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After Wrestle X

Started by Simon Lee Nash, June 27, 2016, 03:01:14 PM

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Simon Lee Nash

Simon Lee Nash is resting in the locker room. He is quite surprise about seeing a New Champion crown and the reveal of Slitney Sharret. Has Simon thinking about alot of things. Who can he trust and who can't be trusted in SEF anymore. Jordan Brooks looks like he has aligned himself with Thrash and Slash, or Destruction and Genesis to create the he Genesis of Destruction.

Simon: Well i know one good thing. Tina is back, I know the Mack will rebound and Impact X Facta will be stronger than ever.

Simon begins to sigh

Simon: Well i guess it's time to look even deeper at what will happen next. I got a match a fight without honor against Jason Stratus. Then the king of the sef that i am now apart and try to win. Mesa is in the tournament as well. I need to get my payback for what he did to my sister. I never got the chance and now i will hopefully get a chance to fight him one on one.

Simon: SEF has been turn up side down and inside out. Chaos. The way i know Mack, myself and all the guys from the Impact X Facta like it. Well i remember when Matt Ward myself, Mack and Taylor Andrews work together when the SEF was pretty much going hell in the hand basket. The Midwest Warriors and Showstoppas working as a unit. United as one. Man that bring back memories. Look like the battle lines are about to be drawn. Choice your sides wisely or be left behind.

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