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Massacre 5 {3/31/04}

Started by Daddy Mack, November 22, 2014, 08:38:43 PM

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Daddy Mack

March 31st, 2004

The shot comes alive inside the First Union Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and the camera pans over the screaming diehard fans as White America by Eminem comes shouting out over the pa system sending the fans into more of a frenzy. The camera soon drops down at ringside, just a couple feet from the apron where the commentators table sits and behind it is the legendary wrestler known as Daddy Mack, the one and only. Next to him is the ol' voice of ECW Joey Styles. Together they will call tonights show.

Mack: Yee haw muthafuckas! Man we in for ride tonight after coming off that huge ass pay per view. Xavier gets Ares up in the ring to teahc him a lesson and I face off against my wife.

Styles: Well hopefully Ares whips Xavier's ass, but why would you have the nerve to fight your own wife, what did Whitney do to you?

Mack: Nothing, but I feel she needed a match tonight to prove she can handle it. But hey, we also got some tag action for once with Tommy and Bullet taking on Jackal and Strife, plus in singles action, Gato takes on the bitch DeeJay.

Styles: Don't forget the triple threat match pitting Velzian, Dante, and Matlock all against each other. After that we will see Shalina Starr make her debut against Tru.

Mack: Oh yea, them two been heating up things quick, some bad blood beginning to brew up a hell of a storm. And after that, the main event, Xavier kicking Ares ass.

Styles: Hopefully not, Ares needs to show the Commish who really is in charge.

Mack: Whatever Styles, but hey, I gotta get ready, so lets roll on with it.

Singles Match
Whitney Marret vs. Daddy Mack

Soldier by Eminem begins playing and out walks Whitney who looks a lil uneasy walking down the aisle. Most fans cheer her, but a few boo her past actions. She soon steps into the ring and prepares herself the best she can and yes, she stands in her street clothes. Mack just grins, stands up and drops his headset, walks around towards the ring, but before sliding in, he shakes his finger no and heads on down the aisle to the back. Mack goes behind the curtain and quite a few minutes pass, like ten, fifteen, whatever and Whitney seems impatient as does the crowd. Then, the lights go out, every damn one of them. All that is seen is some cigarette lighters from the crowd and laser pens, shit like that, no real light though to see anything. Then after about ten more minutes, a red light shines out from the entrance and there is a band set up, drums, microphone stands and a band is there, Saliva. All the members are there and tuned up ready to go. They start out playing and the beat is that to their hit song of "Always". But none of them are singing. That is when a single spotlight shines up in the rafters above the entrance and up there, Daddy Mack is seen dressed in leather pants and a white ruffled shirt much like Jim Morrison of The Doors used to wear. He has a mic in hand and starts singing the lyrics, Josey Scott, their lead singer doing back up for Mack, but Mack doing the lead for this night and he sounds pretty damn good, what a guy.

I hear... a voice say "Don't be so blind"...
it's telling me all these things...
that you would probably hide...
am I... your one and only desire...
am I the reason you breath...
or am I the reason you cry... 

Always... always... always... always... always... always...

I just can't live without you...
I love you...
I hate you...
I can't get around you...
I breathe you...
I taste you...
I can't live without you...
I just can't take anymore...
this life of solitude...
I guess that i'm out the door...
and now i'm done with you...

Mack then holds on to his mic as the band plays on with the music and he comes rolling down through the air much like HBK and Wrestlemania XII and right to the ring, well obviously its hard to steer, so he lands in the crowd. He soon unstraps and walks through the crowd and once he hops the rail, he circles the ring singing the song.

I feel... like you don't want me around...
I guess i'll pack all my things...
I guess i'll see you around...
It's all... been bottled up until now...
as I walk out your door...
all I can hear is the sound... 

Always... always... always... always... always... always... 

I just can't live without you...
I love you...
I hate you...
I can't get around you...
I breathe you...
I taste you...
I can't live without you...
I just can't take anymore...
this life of solitude...
I guess that i'm out the door...
and now i'm done with you...
I love you...
I hate you...
I can't live without you...
I left my head around your heart...
Why would you tear my world apart... 

Always... always... always... always...

Mack then rolls into the ring and stands a few feet apart from Whitney who by now is broken down into tears, but happy tears, tears of love for her one and only true love, her husband, Daddy Mack who continues to sing on.

I see... the blood all over your hands...
does it make you feel... more like a man...
was it all... just a part of your plan...
this pistol's shakin' in my hands...
and all I hear is the sound... 

I love you...
I hate you...
I can't live without you...
I breathe you...
I taste you...
I can't live without you...
I just can't take anymore...
this life of solitude...
I guess that i'm out the door...
and now i'm done with you...
I love you...
I hate you...
I can't live without you...

From there, Mack has moved right up close to Whitney and drops the mic, then runs his hands through her air and lays a kiss on her as she wraps her arms around him and Josey Scott picks up teh rest of the song to the end as Mack and Whitney embrace in the ring with everyone cheering.

I love you...
I hate you...
I can't live without you...
I just can't take anymore...
this life of solitude...
I pick myself off the floor...
and now i'm done with you...

As the song fades out, the music soon stops, and the lights come back on. Mack and Whitney end the kiss, both smiling, Whitney with red eyes and tears still on her face and in her eyes. Mack points to Saliva in respect, they point back, then picks up the mic and soon speaks.

Daddy Mack: So Whitney, honey, how did ya like that? Nice lil surprise?

Whitney shakes her head yes and looks at him with sheer joy.

Daddy Mack: Good now, timekeeper, ring the bell, cause we got a match to do.

Mack tosses down the mic and the ebll rings. Whitney looks shocked, but Mack motions what he is gonna do. She seems confused and doesn'y undertsand, so he suddenly reaches out and whips her into the ropes and she come back, Mack takes himself down from her shoulder block. Whitney looks bewildered, but just goes with it and drops down for a pin, Mack not showing any sign to kick out.....1.....2.....3!

J-Lo: Here is your winner by pinfall.................Whitney Marret!

Soldier plays as Whitney jumps with a surprised look and slight laugh a she knows Macklet her win, Mack gets up faking anger for the "loss", but smiles at Whitney, lifts her up in a hug, then kisses her with a long kiss again. The two raises up their hands together as Always by Saliva hits the pa now and they leave the ring together and head to the back arm in arm.

Styles: Well that was, damn, I hate to break my character, but for real, that was cool to see from Mack, way to go man. But now I am alone, oh well, guess I call the show by myself.

Just then, The Way I Am by Eminem hits and Xavier comes walking out, goes around the ring and takes a seat next to Styles, puts on the headset and says.

Xavier: Well fuck man, I don't know what Mack's deal is, but I guess I gotta do thuis for now.

Styles: Ok, well lets keep the show going.

Tag Team Match
Tommy2Cool & BulletProof vs. Strife & The Jackal w/Christine

Tommy and Bullet are in the ring waiting when Tired by Moonspel hits and out walks Strife who soon gets in the ring. Then Don't Tread On Me by Metallica hits and out walks Jackal with Christine. Jack gets in the ring and soon, a huge brawl begins. Jackal ends up taking Bullet to the outside where the two fight over the rail and into the crowd. In the ring, Tommy sends Strife into the corner and looks for a body splash, but Strife sidesteps him and nails a neckbreaker. Strife then quickly lifts up Tommy and nails the Agony Crush, then pins.......1.......2........3!

J-Lo: Here are your winners by pinfall................Strife and The Jackal!

Tired by Moonspell hits as Strife raises his arms in victory. Its short lived though because from the crowd comes Red Static who sneaks up behind Strife and nails him with a chair, then lifts him up and nails a chokeslam on to the chair before making his exit.

Xavier: Fuck me, a short lived match and nice win for Strife, but damn did he feel it and from his own bro.

Styles: Sure did, Red Static is impressing me more and more.

Singles Match
Gato vs. DeeJay George

DeeJay's lame ass is in the ring for his last match when Cadillac Pimpin by Young Bloodz hits and out walks Gato to the ring, He rolls on in and right away charges DeeJay nailing a hard clothesline. Gato then picks up DeeJay and hits a ddt, climbs up top and nails a perfect Shooting Star Press and pins.......1.......2.......3!

J-Lo: Here is your winner by pinfall................Gato!

Cadillac Pimpin by Young Bloodz hits as Gato who broke no sweat looks on with a grin over the easy victory.

Xavier: Man, another fucking short ass match. Figures with that Deejay bitch, glad he is gone.

Styles: Got to agree, DeeJay was no match for the caliber of athletes in DOGG.

Triple Threat Match
Andrew Velzian vs. Regulas Dante vs. Matt Matlock

Velzian is in the ring when Sober by Tool hits and out walks Dante who gets in the ring and quickly dominates Velzian with some serious chops in the corner. Velzian fights back with punches and looks for a ddt, but gets countered with a northern lights suplex pin......1.......2.......kickout! Matt has not shown yet. Dante is up and kicks Velzian in the head, then lifts him up and for an Evenflow DDT, though Velzian fights out and whips Dante into the ropes, then dropkicks him. Velzian goes up top and looks for a flippin neckbreaker, but Dante ducks and Velzian hits the mat. Dante then lifts up Velzian and plants him with an Evenflow DDT, climbs up top and hits the Fall From grace, then covers.......1........2.......3!

J-Lo: Here is your winner by pinfall.....................Regulas Dante!

Sober by Tool hits as Dante stands tall admiring his first win on this night.

Xavier: Sweet ass match, bummer for no show Matt, but Dante got the win, his first ever in DOGG.

Styles: Yea, this guy is on his way, I feel it.

Singles Match
Shalina Starr vs. Tru

Furious by ja Rule hits and out walks Shalina to the ring looking pumped for her first match as she steps in the ring. Make Me Bad by Korn hits as Tru makes her way out and soon slides in the ring. The two women start off quick laying in punches and slaps to each other. After a bit of this, Tru manages to get the upperhand, knees Shalina in the stomach, then drops her with a double amr ddt and pins......1......2.......kickout! Tru picks up Shalina and whips her into the ropes, hits a dropkick, then goes up top for a swanton, but misses when Shalina rolls out of the way. Shalina gets to her feet and lifts up Tru, nails Cya, then comes off the ropes with an elbow drop and pins.......1........2.........kickout! Shalina punches Tru a few times, then whips her to the ropes, follows up and clotheslines her to the outside. Shalina then runs the ropes and nails a baseball slide dropkick to Tru, rolls out of the ring and begins beating her head off the announce table. Shalina walks Tru to the steel steps and looks to slam her head off those, but Tru blocks it and slams Shalina's head into them. Tru then grabs a chair and rears back, then catches Shalina with hard shot to the head.

J-Lo: Here is your winner by disqualification............Shalina Starr!

Tru lays in some vicious shots to Shalina's ribs and head busting her open. The ref tries pulling her off, but to no avail. But then, Gato comes running out and grabs the chair, tossing it away, tells Tru to get lost or set up. tru not wanting any of this heads to the back as Gato kneels down by Shalina, looks saddened at what happened, then lifts her in his arms and carries her to the back.

Xavier: Hell yea, that's what a man should do, way to go Gato.

Styles: I guess, but did you see Tru, she was nuts, she was insane, she has the fire to succeed.

Double Jeporady Match
If Talitha & Matt Lose, They Will Be Fired
Talitha Alias Messiah vs. Skull & Cobra vs. Matt Evans

Talitha and Matt stand in the ring looking bored and scared when Lose Yourself by Eminem hits and out walks Skull and Cobra. They climb into the ring and start out with Cobra charging and laying out Matt with a big boot. Skull then grabs Talitha by the hair and easily lifts her in a Jacknife Powerbomb, then slams her down and pins with his foot to her chest.......1........2.......3!

Next, Cobra lifts up Matt and whips him into the ropes, then he nails a spear on him at the same time that Skull hit a big boot. Cobra then pins.......1.........2........3!

J-Lo: Here are your winners by pinfall................Skull and Cobra!

Lose Yourself by Eminem hits as Skulla nd Cobra just head to the back not looking worked up at all.

Xavier: Um, nice match, way to go Skull and Cobra.

Styles: What a squash, Talitha and Matt had no chance.

ECW Rules Singles Match
Ares w/Carrie Hilton vs. Xavier w/Cassie Michaels

The Way I Am by Eminem is playing as Xavier tosses weapons into the ring, then slides in with a ballbat in his hand and waits. Then, Feel So Numb by Rob Zombie hits and out swaggers Ares who has his title in hand and Carrie with him. They get to ringside and both climb in the ring. Ares looks to toss his title to Carrie, but slings it at Xavier, then tackles him to the mat and starts pounding away with fists. Carrie grabs the title and steps back out of sight. Ares is up and so is Xavier fighting back on him when Carrie nails Xavier in the back of the head with the title, then Ares kicks him in the gut and nails the Ares Atom Bomb and pins.............1.............2...............kickout! Ares looks shocked, he doesn't belive it, so he picks up the ballbat and slams Xavier in the ribs, then bashes him in the face. He then holds him up with the bat hooked under Xavier's arms and Carrie unleashes with some slaps, punches, and soon nails him with a spinning kick. Ares keeps Xavier up and Carrie looks for a shot with the ballbat, but Cassie runs out to the ring and takes down Carrie with a tackle, some punches and soon nails a hard ddt into a trash can lid. Ares drops Xavier and picks up Cassie by the hair, looks to nail the Ares Atom Bomb, but Xavier jumps up out of rage and clobbers him with his fists, then sends him into the ropes, but ends up getting kicked in the head and clotheslined due to being hurt badly already. Cassie has just powerbombed Carrie and now has the ballbat which she swings at Ares with and catches him in the ribs, but Ares takes it and holds the bat, then clotheslines Cassie down. He looks to nail her with the bat, but Xavier pushes her out of the ring and takes a hard shot to the head. Ares then lifts up Xavier who is bleeding bad from the head, blood streaming down his face and looks for an Atom Bomb, but from the back runs Jackal and following him is Gato. They hit the ring and double clothesline Ares, then Jackal lifts him up and nails the Jackal Effect as Gato climbs up top and nails a Shooting Star Press. Xavier gets to his feet and pins Ares.........1..........2............3!

J-Lo: Here is your winner by pinfall..................Xavier!

The Way I Am by Eminem hits as Jackal and Gato help up Xavier who raises his hands up, but sees Cassie holding her back at ringside. he slides out of the ring and checks on her, then heads to the back with Jackal and Gato following.

Styles: Well, here I am out here alone again, but hey, no Mack who goes nuts over the women or Gertner for that matter, though Xavier was cool. But as far as I am concerned, I need no ones help. The show as a pretty good one and well after this lats match I am sure we are going to see more of these men together so stay tuned and see you next week.

Before the show goes off the air, a scene from a locker room is shown and in it is Daddy Mack with Whitney next to him and well, Mack's shirt is off, Whitney is in his shirt and nothing more, but is covered up. Mack then speaks.

Daddy Mack: Yo people, hope ya enjoyed the show, but sorry to say, I am no longer the commentator as I have revealed the main surprise to Whitney, well, one of many considering the singing of our song, her official victory over me in an actual match, and well, me job as commentator over and new job as her manager and tag team partner on as of, well, now. Also, Joey Styles new commentating partner is Joel Gertner just so ya don't get lonely Styles, plus, we got new additions to the interviewing team, four of them, DMX, Christina Aguilera, Eve, and Carmen Electra. So later on people and peace.

The scene fades to black, shows the DOGG logo, then is over.

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