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Shakedown 12 {11/30/08}

Started by Daddy Mack, December 03, 2014, 07:14:43 PM

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Daddy Mack

November 30th, 2008

Back again for Shakedown and were back inside the MCW Arena where "Bawitdaba" by Kid Rock blasts from the pa. The sold out crowd screams loud for the start of the show while the cameras roam around capturing their faces and signs.

MACK: What up everyone?! Your favorite mack daddy here as always and tonight I got some help and not that little dick named Dick, nah, tonight I got Nick Miller from SEF with me.

Nick Miller: Thanks for the welcome Mack, hopefully I do MCW justice, place is nice, been a fan since it started back in the summer, sucks I now get to work here when its gonna end.

MACK: You'll do justice Nick, your one of the best commentators I know. Now then, ya been a fan, so what ya think of this triple threat tonight involving our biggest stars in MCW?

Nick Miller: Can't wait for it! Chris Orton is so close to achieving a dream while Whitney is still showing women can kick ass, plus ya got that bastard Scorpion who is just as talented as his opponents, but is just that, a bastard.

MACK: He is a douche and a half isn't he!? But luckily these fans get to be saved by seeing yours truly in action!

Nick Miller: That's right, your in a match ain't ya, main event against three people who don't deserve that spot.

MACK: Well maybe so, but this chance is to either step up or get knocked out...by yours truly!

Nick Miller: True! We'll also gonna see the SEF World Title defended here tonight when Ares who is still the champ takes on Big Bill.

MACK: That dude is big and touch man, I been in the ring with him, hard hitting brute.

Nick Miller: Should be a hell of a brawl between him and the champ then. Joe and Corez open the show and will just be straight up hardcore due to these rules of MCW stating anything goes.

MACK: Oh yea, what a way to open it up, now lets get rolling!

Singles Match
Joe Dumar v. Corez

So time for the first match and "Rise" blasts out bringing the fans into a frenzy as Joe steps out doing his crucifix pose holding a singapore cane.

Staci Sparx: Making his way to the ring from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at 236 pounds, the Messiah of Violence.........Joe Dumar!

He pulls a shopping cart full of weapons behind him heading down the aisle, high fives fans and gets to the ring. Joe starts tossing in all his weapons, then picks up the cart and throws that in before sliding in. "Floods: comes over the pa now and Corez steps out doing a crucix pose as well and holds a sickle.

Staci Sparx: Making his way to the ring from Memphis Tennessee, weighing in at 225 pounds.........Corez!

He comes down the aisle now in a slow pace staring at Joe. Corez gets to the ring and slides the sickle in a corner, then rolls in the ring and stands up. He looks around at the weapons littering the canvas, then at Joe standing across from him saying, 'welcome to my world'! Corez sneers at that and raises his arms out, stands there and Joe charges at him letting fists fly. Corez responds with some uppercuts, a knee to the gut and turns Joe into the ropes nailing a couple chops to his chest. Corez looks for the Corez Effect, but Joe runs him backwards across the ring against the ropes. He backs off and charges Corez taking him over the ropes with a clothesline. Joe rolls out and grabs Corez slamming his head into the apron, then lifts him him dropping Corez on the guard rail. Joe goes under the ring and pulls out a table and slides it in the ring, then rolls in Corez.

Nick Miller: Joe bringing out all kinds of weapons to start this match and now he has a table.

MACK: Controlling the flow as well, lets see if he can keep that going.

Joe is in the ring and pulls up Corez looking for a suplex. Corez slips down behind Joe and shoves him forward. Joe turns and gets caught with a clothesline, then Corez picks up a vase. Joe gets up and Corez smashes him in the head with the vase, then body slams him. He grabs the table setting it up near a corner, then grabs a trash can stuffing that in the opposite corner. He pulls up Joe and looks to whip him that way, but Joe blocks and charges Corez with a spear taking him down and stays on him hammering punches. Joe gets up and grabs a singapore cane now, circles around getting crazed, then Corez stands. Joe swings the cane catching Corez in the arm, then swings around for the other arm, but Corez ducks. He leaps up to Joe's back with a knee burying into his spine shoving Joe into the trash can stuffed in the corner. Joe staggers back and Corez grabs him from behind and charges nailing a bulldog on him. Corez grabs a small roll of barbed wire and begins wrapping it around Joe's neck and chokes him with it, some blood comes from his neck, not a lot though.

MACK: First blood drawn, but that could just mean Joe is gonna be out for more.

Nick Miller: Could be the case unless he can't regain control.

Corez wraps the rest around his head, then starts hammering him with punches. He pulls Joe up and delivers a piledriver on him, then rolls from the ring getting a chair. He slides back in and kneels in a corner holding the chair. Joe pulls himself up holds his head, turns groggy and Corez launches out with the chair, but Joe is able to duck and drops him with a neckbreaker.

Nick Miller: Oh man, Corez looking to end it perhaps, but Joe with a last second counter bringing things back to an even level.

Joe pulls himself up and grabs the chair laying it on the table, then pulls up Corez and walks him over to it slamming his face into the chair. He rolls Corez on the top and nails a couple punches on him, then heads out climbing to the top rope. Corez pulls brass knucks from his pocket slipping them on and when Joe gets on the ropes he pulls himself up and over swinging up catching Joe in the jaw with a damn near knockout shot.

MACK: Oh damn, he had knucks on, that had to be a hard shot.

Corez gets up on the table now and kicks Joe in the head popping his head up, then leaps at him grabbing Joe in a facelock and drops backwards with the Corex Effect smashing him headfirst into the chair smashing the table underneath.

Nick Miller: Good god, Joe has to be done, what a move.

Corez turns Joe over and covers him, 1.......................2......................3!

Staci Sparx: Here is your winner..........Corez!

"Floods" is heard and the crowd is booing as Corez stands up.

MACK: Hell of a fight it was, close one to the end.

Nick Miller: That it was, nice way to open up the show and next we got the big triple threat featuring the MCW Champ, number one contender, and the man who believes he is the real champion.

MACK: Yea and he wasn't mistaken, that's next! Wait till ya all see the main event!

Non Title Triple Threat Match
Chris Orton v. Scorpion v. Whitney Marret

"Bodies" kicks out the pa now and the crowd erupts for Orton stepping out raising his arms.

Staci Sparx: Making his way to the ring from Miami Florida, weighing in at 245 pounds.........Chris Orton!

He heads down the aisle, the fans patting him on the back and Orton gets to the ring. He heads up the steps, climbs in the ring and climbs the turnbuckles, but then he's cut off by the sound of "Sinner" and the crowd booing Scorpion who now steps out.

Staci Sparx: Making his way to the ring from Amarillo Texas, weighing in at 220 pounds, The Ultimate Sinner.........Scorpion!

He heads down the aisle swatting at the fans, yelling insults and just gets to the ring and steps up on the apron staring at Orton. Scorion just stays there and we soon hear "Money, Power, Respect" hit the pa and the crowd cheer once again for the champ, Whitney who steps out raising her title in the air.

Staci Sparx: Making her way to the ring from Detoit Michigan, weighing in at 145 pounds, she is the MCW Champion.........Whitney Marret!

Whitney walks down the aisle high fiving the fans, gets to the ring and heads up the steps stopping to look at Scorpion who now watches both his opponents. Whitney steps in the ring and heads up the turnbuckles raising her title in the air. She soon hops down and lays the title in the corner, then waits for the bell. The ref orders Scorpion in the ring, but he refuses. Orton comes over and Scorpion drops to the floor backing off. Orton rolls out and the chase begins around the ring, Whitney just watching and folds her arms.

Nick Miller: Scorpion not wanting to start this match and Whitney letting the boys run some wind outta their system it seems.

MACK: It is rather smart of her.

Scorpion leaps up on the steel steps and leaps on top the announcer table, then jumps into the crowd and runs towards the back. From the other side of the ring Corez runs into the ring with a ballbat slamming into Whitney's back dropping her, then slams it down to the back of her head. Orton is coming back in and Corez baseball slides at him with a dropkick to his head sending him back out to the floor, then he hops outta the ring and heads to the back. Scorpion comes back from the crowd now with a devils grin and gets in the ring.

Nick Miller: Oh c'mon, this buildup for this screwjob?!

MACK: Damn Scorpion, he may be smart, but this just cheap.

Scorpion kicks Whitney on to her back and drops down in a very laxxed cover, 1.....................2............kickout! The crowd cheers and Scorpion looks pissed. He yanks up Whitney and hits a suplex on her, then runs to the ropes and comes back with a quick leg drop. Orton slides in the ring now and Scorpion gets up. Orton leaps up and looks for the CKO, but Scorpion shoves him away and runs behind him. Orton nails a back elbow knocking Scorpion groggy. He turns and clotheslines him, then pulls up Scorpion and body slams him. Orton pulls up Whitney and sends her into a corner, looks to charge at her, but Scorpion tackles him to the mat and lays in some punches. He gets up and Whitney comes from behind kicking him low, then spins him around and plants him with Southern Pride.

Nick Miller: Its gotta be over now.

MACK: Unless, oh...

Orton is up and grabs Whitney from behind tossing her out through the ropes, then drops down on Scorpion for the cover hooking his leg, 1..................2..................3!

Staci Sparx: Here is your winner.............Chris Orton!

The crowd cheers as "Bodies" hits and Orton stands up smiling, climbs the turnbuckles and spreads his arms wide. Whitney comes in the ring behind him and Orton hops down turning as he does, but gets a kick to the gut and nailed with Southern Pride, the crowd loving that as well, they love both Whitney and Orton.

MACK: Damn, our champ drops both her opponents, but technically loses the match.

"Money, Power, Respect" plays over the pa as Whitney stands holding her title now looking down at Orton and then Scorpion before leaving.

Nick Miller: Yea, gotta say that started out very awful, but Orton and Whitney came back from the sneak attack and the match turned out great.

Singles Match
SEF World Heavyweight Championship
Big Bill Butcher v. Ares(c)

So now its time for a match with the SEF World Title on the line, odd maybe, not really considering the owner of SEF owns MCW now. So first up is the challenger and we hear these words come over the pa...

"Big Bill...Big Bill"

And then we hear "Down With The Sickness" by Disturbed rumble out the pa and out steps Bill snarling.

Staci Sparx: Introducing the challenger, from Bellmawr New Jersey, weighing in at 320 pounds.........Big Bill Butcher!

Bill charges down the aisle and comes sliding in the ring, stands up and raises his huge arms in the air before beating his fists to his chest. The crowd then goes nuts when "Rock You Like A Hurrican" by Scorpions plays and out swaggers Ares raising his title and middle fingers.

Staci Sparx: And his opponent from Alburquerqe New Mexico, weighing in at 250 pounds, he is the SEF World Heavyweight Champion........Ares!

He's heading down the aisle getting beers from the fans and slamming them down, then at the ring he tosses in the title and hops up on the apron stepping in the ring. Ares looks down at the title and then up at Bill and flips him off. Bill charges over and Ares ducks, they both turn and fists begind flying. Ares outpunches Bill and just rocks the hell out of him, but the big man doesn't back up match. Ares kicks him in the guta nd clubs him over the back, then grabs him by his head and runs him facefirst into the corner. He turns Bill around and hammers him with rights and lefts, kicks him in the legs and then the gut and keeps rocking him with punches. The ref orders him off and Ares stops, Bill slips down on the mat and Ares flips off the ref. He starts stomping Bill into the mat now, the ref making another count and then pulls Ares off.

MACK: Ares is full of fire as usual, but if Bill can gain any momentum he defintely has the size to put down the champ.

Niick Miller: Very true, should be a nice match to see.

Ares backs up some, but then ushes by the ref yanking Bill up and looks for an irish whip. The big man reverses it sending Ares into the corner, then charges him, but Ares bounces right out at him, both go for a clothesline and get knocked down.

Nick Miller: Same idea from both men and both are now down.

They start to get up fairly quick and Ares rushes over, but Bill nails a hard uppercut on him staggering Ares. Bill knees him in the gut, then rips him up and over witrh a gutwrench suplex. Bill gets up and kicks Ares in the ribs, then rips him up into a bearhug looking to squeeze the life outta him. Ares screams in pain, Bill keeps his grip tight and the ref asks Ares if he gives, but just gets told, "fuck no!"

MACK: Ares refusing to give up, still got that never quit attitude.

Ares tries punching at Bill's head, but the hold starts to wear him down, so he tries boxing his head. Bill is hurting, but shakes it off and keeps squeezing. Ares arms start to get heavy and fall now, his head drops to one side and the ref now grabs his left arm. He raise it in the air and lets it drop, the crowd groans and the ref raises Ares arm again and lets it go, but Ares yanks it up slamming his fist into the side of Bill's head. He then bites Bill's ear.

MACK: Whoa, he just pulled a Tyson!

Nick Miller: Well true, except he's not taking a chunk of ear off.

Bill releases his grip finally and Ares punches him in the head now, gets his feet touching the mat and and starts hammering him harder. He kicks Bill in the gut and goes for a suplex, but can't lift him up. Bill rips up Ares for a suplex, but he shifts in the air and comes down behind Bill, elbows him in the kidneys and looks for a german suplex now. Bill blocks it and nails a back elbow to Ares head, then turns, but gets kicked low now and dropped with a ddt. Ares rolls from the ring and grabs a chair just as Rayne Rocco comes running out and stops at ringside when he sees Ares with a chair.

Nick Miller: What the hell is that bastard doing here?

MACK: Probably looking to help to cuz out.

Rayne stares at Ares who motions for him to come fight, but Rayne eyeing the chair just backs off. Bill comes over looking to step out of the ring when Ares turns bashing him in the head dropping Bill back to the mat. Rayne comes running over and Ares turns in time slamming the chair over his head and down goes Rayne. Ares just rolls in the ring now and starts pull up Bull when Rob Rocco comes running out. He hops on the apron and leaps over the ropes, Ares ducking his clothesline. Rob gets up and Ares kicks him in the gut and nails the Atom Bomb.

MACK: The third cousin comes out and gets laid out!

Ares pulls up Bill and drops him with the Atom Bomb now, then makes the pin, 1.........................2........................3!

Staci Sparx: Here is your winner by pinfall and still SEF World Heavyweight Champion.......Ares!

"Rock You Like A Hurricane" blasts out, the crowd screams loud, and Ares gets his title and some beer celebrating in his usual style.

Nick Miller: A nice win for Ares, coulda been a screwjob, but I don't know if he just outsmarted them or the Triad fell apart.

MACK: Probably both! But hey Nick, its been fun, now I gotta go main event!

So "Slave To The Grind" is playing as Mack gets in the ring dancing all around, disrobes his vest, he's been in his ring gear all night by the way. The crowd is of course into him as always, Detroit loves this guy for some reason, heh, go figure. At ringside with Nick we see his ol' SEF partner Greg.

Nick Miller: Well folks, Mack is set to go and now I am joined my colleague from SEF, Greg Boone.

Greg Boone: About time they let me here to carry your ass!

Nick Miller: Some things never do change!

Main Event
Your Fired Ganutlet Match
MACK v. Gato, Jason Vendetta, Nomii Sparrow

"Slave To The Grind" still plays as Mack lays up on the turnbuckles. Gato then comes walking out to no music and he rolls in the ring. Once on his feet, the bell rings and Mack hops down, walks over to him and just slaps him across the face leting it sting a bit.

Nick Miller: Oh man, guess Mack don't like Gato for becoming so lazy.

Gato looks confused, but eyes well up with anger an Mack dares him to retaliate to which Gato lunges, but Mack sidesteps him and shoves him into the ropes. Gato bounces back and Mack leaps up wrapping his legs around Gato's neck bringing him down in the Show Strangla.

Greg Boone: Quick move, but only after Mack hit him from behind.

Nick Miller: What?!?!

Gato twists and wrenches in pain, then has enough and taps out, the crowd loving it. Mack gets to his feet and Gato rolls out to the floor, then we see Jason Vendetta run out to no music. He leaps up on the apron and then the top rope and flies at Mack who quickly executes Da Shows Ova catching Vendetta as he comes down ands he snaps to his back out of it and Mack falls on him in a laxxed pin, 1.....................2......................3!

Nick Miller: Damn, Vendetta came out looking for a surprise highflying move, but Mack just knocked him out.

Greg Boone: Damn it, I was hoping Vendetta would own Mack like I know he could, why can't these kids ever step up?

We now see Nomii Sparrow walking out as Jason is kicked from the ring by Mack. Nomii rolls in and just stands there like she doesn't want to do this. Mack turns and sees her, he gets a smirk now and eyes her up and down, then walks on over, Nomii cowering some not wanting to fight. Mack holds his hands up and says, "I'm a lover, not a fighter" to which Nomii gigles a little.

Greg Boone: Oh crap, just beat her ass Mack, why ya gotta fall for the women so easily.

Nick Miller: Cause he's a player.

Nomii gets close and puts a hand on his chest, then pulls his head down and whispers in his ear. Mack nods yea and Nomii drops to her knees, then falls to her back. Mack drops down and lifts her legs up, then leans forward pushing her legs up by her head and yells for the ref to count, so he does, 1............2..........3!

Staci Sparx: Here is your winner............MACK!

And so "Slave To The Grind" plays, the crowd cheers and chants for Mack who rolls from the ring and helps Nomii out and into his arms carrying her to the back.

Nick Miller: Well Mack won, he eliminated three no shows from MCW, and now is gonna go have some fun I guess.

Greg Boone: What a bunch of crap this was, your right, some things do-

Nick Miller: Wait a second, I got word something is happening in the back.

So we go to the back, the very back outside the arena where Scorpion and Corez are kicking away at a bloody Chris Orton who leans against a car. Scorpion opens up the back door and then they both pull up Orton and throw up into the back letting his legs hang out. Scorpion kicks the door shut on his legs and Orton yanks them in screaming in pain.

Scorpion: Go get that truck and end this asshole!

Corez heads across the lot now as Scorpion slams the back door shut, then hops in the drivers seat and starts up the car. He moves it out of its space and along side the brick wall getting it just a few inches away, then shuts it off. He turns around and leans into the back throwing punches at Orton, goes right over the seat and just goes nuts beating on him. A roar is head across the lot now and the camera pans over showing Corez sitting in a big ol' pick up with a heavy duty grill on the front.

Nick Miller: What the hell are these two thinking?

Scorpion opens up the back door and gets out of the car, Orton moving, but he's too bloody and groggy to know what's going on. Scorpion slams the door shut and runs out of the way while yelling to Corez.

Scorpion: DO IT...END HIM!

And now the truck roars up again and then peels out and goes barreling into the car smashing it up against the wall and it either kills or Corez shut it off. His door opens and he undoes his seatbelt, then hops out, Scorpion is trying to look in the car, steam and fluid leaks from the truck, glass is all over from the car. Scorpion climbs on the hood and peeks in there, his jaw drops and he just backs off the hood, motions for Corez to follow and they head over to another car, probably theirs. They hop in and drive outta there in a hurry.

Nick Miller: My god, what happened to Orton, is he even alive? Someone get back there now!?!

We do see some medics following wrestlers out there, Frank E is out there, everyone in awe, sirens are heard coming closer, but the show is over, so we catch a last look at the wreck before fading to black.

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