme "A New Level" and the fans rock out after the awesome show they just saw, the cameras floating to catch them all before we finally fade to black.

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