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universal6 star tag team

Extreme 162 {2/24/10}

Started by sopshowtime69, November 22, 2014, 11:49:59 AM

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February 24th, 2010

The show opens up in the sold out Leeds Arena in Manchester England with the usual pyro exploding over the ring. The lights then flash on and the crowd is pumped up as A NEW LEVEL blasts over the pa, the cameras roam around the place and Nick Miller says.

Welcome to Extreme everyone. Last weeks anniversary show was a huge success and hopefully next years is as well! Now is about NOW, tonight, however, a street fight was scheduled between the self proclaimed legend Steve Weigel and the World Champ Shane Mack, non title. It got better with Weigel's partner Bobby James refereeing the match and he says he won't be biased. Steve is rumored heavily of course to be dead after gunshots were heard at the end of a promo he did, but no one knows for sure what happened, so we'll try to find out tonight. Bobby James opens our show against newcomer Rogue, but how he can be in any mind to compete is gotta be hard. Big tag match with the champs in a non title bout against the team of Gabriel Brooks and Chris Orton. Drew Stevenson and Rayo team up after last weeks face off between the two, wonder if they'll work together?

Greg Boone finally chimes in

Both tag matches should be interesting and-

He's cut off when UNDERNEATH THE SURFACE play over the pa system. Bobby James walk out wearing some jeans and a Predator's T-shirt. The fans start to boo as he makes his way down the ramp way. He walks around the ring and gets a mic from one of the workers. Bob looks at the ring for a second and then walks up the steel stairs. Bobby goes under the second rope and stops in the middle of the ring. Bobby James puts the mic to his mouth, but stops and looks at the mat and Nick Miller says

Maybe he is out here to talk about what Weigel did.

Greg Boone responds.

What the fuck was Steve Weigel thinking ending his life?

The fans keep booing as Bobby James puts the mic back to his mouth and walks over to the ropes and leans against them.

I'm out here to talk about my dumbass friend who just killed himself.

The crowd yells What!? And Bobby just continues.

Yeah, what was the idiot thinking. I mean he could have came to me over this. Anyways I guess there will be no main event tonight.

Then WE'LL PROBABLY KILL YOU by Dan-E-O blasts over the arena as Bobby was going to keep talking. Both Nikky Venom and Johnny Camaro walkout with smirks on their faces. They start walking down the ring and stop right before they get to it. Bobby James waves them in and they just laugh. They both start running at the ring and as they enter Bobby slides out by the time keeper. As that is happening a man in a hoodie jumps out of the crowd and slides into the ring with a chair in his hands. Bobby now shouts out.

Dude, you need to look behind you its a ghost.

They turn around and the person swings the chair at them but they duck and slide out of the ring as Bobby slides into the ring. The Infection runs out to the steel ramp way looking back. Right then the person drops the chair and starts to jump in place as BEAUTIFUL starts to play over the pa system. The mystery person takes off the hood showing non other then The Legendary Steve Weigel. He turns around smirking at Bobby and takes the mic from him. The fans boo a little as Steve starts to talk.

First I went to heaven and they kick me out for fucking gods wife. Then I was sent to hell, but Mack didn't want me so he sent me back here.

Boo's are heard all over as Weigel says that and he just smirks as Nick Miler comments.

He just called Shane Mack are World Champion The Devil. Can you believe him?

Greg Boone chimes in.

At least he tells it like it is. I knew Weigel was to good to kill himself.

Weigel laughs as the crowd chants What over and over again. He starts to speak again as Nikky Venom and Johnny Camaro stare at him.

Sorry Bobby James but I had to make it look real. See I knew those losers would try and attack this week. The Infection are nothing but two jobbers with luck on their sides. Soon enough, Bobby James is going to face you Nikky boy and beat you for the US Title like I beat you in that cage match. And Johnny wannabe Jesus, were coming for those championships. Yeah those Tag titles. You got lucky tonight getting away from us, but soon enough there will be no where to run for you. And tonight if you want to come down to the ring after my match, well then your welcome to. Because tonight The Predator's will walk out of here better then ever.

Right then, BACK IN BLACK by AC/DC blares over the pa system and The Predator's run over the Tron in green big letters. The Infection looks mad, but just walks out to the back while Nick says.

Damn he has told our Tag Champions they are the prey.

Greg responds.

Damn right he did that's why Weigel is the best.

Weigel and James raise their left fist in the air as the crowd continues to boo. Steve soon exits the ring as we get set to have the first match that Bobby is in and Nick says.

Hell of a way to begin the show with Steve revealing he never killed himself, plus this rivalry is brewing between the Predators and Infection.

Greg responds.

Hell yea it was and now it means the main event is on!

Nick says.

Yes it does, but now is time for the first match, so here we go.

Nick grabs a mic as Bobby stretches in the ring, then Nick says.

The following is the opening match and it is scheduled for one fall. In the ring now, from Boston Massachusetts, weighing in at 263 pounds, he is Boston's Best.........Bobby James!

Bobby just shoots his arms up and grins arrogantly. HEAVEN'S A LIE by Lacuna Coil plays now and out walks Rogue in his leather jacket and face paint showing no emotion as Nick introduces him.

And his opponent, from The Dark, weighing in at 262 pounds.........Rogue!

He comes down the aisle and slides into the ring, then stand sup and removes his jacket tossing it out of the ring. The bell rings and Rogue charges over at Bobby who drop toe holds Rogue to the bottom rope. Bobby bolts up and runs across the ring, bounces back and charges for a kick to the back of Rogue's head. Rogue rolls out of the way and springs up chopping Bobby across the chest, then whips him to the ropes and catches Bobby with a spine buster. Rogue gets up and pulls Bobby up scoop slamming him and runs to the ropes. He bounces back and looks for a leg drop, but Bobby rolls out of the way and quickly hit's a low dropkick to Rogue's head. Bobby pulls him up and nails a double arm ddt, then turns him over and pins, 1...................2....kickout He mounts Rogue and nails some punches, but gets counted off by the ref, then pulled off. Bobby gets up warning the ref with a fist, but the ref warns him not to or he loses. Bobby just turns and stomps down on Rogue's chest, then yanks up and tries for The Highlight. Rogue slips down behind Bobby escaping it and looks for a reverse ddt. Bobby spins around and charges Rogue into a corner, buries his shoulder into his ribs, them springs up nailing a hard European uppercut to Rogue. Bobby rips him to the top rope and climbs up delivering a superplex to him. Nick Miller comments now.

Decent match going on, Bobby with most of the offense and a nice superplex. Could be the end of Rogue.

Greg responds like he knows it all as usual.

Like Rogue even stood a chance anyways!

Bobby pulls himself up and waits for Rogue to get up, then charges and flattens him with a spear. He pulls up Rogue and nails The Highlight on him, then hooks his leg for the pin, 1..........................2...........................3! The bell rings and Nick announces the winner.

Here is your winner of the match........Bobby James!

The crowd boos as UNDERNEATH THE SURFACE hit's the pa and Bobby stands with a smug smirk raising his arms and then runs them down motioning how great he is. The crowd just boos him and he soon exit's the ring as we continue along with the show and Nick starts to talk.

Nice for Bobby, but next is the debut of Amy Summers.

Greg Boone responds.

Yeah she is facing Megan Sorrow hope she is ready.

Nick says with a smile.

True, but look at what has all ready happen between them.

Greg responds.

Your right but look what she cussed between Nikky Venom and Megan.

Nikki Minaj ft. Lil Kim's FREAKY GIRL plays over the pa system. Amy Summers walks out smirking with her arms on her hips. Wearing her tight blue jeans. And her low top shirt showing off her breast to the fans. As she puts her arms to the side you can see a mic in her hand. Amy Summers starts to make her way down to the ring as Nick introduces her.

The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, weighing in at one hundred and seventeen pounds and standing at five foot eight, coming from Las Vegas, Nevada....Amy Summers!

Amy walks up the steel steps and walks to the middle of the ropes and point to her ass. She puts one leg through the ropes and leans over and shakes her ass. She smirks as the fans cheer her. She then gets in the ring and goes to one of the corner and climbs on top and leans a little towards the crowd showing off her breasts and pushes them together. She smirks and gets off the ropes and walks to the middle of the ring as the crowd is going crazy she starts to talk.

Damn Nikky what's wrong with you. I thought you would love two women at once. I know every guy here would.

She puts the mic in the air as the guys of EF'NW went nuts over that, then she speaks again.

See they would. Well sorry Megan hunny even if we were going to have something happen. I wouldn't let you win. And you would have been my toy sweetie.

Amy smirks and tosses the mic into the crowd, then Nick says.

I cant believe she just said that. Nikky just loves her that's it.

Greg responds.

Dude that's so gay. Any man would fuck two women at a time. Oh besides you and Nikky.

Nick just says.

Yeah you would wouldn't you?

Greg responds quickly with a smirk.

Damn right I would let one suck my nuts and the other suck my dick.

As they were going to say something else I AM by Dope plays over the pa system. Megan walks out shaking her head and smirks at Amy in the ring as she begins to make her way to the ring. Nick now introduces her.

Weighing in at one hundred and fifty pounds and standing in at five foot ten, from Louisville Kentucky....Megan Sorrow!

Megan slides in the ring and smirks at Amy as they get ready for the bell to ring and Nick says.

Looks like this match is going to be good.

Greg responds.

Damn those girls are hot.

Nick says.

Hey now get your mind together.

Greg smirks and says.

My mind is thinking about them playing with each other. Dude my cock is getting hard.

The bell rings. Amy runs at Megan, but she moves out of the way and trips her. Amy falls to the ground and Megan gets on top and starts to hit her. Megan then pulls her up by the hair and goes to kick her, but Amy blocks with a knee and then knees Megan in the gut with her other knee. Amy runs into the rope and bounces off and hits a neck breaker on Megan. She picks Megan up and slaps her in the face. Megan turns and punches her, hooks Amy up and hits a suplex. Megan pick her up and slams her down with a ddt and goes for the pin, 1..2...kick out. Megan picks her up and goes to hit her but, Amy block and punches her instead. Amy grabs her hair and starts to spin her around before letting her go flying across the ring. Amy walks over to her holding her head. She grabs Megan's ankle and drags her to the middle of the ring and hooks her up in a ankle lock. Megan reaches for the ropes. The ref keeps asking her if she gives up but she shakes her head no and flips over and kicks Amy. Amy falls over and Megan gets to her feet hopping a bit. She climbs on the ropes and jumps off hitting Amy with a diving split legged guillotine leg drop. Megan pins Amy. 1...2....3! And then Nick Miller announces the winner.

Here is your winner.........Megan Sorrow!

Megan gets up and helps Amy to her feet but she can barely stand. When from under the ring out pops Vikki. Vikki yells something and they turn to look and Vikki nails them both with a double clothesline. Vikki puts her foot on both of them and raises hands in the air as Nick says.

Oh my god did you just see that?

Greg Boone responds.

Damn right she is telling them she is top dog here.

Vikky laughs at both women and leaves the ring now as they help each other to the back. We then go to the back where The Predators walk down the hall talking, Steve saying.

Yea man, what a ruse to pull and fuck those poser champs The Infection, all their getting infected with is our foots in their asses and we'll soon take them title.

Bobby nods and says.

You know it, no better team today than the two of us!

He smirks and Steve says.

Certainly have to be better than two pretty boy punks who can't wrestle to save their lives!

They keep walking as we go back to ringside and get ready for a tag match with the champs and Nick Miller announces it now.

The following is a non title tag team match scheduled for one fall!

WE'LL PROBABLY KILL YOU hit's the pa and out comes the Tag Champs Johnny and Nikky who is also the US Champ. The crowd cheers as Nick Miller announces them.

Making their way out here first at a combined weight of 487 pounds, they are the Tag Team Champions........Johnny Camaro and Nikky Venom!

Down the aisle the way walk, Nikky slapping fans hands while Johnny shows himself. They get into the ring and pose some more with their titles. The lights go out and red and gold lights circle the arena as SCREAM hits the pa and Nick Miller introduces Gabriel.

On his way to the ring from New York City, he weighs in at 245lbs..........Gabriel Brooks!

Once he comes out and is a quarter the way to the ring, he slowly walks down to the ring. Once inside the ring, he goes to the far right turnbuckle and poses for the crowd by stretching his arms out in a relaxed crucifix pose. He runs the ropes a little getting warmed up, then waits. YOU'RE GOING DOWN hits the pa system, Chris Orton comes out from the curtain hearing the crowd pop. He makes his way down the ramp stares down his challengers, and he stops at the end moving his neck left and right as Nick Miller announces his entrance.

Now making his way to the ring from San Diego California, weighing in at 245 pounds......Chris Orton!

He walks up the steel stairs enters the ring stares at the challenger again, makes his way to the corner of the ring, climbs the second turnbuckle, just stares at the fans with an arrogant smile and comes down moving his arms like a circle. He jumps few times to loosen his legs to get ready for his match. Chris wants to start, so Gabriel shows no care and lets him while Johnny starts for his team. The bell rings and the two men lock up, Chris powering Johnny to a corner and then breaks cleanly. Chris lets him walk out and Johnny motions for another lock up, but as they both move in, Johnny nails a kick to Chris's ribs and looks for an irish whip. Chris reverses and sends Johnny to the ropes. Johnny bounces back and looks for The Speed Drop, but Chris sidesteps him letting Johnny nearly fly through the ropes. Johnny stops himself and turns to get a dropkick from Chris. Johnny goes down and Chris applies an Armbar on him. Johnny fights up to his knees and tries pulling away, but Chris twists his arm up and drives his own elbow to it. He knees Johnny in the ribs, then looks for Laydown, but Johnny elbows him in the head and pulls him down with a ddt. Johnny rolls towards his corner and Nikky makes the tag. Chris is getting up when Nikky runs at him with a kick to the ribs, then rips up Chris and tries for The World Wide Suicide perhaps. Chris blocks it and tries for a counter suplex. Nikky blocks that and whips Chris to a corner, then charges in and tries for Dante's Inferno. Chris shoves him out and runs up behind Nikky with a clothesline to the back of his head. Chris gets up and makes the tag. Gabriel comes in pulls up Nikky and gives him a Piledriver, then pins him, 1..................2.........kickout! Gabriel sits up Nikky and applies a sleeper hold on him, but Nikky fights up with some elbows to Gabriel's ribs, then shoves him to the ropes. Gabriel comes back with a shoulder block and neither man goes down. They both run to the ropes and spring back for another shoulder block and stay up. Nikky kicks Gabriel in the ribs, then looks for a ddt. Gabriel stays up and shoves Nikky to his ass, then kicks him in the face and drops an elbow to his chest. He pulls Nikky up and rips him up for The Message. Nikky gets down to his feet and shoves Gabriel forward, gets tagged by Johnny and Nikky now nails Bad Time on Gabriel. Johnny flies over the top with a leg drop to Gabriel, then pulls him up and sends him into a corner. Johnny runs in nailing The Quintessential Elbows. He steps back letting Gabriel stagger out, then leaps up nailing The Trademark on him. Johnny goes for the pin, 1.....................2........kickout! Johnny pulls up Gabriel and nails a European uppercut, then whips him to the ropes and looks for a clothesline. Gabriel ducks and Johnny whips around for a kick to him. Gabriel dodges it and the ref gets nailed and taken down. Gabriel catches Johnny from behind with a club to the back, then rips him up and nails a back suplex as Nick Miller says.

Uh oh, the ref is down.

Greg responds snidely.

Yea, anything goes now!

Gabriel looks around and shrugs, then pulls up Nikky and knees him in the gut, walks him over and makes a tag. Chris comes in kicking Nikky in the gut, then nails Laydown on him and starts punching the mat ready to finish it when Steve Weigel and Bobby James run out. Steve goes around the around the ring as Bobby slides in and flies right at Johnny, the two trading punches. Steve gets a chair and comes in slamming it to Johnny's back and Bobby drops him with The Highlight. Chris comes to help, but Mack who came from the crowd is in the ring and BAM...Da Shows Ova puts down Chris. Mack now charges over at Gabriel tackling him to the floor and they brawl now. Steve and Bobby just slip out of the ring now watching the ring and the brawl outside. Mack and Gabriel fight to the back as the ref comes to and Nikky stirs. He pulls himself up looks around the ring and quickly covers Chris for the pin, 1.....................2.....................3! The bell rings and Nick announces the winners.

Here are your winners of the match.........Johnny Camaro and Nikky Venom!

Steve and Bobby come back in the ring and get ready to beat down Nikky who looks at both men when Drew Stevenson and Rayo come running out to the ring and slide in. Steve nudges Bobby and dives out of the ring, Bobby escapes as well and they head up the aisle. Rayo gets on the ropes yelling at them while Drew helps up Nikky and the crowd cheers them both. Rayo gets a hold of the Tag Titles and Drew now grabs one, the men stare at them, then Drew hands his to Nikky and says.

Keep them warm for us!

He smirks as does Nikky and the two shake hands, then Nikky helps Johnny as Drew and Rayo exit the ring. Nick Miller now says.

Mack costs Gabriel and Chris the match after Steve and Bobby attacked the Tag Champs, now we got Drew and Rayo stepping up into the tag picture, business is picking up for sure with Wrestle X coming up.

Greg responds.

Well yea, everyone knows what this big event means, it's the event of the year and you either step up or may as well leave!

Nick agrees with it and says.

That is true, but we got more to see, so lets keep rolling.

SABOTOGE hit's the pa and the crowd cheers as Rocket comes walking out very focused and makes his way down the ramp way fairly quickly.

The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Houston Texas, weighing in at 255 pounds.........The Rocket!

Followed by BANG BANG BANG blasting over the pa system and SVD makes his way to the ring to recieve another mixed reaction for the second week in a row

And his opponent, from Multan Pakistan, weighing in at 235 pounds........Salman Van Dam!

The two waist no time exchanging rights and lefts until SVD ducks a swing runs to the other side of the ring against the ropes and explodes with a flying clothsline. SVD then lifts him swings him to the corner turnbuckle slamming the rocket back first. SVD then begins delivering massive chops to the chest causing the crowd to scream with each blow. The Rocket then reverses it and delivers some chops of his own to Van Dam. Van Dam then quickly delivers the eye rake blinding Rocket who swings a right hand and Van Dam ducks it and as Rocket turns around he catches a kick to the midsection and a ddt to the mat! Van Dam covers the Rocket One...Two..NO Rocket gets the shoulder up shortly after the two count.SVD looking confused as to why he didnt get the three count, allowing The rocket to get back up and grab him from behind delivering a backdrop and then Rocket goes for the cover. One two..nope SVD gets the shoulder up this time. The Rocket them begins stomping away at SVD's chest and then tries to cover him again. One..two..SVD kicks out again. The Rocket then picks up svd for an F5 and is looking to try and end the match but SVD quickly counters out of it landing behind Rocket. Rocket then turns around rather quickly and goes for a clothsline but SVD ducks it and then lifts up Rocket and delivers the ICON BOMB! SVD covers him. One...Two...Three!!

Here is your winner....Salman Van Dam!!

SVD rolls out of the ring raising his hands in victory as the Rocket lies in the ring. BANG BANG BANG plays over the pa as the crowd continues feeling mixed and SVD heads to the back. Greg Boone chimes in now.

Looks like Rocket failed to launch tonight, ha ha!

He just laughs and Nick shakes his head, but snickers and says.

Well he didn't bring is all like he has before and SVD picked up a good win for himself.

As the show continues OBSCURE plays over the arena and Mercy Killers walk out. Shadow Dragon and Azreal walk down the ramp way and slide into the ring as Nick Miller announces them and the match.

The following is a tag team match scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, at a combined weight of 563 pounds, they are the Mercy Killers......Azreal and Shadow Dragon!

The crowd shows very little care for these two aside from some boos and Greg Boone says.

Who are these two anyways? Some new guys I guess?

Nick just laughs and says.

Think they will last?

Greg just laughs now and says.

No way they are facing Drew Stevenson and Rayo tonight.

THE ECSTASY OF GOLD starts to play and the fans jump to there feet as Drew Stevenson walks out from the backstage. He smiles as the fans cheer him. He begins to walk down the ramp way shaking hands and he come to the ring and stops as Nick introduces him.

Making his way to the ring, weighing in at two hundred and fifty pounds and standing in at six foot two, from Seymour, Missouri....Drew Stevenson!

ALL EYEZ ON ME starts to play and the fans jump to there feet as Rayo walks out from the backstage. He smirks as the fans cheer him and Nick introduces him now.

Making his way to the ring, weighing in at two hundred and seventeen pounds and standing in at six foot, from Los Angeles, California....Rayo!

He begins to walk down the ramp way looking at Drew Stevenson and he come to Drew and stops they both look at each other and slide in the ring. Before the bell can even ring Drew and Rayo throw Azreal out of the ring and start attacking Shadow Dragon. The ref gets in the way and splits them up. The bell rings and Rayo stays in the ring. Rayo hooks up with the already hurting Shadow Dragon and kicks him in the gut and hits a ddt. Rayo picks him up and throws him into the ropes he bounces off the ropes and he nails Dragon with a drop kick. Rayo picks him up and nails a leg sweep. He then climbs on the ropes and jumps off hitting a elbow drop on Shadow Dragon. Nick now comments.

Damn so far its a one sided match.

Greg responds with a smirk.

Yeah I told you so!

Nick says.

That's true.

And Greg responds.

Lets watch the match.

Rayo walks over and tags in Drew Stevenson. Drew walks over to Shadow Dragon and starts to stomp him over and over again, but then picks him up and puts Shadow Dragon's head between his legs and lifts him up and nails a Powerbomb. Then Drew grabs his leg and does a elbow drop on his leg trying to weaken it. Drew grabs his over leg and starts stomping it over and over again. Drew Stevenson puts him in The Missouri Cloverleaf. Azreal starts to come in the ring, but Rayo drop kicks him out of the ring. Shadow Dragon tries to fight it but begins to tap. And now Nick announces the winners.

Here are your winners...........Drew Stevenson and Rayo!!!!

THE ECSTASY OF GOLD plays as Drew and Rayo raise their arms in the air to cheer and Nick says.

Damn what were they trying to say doing this?

Greg responds in a smartass tone.

They just told The Tag Champions and The Predator's that their is someone else here who can hang with them.

Drew and Rayo just make their exit now while Azreal carries Dragon out and we move along. The view switches to the back where Shane Mack stands dressed to compete, World Title around his waist, and a smirk on his face. Next to him is Smokey McWeed stoned and he just says.

Well were just seconds or minutes or something away from a street fight between the man Mack here and Steve Weigel, what are last minute thoughts Mack, especially considering this match almost was cancelled when Weigel made people believe he shot himself?

Mack just keeps smirking, then says.

Ya all saw how much I cared when he did what he did, not one bit! Weigel is behind the times, he's stuck in the past, he can't get over because he relies on what used to work and not what works today.

Smokey just looks confused and asks.

So what ya mean, what works today?

Mack just grins and says.

He'll see soon, so will you, so will everyone and both the so called Predator's, they'll be the prey tonight...or will they?

He laughs and walks away as Smokey looks even more confused and says.

What the hell is he on?

He perks up now and follows Mack saying.

Hey, wait, can I have some of that shit your on?!

And we go to ringside where Greg Boone comments.

Interesting words by Mack who may be walking into a no win situation.

Nick responds.

I don't know, Bobby made it clear that this one will be down the middle, no favoritism and I think he'll do it.

Greg just laughs and says.

Your so naïve Nicky, if only you knew!

And we now get set for the match, Nick shaking his head at Greg and just announces the last match.

The following is the main event of the night and it is a street fight scheduled for one fall!

We hear UNDERNEATH THE SURFACE hit the pa and out walks Bobby with a shirt hanging from his back pocket, the crowd booing as Nick introduces him.

Introducing first, from Boston Massachusetts, weighing in at 263 pounds, he is the Referee for this match...........Bobby James!

Boos echo out as he heads down the aisle with his arms raised and then rolls in the ring. He stands up, brushes off his ref shirt, the sleeves cut off and he does a muscle pose showing his arrogance and getting more boos. Silence is heard throughout the arena as BEAUITFUL blasts through the pa system. The lights dim and a green spot light shines down on the entrance as Steve Weigel walks out. He stands there with his right fist in the air as the crowd starts to fill the arena with boo. As he lowers his arm and raises his head you can see a smirk on his face. Steve slowly starts to walk down the ramp way smirking at the crowd and putting his nose up at them like he is better while Nick Miller introduces him.

Making his way to the ring from St Louis Missouri, weighing in at 255 pounds........Steve Weigel!

He slides into the ring and spin around with his arms out at his side. He motions to his Predator's shirt and nods to Bobby who winks back at him and Greg says.

See, I told ya so!

Nick just shakes his head and the lights dim down to the equivalent of a full moon over a field of snow as SLAVE TO THE GRIND blasts over the pa and the crowd starts to boo. Mack steps out grinning, looking cocky as usual and slaps the World Title around his waist while Nick Miller introduces him.

Making his way to the ring from Detroit Michigan, he weighs in at 233 pounds and is the World Heavyweight Champion, he is...........Shane Mack!

More boos ring out, but some cheers are heard, some fans show their respect that way. Mack simply shows no care to any of it as he swaggers down the aisle with his arms out motioning for all to embrace who is good to be. Mack hops up on the apron and dances into the ring, circles around and does a pose ala HBK, pops up and does a crotch chop before getting ready to perform. He rips off his title raising it in the air and points to Steve and Bobby, then to the title saying.


They both just stare at Mack and the title, then Mack lays it down in a corner and turns as the bell rings. He and Steve both stretch out some, Bobby signals them, and they pace it out. Mack and Weigel go nose to nose now, the crowd getting hot wanting a fucking fight, they want a brutal and bloody fight, cheers for Mack, obviously with his real reputation he is still liked. Steve pokes a finger to Shane's chest causing him to just look down, then poke one to Steve's chest and he suddenly falls to his back. Mack falls forward almost in a tripping move causing Nick to say.

How did Steve fall and what did Mack trip over?

Mack ends up on Steve and Bobby shoots down checking both shoulders, then counts it, 1........................................................2..........................................................3.....Steve kicks out as if in slow motion, Mack flying off the same way, they act as if they just fought a brutal match and Nick hesitates, then announces the winner.

Here is your winner of the match...............Shane Mack!

The crowd is booing over this bullshit as SLAVE TO THE GRIND plays and Mack gets his arm raised, then Bobby checks on Steve. Mack pulls himself up, grabs his title and sells the match like it was a two hour marathon. Steve is helped up by Bobby and Mack now comes over snatching the shirt from Bobby's pocket and pulls it on revealing a Predator's shirt. He just grins and Steve now smirks as does Bobby. Shane and Steve step close and hug, then raise each others arms in the air. Shane now shakes Bobby's hand and hugs him, then all three men, Mack in the middle, raise their arms in the air parading for the crowd who just boos over this bullshit main event, Nick Miller saying.

What a disgrace by these men, to take a main event that probably would have been worthy of pay per view, maybe Wrestle X even and mock it.

Mack now grabs a mic and just grins, has his title over his shoulder and says.

Since these two men came here they wanted to be the best tag team there is, they want to be the best there is period. They been doing fine, been ok, but now they become better, great, and we...WE...the real Predator's of this business will own every single one of you around here. Teaming with SVD and paying off that bitch Diamond Dogg made me realize I need to seek out people who can stand next to me, not beneath me, and now I found them and they and I mean this my brothers.

He looks to Steve and Bobby and says.

They got the most potential of anyone here today and if Shane Mack says it, it's the truth baby, so like it or not, its still the best fucking thing today in wresting and we...WE only got two fucking words for ya!

Bobby and Steve lean in and all three shout out.


Then they do crotch chops and BACK IN BLACK now plays over the pa as all three of them raise their arms in the air to massive boos from the crowd and Nick Miller speaks out.

Still a mockery of what could have been a great match, but an impact made by the king of impacts Shane Mack and his new partners, Steve Weigel and Bobby James.

Greg responds with excitement.

Told ya it would be down the middle and fair and what a fucking match it was, what a shocker, what a real fucking impact for sure!

Nick just wraps up the show.

Yea, but they got more to answer and to the rest of the locker room at that, so we'll see what happens next week, so see ya all then, goodnight!

And the music now switches to A NEW LEVEL as the Predator's exit the ring and the crowd keeps booing while our cameras roam around before the show ends fading to black.

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