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universal6 star tag team

Cliff O Clink

Started by CoC, September 08, 2015, 12:56:29 PM

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Cliff O Clink

Birthdate: June 2nd, 1982

Height: 6'

Weight: 222lbs.

Hometown: Oakland, California

Theme Music: The In Between by In This Moment

Finishing Move: The End (Powerbomb set up, but in mid air, shift to Codebreaker)

Trademark Moves: Spear, Firemans Carry into a Cutter, Gutwrench Side Slam, DDT, Suplex, Sleeper Hold, Frog Splash, Suicide Dive, German Suplex bridged into a Pin, Crippler Crossface, Sharpshooter, Elevated Boston Crab

Wrestling Style: Power/Brawler; Kinda technical, but not too much and fairly quick too. Makes up his strategy on the go, improvises a lot.

Strength: Taking more of a beating than you can give him and able to come back to deliver twice as much. Hard to predict what he will do next because he doesn't even know.

Weakness: Never says dies, never gives up, and will fight anyone twice his size or bigger. Doesn't think about his next move or even his current as he just does it, so maybe that could set him up for a master plan from his opponent.

Pro Debut: August 12th, 2003

Favorite Weapon(s): Camera, Chair, Sledgehammer

Favorite Match(s): Hardcore

Wears plain old blue jeans. Sports black boots with tape around his wrists and wears a a jacket of some sort to the ring, jean or leather, or sometimes just a shirt.

Worked as Cliff Klink, a cameraman for SEF for a few years and did good, but ended up being replaced by a bigger crew and SEF needed another ref, so he had that job too. He used to just do mostly backup for Black Bob, but became head ref when Bob left to work on a ring return. So Cliff is the guy who refs the big matches. In '09 he got pulled off ref duty and worked as a backstage interviewer, then started to work on becoming a wrestler when in the fall he actually was a victim of the mass firings that happened. Stayed out and worked local gigs to try and develop himself, then SEF re opened MCW and he signed on for it and when they cancelled it he stayed to work Sacrifice which returned. Went on to some fame as The Rockstar winning the North American Title and dubbed himself just The Star soon after that. Now he has gone back to his real name with a twist to be the COC. Tried out in FWAR a year or so ago and earned a title shot, but the place closed down. Stuck with SEFWUN over the years looking to shine and captured the Revolution in 2017 going back and forth with Sammy and a couple others into 2018 over that championship. Now he is going to Ultimate Wrestling Revolution, UWR, to see what they have to offer The CoC.

e-Fed History
Showstoppa's Extreme Federation(2003-Present)

SEF North American Title, SEF Referee/Cameraman, Interviewer


Cliff o Clink

Birthdate: June 2nd, 1982

Height: 6'

Weight: 222lbs.

Hometown: Oakland, California

Theme Music: The In Between by In This Moment

Finishing Move: The End (Powerbomb set up, but in mid air, shift to Codebreaker)

Trademark Moves: Spear, Firemans Carry into a Cutter, Gutwrench Side Slam, DDT, Suplex, Sleeper Hold, Frog Splash, Suicide Dive, German Suplex bridged into a Pin, Crippler Crossface, Sharpshooter, Elevated Boston Crab

Wrestling Style: Brawler; Kinda technical, but not too much and fairly quick too. Makes up his strategy on the go, improvises a lot.

Strength: Taking more of a beating than you can give him and able to come back to deliver twice as much. Hard to predict what he will do next because he doesn't even know.

Weakness: Never says die, never gives up, and will fight anyone twice his size or bigger. Doesn't think about his next move or even his current as he just does it, so maybe that could set him up for a master plan from his opponent.

Pro Debut: August 12th, 2003

Favorite Weapon(s): Camera, Chair, Sledgehammer

Favorite Match(s): Hardcore

Wrestling attire consists of a black pair of shorts with CoC on the back in a different color every night. Has black lace up boots and kneepads with kick plates that have CoC up each one in the same color as the back of his shorts. Wears a leather jacket to the ring which he wears a lot outside the ring. Blue jeans and t-shirts are what else he wears outside the ring unless the occasion calls for a suit in which case he will opt for a casual suit and usually black, mayeb a white undershirt.

Worked as Cliff Klink, a cameraman for SEF for a few years and did good, but ended up being replaced by a bigger crew and SEF needed another ref, so he had that job too. He used to just do mostly backup for Black Bob, but became head ref when Bob left to work on a ring return. So Cliff is the guy who refs the big matches. In '09 he got pulled off ref duty and worked as a backstage interviewer, then started to work on becoming a wrestler when in the fall he actually was a victim of the mass firings that happened. Stayed out and worked local gigs to try and develop himself, then SEF re opened MCW and he signed on for it and when they cancelled it he stayed to work Sacrifice which returned. Went on to some fame as The Rockstar winning the North American Title and dubbed himself just The Star soon after that. Now he has gone back to his real name with a twist to be the COC. Tried out in FWAR a year or so ago and earned a title shot, but the place closed down. Stuck with SEFWUN over the years looking to shine and captured the Revolution in 2017 going back and forth with Sammy and a couple others into 2018 over that championship. Now he is going to Ultimate Wrestling Revolution, UWR, to see what they have to offer The CoC. Made his way back to SEF to become a multiple time World Champion and try to establish a brotherhood with a couple other guys, but now, after a brief hiatus, The CoC is back by himself.


Supa F'n Star
Cliff o Clink
Nicknames: The Rockstar, The Star, The CoC
Birthdate: June 2nd, 1982
Height: 6'
Weight: 222lbs.
Hometown: Oakland, California
Theme Music: Superstar by Saliva

Finishing Move: The End (Powerbomb set up, but in mid air, shift to Codebreaker)

Trademark Moves: Spear, Firemans Carry into a Cutter, Gutwrench Side Slam, DDT, Suplex, Sleeper Hold, Frog Splash, Suicide Dive, German Suplex bridged into a Pin, Crippler Crossface, Sharpshooter, Elevated Boston Crab

Wrestling Style: Brawler; Kinda technical, but not too much and fairly quick too. Makes up his strategy on the go, improvises a lot.

Strength: Taking more of a beating than you can give him and able to come back to deliver twice as much. Hard to predict what he will do next because he doesn't even know.

Weakness: Never says die, never gives up, and will fight anyone twice his size or bigger. Doesn't think about his next move or even his current as he just does it, so maybe that could set him up for a master plan from his opponent.

Pro Debut: August 12th, 2003

Favorite Weapon(s): Camera, Chair, Sledgehammer

Favorite Match(s): Hardcore

Wrestling attire consists of a black pair of shorts with CoC on the back in a different color every night. Has black lace up boots and kneepads with kick plates that have CoC up each one in the same color as the back of his shorts. Wears a leather jacket to the ring which he wears a lot outside the ring. Blue jeans and t-shirts are what else he wears outside the ring unless the occasion calls for a suit in which case he will opt for a casual suit and usually black, maybe a white undershirt.

Worked as Cliff Klink, a cameraman for SEF for a few years and did good, but ended up being replaced by a bigger crew and SEF needed another ref, so he had that job too. He used to just do mostly backup for Black Bob, but became head ref when Bob left to work on a ring return. So Cliff is the guy who refs the big matches. In '09 he got pulled off ref duty and worked as a backstage interviewer, then started to work on becoming a wrestler when in the fall he actually was a victim of the mass firings that happened. Stayed out and worked local gigs to try and develop himself, then SEF re opened MCW and he signed on for it and when they cancelled it he stayed to work Sacrifice which returned. Went on to some fame as The Rockstar winning the North American Title and dubbed himself just The Star soon after that. Now he has gone back to his real name with a twist to be the COC. Tried out in FWAR a year or so ago and earned a title shot, but the place closed down. Stuck with SEFWUN over the years looking to shine and captured the Revolution in 2017 going back and forth with Sammy and a couple others into 2018 over that championship. Now he is going to Ultimate Wrestling Revolution, UWR, to see what they have to offer The CoC. Made his way back to SEF to become a multiple time World Champion and try to establish a brotherhood with a couple other guys, but now, after a brief hiatus, The CoC is back by himself.
North American Title
- July 18th, 2011
OCW Hardcore Title
- pins Skylar backstage, August 25th, 2012
- pins Shane backstage, August 26th, 2012
- pins Joe backstage, September 8th, 2012

TV Title
- February 11th, 2017
TV Title
- January 24th, 2018
SEF Tag Team Title
w/"The Phoenix" Jake Voss - June 3rd, 2018
24/7 Title
- July 25th, 2018
TV Title
- August 8th, 2018
TV Title
- March 25th, 2019
- March 25th, 2019

24/7 Title
- March 25th, 2019
- March 25th, 2019
- March 25th, 2019
- March 25th, 2019
- March 25th, 2019
- March 25th, 2019

International Title
- June 26th, 2019
WAR Tag Team Title
w/Jake Voss - October 6th, 2019
THC Title
- October 11th, 2019
SEF Tag Team Title
w/"The Phoenix" Jake Voss - October 12th, 2019
THC Title
- November 24th, 2019
Anarchy Title
- November 24th, 2019
Evolution X Title
- January 13th, 2020
SEF Rumble Winner
- February 2nd, 2020
SEFWUN World Title
- February 10th, 2020
SEF World Title
- April 8th, 2020
International Title
- April 8th, 2020
WAR Title
- April 20th, 2020
Evolution X Title
- May 22nd, 2020
DOGG Title
- May 25th, 2020
US Tag Team Title
w/Nick Torres - May 25th, 2020
SEFWUN World Title
- December 30th, 2020
SEF Rumble Winner
- January 30th, 2022
Universal Title
- April 3rd, 2022
SEF World Title
- May 8th, 2022
SEF Tag Team Title
w/Josh Dobbes - June 10th, 2022
International Title
- October 30th, 2022
Icon Title
- January 23rd, 2023
Evolution X Title
- January 28th, 2023


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Date Posted:04/09/2010 11:53 AMCopy HTML

The Rockstar

June 2nd, 1982

Height / Weight
6'3" / 245lbs.

Oakland, California

Theme Music
Lounge Act by Nirvana

Pro Debut
August 12th, 2003

Finishing Move
The End
(Powerbomb into Codebreaker)

Trademark Moves
Shadows Falls (Spear), Broken Code (Boston Crab), Death Valley Driver,
Crippler Crossface, Sharpshooter

Wrestling Style
Technical/Brawler; Kinda powerful, but not too much and fairly quick too.

Worked as Cliff Klink, a cameraman for SEF for a few years and did good, but ended up being replaced by a bigger crew and SEF needed another ref, so he had that job too. He used to just do mostly backup for Black Bob, but became head ref when Bob left to work on a ring return. So Cliff is the guy who refs the big matches. In '09 he got pulled off ref duty and worked as a backstage interviewer, then started to work on becoming a wrestler when in the fall he actually was a victim of the mass firings that happened. Stayed out and worked local gigs to try and develop himself, then when SEF looked to re open MCW he signed on for it and when they cancelled it he stayed to work Sacrifice which returned.

Favorite Match

Favorite Weapons
Camera, Chair, Sledgehammer

SEF Accomplishments
Referee, Cameraman, Interviewer

Wears plain red tights to the ring with ROCKSTAR down each leg in white letters and a symbol of a guitar in white on the back of his tights. Sports black boots and knee pads with red wrist bands and wears a pair of glsses to the ring with a red leather trenchcoat.

Ring Entrance


Name: Cliff o Clink
DOB: June 2nd, 1982
Hometown: Oakland, California
Height: 6'
Weight: 222lbs.
Picture Base: Finn Balor
Alignment: (whatever)
Theme Music: The Purge by In This Moment
Year Started Wrestling: Pro Debut was August 12th, 2003, so 20+ years
Primary Style: Brawler; Kinda technical, but not too much and fairly quick too. Makes up his strategy on the go, improvises a lot.
Strength: Taking more of a beating than you can give him and able to come back to deliver twice as much. Hard to predict what he will do next because he doesn't even know.
Weakness: Never says die, never gives up, and will fight anyone twice his size or bigger. Doesn't think about his next move or even his current as he just does it, so maybe that could set him up for a master plan from his opponent.
20 Common Moves (at least 10, the more the better):
  • Suplex
  • Sleeper Hold
  • German Suplex Bridged Into Pin
  • Elevated Boston Crab
  • Frog Splash
  • Gutwrench Side Slam
  • Suicide Dive
  • Firemans Carry Into A Cutter
  • Sharpshooter
  • Crippler Crossface
  • DDT
  • Back Elbow or Clothesline to stop a Running Attack followed by a Running Leg Drop
  • Arm Drag
  • Dropkick
  • Scoop Slam
  • Cloverleaf
  • Flying Elbow Drop
  • Moonsault
  • Neckbreaker
  • Whips opponents to corner following up with a knee knocking them down and stomps rapidly at their head
Trademark Moves (up to four):
  • Piledriver
  • Senton Bomb
  • Shooting Star Press
  • Spear
Finishing Moves (up to two):
  • The End (Powerbomb into Codebreaker)
  • The Purge (Coupe De Grace)
Biography: Started out a cameraman for a company he spent his twenty years with and eventually became a multiple time World Champ there, got inducted into their hall of fame. Tried branching away a few years back finding some success, but that fed closed. So hopefully ECWF don't close cause the CoC is looking for a new home, away from home.
North American Title
- July 18th, 2011
OCW Hardcore Title
- pins Skylar backstage, August 25th, 2012
- pins Shane backstage, August 26th, 2012
- pins Joe backstage, September 8th, 2012
TV Title

- February 11th, 2017
TV Title

- January 24th, 2018
SEF Tag Team Title

w/"The Phoenix" Jake Voss - June 3rd, 2018
24/7 Title

- July 25th, 2018
TV Title

- August 8th, 2018
TV Title

- March 25th, 2019

- March 25th, 2019
24/7 Title

- March 25th, 2019

- March 25th, 2019

- March 25th, 2019

- March 25th, 2019

- March 25th, 2019

- March 25th, 2019
International Title

- June 26th, 2019
WAR Tag Team Title

w/Jake Voss - October 6th, 2019
THC Title

- October 11th, 2019
SEF Tag Team Title

w/"The Phoenix" Jake Voss - October 12th, 2019
THC Title

- November 24th, 2019
Anarchy Title

- November 24th, 2019
Evolution X Title

- January 13th, 2020
SEF Rumble Winner

- February 2nd, 2020
SEFWUN World Title

- February 10th, 2020
SEF World Title

- April 8th, 2020
International Title

- April 8th, 2020
WAR Title

- April 20th, 2020
Evolution X Title

- May 22nd, 2020
DOGG Title

- May 25th, 2020
US Tag Team Title

w/Nick Torres - May 25th, 2020
SEFWUN World Title

- December 30th, 2020
SEF Rumble Winner

- January 30th, 2022
Universal Title

- April 3rd, 2022
SEF World Title

- May 8th, 2022
SEF Tag Team Title

w/Josh Dobbes - June 10th, 2022
International Title

- October 30th, 2022
Icon Title

- January 23rd, 2023
Evolution X Title
- January 28th, 2023

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