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WAR 74 {7/18/12}

Started by sopshowtime69, November 23, 2014, 02:27:10 PM

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July 18th, 2012

Its the return of WAR inside the worlds most famous arena in New York City, Madison Square garden! The place sold out in under an hour and it looks every single ticket has been redeemed and the crowd roars as "Another Way To Die" by Disturbed comes over the pa. Soon the music kicks in louder and we soon see every wrestler including the damn jobbers at ringside with the Owner in the ring wearing loose blue jeans, brown sandals, and a white tee. His long brown hair down and a bit wild looking with his big beard still intact. Norm with a mic in his left hand lifts it up bringing the music down and he shouts.


A pop from the crowd and Norm now says.

So here we are back after a bit of an absence which I can only admit to having had BETTER things to do that lead a bunch of whining, sniveling bitches around a locker room and to the ring hoping for more than a half ass decent match!

Norm looking around the ring at the wrestlers who all eye their boss with lil love and a few fuck you glances, especially from the World Champ who is in the ring leaning in a corner. The Resurrector clad in his leather coat and black sunglasses just nods no way as Norm ignores him to continue on.

Anyways, Julie has taken a leave, though still acting President, she also has BETTER things to do. We have hired a vice president who reports to her directly, though he really only oversees the second person we hired. That being who you all saw make his debut recently, Thomas Caswell, the new WAR General manager, so without further ado, here he is.

"Irish Bagpipes March" plays bringing out the new GM in a fancy suit with his red hair standing up. A huge smile on his face as he heads down the aisle stretching his arms slapping some hands. Thomas patting some kids on their head before heading up the steps and into the ring. Norm greeting him with a handshake, pulls him in to say something and if ya read lips, you know its.

Don't let me down.

Norm handing him the mic steps past him to make his exit heading to the back. The crowd with a small thank you chant showing their respect, so Norm slaps a few hands, then disappears behind the curtain. Thomas in the ring nods that way and raises the mic to say.

In case you don't know, my name is Thomas Caswell and I am your new General Manager of WAR! And first things first, I don't take crap from anyone, so there will be no one out here who intimidates this GM. If any of you do decide to put your hands on me it will be your arse suspended, fired, or worse! Norm picked the right guy for the job and I won't be letting him down. We have an old saying in Dublin, Don't let your tongue cut your throat! You had better stay on my good side or I'll make your life a living hell, now to business.

A pause from Thomas and Matlock hearing enough heads to the back, so the Gm says.

Hey, you, get back here and come in the ring, we need to talk.

Matt turning flips the GM off and turns back heading backstage while Thomas says.

Fine, you'll be dealt with next week against a mystery opponent and good luck in your match tonight!

A bit of an evil smirk and the GM speaks some more.

Anyone else want to test your new boss? Good, now starting next week all champions will defend their titles every week cause its time ya showed you were fighting champions. Anyone slacking will be docked pay and anyone who pisses me off will have bigger problems. And the tag Champs, you need to start stepping up and next week you do so in a tag team gauntlet match. As for the Icon and Iron Champs, your both defending each belt in these interactive matches and as I said, every week, so two a week every week.

A bit of a pop for that as the crowd likes it and Thomas smiling just says.

Alright, well on that note let's get out of here, so the show begin with our first match between Cody and Taylor for the Icon Title!

Thomas exiting the ring orders everyone else to the back.

Interactive Icon Championship Steel Cage Match
Cody Jeriko v. Taylor Andrews(c)

`Cody got off to a quick start trying to show Taylor he really was a changed man, but soon fell prey to that awesome wrestling by the Icon Champ. Taylor grounding Cody most of the match kept him tied up with an stf and figure four leglock, then began to work on his neck trying for the T & A. Cody got free and reversed an irish to send Taylor into the steel cage. The challenger with a russian leg sweep tried to end the match, but got caught with a chick kick into a piledriver. Taylor scaling the cage decided to risk it all with a frog splash from the top of the cage. She hit it and hurt herself a little, but took the advantage setting up and nailing a superkick, then exited through the door to retain her title.

12 Man Tag Team Match
The Taliban + Paine Pushers + Radical Rockers
jWo's Retarded Redneck + Bullocks + CWS + Willy Winka + Just Joe + Rappin' Robbie w/ jWo's Horrible Harold + Axel + Jabber + Michael Mazzarone

A brawl from the start, this match made the ref work extra hard. Harold directed his teammates at ringside to constantly intefere and distract the opposition who seemed to work pretty well against the jWo. With the ref distracted Jabber went for a kick to the head on Chris Paine who was being held by Axel, but it was Axel who got struck when Paine ducked. Chris slid back in the ring while Axel took Jabber out with a viscious clothesline, then tossed Mazzarone into a ringspost after the manager of the jWo tried to reason with the big man. Harold clubbing Axel in the back only infuriated the big man who took out the jWo leader with a running powerslam on the floor. The Redneck came out after Axel, but took a spear only to get hit with a spear from Bullocks who finally put the big man down. This left Joe, Robbie, Willy, and CWS to get taken out by their six challengers and CWS was pinned by Arab Andy. The jWo would retreat with Axel recovering to chase after them.

Interactive Iron Championship No Disqualification Match
Shane Jeriko v. John Carter

A decent match with Shane gaining the upperhand first out of a lock up into a side headlock takedown. Shane turning into camel clutch tried to latch it on, but John making it to the ropes kicks Shane away. John trying for a spear, but Shane leapfrogs him and turns around with a spinning back kick to the head. John staggering gets taken down with a clothesline, then Shane tries for a piledriver. John backdropping him heads to the top rope leaping off for a senton bomb. Shane rolls out of the way and John rolls up to his feet almost getting the Jeriko pride. John shoves him and runs forward with a stompt o the chest. He pulls Shane up into a suplex, then rolls up pulling Shane into an irish whip. Shane comes off the ropes for a flying forearm smash, but gets a High Kick to the head instead and pinned by John who wins the Iron Title.

Jason Stratus v. Xanthus

A shoving match begins this one with a kick to the midsection from Xanthus followed by an irish whip. Jason countered it and caught Xanthus springing off the ropes with a dropkick, then floated into an armbar. They grappled on the mat and Xanthus took control out of a side headlock Xanthus into a back suplex went to work on Jason's legs with elbows and leg grapevines tearing away at him. Jason trying to get away rolled to the floor and Xanthus flew out with a suicide dive headbutt taking both men out for almost a double count out. Xanthus beating the ref's count by two, then he rolled back out kicking Jason in his head. Xanthus for the Ghetto Busta, but Jason charging him into a ringpost whipped X across the commentators table making Bob and Nick scatter. Jason marched around to grab a steel chair and whacked Xanthus over his head once getting disqualified, but nailed Xanthus several more times after that. He smashes Xanthus into the floor actually busting him open before security hauled him to the back.

Main Event
World Heavyweight Championship Match
Matt Matlock v. The Resurrector

Matlock in the ring as "Rest in Pieces" finishes playing, the lights come on and The Resurrector is nowhere to be seen. So this brings the new GM out, Thomas Caswell who marches to the ring in his suit all business, though smiling a bit. He enters the ring just sneering a bit as he sees Matt, then gets a mic and says.

So it seems The Resurrector is not here, and you Matt, well you may be here a while since you win the World Title by forfeit, however, maybe not since you defend that belt against my new bodyguard, Big Tony!

And the GM steps back to spread his arm out to introduce the challenger. "Back In Black" by AC/DC plays though and out walks and old face from SEF's past, Bill McLane or as many know him, Sly. A crooked grin across his face and the World Title tucked under his left arm as he heads down the aisle. Sly entering the ring asks for the mic from the GM and gets it, then says.

First of all Thomas, there is no World Champion right now as no one wins this belt by forfeit, they earn it in the ring, so Matt Matlock will face someone to try and do just that. Second, I am your new boss, the new Vice President of SEF, so you can go to the back and figure what to do next week, who do book, you know, your job, and leave this important matter to someone who knows what to do. Third, you touch me and your out of here, that goes double for the big ape you hired to protect your ass and I'll sue as well!

Thomas sneering at the new Vice President and just grins like he is playing along before heading to the back. Matlock not caring bit as he is here for what he expected to have, a World Title match. Sly exits the ring and leans on the announce table holding the belt and mic saying.

Oh yea Matt, your opponent is over here, hey, over here you son of a bitch!

Matt turns yelling.


And Sly eyeing him with disdain pauses a second and Xanthus comes running down. Sly yells.

Your opponent is this man!

Matt turns as Xanthus pops up on the mat and runs into matt with a jumping calf kick to the jaw. Xanthus sliding out pulls matt to the floor and into then announce table, then grabs a chair smacking him across the back. Sly yelling.

This match is No DQ!

Xanthus wailing on Matt like he had done to him earlier from Jason Stratus. Xanthus kicking at Matt now, then rips him up into the Asshole Cutta right there on the floor. He pulls Matt up and into the ring, then grabs the title from Sly sliding in the ring with it. Xanthus waiting for Matt to rise bashes him in the head with the belt, then yanks him up into the Ghetto Busta. X on his feet kicks Matt over, then heads to the top rope flying off with the Gangsta Splash and crawls back on him hooking a leg for the pin, ONE............................TWO................................THREE! The bell rings and the crowd is cheering pretty loud for Xanthus despite the fact that Sly now enters the ring grinning deviously and announcing.

And your new SEF World Heavyweight Champion...................Xanthus!

"The Way I Am" plays as X gets up ripping the title up high and flipping the middle finger at the same time. Still some loud cheers and pops for the X Rated Icon who lowers the belt, then eyes Sly who looks quite happy extending a hand out. Xanthus eyes the hand and just slaps it in a friendly manner, then turns rolling to the floor and slinging the belt over his shoulder. Sly shrugging just smirks and exits the ring when the GM come out. Thomas and Big Tony come walking out to the ring without music and get inside and get handed the mic. Matt Matlock is still in the ring trying to recover from his match as the GM began to speak.

Matlock...since you wanted to disrespect me in the ring a few days ago, I have decided on your punishment. Right now you have been suspended without pay. Big Tony..see to it that Matlock sees the back door.

Big Tony grabs a hold of Matlock and begins roughing him up. He start slapping him around and then lifts him in the air and throws him out of the ring hard. Matlock lands on the floor as Big Tony climbs over the top rope. Big Tony grabs his arm and drags him to the backstage area and towards the back door to the arena. Big Tony kicks open the door and flings Matlock out and then shuts the door back tightly, making sure that Matlock can't get in. Big Tony chuckles as the camera pans back to the WAR GM as he further speaks.

Now that I have took out the trash, let that be a lesson to the rest of you in the back. You cross me...and your job will be on the line.

Thomas throws the microphone down to the mat as the show goes off the air.

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