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King of SEF Qualifyer; v. Chris Orton

Started by CoC, November 22, 2015, 11:59:53 PM

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Standing in front of a locker room door that is half open is Cliff O Clink sort of lost in thought dressed in jeans and a leather jacket when Greg Boone approaches to get a few words.

"Excuse me Cliff, got a minute to talk about your match on WAR 180 against Chris Orton?"

Cliff snapping out of his trance to lean back against the wall crossing his arms over his chest a bit smug with as sly grin across his face.

"Sure Greg, hit me up with those hard hitting questions!"

Greg just says.

"You got a chance to qualify for the King of SEF tournament on WAR, but you have to get past Chris Orton who is coming off a bad run against Ruemash, so the CKO may be a bit bitter. Any idea what you may be getting into?"

Cliff just shrugs and nods no, then says with a gritty smile.

"No clue Greg, but I will damn sure find out on WAR when Chris Orton and I lock up one on one to see who advances into this tournament and who goes back to the sidelines hoping to get back in the ring and fight to the top of this place. I don't really know Chris, but I have heard of him, and I remember him being here and being the man once upon a time ago. If he is bitter, I say good, cause maybe that will mean I am in for a fight and I want to fight because its all I know. I have been fighting for over a decade to earn my spot in SEF and still am here doing it all over again. And win or lose on WAR, I will be here tomorrow, the next day, and so on to keep fighting for something better."

Greg nodding ok and says.

"You sound pumped for the chance to be in this tournament and not taking Chris Orton lightly. What do you think about Chris Orton being told he got handed opportunities?"

Cliff confused by that, but shrugs and says.

"I don't really care. If I was handed a opportunity I would take in a half a heartbeat and anyone else better do the same cause those rare things don't get handed out, least not to me! Who the hell cares if the guy got handed anything? He did well for himself, former World Heavyweight Champion, damn, wish I could say the same. One day I will say I am World Champ though and that is why I fight everyday for over a decade now!!"

Greg says.

"Should be a kick ass match between you two if Chris shows up cause the CKO can bring a fight. You ready for the former World Champ?!"

Cliff just smiles.

"Oh yea, I am ready for a fight and hope Chris Orton brings it cause this is the King of SEF, and that cat is a former King of SEF, so he may have a goal to be a two timer. Me, I'm just hungry and WAR is when I get my fill, so I gotta go find a fight until then!"

Cliff pushes himself off the wall and turns heading into the locker room shutting the door to let Greg just walk off and fade to black.


Back from black after hearing a few words from his opponent and Cliff O Clink is sitting back on a metal chair in his locker room with his blue jeans, black tank top, and a smug smile.

"Chris, Chris, hey man, I ain't judging no one and happen to agree with ya. I don't care how you became the man in SEF years back cause I would do anything to be the man which is why I am here to fight anyone and any odds. You were the man and former King of SEF and I expect nothing less than a fight from a former World Heavyweight Champion of SEF. I believe nothing I hear and everything I see, and sometimes I gotta take a double look cause shit gets crazy in this world!!!"

A big bright smile beaming sarcasm and Cliff showing a piece of green chewing gum which he now smacks a little before saying.

"I know you want to be King of SEF again, to be World Champ again, to be the man, to be able to walk around here without having to worry about hunting, just about being hunted. I am clawing for it man, I am begging, I am ready to take ANYONE to the limit in a battle only for WAR. To be King of SEF after all these years, man, it would be awesome and you better be bringing what you say Chris, cause not only do I expect it out of a former champ like you, but I want more. I want much more. I didn't come here to sit on the sidelines. I came to SEF to learn how to jump in the middle of it all and here I am, ready for WAR, for more!! I ain't going anywhere, but where the action is and this Monday night on WAR, its you and I Chris, its a battle between the old glory and the battle hardened veteran of SEF. You want to me Put Down, well maybe just maybe we finish with The End!?!"

Cliff rocks his eyebrows up and smiles insanely smug like before hopping up to his feet and walking out of the locker room looking in search of something, so fade to black.

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