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universal6 star tag team

The Phoenix

Started by Jake Voss, December 29, 2014, 09:27:22 AM

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Jake Voss

Jake Voss

The Phoenix
Defiant God

August 1st, 1981



Albuquerque, New Mexico

Theme Music

Wrestling Style
Brawler/Psychological; Loves to fight, just straight up smashmouth fighting is what he brings to the ring, though he has some power which helps his fighting, but also lets him go toe to toe with some bigger guys. Has a very sharp mind also and not prone to being played by games, but rather he will orchestrate them rather well. Cerebral, always thinking ahead and planning his next move. Willing to do what is best for himself at the cost of anyone else.

Finishing Move

Trademark Moves
Rising Phoenix (running high knee to face followed by a superkick to jaw), Cyclone Slam (Spinebuster), Southside Stomp (Hammer like Punches to opponent in corner knocking them down, then mudhole stomps to the midsection), Phoenix Splash, Powerbomb, German Suplex, Piledriver, Spear, Suplex, Elbow Drop, Superplex, Swinging Neckbreaker, Texas Cloverleaf, Half Crab, Armbar, Falcon Arrow, Side Russian Leg Sweep, Suicide Dive Through Ropes, Frog Splash, DDT, Roundhouse Kick

Pro Wrestling Debut
March 29th, 2001

Favorite Match Types
Cage, No DQ

In the ring he wears plain black tights with padding on the thighs and with The Phoenix across the back in silver and red a lot, blue often, and other colors rarely. Sports black boots and kneepads with tape around his wrists and hands. Wears a black vest to the ring with a fist on the back in silver drawn as if its pumping up high in the air. Also on the back of the vest above the fist is, The Phoenix, in whatever color lettering is on his pants. At the bottom of the vest in the same color is his name, Jake Voss.

Favorite Weapon(s)
Steel Chair

He was a kid in the south who grow up with a fondness for wrestling, went out for football in high school, trained himself in off time to take bumps and move like a wrestler. He attended wrestling events and would seek out the promoters to get a job as a jobber. Ares would put everyone over and after a few matches started to learn that real well. He would soak up knowledge from the wrestlers and study every match, learned how to work really good and he was then the one getting put over. He would travel to Texas and work a lot of indy territories there. Ares would soon move on to the east a little ways and wrestled from Texas to D.C. for about three years. In early '04 he would he go up to Detroit for a gig and soon found himself in a small, but good company called DOGG, Da Original Gangstas Ghetto. Ares was pumped and went to the company full blast tearing through the competition like a bull through a china shop. He found himself in a tournament to crown the first ever DOGG Heavyweight Champ and after wrestling three matches in the first pay per view Ares captured the DOGG Title. His reign as champ looked to be one that would have been great, but less than two weeks into it Ares would lose the title and after the match he went postal and assaulted a young kid in the ring. The kid would end up hospitalized and Ares was fired and arrested. He was tried and convicted and sent to prison for two years, all of which he ended up serving. Once he got out he went to New Mexico, his birthplace and stayed with his mother, worked some mediocre jobs to get on his feet and get his own place in town, all the time he retrained himself for the ring. His time in prison at least kept him in shape, so all he did was keep in shape and attend small gigs like when he first started, job to other wrestlers a lot and learn the craft all over again. He moved up quicker this time and is now back to working matches from his hometown all across the south and up to D.C., trying to find a company to settle down in. He would end up in Wrestling Underground in the early summer of '07, had a few matches while they tried getting a TV deal back and then ended up in SEF when the Underground merged with them. Ares would find out DOGG had merged into it, the company he loved a few years back, so now he seems happy to be in SEF. Into '08 Ares would capture the International Title and started climbing to the top fast just mowing through the competition. He lost that title, but became the winner of the SEF Rumble in February earning a World Title shot at Wrestle X. The champ then Hal Havoc threw everything he had in Ares path, beatdowns and screwjobs every week, but come Wrestle X Ares proved how tough he was and became World Champ, a title he continues to hold and every week he proves why he deserves the title. He managed to keep the title for nine months proving himself as a worthy World Champ. Losing was no big loss as it took veteran Troy Storms to get the title off him and soon after Ares ended up taking a leave for a while, no one is sure why, maybe just needed a rest or possibly injuries. Whatever it was is over as Ares is back in SEF and at the expense of Mack and is aligned himself with Hardcore Haz, the two beer drinking brawlers stepping into the revitalized Tag Titles picture. Never captured the Tag Titles and ended up being a victim of the mass firing in the fall of '09. Returned to the rebirth of MCW under the SEF flag and is aiming for the top of that company in a quest to get back into SEF perhaps? Injuries would sideline him, but not for long and soon Ares would comeback, but under his real name, Jake Voss, and he has aligned himself with Shane Mack as a part of iX! And he would turn on Mack screwing him in a World Title rematch to join the DVF and be chosen as Viper's champion. Viper would turn his back on Jake though and he would end up dropping the title in a political screwjob from the Dominant Player. Jake spent the next few years rededicated himself to the sport of pro wrestling and most notably in SEF, or rather SEFWUN as it is known today. Jake is signing up to UWR, Ultimate Wrestling Revolution, to further re dedicate himself and reinvent himself as The Phoenix, a name that fits the man who continues to rise from the ashes, again and again...

DOGG Heavyweight Title
SEF World Heavyweight Title(2), SEF International Title, SEF TV Title, SEF Rumble Winner(2008)
Showstoppa World Title

Ring Entrance
Rock You Like A Hurricane by the Scorpions plays over the pa as the lights dim down enough to allow a spotlight to appear on the stage where Jake Voss steps out with his arms out in a crucifix pose. He stomps across the stage and down the ramp as the announcer introduces him.

"Making his way to the ring from Albuquerque New Mexico, weighing in at two hundred thirty pounds, The Phoenix, Jake Voss."

Jake marching down to turn and head up the ring steps to enter the ring and heads right for the turnbuckles pumping his fists in the air.

Jake Voss

Jake Voss

The Phoenix
Defiant God

August 1st, 1981



Albuquerque, New Mexico

Theme Music
Rock You Like A Hurricane by the Scorpions

Wrestling Style
Brawler/Psychological; Loves to fight, just straight up smashmouth fighting is what he brings to the ring, though he has some power which helps his fighting, but also lets him go toe to toe with some bigger guys. Has a very sharp mind also and not prone to being played by games, but rather he will orchestrate them rather well. Cerebral, always thinking ahead and planning his next move. Willing to do what is best for himself at the cost of anyone else.

Finishing Move

Trademark Moves
Rising Phoenix (running high knee to face followed by a superkick to jaw), Cyclone Slam (Spinebuster), Southside Stomp (Hammer like Punches to opponent in corner knocking them down, then mudhole stomps to the midsection), Phoenix Splash, Powerbomb, German Suplex, Piledriver, Spear, Suplex, Elbow Drop, Superplex, Swinging Neckbreaker, Texas Cloverleaf, Half Crab, Armbar, Falcon Arrow, Side Russian Leg Sweep, Suicide Dive Through Ropes, Frog Splash, DDT, Roundhouse Kick

Pro Wrestling Debut
March 29th, 2001

Favorite Match Types
Cage, No DQ

In the ring he wears plain black tights with padding on the thighs and with The Phoenix across the back in silver and red a lot, blue often, and other colors rarely. Sports black boots and kneepads with tape around his wrists and hands. Wears a black vest to the ring with a fist on the back in silver drawn as if its pumping up high in the air. Also on the back of the vest above the fist is, The Phoenix, in whatever color lettering is on his pants. At the bottom of the vest in the same color is his name, Jake Voss.

Favorite Weapon(s)
Steel Chair

He was a kid in the south who grew up with a fondness for wrestling, went out for football in high school, trained himself in off time to take bumps and move like a wrestler. He attended wrestling events and would seek out the promoters to get a job as a jobber. Ares would put everyone over and after a few matches started to learn that real well. He would soak up knowledge from the wrestlers and study every match, learned how to work really good and he was then the one getting put over. He would travel to Texas and work a lot of indy territories there. Ares would soon move on to the east a little ways and wrestled from Texas to D.C. for about three years. In early '04 he would he go up to Detroit for a gig and soon found himself in a small, but good company called DOGG, Da Original Gangstas Ghetto. Ares was pumped and went to the company full blast tearing through the competition like a bull through a china shop. He found himself in a tournament to crown the first ever DOGG Heavyweight Champ and after wrestling three matches in the first pay per view Ares captured the DOGG Title. His reign as champ looked to be one that would have been great, but less than two weeks into it Ares would lose the title and after the match he went postal and assaulted a young kid in the ring. The kid would end up hospitalized and Ares was fired and arrested. He was tried and convicted and sent to prison for two years, all of which he ended up serving. Once he got out he went to New Mexico, his birthplace and stayed with his mother, worked some mediocre jobs to get on his feet and get his own place in town, all the time he retrained himself for the ring. His time in prison at least kept him in shape, so all he did was keep in shape and attend small gigs like when he first started, job to other wrestlers a lot and learn the craft all over again. He moved up quicker this time and is now back to working matches from his hometown all across the south and up to D.C., trying to find a company to settle down in. He would end up in Wrestling Underground in the early summer of '07, had a few matches while they tried getting a TV deal back and then ended up in SEF when the Underground merged with them. Ares would find out DOGG had merged into it, the company he loved a few years back, so now he seems happy to be in SEF. Into '08 Ares would capture the International Title and started climbing to the top fast just mowing through the competition. He lost that title, but became the winner of the SEF Rumble in February earning a World Title shot at Wrestle X. The champ then Hal Havoc threw everything he had in Ares path, beatdowns and screwjobs every week, but come Wrestle X Ares proved how tough he was and became World Champ, a title he continues to hold and every week he proves why he deserves the title. He managed to keep the title for nine months proving himself as a worthy World Champ. Losing was no big loss as it took veteran Troy Storms to get the title off him and soon after Ares ended up taking a leave for a while, no one is sure why, maybe just needed a rest or possibly injuries. Whatever it was is over as Ares is back in SEF and at the expense of Mack and is aligned himself with Hardcore Haz, the two beer drinking brawlers stepping into the revitalized Tag Titles picture. Never captured the Tag Titles and ended up being a victim of the mass firing in the fall of '09. Returned to the rebirth of MCW under the SEF flag and is aiming for the top of that company in a quest to get back into SEF perhaps? Injuries would sideline him, but not for long and soon Ares would comeback, but under his real name, Jake Voss, and he has aligned himself with Shane Mack as a part of iX! And he would turn on Mack screwing him in a World Title rematch to join the DVF and be chosen as Viper's champion. Viper would turn his back on Jake though and he would end up dropping the title in a political screwjob from the Dominant Player. Jake spent the next few years rededicated himself to the sport of pro wrestling and most notably in SEF, or rather SEFWUN as it is known today. Jake is signing up to UWR, Ultimate Wrestling Revolution, to further re dedicate himself and reinvent himself as The Phoenix, a name that fits the man who continues to rise from the ashes, again and again...

DOGG Heavyweight Title
 SEF World Heavyweight Title(2), SEF International Title, SEF TV Title, SEF Rumble Winner(2008)
Showstoppa World Title

Ring Entrance
Rock You Like A Hurricane by the Scorpions plays over the pa as the lights dim down enough to allow a spotlight to appear on the stage where Jake Voss steps out with his arms out in a crucifix pose. He stomps across the stage and down the ramp as the announcer introduces him.

"Making his way to the ring from Albuquerque New Mexico, weighing in at two hundred thirty pounds, The Phoenix, Jake Voss."

Jake marching down to turn and head up the ring steps to enter the ring and heads right for the turnbuckles pumping his fists in the air.

Jake Voss

The Phoenix
Defiant God
Real Name
Jake Voss
August 1st, 1981
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Theme Music
Rock You Like A Hurricane by the Scorpions
Wrestling Style
Brawler/Psychological; Loves to fight, just straight up smashmouth fighting is what he brings to the ring, though he has some power which helps his fighting, but also lets him go toe to toe with some bigger guys. Has a very sharp mind also and not prone to being played by games, but rather he will orchestrate them rather well. Cerebral, always thinking ahead and planning his next move. Willing to do what is best for himself at the cost of anyone else.
Finishing Move
Phoenix Rises
(He sets this move up with his Rising Phoenix move giving him time to back up to the ropes and spring off into almost a high knee again, but drives his foot down to the back of his opponents head stomping his face to the mat.)
Signature Moves
Rising Phoenix
(running high knee to face followed by a superkick to jaw)
Trademark Moves
Cyclone Slam (Spinebuster), Southside Stomp (Hammer like Punches to opponent in corner knocking them down, then mudhole stomps to the midsection), Phoenix Splash, Powerbomb, German Suplex, Piledriver, Spear, Suplex, Elbow Drop, Superplex, Swinging Neckbreaker, Texas Cloverleaf, Half Crab, Armbar, Falcon Arrow, Side Russian Leg Sweep, Suicide Dive Through Ropes, Frog Splash, DDT, Roundhouse Kick
Pro Wrestling Debut
March 29th, 2001
Favorite Match Types
Cage, No DQ
In the ring he wears plain black tights with padding on the thighs and with Phoenix across the back in silver and red a lot, blue often, and other colors rarely. Sports black boots and knee pads with tape around his wrists and hands. Wears a long, black trench coat when he is not wrestling and hangs out in seclusion, dark areas preferably, the rafters sometimes.
Favorite Weapon(s)
Steel Chair and has recently acquired a black ballbat as an ally
He was a kid in the south who grew up with a fondness for wrestling, went out for football in high school, trained himself in off time to take bumps and move like a wrestler. He attended wrestling events and would seek out the promoters to get a job as a jobber. Ares would put everyone over and after a few matches started to learn that real well. He would soak up knowledge from the wrestlers and study every match, learned how to work really good and he was then the one getting put over. He would travel to Texas and work a lot of indy territories there. Ares would soon move on to the east a little ways and wrestled from Texas to D.C. for about three years. In early '04 he would he go up to Detroit for a gig and soon found himself in a small, but good company called DOGG, Da Original Gangstas Ghetto. Ares was pumped and went to the company full blast tearing through the competition like a bull through a china shop. He found himself in a tournament to crown the first ever DOGG Heavyweight Champ and after wrestling three matches in the first pay per view Ares captured the DOGG Title. His reign as champ looked to be one that would have been great, but less than two weeks into it Ares would lose the title and after the match he went postal and assaulted a young kid in the ring. The kid would end up hospitalized and Ares was fired and arrested. He was tried and convicted and sent to prison for two years, all of which he ended up serving. Once he got out he went to New Mexico, his birthplace and stayed with his mother, worked some mediocre jobs to get on his feet and get his own place in town, all the time he retrained himself for the ring. His time in prison at least kept him in shape, so all he did was keep in shape and attend small gigs like when he first started, job to other wrestlers a lot and learn the craft all over again. He moved up quicker this time and is now back to working matches from his hometown all across the south and up to D.C., trying to find a company to settle down in. He would end up in Wrestling Underground in the early summer of '07, had a few matches while they tried getting a TV deal back and then ended up in SEF when the Underground merged with them. Ares would find out DOGG had merged into it, the company he loved a few years back, so now he seems happy to be in SEF. Into '08 Ares would capture the International Title and started climbing to the top fast just mowing through the competition. He lost that title, but became the winner of the SEF Rumble in February earning a World Title shot at Wrestle X. The champ, then Hal Havoc threw everything he had in Ares path, beatdowns and screwjobs every week, but come Wrestle X Ares proved how tough he was and became World Champ, a title he continues to hold and every week he proves why he deserves the title. He managed to keep the title for nine months proving himself as a worthy World Champ. Losing was no big loss as it took veteran Troy Storms to get the title off him and soon after Ares ended up taking a leave for a while, no one is sure why, maybe just needed a rest or possibly injuries. Whatever it was is over as Ares is back in SEF and at the expense of Mack and is aligned himself with Hardcore Haz, the two beer drinking brawlers stepping into the revitalized Tag Titles picture. Never captured the Tag Titles and ended up being a victim of the mass firing in the fall of '09. Returned to the rebirth of MCW under the SEF flag and is aiming for the top of that company in a quest to get back into SEF perhaps? Injuries would sideline him, but not for long and soon Ares would comeback, but under his real name, Jake Voss, and he has aligned himself with Shane Mack as a part of iX! And he would turn on Mack screwing him in a World Title rematch to join the DVF and be chosen as Viper's champion. Viper would turn his back on Jake though and he would end up dropping the title in a political screwjob from the Dominant Player. Jake spent the next few years rededicated himself to the sport of pro wrestling and most notably in SEF, or rather SEFWUN as it is known today. Jake is signing up to UWR, Ultimate Wrestling Revolution, to further re dedicate himself and reinvent himself as The Phoenix, a name that fits the man who continues to rise from the ashes, again and again...which he did successfully do by becoming Universal Champion in 2020 as well as becoming the sole World Champion and would hold both titles simultaneously. Now going by just Phoenix, we have seen this man transform himself time and time again and continuously save SEF, time and time again. He will forever be linked to this great company no matter how he views the management, Phoenix will always be a reminder to anyone and everyone aspiring to be great in SEF that they can rise up from the ashes of any burial and comeback stronger than before.
SEF Universal Title, SEF World Heavyweight Title(2), SEF WUN World Title(6), DOGG World Title, Showstoppa World Title, Xtreme World Title, Evolution X Title, SEF II Title, SEF Icon Title, SEF International Title(2), SEF US Title, SEF North American Title, SEF Revolution Title, SEF Tag Team Title(2), SEF WAR Title(2), SEF Anarchy Title, SEF Triple Tag Team Title, SEF Triple Tornado Team Title, Total Chaos 24/7 Title(2), SEF Rumble Winner(2008)
Ring Entrance
Rock You Like A Hurricane by the Scorpions plays over the pa as the lights dim down enough to allow a spotlight to appear on the stage where Phoenix steps out with his arms out in a crucifix pose. He stomps across the stage and down the ramp as the announcer introduces him.
"Making his way to the ring from Albuquerque New Mexico, weighing in at two hundred thirty pounds, Phoenix."
He keeps marching down to turn and head up the ring steps to enter the ring and heads right for the turnbuckles pumping his fists in the air.

Jake Voss

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Date Posted:27/07/2010 9:22 AMCopy HTML

[font=Comic Sans  MS]

"Defiant God"

August 1st, 1979

Height / Weight
6'2" / 250lbs.

Alburquerqe, New Mexico

Theme Music
Rock You Like A Hurricane by Scorpions

Pro Debut
March 29th, 2001

Finishing Move
Ares Atom Bomb

Trademark Moves
Cyclone Slam (Spinebuster), Southside Stomp (Hammer like Punches to 
opponent in corner knocking them down, then mudhole stomps to the midsection), Powerbomb, Texas Cloverleaf, German Suplex, Piledriver, Spear, Suplex, Elbow Drop, Superplex, Swinging Neckbreaker, Half Crab, Armbar

Wrestling Style
Brawler; Ares loves to fight, just straight up smashmouth fighting is what he brings to the ring, though he has some power which helps his fighting, but also lets him go toe to toe with some bigger guys. Pretty decent on the mat, he knows how to wrestle, but doesn't really need to. Not a highflyer by any means, but isn't one to fall prey to games, just an ass kicker from hell.

He was a kid in the south who grow up with a fondness for wrestling, went out for football in high school, trained himself in off time to take bumps and move like a wrestler. He attended wrestling events and would seek out the promoters to get a job as a jobber. Ares would put everyone over and after a few matches started to learn that real well. He would soak up knowledge from the wrestlers and study every match, learned how to work really good and he was then the one getting put over. He would travel to Texas and work a lot of indy territories there. Ares would soon move on to the east a little ways and wrestled from Texas to D.C. for about three years. In early '04 he would he go up to Detroit for a gig and soon found himself in a small, but good company called DOGG, Da Original Gangstas Ghetto. Ares was pumped and went to the company full blast tearing through the competition like a bull through a china shop. He found himself in a tournament to crown the first ever DOGG Heavyweight Champ and after wrestling three matches in the first pay per view Ares captured the DOGG Title. His reign as champ looked to be one that would have been great, but less than two weeks into it Ares would lose the title and after the match he went postal and assaulted a young kid in the ring. The kid would end up hospitalized and Ares was fired and arrested. He was tried and convicted and sent to prison for two years, all of which he ended up serving. Once he got out he went to New Mexico, his birthplace and stayed with his mother, worked some mediocre jobs to get on his feet and get his own place in town, all the time he retrained himself for the ring. His time in prison at least kept him in shape, so all he did was keep in shape and attend small gigs like when he first started, job to other wrestlers a lot and learn the craft all over again. He moved up quicker this time and is now back to working matches from his hometown all across the south and up to D.C., trying to find a company to settle down in. He would end up in Wrestling Underground in the early summer of '07, had a few matches while they tried getting a TV deal back and then ended up in SEF when the Underground merged with them. Ares would find out DOGG had merged into it, the company he loved a few years back, so now he seems happy to be in SEF. Into '08 Ares would capture the International Title and started climbing to the top fast just mowing through the competition. He lost that title, but became the winner of the SEF Rumble in February earning a World Title shot at Wrestle X. The champ then Hal Havoc threw everything he had in Ares path, beatdowns and screwjobs every week, but come Wrestle X Ares proved how tough he was and became World Champ, a title he continues to hold and every week he proves why he deserves the title. He managed to keep the title for nine months proving himself as a worthy World Champ. Losing was no big loss as it took veteran Troy Storms to get the title off him and soon after Ares ended up taking a leave for a while, no one is sure why, maybe just needed a rest or possibly injuries. Whatever it was is over as Ares is back in SEF and at the expense of Mack and is aligned himself with Hardcore Haz, the two beer drinking brawlers stepping into the revitalized Tag Titles picture. Never captured the Tag Titles and ended up being a victim of the mass firing in the fall of '09. Returned for the rebirth of MCW, but when it was cancelled he stayed on for the return of Sacrifice and even came to Extreme targeting Lacey Daniels and winning the TV Title from her. Now he must defend as well as continue on in the Underground Title Tournament, so who knows what lieas ahead for Ares?!

Favorite Matches
Cage & No DQ

Favorite Quote
"The Ares Atom Bomb Will Rock You Like A Hurricane"

Favorite Weapon
Steel Chair

SEF Accomplishments
World Title, DOGG Title, International Title, TV Title, SEF Rumble Winner(2008)

SEFZONE Merchandise
Defiant God T-shirt

Black trunks and kneepads with basic black boots, wears a black leather est to the ring which he discards into the crowd before eery match. Out of the ring its a t-shirt and blue jeans with sneakers or boots, nothing fancy ever.

Ring Entrance
Nothing fancy shows up, no pyro shoots out, we just hear ROCK YOU LIKE A HURRICANE blast over the pa drowning out any other sound. In about thirty seconds we see Ares come swaggering out on stage and he throws up his arms in the air, then turns his fists around flipping the crowd off enticing a few boos along with the cheers while Tina make sthe introduction

Now coming to the ring from Albuquerqe New Mexico, weighing in at two hundred fifty pounds, he is the Defiant God.......Ares!

The fans pretty well cheer as Ares swaggers down the aisle and flips them off. He gets to the ring and rolls in, pulls himself up and goes to a far corner climbing up and flipping off the crowd. He hops down discards his vest, then runs the ropes getting ready for his match.

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