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a familiar rant...

Started by macman, September 11, 2016, 12:46:11 PM

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(Gone are the days of norm, the day when Marijuana Mack made a mockery of The Showsteala, Shane William Mack. Gone are the days of darkness reigning over SEF when the man of Marijuana MacMan held the SEF World Heavyweight Championship hostage. Gone are the days of glory and gold...)

(You all thought Marijuana MacMan may be gone forever after the ruse of a century was lifted to expose the man of Marijuana!?! Well think again for Marijuana MacMan shall rise from his own ashes better than anyone else could ever do for Marijuana MacMan is dead.)

"I am The MacMan Family leader and with me are my disciples of decimation. My name is Payte MacMan and that's a shoot."

(The voice of the MacMan family leader echoing from darkness down in the depths of the arena.)

"Josh Diabolical is a friend, a brother, a comrade in arms who has helped me along the way and is forever in my debt. He is family and I will make it my life mission to insure he gets more out of this business than he gave for he gave more than he should have."

(A pause and still no sign of Payte MacMan, but his voice rings through the darkness.)

"Haz is a hardcore follower who is my sheep that I will lead into battle to be the best. We are The MacMan Family and you should all hide in fear for we will not bow down to anyone. We will run you all down to stand over your broken bodies. Payte MacMan is going to reclaim that SEF World Heavyweight Championship and that's a shoot!"

(Fade to black...)

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