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Started by Daddy Mack, July 22, 2018, 08:16:14 PM

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Daddy Mack

House Show Roster

Axel Tate

Nicknames: Mack's Monster, Manhatten Monster, The Real Predator

November 21st, 1979




Theme Music

Finishing Move
Down Under Slam
(Double Underhook Powerbomb)

Trademark Moves
Powerslam, Hanging Suplex, Press Slam, Spinebuster, Hanging Suplex, Camel Clutch, Bearhug, Rear Chinlock, Torture Rack

Wrestling Style
Power; He's big bastard who can beat your ass into submission, knows his strength and how to use it, but not very well versed on the mat. Her can grapple you into power moves, but not too technically sound, then he may not need to be.

Pro Debut
June 23rd, 1995

Born in Australia and growing up tall, filing out to be quite big, a giant maybe, a montser perhaps, he worked hard out on a small farm in the land down under. As a teenager though he aspired for more and left home and not even having to leave his home country he found his way into wrestling in Melbourne. Worked some gigs, but was just big, not very good. Got on a boat and worked his way to Japan where he spent some time getting molded into a better wrestler, though he had issues with learning, was a very close minded person early on. Got to meet Shane Mack back then when he was just beginning as well and working as Daddy Mack. They traveled over to China together and Mack on his own little tour let Axel come along with him, but in Germany Axel would stay and get out of wrestling for a while when he found his way into the military there of all things. In '03 though he would get brought into SEF and well his early days were nothing to speak to highly of as he still was close minded and just a big guy, nothing real special about him, he did stick it out and try. Ended up going behind the scenes as a security guard for a while, then dropped off the radar and while he was gone Axel went back home to Australia. Ended up doing some mining work out there, though it was unsuccessful, he got caved trapped in a mine when it caved in on him and got messed up, nearly died from suffacation. Spent a while in the hospital and his face was so tore up, his right eye shot and his left scarred up requiring corrective lenses for that one. His throat was damaged as well leaving his voice low and raspy like an old man dying of cancer. He broke an arm, a leg and fractured a leg in two places, but rebuilt his body, lived with the scars on his face as plastic surgery is expensive and even that is not a cure for something this severe. After getting back into top physical shape he found an old leather mask in a halloween trunk of all thinks, red and black, and decided to get back into wrestling, only now he was ready to learn. So he worked local gigs under the mask, then SEF came to Australia and Mack reconnected with Axel and eventually brought him back to SEF as his apprentice where Axel has the opportunity of a lifetime to learn from one of the greatest minds in the business, from one of the best performers in the business, Shane Mack! In return he makes sure no one fucks with Mack! The following week though, Axel would turn on Mack and then disappear from SEF. He then signed with MCW for its rebirth and when it was cancelled showed up on Sacrifice after that show returned, but hasn't done much, yet. Came in as a bodyguard for Bill mcLane and both were in the Dangerous Corporation for a while in the fall of '10. Axel would disappear fairly quick again and hasn't been seen since.

Favorite Matches
Any Cell or Cage

Favorite Weapons
Fists & Boots

SEF Iron Title, SEF Security Guard

Ring Entrance
The bells from the beginning of Hells Bells by AC/DC begin to toll and then as the riff begins a wall of fire shoots up in front of the curtain and out walks Axel through it with long, leather, hooded trench coat covering all of him, the crowd booing and Doug introduces him.

"Making his way to the ring from Australia, weighing in at three hundred seventy nine pounds...........Axel!"

He just makes his way down the aisle to the ring and removes his coat letting it fall to reveal a red and black body suit with no skin exposed and a matching leather mask with long, stringy, wavy hair. Axel steps on to the apron and over the top rope, tightens his leather gloves on his hands and cracks his neck.

Always seen in his ring gear which is a full red and black body suit with long leather gloves and boots, plus a matching leather mask, so no skin is exposed except ears and the underside of his chin. Hair is long and stringy kinda and in his right eye is a red lens while in his left is a black lens. When not in the ring or when making his wy to the ring he wears a long leather trench coat going to the floor and with a hood attached an up covering his head making it barey visible.

Daddy Mack

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Date Posted:04/09/2010 11:45 AMCopy HTML

"The Real Predator"

November 21st, 1979




Theme Music
Hells Bells by AC/DC

Pro Debut
June 23rd, 1995

Finishing Move
Down Under Slam
(Double Underhook Powerbomb)

Trademark Moves

Big Boot, Powerslam, Press Slam, Spinebuster, Hanging Suplex,
Camel Clutch, Bearhug, Rear Chinlock, Torture Rack

Wrestling Style
Power; He's big bastard who can beat your ass into submission, knows his strength and how to use it, but posses some mat skill as well and for his size he can be agile, though he dosn't excel at flying or mat grappling, he doesn't need to.

Born in Australia and growing up tall, filing out to be quite big, a giant maybe, a montser perhaps, he worked hard out on a small farm in the land down under. As a teenager though he aspired for more and left home and not even having to leave his home country he found his way into wrestling in Melbourne. Worked some gigs, but was just big, not very good. Got on a boat and worked his way to Japan where he spent some time getting molded into a better wrestler, though he had issues with learning, was a very close minded person early on. Got to meet Shane Mack back then when he was just beginning as well and working as Daddy Mack. They traveled over to China together and Mack on his own little tour let Axel come along with him, but in Germany Axel would stay and get out of wrestling for a while when he found his way into the military there of all things. In '03 though he would get brought into SEF and well his early days were nothing to speak to highly of as he still was close minded and just a big guy, nothing real special about him, he did stick it out and try. Ended up going behind the scenes as a security guard for a while, then dropped off the radar and while he was gone Axel went back home to Australia. Ended up doing some mining work out there, though it was unsuccessful, he got caved trapped in a mine when it caved in on him and got messed up, nearly died from suffacation. Spent a while in the hospital and his face was so tore up, his right eyesight gone and his left scarred up requiring corrective lenses for that one. His throat was damaged as well leaving his voice low and raspy like an old man dying of cancer. He broke an arm, a leg and fractured a leg in two places, but rebuilt his body, lived with the scars on his face as plastic surgery is expensive and even that is not a cure for something this severe. After getting back into top physical shape he found an old leather mask in a halloween trunk of all thinks, red and black, and decided to get back into wrestling, only now he was ready to learn. So he worked local gigs under the mask, then SEF came to Australia and Mack reconnected with Axel and eventually brought him back to SEF as his apprentice where Axel has the opportunity of a lifetime to learn from one of the greatest minds in the business, from one of the best performers in the business, Shane Mack! In return he makes sure no one fucks with Mack! The following week though, Axel would turn on Mack and then disappear from SEF. He then signed with MCW for its rebirth and when it was cancelled showed up on Sacrifice after that show returned, but hasn't done much, yet.

Favorite Matches

Any Cell or Cage

Favorite Weapons
Fists & Boots

SEF Accomplishments
Security Guard

Always seen in his ring gear which is a full red and black body suit with long leather gloves and boots, plus a matching leather mask, so no skin is exposed except ears and the underside of his chin. Hair is long and stringy kinda and in his right eye is a red lens while in his left is a black lens. When not in the ring or when making his wy to the ring he wears a long letaher trenchcoat going to the floor and with a hood attached an up covering his head making it barey visible.

Ring Entrance
The bells from the beginning of HELLS BELLS begin to toll and then as the riff begins a wall of fire shoots up in front of the curtain and out walks Axel through it with long, leather, hooded trenchcoat covering all of him, the crowd booing and Tina introduces him.

Making his way to the ring from Australia, weighing in at three hundred seventy nine pounds...........Axel!

He just makes his way down the aisle to the ring and removes his coat letting it fall to reveal a red and black body suit with no skin exposed and a matching leather mask with long, stringy, wavy hair. Axel steps on to the apron and over the top rope, tightens his leather gloves on his hands and cracks his neck.

Team Name
Dangerous Corporation

Team Wrestlers
Rick Reynolds, Hal Havoc, Thor, Rob Rocco

Team Managers
Frankie & Bill "Sly" McLane

Other Bodyguards
Thrash & Slash

Team Theme Music
Perfect Strangers by Deep Purple

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