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03.18.24: WAR Results / eXtreme Card / Wrestle X, Click Here For More

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Teaming with son of Nash.

Started by Daddy Mack, January 17, 2016, 05:14:46 PM

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Daddy Mack

Simon Lee will team with San Yo Mitzu and both are men who recently joined the infamous Impact X Facta stable led by The Showsteala and his right hand man, Jordan Brooks. Tonight on Anarchy of WAR it is Simon and San Yo relying on each other against the pairing of Dean Rush and Jason Stratus. A chance for San Yo and Simon to represent their new found home with Impact X Facta is on the line and it seems Simon has had issues with Jason Stratus as the two engaged in a couple matches ending badly. San Yo has Simon's back though, and Dean Rush, he hasn't been seen around SEF at all this year. So it seems the IXF members may have the advantage of unity, but we know appearances are deceiving, now let's hear what San Yo Mitzu has to say as he stands by a soda machine in the hall backstage. San Yo drinking from a bottle of water he most likely got from the machine, then lowers it in his left hand as his right shoulder leans into the machine. A calm, and almost emotionless expression as San Yo Mitzu's hair hangs down his shoulders, but a bit of a smugness to him it seems.

I don't know who my opponents are, but I do know that Simon and I are going into battle on Anarchy of WAR to fight for the Impact X Facta and Mack no doubt wants us to overcome any obstacle in our way. And that brings me to Dean Rush and Jason Stratus, our obstacles that stand in our way from reigning victorious as proud members of the elite Impact X Facta. The stable has a rich history to it and Mack is a friend from Japan. I wrestled the man many times overseas and never had a bad match with him. Hell, he may deserve more credit for making me look better than I ever was, but tonight its Simon and I looking good on our own as we bring the House of Pain and drop these fools like a Yo Yo!!!

San Yo smirking a bit cocky at that and tosses back another drink of water, then just shrugs and pushes off the soda machine to walk away finishing his water. He tosses the bottle in a trash can as he continues walking off to a locker room where he no doubt will prepare for Anarchy of WAR!!!


-{Jordan Brooks sitting on a metal chair in the locker room that San Yo walks into and the Titan Champ in his ring gear with a old IX shirt on and his title draped over his right knee just nods yea to his comrade.}-

Jordan Brooks
"Good to see a friendly face at Anarchy of WAR. Where's Simon?"

-{San Yo just shrugs.}-

San Yo Mitzu
"Just found you. Where's Mack?"

Jordan Brooks
"Mack ain't here and I doubt he will be!?! He may surprise me even, but he had little to say about tonight except that he wouldn't be working Anarchy of WAR for a month which means he may not show up until the next Anarchy of WAR which is gonna be a big one. Road to Wrestle X will begin with The SEF Rumble and I am ready to go earn that World Championship Mack holds!!"

-{San Yo nodding as he now sits on a metal chair across from Jordan.}-

Jordan Brooks
"Tonight though, you and Simon do have your tag team match, and Mack may be no showing the main event, so maybe the rest of the Impact X Facta makes our presence felt in his absence!? That is if you and Simon are down for causing a little chaos?!"

-{Jordan smirking a bit deviously at San Yo who shrugs like he don't care.}-

Jordan Brooks
"Well I got a fatal four way to defend this title of mine in and against three members of this Coastal Connection we got running around. Not that I need help winning, but its basically a three on one and my challengers are not some two bit jobbers like they may have been ten years ago!! I need to know for sure that you and Simon got my back heading into this match designed to steal my Titan Title. And remember, Impact X Facta looks out for each other and a favor will always be returned. Now, you and Simon owe me nothing, but you seem to think you owe Mack and I know Simon owes Mack, and I know we are all the Impact X Facta in this Anarchy of WAR together. All we need to do is throw up the X cause I know you are watching my back and will see the sign to move into action. War began years ago in SEF, so this Anarchy of WAR is just a Evolution of what has always been happening on this network. Tonight the rebellion screams louder than anyone else or we don't go home when the show is over. We keep the show going until we are heard above all else cause Anarchy of WAR is our home!!!"

-{Jordan taking a breath and keeps his body sitting back on the chair calmly with his eyes a bit intense, but contained for that moment he needs to let it all out, in the ring.}-

Jordan Brooks
"You got my back, San Yo Mitzu, or is it just Yo!? I remember Mack calling ya that a lot.

Simon Lee Nash

Simon Lee Nash walks into the locker room area.

Simon: What's up guys

Jordan: Where have you been man?

Simon: No, Just getting some last minute training in. Trying to get ready knowing what tonight is going to be a huge tag team match. Plus had some time to chat with my dad, Kevin. He is pretty fired up especially after what Mesa did to my sister and now that Jason Stratus is back in the picture. Let's just say that times have been pretty tough lately at our household.

Simon: But don't worry man. I am focus at the job at hand and i am going to take out my anger on both men tonight.

San Yo: Good to hear. I need you focus on taking out Dean Rush and Jason Stratus.

Simon: Trust me, Especially Jason. He messed with me for a number of years. He fucked my sister against her will and got her knocked up. She had the kid. That was a few years back now she got herself in this mess with Mesa. I will deal with him on a lster date. Now it's all about dealing with two asshole that is going to be beaten down like they never been before.

Simon: I don't need much to get ready for this fight here tonight. Believe it. I need just a few minutes to warm up and i am ready for war.

Simon: San Yo all you need to know is that tonight. We are going out there and we will show the SEF world the Impact X Fella and what we will be doing to the SEF. Kicking ass and taking names. All of us here tonight has something to prove.

Simon: Let's do it boys. Let's become famous tonight.


Jordan Brooks
"Its Impact X FACTA...boy!"

-{Jordan showing he is just saying and playing, not getting all uptight as he sits back calm and collected.}-

Jordan Brooks
"Good to see you on board Simon, Impact X Facta needs everyone to have Mack's back, especially tonight cause he ain't here. Twenty damn years and the cat decides to no show a match, a World Title defense at that. We take care of our own matches on Anarchy of WAR first, then we make sure the main event leaves a very lasting impression by Impact X Facta. We own this night or we may never see Mack again!?!"

-{Jordan sits back nodding his head no way in disgust of that idea, but his eyes showing he believes it.}-

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