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universal6 star tag team

WAR 206 results

Started by sefwun, July 14, 2019, 06:41:23 PM

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Wednesday, June 26th, 2019

The Little Ceasers Arena in Detroit Michigan is sold out for the second week in a row with WAR live as Another Way To Die by Disturbed plays over the pa. The announcer at ringside says.

"Welcome to Wednesday Night WAR ladies and gentlemen. Nick Miller here tonight and we have a Revolution Icon Iron Championship match for our main event, but we also have six man tag team action with a shot at the Tag Team Titles on the line. We open the show with a standard tag team match pitting A Native Americano and Hick Janes against Tina and Nick Torres, the latter two with not much ring time together. Should be a good match irregardless with the level of talent involved. Here with me is Bill McLane, so Bill, what do you think!?"

Bill says.

"RxP all the way! Tina is Universal Champ and one on one its a different story, but Nick Torres is fighting a whole different fight and its against the RxP. Tina is on her own path, she walks her own way, and is too much like The Showsteala, she don't need a crew. That's why she attacked The Showsteala last week, she doesn't need him!"

Nick says.

"Tina is a lot like The Showsteala, her mentor, but perhaps she is his greatest student!? After all, Whitney Marret did choose Tina ten years ago. Tina is living up to that honor from Whitney and then some!"

Venom by Eminem plays over the pa bringing J X Cash out in a grey sweatsuit and black hi tops with the laces untied, but loosened up to let the shoe widen out. JEM accompanies him to the ring wearing a black leather mini skirt and diamond studded halter top that has a dark purple tint to it. She has large silver hoop earrings in her ears and knee leather stilettos on her feet. X with an arm around JEM and the two walk to the ring amid boos with J X heading up the steps firs to sit on the middle rope while holding the top up. JEM bending over the rope with her ass to X who smacks it, then steps in behind her doing a few crotch chops, grabs himself, and gets a mic from JEM. X all business, but seems angry, ready to destroy anyone as he says.

"I will get my hands back on that Universal Championship, so keep it warm Tina, but I got other ideas since she is occupied at Scars and Stripes. You see, there is another match happening that night and no, not the Tag Team Title match, which is, but I am not looking at that one. You see, Jake Voss is in need of a challenger and there is no need to look further than the number one ranked individual in SEFWUN. The Phoenix will be burned back to ashes when I get done with him, that is, if he has the balls to come out here accept me as his challenger for Scars and Stripes!?!"

Rock You Like A Hurricane by the Scorpions plays over the pa bringing out the Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion. Jake Voss dressed in his tights and boots with a black leather vest that has a phoenix on the back with The Phoenix in red above the picture and his name, Jake Voss, below the picture. The Phoenix getting a mic before entering the ring and stands right up in front of J X Cash looking him in the eyes to say.

"Why wait until Scars and Stripes? I want to defend my World Championship right here tonight on WAR!"

The crowd cheers loud for that and X nodding ok like he is ready to go, but steps back and JEM gets in Jake's face. X lifting his mic to say from behind JEM.

"Scars and Stripes Jake Voss, that is where I challenge you to put up that World Championship against the premiere highflyer in this business. I want you to have to think about what is going to happen, to wait for the moment you lose to me because you will lose Jake Voss. I am a king, I am untouchable, and you are just a dog, a dumb mutt!"

X smacking JEM's ass, then drops the mic and backs up exiting the ring. JEM throwing her arms around Jake Voss trying to distract him, but The Phoenix keeping his eyes on J X Cash who moves around the ring and up the aisle. Jake turning to watch him and JEM hanging on to The Phoenix, so he grabs her to lock lips, bends her back getting her worked up, then drops her to the mat. Jake backs off as the crowds cheers and he lifts the Universal Championship in the air. JEM rolls out to head up the ramp to be with J X Cash and they head to the back while Nick Miller says.

"Interesting challenge from J X Cash to Jake Voss, but it would seem to me that The Phoenix accepts the challenge since he said he would do it tonight. Cash making him wait and JEM throwing herself at Jake, a weird move, but I think we got a World Title match at Scars and Stripes."

Bill McLane says.

"If King J X Cash says so, then it is so, just as he said he would win, it is going to happen as he says. Jake Voss will be forced to step down after Scars and Stripes!"

Nick says.

"We'll see about that. Could be a classic between these two icons and both have a quick pace they like to set. X a little more high risk and hardcore where as Jake is quick to strike first, but a bit bigger perhaps. Both with good mat wrestling skill. Our first match tonight on WAR should see some good mat wrestling when Tina and Nick Torres team up to face Hick Janes and A Native Americano."

Opening Contest
Tag Team Match
A Native Americano & Hick Janes v. Tina & Nick Torres

Hick and Tina start this match with a lock up and exchange armbars after a little grappling session. Hick getting Tina into a neutral corner and the ref there to keep them off the ropes. Hick backing off, but Tina pulling the ref out of the way to slap her opponent and kick him in the knee. Tina with a ddt and goes for the pin, but Hick kicks out at two with the ref warning Tina about putting her hands on him. Tina looking annoyed and focuses on Hick's neck with a few kicks, then goes for a front facelock. Hick getting away from her and wrestling Tina into a waistlock from behind to pull her up and into a german suplex bridging with a pin. Tina kicking out at two rolling away holding her neck. Hick getting up to pull Tina into a snap suplex and rolls over her to apply a headscissors, then rolls to his corner making the tag. A Native Americano comes in dropping a elbow to Tina as Hick lets go and ANA applying a side headlock to the Golden Gal. She fights to her feet and tries shoving ANA away, but the big man holds on and runs into a bulldog, then stands up. ANA pulling Tina up into a bearhug yelling at her to give up, but the Golden Gal trying to box his head and headbutt ANA. Tina dropping to her feet and tries to break the grip of ANA, but he rips her up and drives forward with a viscous spinebuster. ANA into the pin, but Tina kicks out at two and crawls for her corner. ANA grabbing her leg and yanks her back to drop an elbow to her back, then applies a crossface tearing her head with his legs locked around her left arm. Tina screaming in pain and reaching out for her corner, but too far to tag in Nick. ANA hanging on tight and Tina trying to roll him over and does, but ANA rolls back over with the crossface locked in. Tina getting a foot on the bottom rope though and the ref calling for the break, so ANA rolls away to tag in Hick as Tina crawls into a tag bringing Nick Torres in. The two ol' gangstas circle each other with Hick trying a kick to Nick's legs, but engages in a lock up with him instead. Hick struggling to get the advantage, but Nick too powerful and he tosses Hick to a neutral corner. Nick rushing in for a clothesline, but Hick ducks out and whips around with a hard kick to the shoulder of Nick. Hick burying his shoulder to Nick's midsection a few times driving him into the corner, then whips him across the ring to following up with a running dropkick to the face. Hick pulling Nick down and into the pin, but only gets a two count. Hick getting up to pull Nick up and drag him to make a tag, but The Westsider ripping Hick up into a back suplex. Nick rolling for his corner to tag in Tina who heads to the top rope and flies off with a senton bomb, but Hick with his knees up to her back and the Golden Gal rolling away in pain. Hick rolling to his corner tagging in ANA as Tina gets up in a corner and Hick flies over with the Extreme Effect to Tina's head. ANA right behind him to nail Justice on Tina and makes the pin as Hick runs over to drop Nick from the apron and they win the match.

Winners: ANA & Hick Janes

Hell Yeah by Rev Theory plays over the pa bringing ANA up to his feet raising his arms in the air as Hick comes over to celebrate with him and the ref raising their arms up signaling who the winners are while the crowd cheers for a good match and Nick Miller says.

"Great way to open WAR between two good tag teams and four phenomenal wrestlers. All former World Champions and Tina the current Universal Champion while Nick was thedr first ever Universal Champ. ANA with the pin over Tina, though he and Hick with a double finish to end the match and keeping Nick from entering at the last second, like them or not, the RxP is a solid union."

Bill McLane says.

"Of course they are, its why they are in control of SEFWUN regardless of who owns the company. They dictate what happens around here because no one else can stop them!"

Nick says.

"We'll see about that. It was a good match though which is a a bit surprising, but nice to see that no one else from RxP got involved."

Bill says.

Hick and ANA didn't need help beating a hasbeen and a girl!"

Nick says.

"Ok, I would love for you tell Tina that, please do. And Nick Torres is far from a hasbeen, but whatever, we have another tag team match coming up and its six man tag team action, but the winning team gets a shot at the Tag Team Championship held by Destruction, so whoever gains the winning fall in this match gets to choose their partner for Scars and Stripes. Like if LAJ won the match he could choose Mesa, though if anyone from Black Day won they would more than likely choose one of their own teammates. I don't know though, its up to the person who gains the winning fall, so let's find out who else is going to Scars and Stripes."

Mid Card Bout
Six Man Tag Team Match
Winners Receive A Tag Team Title Match @ Scars & Stripes
Black Day v. LAJ + Jason Price + PBR

Flamez in the ring with PBR and the drunken one finishes his Pabst to toss the can away and charge his opponent with no fear. Flamez dropping PBR without even moving more than a couple inches as the two slam into each other. PBR on the mat after hitting what felt like a brick wall, then Flamez yanks him up into a press above his head before stepping forward and letting the drunken one drop to his face. Flamez looking around the ring and the arena, then pulls PBR up by his head and runs him into the Black Day corner slamming his face top the top turnbuckle. Bob tagging in now to unload on PBR a flurry of punches to the body, then drags him out in a bulldog and puts him in a sideheadlock. Bob begins wailing him with more punches, to the head this time, and he jumps after the ref counts him off to stare down the official. Bob turning top kick at PBR who crawls for his corner, then the Black Day member pulls up the drunken one in a full nelson pulling him back in a struggle, then snaps backwards launching PBR backfirst into the Black Day Corner. Bob gets up tagging in Earl who flies in to bounce off the ropes as Bob whips PBR out of the corner and Earl leaping into a headbutt to drop the drunken one. Earl heading to the top rope for his Street Drop, a leg drop, landing it across PBR's throat, then makes the pin. Jason Price diving in to break up the fall before the three and Flamez rushes in to rip Jason up into a belly to belly throw across the top rope dumping him out to the floor. The crowd liking that and LAJ comes in off the top rope, but Flamez catching him and turns to drop Jay with a powerslam. Earl tagging in Bob who comes in lifting PBR for a suplex, but twists out to put a hand on the back of his head and send him facedown to the mat for his move called DOG. Bob with the pin to win the match.

Winners: Black Day

Freedom by Rage Against The Machine plays over the pa bringing the place alive with a few cheers. The ref raising their arms, but Bob not ready to celebrate and gets a mic to say.

"Freedom is not free and I know more than anyone what that means! Fifteen years I been busting my ass and I got a broken neck, but I will never be broken. Black Day is here and we will break anyone who opposes our freedom to take what we want. Tag Team Championship gold is what we want and while those Triple Tag Team Titles would be nice to wear as a trio, the Tag Team Championship held by Destruction are the belts we want. The number one Tag Team Championship in SEFWUN is what we want and come Scars and Stripes, you will see how evident our scars are when we paint our stripes all over Thrash and Slash. I been in the ring with them big beefy bastards, but I never backded down from them, I don't have any idea why to fear them for they are men who can be beaten and come the fourth of July, Black Day will beat them. We will walk out your brand new SEFWUN Tag Team Champions of the world, of the universe. Black Bob isn't coming alone boys and girls, Black Day is raining down true freedom in SEFWUN. It begins at Scars and Stripes when we take the power back and it continues for many years to come. Its all about the Black Day!"

Bob dropping the mic to raise his fists in the air as Freedom plays over the pa again and Earl slapping his back while Flamez does the same, the three men celebrating like they already won the titles as Nick Miller says.

"A emotional speech from Black Bob who has been through a lot more than a broken neck in his career. That man held the World Championship multiple times, is a former Tag Champ, co Rumble winner with Viper who he headlined Wrestle X against and who can forget their Prison Yard match!?! The man has done so much here its going to be a wild ride to see what he does as a member of Black Day."

Bill McLane says.

"As long as they stay out of the way of RxP, they can do whatever they want."

Nick says.

"They may feel they can do whatever they want already, but we'll see what happens if those paths cross. We got the main event of WAR coming up and its gonna be a contrast of two excellent wrestlers from different perspectives to say the least. Cliff O Clink, the wild brawling technician, challenges the cold calculated technical Rick Reynolds for the Revolution Icon Iron Championship. Its the main event and its next!"

Main Event
SEFWUN Revolution Icon Iron Championship Match
Cliff O Clink v. Rick Reynolds(c)

Cliff rushing into Rick with punches driving the champion into a corner bringing the ref over to break them apart. Cliff backing up to wave Rick out and the champ ordering the challenger to stay back, then Rick slowly steps out looking for a lock up. Cliff looks to engage, but gets a thumb to the eye and Rick grabbing the CoC in a side headlock to take him down to the mat. Cliff struggles to get up and does get back on his feet looking for a back suplex, but Rick tattooing him in the head a couple times with his right hand, then drives a knee to his head releasing him from the headlock. Cliff pops up and Rick drives him down on his back with a clothesline, then goes for the pin yielding a two count only. Rick on his feet to argue with the ref who tells him what's what, so Rick turning to kick at Cliff's head, then drops the point of his elbow to the CoC's head and drags him up looking for The Plunge. Cliff reversing into a suplex and pops up to drop a elbow across Rick's chest. Cliff clamping a sleeper hold on Rick and pushes his weight down on the champions neck when Robbie Ruckus shows up to ringside with Frank Hussar, the latter of the two distracting the ref. Robbie rushing in the ring, but Cliff sees him in time to send Robbie right out over the top rope, then turns kicking Rick in the head. Cliff running the ropes to drop an elbow on Rick and rolls him up for a gutwrench side slam. The CoC on his feet and heading to the top rope when Steve White and Hal Havoc come out to ringside and Frank distracts the ref again. Cliff seeing Hal and Steve, so he leaps off the top rope on to both of them at ringside. Robbie running around the ring to catch Cliff with a Rogue Kick, then Walk by Pantera plays over the pa bringing Nick Torres and Jake Voss from the crowd with their large masked man and the three men lay waste to Robbie giving him a triple powerbomb through the announce table. Cliff back in the ring with Rick who has The CoC facefirst in a corner, then executes a superkick to the back of his head. Rick grabbing Cliff for a german suplex, but The CoC with enough fight left to hang on to the ropes and the ref coming over to break them apart and doesn't see Cliff mule kick Rick in the balls. Rick staggers back and Cliff composing himself to run behind Rick grabbing him by head to take him down with a bulldog. Cliff lifting Rick up to nail The End and pins him to win the match and title.

Winner: Cliff O Clink

Lounge Act by Nirvana plays over the pa as CLiff gets to his feet and is awarded the Revolution Icon Iron Championship. Nick, Jake, and the masked men enter the ring to celebrate with their brother in the Dogs of War as Nick Miller says.

"And we got a new RII Champion. Cliff O Clink and the Dogs of War defied the RxP to take gold from them and Rick Reynolds has to be seething over losing to The CoC."

Bill McLane says.

"Well of course he is, the Dogs of War had no business getting involved in the action and can you believe the audacity of Cliff to use a low blow on Rick!? The title should be stripped off Cliff and given back to Rick, now!"

Nick says.

"RxP got involved first, but nevertheless, the title I doubt is going to be given back to Rick as Cliff fought his heart out for that title. Now he has to look ahead to defending it, but next week is the fourth of July when Scars and Stripes is set to unfold. We have three huge title matches that alone is all we need for that show, so stay tuned until then and have a goodnight."

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