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Time for the Titan to become the Man of SEF

Started by Rob Ruckus, February 09, 2016, 12:08:23 PM

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Rob Ruckus

Standing in front of a black backdrop with a light hanging overhead to see Ruemash plain as day with that red hair highlighted up into spikes and his pale skin shining as he sports just his ring gear. He appears ready to battle the biggest and best in pro wrestling today and at Anarchy of WAR he gets to do just that, so let's hear what the titan has to say.

"What is there to really say that hasn't been said about this rumble I am heading into with twenty nine other wrestlers?! I been here before and I lost every time, so what makes this time any different!?"

A shrug of the shoulders as Ruemash moves his arms up in a motion to ask the same question he just asked, but just smile slyly while crossing his arms loosely over his large chest.

"What do I do different? Well, for starters nothing I do is the same as it was yesterday or the day before because of how I have adapted to SEF for over a decade. You have to adapt everyday here cause you never know what lies around the next corner, or who is coming for you. In the rumble, that is so evident and in your face with twenty nine others all coming for me, but not really me. We all want that main event at Wrestle X, so I am just a object in everyone else's way just as they are to me. We are all hurdles to get over, to move past and cement our future into the great history of SEF. I still don't know what to say though..."

Ruemash seems to be really at a loss for words as he searches his mind while shaking his head no with a little disgust.

"This is two years to late for me! I wasn't even allowed to be in the rumble two years ago because we had to make way for a bunch of indy stars who thought their shit didn't stink and that they could get a free ride to the top of SEF. Yet where are they now? A few are still here, but they don't do shit because they have no machine to push them like SEF did two years ago. I speak of guys like Phoenix Winterborn and Drew Stevenson, two so called veterans who couldn't lace their own boots in SEF. I was here watching, waiting to get back in this ring and shove this business not only down their throats, but everyone in the locker room, in the office, in the arena, I was lividly pissed off. I was ready to walk and find a new home, but I didn't. I stayed loyal to the company that made me and decided to work harder, to be a bigger star and now it gets no bigger. I even heard Phoenix and Drew will be in this rumble and I would love to eliminate one or both just to send a big fat F U to both, but that World Heavyweight Championship is my goal, so whoever gets tossed out by mem, so be it. I may as well be blind to who is in my way because it doesn't matter of your Bill Roberts or Jake Voss, you are going out and I am going to Wrestle X. Its time for SEF to get a little R & R, its long overdue by two f'n years!!"

Ruemash with his arms dropped and looking all fired up like he is ready to brawl to hell and back for this chance to headline Wrestle X.

"A number of these guys in the rumble have stated their cause for winning and its no doubt going to be hard for anyone to emerge as the two thousand sixteen SEF Rumble winner. But to go on and face Mack at Wrestle X for the SEF World Heavyweight Championship, a title that man has held for over two years, its so big words cannot begin to describe the magnitude. Two years he has been SEF World Champ, a record setting reign, and for two years I have swallowed the pill of bitterness because SEF held me down. Now yes, I was not the only one, but two years ago I was the guy set to be the man. Now I pick up where I left off and I am the man, its just a matter of time before I make it official. I never thought it would be Mack I beat for that title, hell, I never gave a shit who was champ, just that I wanted to be the man. Now I have to go through my buddies, my Coastal Connection, but so many more that it just means I must prepare for a war that no one can understand unless they are in SEF fighting in the trenches. The guys who got pushed over me two years ago never fought in the trenches, they politicked, and in SEF that has never worked for anyone, so no surprise they are jobbers now. But hey, I been there, I been the guy that pouts over everyone else. I was making Matt Matlock look good before he was ever the star with more potential than he ever realized. I seen them all come and go from SEF over the years yet I remained to be a bigger star and there is no better time. SEF needs me, we all need to begin a new era in professional wrestling, so Mack, keep dancing with that title because at Wrestle X its your last dance. When you come face to face with the steel city warrior you are going to face the man who leads SEF into the future. You did a lot and I cannot begin to explain the respect I hold for you and one time that respect may have limited me in the ring, but that was years ago. I was ready to kick anyone's ass two years ago and now, I am just doing good to refrain myself into this little promo spot and wait for the rumble. I know people think I may be getting ahead of myself in looking at the main event so closely, but until you walked in my shoes, you have no idea what I can look ahead to. I see the rumble for what it is, I know who waits me, and I know I have to be better than ever before. I have to make what I did two years ago look like my jobber days and don't worry boys and girls, I will. There is no way Mack walks out of Wrestle X with the World Championship and there is no way I leave Anarchy of WAR a loser."

Ruemash slapping the view into a spin sending us into a commercial break for Anarchy of WAR presenting the SEF Rumble where the road to Wrestle X begins.

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